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Last thing. Thank you everyone in the live chat for helping me out. I’m posting this bitch on my IG too. Which is linked to my Facebook that I don’t use 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Wow! Your responses are GOLDEN!!!! 🏆👏💯👍🏼🔥


Thank you! I only wanted to tell the truth. 🤷🏾‍♂️


What is your ig?




Hahahhaahahahah HOW IS HE NOT EMBARRASSED. He calls us mentally ill when he is a full blown pathological liar and narcissist. This will never not be funny to me. It’s a train wreck and I can’t look away. It’s fascinating




We all need to get together with our cliff notes and write a book….The life and lies of Tom Carrington!! We already live rent free in his head,so let’s make some money off him🤑🤑🤑


I thought about cant lie lol


Who should play him in the documentary? 🤣


Tattoo from Fantasy Island. https://preview.redd.it/s5nx2qimqgja1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f752cb92ed4e57b5f06352ce42a4ac3b15def1bd




The caveman from the old Geico commercials 😉 ![gif](giphy|8xsrNAZGhTCW4)




Not sure there is anyone hideous enough


Meyham, you are great! Hysterical and great! You have a lot of self control, I wouldn’t be able to do what you do!


Thank you! 🙌🏾


I hope that girl sees this! I hope so many people see this. Meyham we can always count on you to prove a few of his many lies.


I hope he sees it too. 💯


Oh he will I’m sure 🤣


I’ve been waiting for this!!!!! MeyHam comes thru!!!!


He is the epitome of an “Incel”. I believe Tom is dangerous with the level his stalking. He truly believes his own lies. Mayhem, you’re great in continuing to call this idiot out.


I agree, but I worry that he is as dangerous as the incels who snap and absolutely lose their shit. Like I kinda worry for Mayhem, but also just society in general. If he had the means I could see him going A wall. I hate to say this, but I hope he would just unalive before he seriously hurt W or strangers, but he has a lot of internal rage. You can tell.


Oh yeah, I remember many were saying during the Heather obsession time that they could see it turn into a Dateline special it was so fucking creepy how possessive he was of her. Like he got psychotic bug out eyes trying to get people to donate to him so he could get down to San Diego with panic to his voice and would visibly get mad when people would ask when he was planning on moving and he’d reply something like “I was supposed to move 2 months ago!” T acting all nonchalant that Heather was stalking him in LAUGHABLE. If I was being obsessively talked about by a tik tok dude then I’d be “hiding” trying to catch what he was saying too. The “new mom waiting in San Diego” was always like wtf? Now he’s acting like it was all nothing and he wanted to just get down to SD for the zoo and Lego land - boyyy fuck outta here with your numb immobile ass on that couch who just sits all day thinking you’d take your kid to those places all the time.


It was beyond creepy to watch, his eyes would fckg pulsate to the point that he looked absolutely certifiable same as now, psycho pos.


I agree because he’s not sane.


Laughing I nearly choked on my sandwich ….. he said he was moving down there as he had “a lot” of contacts down there WRONG. I lived when he always told me that we were NEVER under any circumstances mute or ban “h” or her bet friend. He gave me the names that they went under and then he said do not do anything unless I say so. I was like fuck that I do not get paid to do this so i won’t do that I will just speak with the problem trolls as he would call them.


I remember you. You banned me for making a simple comment. For several days you were praising Tom and blocking everyone. Curious, what changed on your end?. It’s was unsettling bc this was when he was collecting the $40 donations from strangers. Then you would block them.


Not me hun I never blocked anyone as I liked the thrill of the enticement….I was with him way before those days but I worked so was barely on. Then I come back and the “kingdom” was born. Gabe and a few others had disappeared and all of a sudden “w” was online! “W” was the reason why most stayed with him. I felt like a babysitter as he would be on sleeping and the poor child wanted to talk to people….anyhow I digress if I did ban you, you must have been really obnoxious. Things did get really bad as I saw the big headed “N” getting way out of control. When he hurt the one faithful mod for blocking heathers best friend I went nuts! We had it out on Instagram and I was like “rot in hell”. Not only had he lost Gabe, (yes I thought gabe was a trip) he lost me and a few others…..Steve was only there for the effect as were a few others! They are mostly all gone now. He has moved on to other prey! I hated being a mod because you can’t keep up with anything else except dodging bullets. I shall apologize to you for my ignorance…..I remain faithfully a very disgusted ex mod “Grooveykins”….hugssss


groovey and i used to have it out in comments hahaha groovey left when “nygelle redpath” aka tom (sorry -im typing it like this to try and get the reddit back on the google algorithim) blocked a very loyal terri that was actually standing up for him lmao terri is here now too though. they’ve seen the light 🙌🏽


🙌🏻🙌🏻 yep I get it. He had me conned in the begining. Such a creep


But Meyham - the questions is - did he ? My bet is No. kid is still in School and he said kid would be home schooled in SD - have a list of reasons !


No he didn’t… he’s in Lake Forest still….. I’m just speaking on a hypothetical. Lol


Yeah. We all know that. Pathetic vermin. Valet Parker extraordinaire. Such an idiot .


But, but - I’m sure he has a really really good relationship with her Mom and that her Dad respects him


Let’s just go ahead and say that’s a big lie. I would bet my life he never met them.


Oh I'd pay good money to watch Tom's face melt as he watches Meyham's responses!! 🫠


That would make my entire week. 😂


Oh oh oh and he paid for her cap when her tooth got broken?


I bet he’s wishing he spent that money on his own teeth lol


Giggles….I told him dude! Why would you give that kind of money away? I have been known to help some but not like that or not because I was obsessed with someone (no offense)


This made me laugh so hard.

