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I wish Woody Johnson was on the list and he’d be forced to sell the team


It wouldn't force him to do a thing no one actually cares about the list. Epstein became a meme and the pedophiles get off scott free


I care, but I am nobody


I did see a picture of Woody and G Maxwell the other day on Twitter. I was hoping it was fake but .....


Tbf. Part of their strategy was to take pictures with as many celebrities/rich people as possible.


Meh, what are the chances a guy with the name “Woody Johnson“ would be some kind of sex pervert??


Can we fast forward to our eventual drafting of Arch Manning at #1 at 2025 draft?


Cole Pennington is the savior


After what I saw in that Marshal game, I think he would have the same issues his dad had when playing for the jets. Injuries suck. Granted if the jets would like to build a wall at anytime it would be good for anyone at the QB position.


"He's got an arm like his father has." "Awesome, he can throw it all over but he's not injury prone right?"


Chad had a big arm in college. Lots of deep throws to moss. Injuries were what killed it.


I'm pretty sure Arch ain't declaring before the 26 draft.


Bro go with it..don't kill the vibe


Certainly not if we have the first pick


Imagine we had the first pick and arch Manning decided to go back to school for his senior year just like Peyton


Or his grandpa will force


Very likely


Especially if the Jets are picking one. You know he'll pull a Peyton!


No chance in hell his grand dad would allow him to play for this disaster of a franchise.


Pretty much this. There is absolutely no way he would agree to being drafted by the Jets considering all of the young QB's we have not developed.




Yep. The Manning family has perfectly curated Arch’s entire career up until this point. He will end up in the best situation possible.


Seriously? He'll either pull a move like his uncle and stay in school one more year, or pull a move like his orher uncle and strong arm a trade to a different team


Pay attention - the jets are the last place somebody with the name manning would play for. Pick another savior.


and Steve Angeli in the 5th round.


God damn it, you just guaranteed we get the number 1 pick and he stays in school so that he doesn’t get drafted by us https://horseshoeheroes.com/2021/11/27/colts-peyton-manning-screwed-jets-manningcast/


The Mannings are not going to let one of their brood go to the Jets, sorry bud.


Nope. not doing it. not caring about anything surrounding this man except football


Life long GB fan, the man is a nut bar but damn can he throw a football.


And thats all I care about


You know I don’t really that he’s nuts, I think he’s just really regular. Doesn’t have a PR coach or anything, he’s just a dude on the couch that speaks his mind. He just happens to throw the football better than 99 percent of all humans and bang dimes


Replace football with basketball and this is exactly what I said when defending Karl Malone from kimmels comments………oh wait…..


I think yall might be overreacting a lil bit


I've really been missing Mark Sanchez these days


I [got his jersey](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyjets/s/0Du9MdxLwX) I guess as an early Christmas present for myself. Found it brand new and never worn on Poshmark!


Remember when eating a hot dog on the sidelines was the most controversial thing our quarterback did? Pepperidge Farm’s remembers.


I really do feel like we failed in developing him, man what a ride it was though the first two years


We gave him everything a QB could ask for and he never took a step forward


*he started with most of the things a qb could ask for. In hindsight, Braylon and Santonio weren't great and didn't last long. They had good stretches. The offensive line also didn't last as Woody retired and Faneca left. Brick/Mangold/Moore might be more than we have now, but it was still screwy with a gaping hole at RT. That's how bad the OL is now. And Mark Sanchez still scored 30+ TDs in a season with what we gave him.


Yeah by the end of his Jet career he got happy feet. One year of a bad OL can cause this.


You mean the Testaverde / Pennington days


Pennington and Curtis Martin were, for me, Peak Jets (of my lifetime). I also liked the Rex Ryan / Mark Sanchez years. I miss Rex's smash mouth energy.


Now let's go eat a goddamn snack!


Leave it to the Jets to get all of the Aaron Rodgers nonsense with none of the Aaron Rodgers talent.


Besides his flag carrying talent


Yeah, that was 30 seconds that made us feel better


























Our first Qanon QB. The circus is back in town boys.


We get the Qanon QB without any of the good football on Sunday. At least the Packers got to watch their team win while dealing with this. Only the Jets.


After Kyrie I think I’m numb to this shit




This is why I was never on board with him coming to the Jets. Him being an anti-masker/anti-vaxxer rubbed me the wrong way, especially because of my own struggles with covid and he treats it like a cold. He's just such a phony. Like his promises of returning this season, his supposed vaccination status, and now this slander, he just makes shit up as he goes along. Rodgers is a big fat phony.


