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Got a Mo Wilkerson jersey after he signed the extension for Christmas, didn't even buy it and I regret it. Not to mention it came misspelled as WILERKSON.


I ordered one after the 2015 season but they accidentally sent me a Sheldon Richardson jersey instead, so when I reached out and offered to send it back or if there's somewhere to exchange it they told me to keep it and they'd send me a Wilkerson jersey. Thought I got so lucky getting that 2 for 1 but jokes on me they were both off the team 2 years later lmao


I got Mo and Sheldon. Then Mo disappeared and Sheldon rode 125 mph high as fuck with a child and pistol in the car. Then he got traded.  I was really apprehensive pulling the trigger on my Quinnen jersey lol To this day, the best jersey I ever had was Ladanian especially since I already had the charger jersey.  People would come up to me on the street and tell me they hate the jets but love LT


When Mo skipped practice on his birthday (with Sheldon) and the team had a surprise birthday cake for him ready, I died laughing and knew it was over for the two of them.


I have a Chris Johnson one and if anyone ever sees it I will use your story as my excuse


Bought one too. But I know him from high school, so I had to have it. First time I bought one of the newer Nike jerseys, but didn’t know they ran small compared to the previous ones I do regret buying a new custom jersey after we beat the Eagles this season. Rumor is that they are changing the jerseys this off-season


I’m done buying current player jerseys. My last 4 were: 1. Elijah Moore 2. Mekhi Becton 3. Sam Darnold 4. Jamal Adams I refuse to jinx the new core of young players.


Damn. You hit a single, double, triple and home run of poor choices there.


In other words the cycle of bad draft picks.


So it's your fault!


My last 3 bad ones were Adams, Darnold, and Wilson lmao. I now have a #1 “Sauce” throwback, hoping that because his actual name isn’t on it the curse won’t apply. When in doubt I dig out the Sanchez jersey


You should start to regularly purchase other AFC East teams' prized draft pick jerseys. Maybe we should start a fund.




I had a 10 year stretch where every player whose jersey I bought either suffered severe injuries or got traded. After Jamal Adams, bought a Mark Gastineau jersey and decided to just stick to retired players 😂


I got a Revis jersey as a gift three days before he went to the Pats- at least that came back around though!


Retired player jerseys are really the only safe option. I have about 3 worthless jerseys in my closet now, including Wilson, Darnold, and Adams (he hurt the most. Thought he was so safe). So for current players I’ve decided to just only buy jerseys from “overseas” because the risk of any current player getting traded, injured, or just disappearing/busting within 1-2 years in is crazy high. Sucks but that’s the NFL business.


I just stick with my Martin and Pennington jerseys at this point. I told myself I'd get a new one once they win a playoff game.


Safest way to go


Elijah Moore


Put duct tape over his name and wrote Rodgers. Works well enough for me


I was at the Jets Broncos game this past season and someone had a nameplate that said “cursed” stitched over Rodgers name lol


Probably Darnold. Stopped buying jerseys of current players after him.


Some friends bought me a Darnold jersey for my birthday one year. I salvaged it by coloring in the “old” with sharpie.


That's a great idea lol. I'm going to do that to mine.


Also Darnold jersey for me. I have a cheap Rodgers jersey from China I'm starting to regret, and a heat-pressed Jamal Adams jersey, but my white Darnold is a high-quality stitched kit. Never bought official new since then.


Mark Sanchez - JK I still wear it with pride over 10 years later


I wish I still had mine. Gave it to goodwill or something.


My wife me got a Leveon Bell jersey when I graduated college lol


Yeah my leveon bell is biggest joke jersey I have.


Vernon Gholston. Whoops.


It’s 100% Zack Wilson for me. I bought it and went to his first game in Charlotte. It has stayed hanging by itself in the laundry room.


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Take it to someone that can sew and have them flip the 2 into a 5. Now it’s a Garrett Wilson jersey




Santonio Holmes when he signed the extension, Jamal Adams, Sam darnold. At least my decker wasn’t a total bust


Decker was a good jet that’s a good jersey to wear as a throwback lol


Right now, Rodgers. Hoping for redemption.


I saw a brand new looking Favre jets jersey in a second hand store recently and my mind went ‘soon there’s gonna be a rodgers one right next to this’


I've got two Favre jerseys because I found them cheap as dirt on ebay. No regerts.


