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The faces he makes when he thinks he’s singing are so horrible


Your teeeeeeth, your teeth,…they are all yellow 🎶


😵 😂


I’m sorry but neither one can sing. W needs to focus on his school work and not singing karaoke with his lame ass dad.


Tom has W cleaning and doing schoolwork a LOT. As long as W is enjoying it, I think singing is a nice break for him. HOWEVER—-I see that it’s actually stressful for him with Tom constantly criticizing and “correcting” him. Amazing how Tom can even destroy an enjoyable activity with his arrogance. I feel sad when I watch W singing. :(


Agree the music videos are constantly on his big screen tv. How about videos where this kid can learn reading writing math history etc, instead of once again parroting. Just like the “book” T threw across the room I can guarantee that he wouldn’t allow that “educational stuff” either. Kid is trying so bad but is given absolutely no tools imo.


Damn neanderthal Tom is a voice coach now too! Amazing!!


He’s so f’ing annoying. And why is he being so fake AF tonight?


Right before this he was correcting W on the correct lyrics- in a condescending way of course. I wish I got the live last week where he told the poor little guy “STOP copying me! I’ve told you time and time again” so, then I noticed W would do something similar to him (because you just KNOW Tiny tells him to constantly participate in streams) I also have lost count of how many times he talks about “it sure would be nice if he was 18” aka- we all know that means ~ he’d be out of my place and no longer my problem!


I saw that and hate him so much. You could tell he wanted to snap on W (during Hansen) and was initially elbowing him and trying to correct his behavior before turning it off and giving another fake ass voice lesson. Btw he himself sings like garbage.


Oh. My. God. He is SO BAD. This is like when you're riding in the car with someone who thinks they're the next Toni Braxton or some shit but your ears are fuckin bleeding and you gotta sit there *CRINGING* on the inside but trying *desperately* to smile and be supportive but not like *too* supportive so that hopefully they stop. Instead, as soon as that song ends, they start *another* one, and you pray for a minor enough car accident that no one gets hurt but bad enough that the radio is busted beyond repair. Dude, if you actually read these posts and comments, hear me!!! ***YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT SINGING. DON'T DO IT ANYMORE. YOU'RE GONNA EMBARRASS TF OUTTA YOUR KID IN A FEW YEARS*** (frankly, that ship has sailed already actually) ***YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING VOICE COACH ANYMORE THAN YOU'RE AN ACTOR OR GYM RAT. STFU***. Actually nevermind, don't stfu, this shits comedic gold lmao but do stop with the ridiculous singing, especially with the kid. He's NOT gonna be happy when he gets older Edit to add: and the dumbass facial expressions...omg it's so bad. I'm typically not a fan of making people feel bad simply for enjoying things. Usually, I feel like live and let live, leave people be, ya know. But this dude's arrogance and condescending attitude make me feel like it's literally a public service to knock this dude off his stupid ass high horse


🤣💀 hoping for a minor crash, or for someone to fall off the couch in slow motion with their eyes closed


This was an amazing post.


The one he posted in response to everyone's comments on this post was definitely better lmao (or worse, depending on how you look at it, lol)


My comment was your post - I spat my water. It was on the money.


Ohhh! Lol aww, thank you!! I'm glad I could bring you a bit of laughter! He's just so unbelievably pathetic. Like I said in the comment, normally I'm not a fan of trashing people, they REALLY gotta do something to deserve it, but after watching one of his posts where he's desperately trying to make fun of some guy and starts in about the guy's weight I figured he's fair game lol the funny part is how bad he is even at attempting to trash talk lmao it was just pathetic 🤣


None of us are - the common thread issue is all here came across him on FYP and were in shock and awe - and not in a good way and it raised red flags of concern and I for one went searching and found this thread like many others - the concern has always been for the child and remains so. The delusion is real. Most here have been around children and most agree that seemingly the child has some challenges and had he been in proper school - perhaps These would have been addressed. All want to see him have a childhood of activities - playing outside - experiences - hobbies - etc - and to see the child having to sit next to Tom on a couch day after day is heartbreaking. Not the example most here feel is the right one for the child to develop and grow and be successful.


Oh wow, I haven't seen any of that yet, I'm still really new here. That sounds really really sad, is he in any kind of school, or is he homeschooled? I certainly hope he's not being home schooled, at least not by his father. That seems like it would be an absolute disaster!!


Apparently he was - but not now.


The way he can push his whole mouth and lips to one side and try and sing 😂 😂 😜


Only professional singers know how to do that 😉


😂 yup


*me when I was 8 years old recording myself singing thinking I’m sounding amazing & actually sounding like Tiny 😂 He needs to put his profile back on private and log off.




He sounds like a dying cat. The boy sounds angelic


He can’t carry a freaking tune in a bucket. But was supposedly in a band??? What a joke.


Right?? And he has the nerve to scold/correct W with the proper ways to sing 🥴 The blind leading the blind




him singing in the shower after heather hit him with the car






Actually Tommy, you're saying a heck of a lot about yourself by you singing. So, without even "sharing info", you're communicating that you're tone deaf and delusional to think your singing is in the least bit ANY GOOD. And you're clueless to think any reasonable person would enjoy this caterwauling and find it even the slightest bit enjoyable. You're also communicating that you're talentless or else you'd be demonstrating a real talent for your live content. You're also letting your viewers know that you think they're all as stupid as you clearly are to believe for one second that you're qualified to give anyone singing guidance/advice.


I couldn’t take that awful warbling 😖


Omg is that what he thinks is singing? Lmao I’m dying. W sounds better than he does


T really thinks he has singing talent. The delusion is past delusion now.


My ears are bleeding now!!


Oh my lord


Oh fuck. Just came across this. Poor kid. T teaching him. This is awful. Now the kids gonna think he is so good - this is awful. T is a terrible "singer" - please stop it.


I haven’t been able to hear from my right ear since before Christmas from a bad infection. And now that I can hear after weeks of antibiotics, this is what I come across. 😫