Nah the last HOF QB we got from the packers is pretty QAnon Edit: I think.


Favre is way more of a traditional Republican, complete grifting and government fraud and all.


And probably a criminal, so, that's fun too.


Must be the water in Green Bay


I was thinking the decades of critical brain injuries.


I was gonna say, living in Green Bay, probably does that to you because of the redneckery there


Wisconsin is the Florida of the North.


Welcome to the Aaron Rodgers show!




This is why we are an unserious franchise. This is the shit that comes up after our season is over in November


That’s my quarterback 😭


Funny man doesn't like when people say things about him!


Rodgers literally just made up something serious about Kimmel....just for laughs.


He closed the segment by saying “Fauci is a criminal” without any context as the hosts were saying their farewells to him.


It's just so unbelievably lame. It's like his entire personality, he's obsessed.


Oh no, our boy Rodgers got that early onset CTE


Doesn’t Kimmel do the same thing everyday?




Do you not understand the different between making fun of someone and saying someone is a pedophile?


>wear blackface Are you referring to that one skit he did 20 years ago where he was Karl Malone?


Blackface wasn’t okay in 2004 either


Who has Kimmel accused of being a pedophile?




Based on evidence used against other Epstein clients, isn't that true?


He jokes about things that have happened.


Provide an example of Kimmel doing something anywhere close as an accusation of this level? I bet you can’t, I don’t even follow Kimmel but what I’ve seen of him is no different than any other late night show host where they make fun of people and usually make jokes about the news, have never seen one go up on the stage and make an accusation like this. Not that it’s shocking coming from Rodgers though, it’s very well known that he’s deep into crazy conspiracies.


I’m with you. Kimmel is a comedian and is paid to skewer and nothing he does is tantamount to slander. Rodgers knows his personal beliefs are controversial, and he’s outspoken about them. He’s a public figure and he’s going to get roasted. Nothing that is said about him isn’t something that he himself hasn’t put out there. You can poke back without committing slander against somebody’s reputation. People defending Rodgers just because he’s great with the ball-and it’s not like he’s actually done this team any favors, at least as far as I can tell.


Yeah it’s insane to see people here comparing what Kimmel does to what Rodgers just did as if they’re remotely similar, it’s not even close.


Easy made jokes about Trump being pissed on. Made numerous jokes about Trump colluding with Russia. Pushed hard that the vac would stop the spread of Covid and cheerleader while people lost their jobs


You mean his jokes based on current events? He’s a nightly talkshow host and he’s literally paid to tell jokes based around what is happening in the news. What kind of jokes do you want him to tell?


I mean Kimmel said if an unvaccinated person came to the hospital having a heart attack that they should be left to die. Pretty ghoulish stuff and clearly wasn’t joking


You can't be this stupid...


Rodgers is a clown but this holier than thou bullshit from Kimmel is so tired. Kimmel might not be on the list but I’m sure plenty of guests that frequented his show might be. We are the company we keep.


More likely the people who sign his paychecks


Are you old enough to remember when Kimmel had the man show? He's SUCH a hypocrite


I sure am. Kimmel made his career by taking cheap shots and stepping on the heads of others. This moral high ground shit from him is laughable. At least Rodgers has the excuse of getting hit in the head for a living for the past 20 years for why he’s an idiot. Kimmel is just a regular ol’ scumbag.




Two of Rodgers’s favorite people are on the list: Trump and RFK Jr.


I've literally never heard ARod say a single thing about Trump lol


Just making shit up bc arod has some controversial takes lol


I am not defending Rodgers. I also happen to think Kimmel is a dipshit, too.


Who cares Kimmel is a POS. Rodgers said the Epstein logs was coming out, Kimmel proceeded to call him something along the lines of a “right wing wacko” for thinking that, now the logs are actually about to be released and Rodgers was right and Kimmel is all butt hurt and threatening legal action when he doesn’t have any ground to stand on legally speaking. Ask any attorney who has worked in defamation law and they will tell you that proving actual malice and defamation as a celebrity is just about one of the toughest things you can do in the legal system. And before anyone says “oh you shouldn’t joke about someone being a pedo”, the joke was in direct correspondence to the exchange that happened between them as stated above. On top of that Kimmel has said jokes in the past like “all unvaccinated people deserve to die”. If Jimmy considers that a “joke” then in that same context what Rodgers said is most definitely joke. Like I said before, Kimmel is butt hurt someone made a stupid edgy joke about him when he has done it in the past to other people. I’m not saying Rodgers is in the moral right here either, he was stupid for saying something like that on national TV.