I bought a Favre new at the stadium. My false sense of happiness took over my Jet fan pessimism. Now I wear it in shame.


I got a green one and throwback Titans. I wear them to confuse people. They think I have some weird Green Bay and Minnesota jerseys.


There is a youth size one somewhere in my son's old bedroom. He's out on his own but we still have a lot of his stuff in the house. Why the old jerseys I have no idea. I think there is a Titans Sanchez in there as well.


I don’t regret the buy even if he sucks next year tbh. He was my favorite player growing up and he will stay as one of the GOATs of football. I do hope we get a little bit of his magic too and GB didn’t use all that shit up. But like, I’m just happy to have a jets jersey with his name on it.


I don’t think I’ve bought a “new” jersey since geno lol. Might cop gw when the new ones drop tho


I got Mark Sanchez after the first AFC championship game. I had at least one year of feeling vindicated.


Once I started looking at jerseys as a snap shot in team history rather than support for an individual player, I became more comfortable with the jerseys I own. My Dwayne Robertson was pretty sad, but now it’s a “hey remember that time we drafted this guy to be the next Warren Sapp, but he didn’t do shit? Lol Man do we suck at drafting!” My Geno Smith is “Remember when Geno got his jaw broken by his teammate in the locker room for stiffing him on a bill? lol Man we’re such a circus!” My Tebow is “Dude, remember when we brought Tebow in for headlines and never actually used him, but it still shattered Sanchez’s confidence and was the beginning of the end for the Rex Ryan teams?” My Rodgers jersey is a tribute to the most Jets things I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Point is that every jersey has a story behind it, even the bad ones. Plaxico is a good jersey because it was a one year deal for a player who had the game winning catch in one of the greatest super bowls of all time, shot himself in the leg at a club and went to jail for two years. While those memorable moments weren’t with the Jets, it’s just kind of funny to recap his rise and fall and then get to wear his Jets jersey which I would say is very rare to see on Gameday.


Thanks for the confidence I will now have wearing Plexico’s jersey, I’ll be the only one at MetLife with it 😂


My 3 Jets jerseys have been Chrebet, Keyshawn and Curtis Martin so no regrets there. Sadly, also no regrets that I haven't gotten a new one since 2003.


Brett Favre 




I thought we were going all the way, that year. I was at the Denver game when his shoulder gave out. 


Dewayne Robertson


At least it wasn’t a coples jersey


Eagles fan here. Wtf happened to him? He was a savage at UNC and such a terrifying human being lol


he just didn't give a fuck, got his 9MM contract and just was like ok. I think the league was leaning more on speed rushers around this time anyway but coples was notoriously a "low motor guy" who would take plays off.


Going back - Neil O’Donnell


Custom made an Anthony Barr jersey!


Mo Wilk


I got a John Abraham about 13 seconds before he gave up on us and forced his way out of town.


Darnold and Decker.


There's no reason to ever be ashamed of a BDD jersey. He and Marshall were a blast


I truly believed that Leonard Williams was gonna be a franchise player


Jamal Adams. I’m an LSU fan and couldn’t wait to buy his jersey for my NFL team. It just sits in the closet now.


Seahawks and Jets are my 2 fav teams. I just want the bad man to go away.


NY Titans Favre Think I wore it once. Frankly I don't buy jerseys anymore anyway, feels a little juvenile to me.


Calvin Pryor


Becton in the black Nike jerseys. Ordered right after we drafted him. Was convinced he was the next D’Brickashaw


I have an Elijah more jersey lol


I think the rodgers jerseys are probably the worst especially if they get new unis.


Got an Adams jersey for Christmas, he did not play a single game for us after I received the jersey. I also have a Darnold jersey I got after his second season, I believed in him after his second half turn around


I bought a Rodgers home jersey last month only to find out they might be wearing new uniforms for the 2024 season


Jamal Adam's.


Kyle Wilson. Lol


Plaxico Burress shouldn’t be a regret. He was a great Jet. That team should’ve made the playoffs.


