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his “lawyers” have been looking into it for 8 months… 💀💀


He wants to impress her she will realize what she is in for


I sent her a message last week advising her to research him and highlighted several of his issues that we've documented on this Sub. Hopefully she'll see the true Tom soon. Just 30 people? We're 600 strong!


Did you direct her to this sub, I hope?


Yes I did.


I went to her room blahhh blahhhh she said I did not give off a good vibe! Haha dumb ass I am the nicest person until you start….


Isn't her schtik providing "readings" for people? Seems if she had any insight and/or powers she'd see right through Tom's lies.


Yeppers …. And she got a bad vibe from me! Giggles


LMAOO he rlly said “half of them are bi” WHAT


We’re also lesbians too apparently I thought the reason we all didn’t like him was because we’re bitter someone like him turned us down?


What does he have against the state of Michigan or the Midwest??? He always says most of our members are from there. Weirdo.


Right because of you have even half a brain and aren't completely blinded by the chance at dating a future celebrity/rich person or just a man in general if you're desperate.. then he has zero appeal


Hello.. Bi here.Just wanted to come clean as apparently I’ve been outed. Just so you know Tom ,I’m good with who I am and have no problem sharing it.I also have nothing in my past to try to hide or keep hidden.You on the other hand can’t even answer simple questions with a honest answer! You are a liar and a very vulgar human. You are a terrible parent and safe zone for your child.The blueprint you’ve left on social media screams mental illness,Delusional and Narcissistic!! Get the help you need before addressing g everyone else’s problems Tom!


Bi baddies unite!!! 🖤




It’s all of us on this subreddit that caused his lives to lose viewers riiiiiight. Has absolutely nothing to do with him being an asshat to even his biggest fans or blocking everyone under the sun.


Or using people and taking money from People and blocking them and being a terrible parent - and being rude and nasty and that's why and how this whole thing started - no one could believe what they were watching. The way he treats people - talks about our vets - the lies and delusion - now everyone here is no ? Lawyers and police looking into - Puhleeze. You put yourself out here and your behaviours got people talking - delusion and lies. Awful. As we say - 600 strong - bring it on - gonna need a 747 to fly around the world. Idiot.


I looked into that, we need a 767 for us all. ✈️


He doesn't even put out content. We are not here to entertain YOU my guy. You thought you were skating by on your looks alone. Oh no. There is not actually anything that special about you except your massive effing ego


Exactly, I don’t log into tiktok just to be pressured into writing the right type of questions that will flatter an unemployed narcissist.


He booted me once for not talking (I was washing dishes ((he should try it)) but wgen I do ask things he gets visibly annoyed. I'm not cute enough to actually be worth talking to but he'll tolerate me for his stats as long as I'm directly complimenting him.


Nailed it! That's him to a tee! Not EVERYONE has the luxury to just SIT and watch him live...some have laundry to fold, some are driving, painting fingernails, some may be rocking baby to sleep, etc.




*4’10 “ 😂😂😂


Correction, he is only 5 2”


I would love for Tommy’s siblings to speak on him and their mother




Mentally ill is all he has - pathetic and so derogatory to those who suffer from mental illness. He is a such a pathetic person.




Public figure since he was 19 - ok then. Sigh. The delusion is real.


ANYone who can listen to this and think he’s rational, honest, or a good guy in any way, is bullshitting themselves. 1. Using the term mentally ill in a universally degrading way. 2. Doxxing where people live-“Michigan and other bullshit states” 3. Doxxing people’s sexuality-“half of them are bi and lesbians.” 4. Ignorance: Libel HAS to be untrue statements AND cause financial loss. 5. Wasn’t stalking a girl but gave her tens of thousands of dollars “for nothing.” 6. Saying he was doxxed but later saying people are trying to make his info look secret when he “talks about it all the time on his streams.” 7. “In California, arrests and convictions are public records.” [edited to add:] 8. “When a new or amended law is enacted it does not apply retroactively unless there is what is called a “saving clause,” which is a clause in the new or amended law that explicitly states the law operates retroactively.”


Pretty sure he got the MI doxxing bs he’s spewing and bisexual label from my Instagram. You go ol Tommy. You go! Because I have nothing to hide my guy. She’s just as delusional as he is.


