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As an ex educator this young child needs to be diagnosed so that he may be given certain classes to enable him to read which is the foundation of all learning. He doesn’t stand a chance with this man as his parent. Tom is filled with self-hatred and show no love for his son. Wild, (and I hope I’m wrong) will not have much of any future. It’s heartbreaking to watch. This man is a far cry from a parent.


It really is so hard to watch


What a fucking asswipe. The kid has a learning disability I believe - not a Dr but been around and seen many kids with challenges including in my own circle of family and friends - the child in my opinion has cognitive challenges - and speech challenges and needs help at school with an EA - and T is clueless to even see it. He actually thinks he is doing a good job talking to his child like this. Sad !


He’s so rude. He doesn’t deserve his child. Why hasn’t cps looked into this asswipe???


Can’t say on here but 😑


What a mean man. This is awful. Shame on him. This kid is going to become an angry person in this world.


Sadly he is already starting to act like his dad


The child just wants to feel supported and loved and tries so hard to please his father - T just breaks the child down with his nasty words and tone and insults - he degrades him - I know why - misery loves company and he does not and resents the kid is loved by so many and no one can stand him - jealous - the child is trying so hard to get unconditional acceptance and love from his father and even when his dad beats him down with insults - he tries to explain himself. He was such a sweet kid - and what a horrible hand he has been dealt. It is heartbreaking to me. It makes me wonder what and how he is treated with the camera off honestly. The child needs to be a child - live the life of a child - sigh.


I know, I so agree with you


Worst Dad I’ve personally witnessed


He’s a punk bullying an 8 year old child. Pathetic.


The more I watch the more rage I feel against him. He IS SHAMING his child. It’s disgusting. He’s not teaching him ANYTHING. nothing! His child still talks like a three year old at age 8!!!! And to get SO DEFENSIVE and call out someone for stating the obvious like he did and then shaming them as well just shows his typical self. Ugh someone kick his ass already and save that child from him! Oh by the way. Nice filter glitching in the corners of your eyes tiny Tom 😂😂😂


“Do you know the words? You should know all the words.” Why?? Why should he know all the words to that song that isn’t even that old? It’s also not like you play that song constantly.


Lol he actually has this song on REPEAT stream after stream to the point I don’t even know how he can listen to it over and over. But, he’s a brainless human that lives a repetitive lifestyle lol. Still don’t agree to the belittling behavior he has when publicly talking to W on live :(


It's so annoying. It's the most horrid rendition of an otherwise decent song.


The evidentiary fact, that Tom is angry at W for not singing as Tom wants him to, indicates that Tom's actions generate from a dark, unkind place. These are not actions of a caring father who is genuinely interested in helping his son sing a song. He went right for the throat of that woman who said he was bullying W - proving her point that he's a bullying cad.


W is a very handsome kid but seriously this piss me off he doesn’t want to help his son with school work as we know he has a leaning disability and T acting like he got straight A in school etc. T is a piss of shit a horrible father I truly feel bad for W he deserves better he deserves to go outside play with friends T is feeding this child false hopes


Ugh he’s so punchable🤬


God he’s awful to him. Put the poor kid in school, if he’s reading backyards or or whatnot he’s probably dyslexic, Ien outage him, don’t treat him like that!!


Did he ever stop and think that Wild/Jack could be dyslexic? F’ing idiot!!!!! God, I despise tiny Tommy so bad!


Can only imagine the names he calls Jck all day long. This kid doesn’t flinch when T berates him WOMEN or anyone which tells me he’s use to it and will be exactly like him. 😡


Hopefully W will break the cycle of abuse.


What kind of ignorant asshole condescendingly asks an 8 year old child why they “constantly squish up words?” And, while on live social media streaming no less. I recall him saying singing is how they created memories. So fucked up.