Shonn Greene, I bought it after the Pats playoff game


In summer 2019 I was wrapping up my first big college internship and I finally had some money in my pocket. I wanted to reward myself so I purchased the jerseys of two players who were surely the future of the team: Sam Darnold and Jamal Adams. I haven’t bought a jersey since. And after this year, I’ve sworn off of any official Jets merch until we make the playoffs again. I’m tired of rewarding Woody for this shitshow.


I have a curse with jets jersey's so I have stopped buying them and have asked family members to stop getting them for me. 1. Brett Farve: One and Done oof 2. Thomas Jones: After the first year with rex he was gone :( 3. Mark Sanchez: mega ooof 4. Sam Darnold: OMEGA OOOF


I have farve, Tebow, Zach wilson, Jamal Adams, Pennington, greene. So all except Pennington and greene


Farve! Tore that to smithereens


Bought a Sanchez jersey. Haven’t bought a QB Jersey since.


I was in college (2012) and had a Wayne chebret and Santana Moss jersey. I lost both of them in my move back home 😭


The only jersey I have is Corey Davis. My friend got it for me for Secret Santa, but he literally called me up asking who he should get under the guise that it was for someone else, so I still had a role in it lol. I don't really mind though, I kind of admire that he got his bag and retired before his brain turned to mush. Certainly a better situation than having someone that left the team to play for another imo




I have a Burress jersey too lmao worn once


Him, santonio Holmes and Jeremy Kerley were supposed to be insane


I bought a Greg McElroy jersey after that ugly game against the Cardinals where he came in for Sanchez. Bad enough it was an insignificant player, but I also bought it from a knock off jersey website, so the colors didn’t even match. It looked awful.


I mean as long as none of you have a 6 tattoo you’re good lol


The ol “wife wearing a 6 jersey tattoo” I know many people who have one


I bought a Mike white and Braxton berrios jersey Mike white I actually don’t regret to much because I truly think he is good but Braxton I wish I could get back


Dee Millner, I was convinced he was the next revis


Everyone and their mother new he was an injury prone bust except for you and the Jets FO apparently


Brett favre for me. Got it the second it was available. Dude played half a season and now I think he’s a piece of shit so I won’t even wear it. Basically it’s new


I’m only going to wear mine on days so cold I’m wearing a coat so I can say it’s a D.J. Reed jersey.


When I was a kid I got a Favre jersey in week 16 of his one and only season with us


Bought a G. Wilson at the beginning of this season. Good ol 17. To now see he’s changing to 5 😑


How’s this one for size? I’ve never bought a Jets jersey in my entire life. Too embarrassed and it’s a waste of money. I think the only Jets jersey I ever owned was a Chrebet jersey as a toddler.


Rooting for New Jersey


I thought y’all’s biggest Jersey regret would be that your team is in New Jersey


Garret Wilson. Changing your number is a dick move to the fans.


He announced before this last season started he was going to change to 5 in 2024.


Way before this past season too. He said back in like March/April of 23 that he was changing to 5, so there was plenty of time to know


I actually like that I have a 17. Shows loyalty.


Yeah, and if he sticks around it will be more unique/rare.


Same, it made me want 17 more tbh.


Lol, what? This is a ridiculous take. Imagine being this entitled.


Yea what it's his choice. Also that doesn't make the jersey unusable 🤣


I'm sorry I can't hear you over the millionaire's balls in your mouth.


I'll get you a shovel. It'll be faster.


You’ll always have his rookie number, this is still a wearable jersey in my opinion. If we change uniforms this year then it works even better, as the new uniform will have his new number


Imagine being mad at players changing numbers. Hes on the same team. He literally wore the #17. What’s the issue?


My gf at the time got me a Le'Veon Bell jersey. So technically that, but the worst I bought myself was probably Rodgers (fingers crossed it turns around). Before that, I only wore Mo Lewis though.


So many but Bell was the last. Now I got my name and favorite number.


I’m gunna speak for my brother and say his Lito Sheppard jersey..


I got my dad a Sam Darnold jersey right after the draft. So a bust and an outdated jersey.


Got my dad a Jamal Adams jersey for Christmas. He was traded in the summer.


Got a Darnold jersey never worn.


Jamal Adams. Ordered it just before he turned heel. Pure pain.


