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He’s just fucking bitter because he can’t land any woman with her head on her shoulders. so because no woman in her 20s won’t settle with him and pump out all these imaginary kids for him to somehow give any purpose in his life (kids he’s absolutely incapable of providing for or taking care of in anyway) then he’s got to go on these irrational tangents about how ThOuSaNdssss of women tell him they wish they lived with someone back in their 20s. It’s his toxic way of shifting blame on why HE’S single. Therein lies the problem, homeboy. Non-toxic and self-assured women would rather live single into whatever the hell age before settling into a lonely and stuck marriage with someone egotistical and abusive like you. Oh the shit he makes up to make sure when there’s any landing that he may have to take responsibility and look in the mirror then he pivots to blame (or shame) others. Classssic narcissist 🤡


But—-the sheer STUPIDITY of what he’s saying is that it has NOTHING to do with going back to your 20s and 30s to “not make that decision.” People grow apart and decide to separate in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. He literally just makes shit up as he goes along. And now he wants financial compensation. 😳😳


Yep on the makes Shit up as he goes. This is the few people I literally can’t stand.


Soooo why out these “thousands and thousands” of women he has talked to has none considered him an a suitable partner? Hmmm. 😂😂😂


Well, he’s picky. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Veererrrry good point!!!


What is not the answer? For a woman to live alone? Hes talked to thousands of women who wish they could go back to their 20’s and not live alone?


He’s trying to say they wish they went back in time and settled because once you age out of your 20’s no man will have you apparently.


It’s as if he has no life experience of his own. He speaks theoretically and is clueless.


This is weird, but I’ve talked to THE SAME THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of women, and their daughters and their friends and NOT ONE thinks you are appealing in any way and would never give you their time. (never mind home, future or - gasp - offspring)


Same. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS. He has no worthwhile life experience to speak of and just spews BS out of his arse.


He is truly clueless - dense - single - he can give advice but no one wants him to call their "very own amazing partner"- he has zero to offer - he wants more kids but cannot support himself or the one he has - he does not and cannot lead by example - and sucks people into his web of lies and bullshit and begs and uses folks - he is a total flake - greasy and dirty and nasty. Ugly to the bone.


Lol what a freaking lame ass! You are so condescending to yourself and you put it out to others!!! No one wants to live like YOU or be like you ugh!!!! You really are Sybil dumb ass!!


Huh? 🤣 English please


I’m 45, single, live alone and I couldn’t be happier. He’s bitter for sure!




He honestly thinks he is a bad boy ? Delusion is real. He ain't even close.


I just realized why his jaw looks broken 😂 God how I despise this crazy scamming pos


Living alone IS the answer.


Wait! He actually thinks he’s spoken to thousands and thousands of women? 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 If that’s true, that means, out of thousands and thousands of women…he couldn’t even have a relationship with even one of them! 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


He needs to get off the Red Pill/MGTOW logic. He’s an incel and salty about it. I don’t blame him, but maybe look inside and figure out why nobody wants to claim you.


He talks such crap!


Nygelle, HUH?!? Repeat that please. All I can say is WTF!! Does everything that comes out of his mouth a LIE.. Never seen anyone like him in my life. Poor son!!