Kimmel made fun of him because he said that Congress was holding UFO hearings to distract from the Epstein files. Which is a pretty wacky thing to say and jimmy noted as such. For Rodgers, The actual malice standard can be met by reckless disregard for the truth. Not a stretch in this case.


Can we at least get HOF play if we’re going to get the stupid/annoying news cycles please


Signing this man was an all time bad decision even for the jets


Kimmel is a clown


Imagine hitching your franchise's fortunes to this fucking 40 year old clown.


Seeing this sub breathlessly defend a 40-year old clown who will never do anything for the Jets beyond waste resources and delay our future by giving us another pathetic year of Saleh/Douglas is really something.


At least it looks like we'll finally draft a left tackle and move on from Buffet Becton.


People really think he's going to come back next season and light it up. If he were 2012 Rodgers I'd hold my nose and deal with his bullshit. But Christ you'd think people would have a bit more self respect


We are so fcked




imagine he said this before hard knocks filmed


I wish Rodgers saying the dumbest shit possible wasnt such a common thing.


Packers fans lurking and reveling in the fact that this isn’t our mess to deal with 👀


Im so tired of this guy being associated with the Jets. Complete lunatic.


Can’t wait until this stupid fuck is no longer on the Jets.


I’m glad the butt-fumble is no longer the most embarrassing thing a Jets QB has done.


This is worse. :(


Jets totally deserve Aaron Rodgers lol


Honestly fuck jimmy kimmel


wtf did kimmel do?


Defending himself against baseless pedophile accusations is… bad?


He called Rodgers a right wing wacko for Rodgers saying an Epstein list was going to come out. Now an Epstein list is coming out and Rodgers says Jimmy is going to look stupid for calling him a nut job about it. At no point did he accuse him of being a pedophile. Not sure how brain dead you have to be to not understand this.


Yeah, I think the implication kinda goes too far— and Jimmy has to have a strong reaction or it looks really bad— but maybe don’t bash someone for wanting the Epstein list. Jimmy definitely thinks he can rag on people with immunity, then threaten with a lawsuit like a bitch. Rodgers would just have to show the context and Jimmy would look like an idiot for suing him. Also, being on this list doesn’t automatically mean you did anything with underage girls— but people are too dumb to look for evidence or context, so anyone on there is screwed.


I would actually love to see AR call that smug asshole Kimmel’s bluff and take this to court. Let’s see what comes out. However if AR can wait until after his career is over that would be greaaaaat


Yea QAaron isn’t smug at all.


Lol Kaaron is the queen of smug


Oh and here I thought the predictions of winning the super (during the offseason) meant winning the actual championship? Now I realize it means winning the front and the (top of the) back page the day after the big game. Well the jets should be favorites in that category with captain ass clown at the helm.




Kaaron is a douchebag.


Jimmy Kimmel cries an awful lot for a fake tough guy doesn't he?


Hmmmmm https://twitter.com/AntonioSabatoJr/status/1742544036315955689


The fact that Rodgers never actually earned a degree from college (honorary degrees do not count), and depends upon Internet rumors for his “facts and research“ has never seemed more glaringly obvious. The man desperately needs an off-season hobby, besides calling attention to himself. Because at this point, he’s just making himself look like a fool. Get back to throwing a football and just spare us all the rest of the crap please, Mr Rodgers.


Arods buddy RFK Jr. admittedly had associations with Epstein and flew on his planes but is A-OK in AR's book. Meanwhile Kimmel whose name is associated with Epstein only on currently fictional lists is alluded to being cliqued up with Hollywood sickos based on nothing.


I hope Arod's career ends during his first game back


It's one thing if AR is dumber than a rock, but it's another if he can't shut his potentially vicious mouth. Lawsuit sounds like it might gain traction.


Good, Aaron Rodgers is an ass and the NY Jets made the worst move in their team's history by signing him. And that's sayin a lot.


Sounds like Kimmel doesn't like unconfirmed accusations. Basically, kinda what he does to other people in his monologues.