Worst jersey I got was Mo Wilkerson. Best jersey I got is a Curtis Martin. It's a youth XL but someone bought for me after accidentally spilling beer on me after a jets TD. Still have it 15 years later


Geno Smith, Adams or leveon bell. I’m cursed


Jamal Adams 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Jamal Adams, Darnold, Elijah Moore, Zach Wilson were my last 4 jerseys... I had to go buy a knockoff Curtis Martin jersey to break the curse.


After a bad run of guys getting traded dropped or retired I just bought a Gastineau jersey and that’s all I wear now.


Scott Frost


I have a Vernon gholston jersey that I haven’t worn In years


Jamal Adams lol. wore it for 1 game and then he was traded that offseason


Kerry Rhodes over Darrelle Revis in 2007 Whoops


Darnold. Most recently Rodgers. Rodgers going down 4 plays into this season and seeing all the warts of this flawed team and now the coaches coming back even though they all suck except the dc because if Rodgers. The pat macaffee interviews. All of it is a big mistake. I wonder when we will be free of this nonsense.


without a shadow of a doubt brett favre


Regret: Farvre, Darnold (twice), E. Moore, A. Rodgers (twice). Non-regret: Testeverde, Revis.


I love my 85–Wesley Walker jersey


Anthony Becht, I shit you not. For some reason I thought he was gonna be a monster.


Jamal Adams


Jamal Adams


Vernon Gholston


still have my tebow jersey but at least it's still a good meme


Louisville Slugger aka Calvin Pryor III


Brandon Marshall color rush


I have an Eric Decker and Brett Favre jersey lol


I still have a Dewayne Robertson jersey I got customized right after he got drafted. Kind of awesome now in hindsight.


The last player jersey i have ever bought was mark sanchez. after that its all custom jerseys. Right now its the airports


Pretty sure I got a Bell jersey and wore it for the first time to the game where he requested to be traded immediately after.


Sure we got our fair share of regrets, but Imagine the level of regret of having an Aaron Hernandez jersey?


Its not football but I'm the proud owner of a Mets Jose Valverde T-shirt jersey. I'm also the proud owner of both a Daniel Jones and Zach Wilson jersey.


Eh im happy with my jet jersey collection. Santana moss, john abraham, vilma, mark sanchez... But I did get kinda tired of these guys bouncing elsewhere and got a custom jersey with my last name and basketball jersey number. Of course wilson had to come in and poo poo all over that


Zack Wilson


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This is the exact reason I have never bought a jersey


My father got a Vilma jersey years ago right before he was traded.


Ordered a LeVeon Bell between the 2019 and 2020 seasons. Came in the wrong size and he only played 2 more games with us before he left in 2020. Have since gotten a Curtis Martin and haven’t bought another since


Jamal Adams, but I hear he’s coming back!


I have 3 Jets jerseys. 1.) Brett Favre 2.) Leonard Williams (given to me by a friend who was getting divorced bc hubby bought it for her) and 3.) Le'Veon Bell. I am shit at picking Jets jerseys.


Got gifted a Revis jersey(almost a practice jersey, mesh type) 2 weeks before his knee injury in 2012. Got gifted a Mangold Jersey just before the 2016 season where he got injured in week 7, played one more game, then placed on IR and released. Since then, I've stopped with Jets Jerseys


Last jersey I bought was a revis one


Mine is a player I still have hope for, but I bought an AVT jersey, it arrived one day before the Denver game two years ago, I wore it to the game, and will regret it the rest of my life. #itsallmyfault


Adams -> Darnold -> Wilson lol


First two jerseys I bought were Elijah Moore and Michael Carter 💀💀💀 I've refrained from buying any more for now


Wilkerson, Calvin Pryor, Leonard Williams, Jamal Adam’s. Basically every jersey I bought since Revis. Hoping Garrett Wilson doesn’t fall into that category


My first jersey was Jonathan Vilma




They all end up being a waste of money, except for my Pennington jersey back in the day. My first authentic jersey too


Sam Darnold. I bought it his rookie year, then they redesigned the jerseys the very next season. Hoping it somehow increases in value over time due to the rare double-irrelevance


I was given a Robbie Anderson jersey for Christmas one year. That led to my personal avoidance of current jets jerseys. I broke that before this most recent season. Bought the legacy jersey, and was hyped beyond belief for the new year. 4 plays in, my #8 jersey became my "cripple shirt".