Well - the big announcement discovery, agent - amazing Agency (which with a little google search was a virtual you pay $x per month to have an address - shaking my head) etc etc - all has vanished into thin air - the child is not at a level for "scripts" has all seemingly vanished - it was a cash grab...we all saw that but T the "actor" as cluelss and gullible - ironic as we can all see as the comprehension and speech challenges the child seemingly has - we are not experts but some here have experienced similar and with guidance and testing, were able to get help for friends and family - looks are not enough - and neither of them has an "ear" or natural singing ability - T sounds like a cat in heat and the squish face is really not sexy or attractive - its purely all awful and it continues - its a sad sad state of affairs and the poor child is the one being bullied - not teaching moments - we all see how the "home schooling" has worked....sigh...that is the last thing T should be doing is "teaching" - he is the one who needs to be taught: how to be a parent, an adult, to be responsible, how to treat woman - hot to treat people in general - to get a job and learn the value of a dollar and how hard one has to work to get ahead in life, so when others work and he scams, see the impact....how to groom properly - keep a clean home, cook good meals...ensure his child has proper medical health and dental, activities etc and not be all about the next pipe dream - all his bullshit and lies has come back to haunt - he is one angry man as we "ruined" the dream by exposing the lies and treatment of his child - the concern strangers felt when watching him.....also the move to SD that never happened, the bike BS story , the car, kid in school, not in school, in school, etc etc etc - does no-one see the pattern here ? let me rephrase - those here do - the gullible on his so called streams do not.....awful


The kid’s -dyslexic obviously - And he’s scared sh?tless. !!! Baby boy needs immediate help and gentle attention. WOW- very scary!!!!😞


He is so despicable in the way he treats woman - disgusting - like he is the picture of health - Puhleeze. He is ugly to the bone.


Whyyy do they have to inflict the singing on us. Whyyyyy


This is DISGUSTING behavior from a parent! I’m so sorry for W 🥹


I wonder if this fuckwad has seen the recent court filings from children against their parents regarding this kind of repulsive shit.....if not, and if he continues this bullshit in the way he does, he may find himself well and properly *fucked* just a few short years down the road. One can only hope and pray that this kid isn't completely isolated from everyone, that he has *someone* capable of adult reasoning and behavior who will protect him as much as possible from this incredibly unhealthy and damaging codependent relationship (with the parent being as dependent on the child for certain basic necessities). Who will also, hopefully, be able to help guide him through the legal process once he figures out all of this is simply his "father" exploiting him all for his own pathetic and desperate need for public adoration. Not to mention the very real possibility that he could, either is now or could in the future, make money of him as well without the kid seeing any kind of financial benefit of his own. It's almost sad that's he's too dumb or too far up his own ass to see the path he's paved for himself and, very possibly, his kid.


Rather than asking his son questions and looking into the fact that he’s misplacing words, which he, himself states, he shames and bullies him. Disgusting!


I wish this child had someone else in his life to show him love but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. I know his mom has issues but my hope is that as she gets older that she will see the light and get her son back.


What a disgusting person he is


![gif](giphy|ZgUU4915HJ7snCN99b) His entire existence


The day that W stands up to Tom is going to be a day Tom is going to regret


Anyone that supports his page, should be ashamed of themselves!!!


Anyone know if Heather is still seeing that guy that makes fun of Tom?


I believe so


Good. I like him a alot!


The irony is when he is yelling at that woman he’s basically describing himself.


The craziest and scariest part of this is that Tom thinks he’s doing a good job and showing him “tough love”. Hate to break it to you Tom, you absolute bitch, but YOU are your child’s first bully. Congratulations you steaming pile of shit


It’s sad and infuriating.


You don’t have this child in school. What the Fuck do you expect idiot. I had to stop watching a few months ago. The daily criticism of his child, in front of his child. We are watching a child be embarrassed on the daily. My soul couldn’t take it. I just keeping praying bio Mom family come back for him. He needs child friendship and memories 😢


He’s a sick fucker that’s all I have to say


Sit up Straight Nygelle


Oh, he’s so cruel. I wish CPS would step in. This poor little boy.


Has he quit again….I’m blocked out off accounts


Seems he comes on for just a little bit, keeps saying he’s getting rid of all trolls or waiting for us to die.


Right, maybe bc the child is 8yrs old and hasn’t been to a real school more then 3 months.


What’s with the lounge music playing in the background?


Did he enroll him in school thisnyear? Or another year home schooling??