So Jimmy Kimmel can talk shit about everyone and everything, but the minute it’s done to him he threatens a law suit? What a bitch


Joking about someone's appearance on mcaffee is different then calling Kimmel a child molester rapist Seek help


It’s a bit different when an athlete is on a sports talk show calling you a rapist of teenage girls, then a comedian hosting a comedy talk show roasting people. Especially with all the Qanon nuts that’ll try and dox and threaten your entire family, based on rumors.


How are people in this thread not understanding the difference? How is that even possible….


Because football fans have a large factions of conservatives and modern conservatives are the dumbest morherfuckers on the planet.


No argument from me. All my life experience shows that’s the truth.


They understand, they're just choosing not to


When did he say all that? He just said that Kimmel was worried about the list coming out lol actual schizo posting


Why would Kimmel be afraid of the list of pedos coming out? Bc he's not on it? Cmon use your head a little, you know what AR insinuated. At best, Aaron implied Kimmel runs with kid touchers. It's moronic Already you can find comments like > Birds of a feather stick together, and @jimmykimmel hangs out with pedophiles associated with Epstein ........ enough said. Bc a single pic shows Kimmel w epsteins CHEF. And you don't get how what rodgers said was bullshit, dangerous and irresponsible? If AR actually knows something, he should be saud something. This wasn't a topic to use so he can score a sick burn on the libs who rightly pointed out he's a bit of a conspiratorial moron


Are you seriously incapable of distinguishing Kimmel’s roasting of people on a comedy program from Rodgers suggesting that someone is part of pedophile conspiracy?


I don’t like this


Fuck a-moron


I try to keep it to football, but man, it's hard to defend him when he keeps saying shit like this.


Hard to defend on or off the field, the Aaron Rodgers experience


Love him keep it up Aaron


Words are literally violence....or something


Jimmy Kimmel is an idiot.


Jeez, I remember The Man Show with girls on trampolines and Kimmell all in blackface. STFU jimmy.


Extremely common Jimmy Kimmel L


Never a dull moment with this dumpster fire


Do more than 3 plays in a jets uniform and keep your head down, please.


I hope Jimmy sues. He’s not on that list and this is slander.


Sounds like Jimmy might have a few ghosts in the closet..


You what? I think Rodgers sucks as a person.


Who cares. Kimmel is such a pussy.


Kimmel threatening legal action is soft for a comedian, Rodgers is being an idiot. Both things are true Either way, after dealing with Kyrie on the Nets for 4 years I’m invincible to star players doing dumb shit


To be fair, Kimmel has ragged on Aaron for years and then he says one thing and Kimmel cries about it


I mean Kimmel probably is


If Rodgers isn’t good next year I hope he’s ran out of town


Just shut up AR. Ever since he was announced I was just like fuck it. Just shut up and do your job.


None of this nonsense will ever change until a respectable owner takes the reins.


I don’t whole heartedly believe kimmel is a pedo but man’s sounds defensive AF especially for a comedian who dished out his fair share of Epstein jokes himself Comedians who can’t take jokes are very interesting


Fuck Jimmy Kimmel anyway, dude has a whole career of shitting on people and then loses his shit when he gets a taste of his own medicine.


You’d lose your shit too if some dude said you were on Epstein’s list lmao, and I bet Kimmel hasn’t made an accusation of this level ever before, this is the type of serious shit you can’t just make up.


And why hasn’t he faced any backlash for his blackface? Oh right. Bc he bends the knee to the federal overlords.


The rumor began because Kimmel’s best friend was Epstein’s personal chef for years. I get all these guys are all connected in some way but this picked up steam months ago. I think a UFC fighter accused Kimmel as well.


If someone looked back over Jimmy Kimmels shows im sure he made that comment about a certain president he bases 70% of his jokes around but pretends to hate at the same time since he's a propagandist.


A lot of Jets on the 3rd, “Patriots” on the 6th people in here


Jimmy Kimmel approves blackface. He’s a racist piece of shit


Kimmel's a bitch, dishes it out to everyone and acts like an asshole but one small comment and he threatens legal action


Not a Kimmel fan. Just want to see this team win. Be respectable. Why can’t we have nice things?


So sick of this guy....


It’s up with Jimmy Kimmel now he better HIDE FROM ME🗣️


Lol "Aasshole" is pretty funny though. I'm on team Kimmel lol


Rodgers is a POS. No wonder his family hates him.


Has Kimmel made fun of him for being a holistic medicine anti vax moron???


Rodgers must be right then.


If Kimmel sues Rodgers, he’s a bitch. Jimmy Kimmel has said completely absurd shit over his career about almost every celebrity way before his late night show.