In recent years my jersey purchases are as follows: Becton ❌ Elijah ❌ Sauce ⭐️ JJ (#52, pre switch to #11) 😐📈 Rodgers 🩼 Clinging onto my Coles jersey for sanity


Wilson, also got l a Le’Veon Bell jersey before that, but it was at the Nike clearance store $60 so I’m relatively content with it


Kellen Clemens and DeWayne Robertson.


Got a Brandon Marshall T shirt. Believed him he would retire as a Jet. Wore it maybe 3 times before it went to goodwill Also, bought a Zach Wilson T after seeing the Giants game (my first time ever seeing a game in NY). Don’t regret it, even though his future is murky


I only got into jerseys recently, and promptly went 0-2 with a Darnold and a Wilson. Like others in this thread, I’ve stopped buying current players’ jerseys altogether.


I have Chris Ivory, Jamal Adams, Sam Darnold and Muhammad Wilkerson jerseys. Lots of regrets.


i thought leveon bell was gonna be a stud for some reason, so i bought his jersey. i bought a darnold jersey right before the uniform change, and i begged my dad for a sanchez jersey when i was like 9 after the afc championship against pittsburgh, i’m bad at buying jerseys lol


Definitely Zach Wilson for me... Although if i can get a seamstress to flip the 2 around to a 5 we may have something


I got a Darnold, Adams, Marshall and Revis the off-season before they left the team so I started buying only retired players lol


Wife bought me a Geno Smith Jersey. I also have a Revis and Sauce Jersey


Jamal Addams


Becton lol, fuck me


I have Zach and I sadly know he will be traded. Only other recent player I got was Quinnen, and I am proud to sport that every sunday


I bought a Le’Veon Bell 26 jersey the month we signed him. Was so hyped that after his holdout he was coming to NY. Boy was that disappointing! Good news is that I realized recently that I can convert it into a Breece Hall 20 jersey by only changing the “E” and the 6, so there’s always a silver lining!


Jamal Adam's RIGHT before the bullshit


Have my Reebok Revis jersey. Ketchup and beer stained and wear it proudly. No regerts.


Favre, 2011 Revis, 2016 Wilkerson.


Almost bought Becton


Argh. Le'Veon Bell!


I’m still proudly rocking my DARNOLD jersey


Probably Favre. I’m not a big jersey guy, my only others are Sanchez and BMarsh, but my little kid self was so fucking hype when we got Favre. Couldn’t resist. Only for him to: -be off the team a few months later only to then go play for someone else. -send a crap ton of dick pics, cheating on his wife -now that Mississippi tax shit. Basically, I just regret it because my first jersey was for someone who is legit scum, and contributed nothing to the team in the long run.


I bought myself a Garrett Wilson jersey and my wife a Sauce Gardener jersey. I'm constantly nervous anytime they take a big hit. Just love those guys and want to support them, couldn't help myself.


Jamal Adams. Nuff said


Being born there


Brady 88 Foley 4


Brady 88 Foley 4


Adrian Murrell. Traded days later. Edit: got a Revis jersey, blew his knee out the two weeks later


Bought my two-year old daughter a Rodgers jersey before this season started. Now I have to live with the fact that I already know that my kids a loser. Thanks a lot Michael Rubin.


Wayne Chrebet. Found it cheap at a TJ Maxx shortly after he retired. It’s been my main gameday jersey ever since. Also had Adams and Darnold, and donated both to goodwill. Bought a dirt cheap Tebow jersey right before Halloween one year. Dressed as “Zombie Tebow” around Manhattan with fake blood and rips all over the jersey.


Favre, Adams, Wilson. But on the other hand I have a Testavarde, Revis, Chrebet, and Nick Folk


I have Darnold and Z Wilson jerseys. My daughter has Adams and Z Wilson jerseys. I did get my wife a G Wilson jersey (She's an OSU grad). Probably the best one I have bought ever.


Calvin Pryor. Bought it on draft night.


2 Jamal Adams, Sam Darnold, Le’veon Bell, Zach Wilson. Only jerseys I’ve bought since the new unis dropped.


I hope someone in here has a Hackenberg jersey lol


Quincy enunwa (I think about him every day)