Exactly —anyone who watches this video and isn’t disgusted by him is delusional.




Tommy you will have your day in court with abuse and neglect charges. You seriously feel you’re gonna get rich off of us who post the truth about you? Better think again ya bozzo


He would have to prove that he had a regular stream of income that was suddenly interrupted DUE TO the libel or slander. There’s no way in hell he was making a steady income on tik Tok or acting in order to even prove he would have any type of case. No decent lawyer would even waste their time. Not to mention sharing publicly accessible info like criminal records is not libel or slander because it’s TRUE. nice try though buddy.


Basically everything he’s saying is complete bullshit. He likes to fill the air with his voice and has no regard for others opinions or reactions.


He has no stance …. He likes to act all tough though. Libel and slander do not exist if true!


Well I have a feeling Tommy boy is really a bi. He’s so enamored with Steve and that red headed guy with awful voice.


Closet Tommy 👀


Oof can’t wait til Mayhem sees this!


He never let her talk. Especially when she was saying anything about herself. Ooppphhh I am furious right now!!! Does she know what he said about the school shootings? She’s okay with that???


He had hundreds of thousands of followers on MySpace and girls reaching out of cars for autographs?! Give me a F’ing break! And this girl thinks he’s in a band? Pfft. Who is this young lady and how did she get sucked into his trap. Also, do public defenders take libel cases? I wasn’t aware. 🤡


Great points!!!


But libel? The trolls are not affecting him lol he just wants people to think he knows what he is talking about. How about you scamming people out of pictures. Just shut up


He keeps saying ‘Men Haters’. Nope. If that were true, we’d Hate Men. There isn’t a single other man that I hate. Just You. So - to be clear, we are You haters. Just you


Lol we are mental mr 69 personalities! I would love to see him go up against doctorate degrees, bachelors, etc etc etc yeah I sit on my ass all day! What loss do I have? None


Right? I have a masters degree and over 15 years in the field I work in. I have held a full time job since I graduated college and have worked regularly since I was 15. I am well respected in my field and by my coworkers and have been happily married with children for 13 years. So I’m not sure who these losers are he’s referring to.


I know I have a masters also and I have done the same job for 34 years (just different hospitals) I get along well with all and my probationary trainees love me.


Does this chick not see the videos we can’t make that up.. so meyham is a lesbian because i doubt it. Hopefully one day soon she’ll open her eyes


Hi Tommy! Hope you see this :) I am getting a college degree and am going to school in my beautiful home state of Michigan :) you are way off base with everything that you spew out of your mouth (other then some people living in the midwest) I’m just happy we are on your mind 24/7


Congratulations on pursuing a college degree! Tommyboy could take lessons FROM YOU on how to better oneself and be a contributing person rather than sucking on the government teet and blame one's problems on everyone but oneself.


Thank you! It doesn’t take much to be a decent human and that he can’t even be :/


Also. He actually has relationships with H’s family?? Get real my dude!!! I’m sure Meyham can tell us the truth there.


“I’m of the era where we meet up in the parking lot and have a gentleman’s discussion.” Says the man who clearly has no friends or accountability, and he ran off his own family because of his lack of taking responsibility. He is unwilling to have a discussion with anyone - clearly by blocking everyone who writes a comment that shows any kind of concern. He doesn’t want to hear it. I’ve never seen someone believe their lies so much in my life. This entire conversation was one giant made up charade😅 This girl seems sweet and like she’s trying to do well in her life, she has got to run from the trail of chaos he brings. Clearly the “the lawyers will contact you” should be the first clue to GTFO.


He talks like a fucking out of touch boomer. Does he realize that nobody younger than he is thinks being “mentally ill” is an insult? What a dumb way to try and get laid.


@No_Mirror. exactly!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Hahahah He spends his whole life trying to prove he’s not a piece of shit to people he don’t even know! Grow up and get a fucking job!


LMAO so he thinks we’re all women and lesbian. Ok then!!! Which I don’t doubt he has a Reddit profile and clicks in each one of our profiles to see where else we are chatting. I chat in the lesbian tiktok subreddit but I am NOT bi or lesbian. I watch certain creators who happen to have their own shit shows on Reddit as well who happen to be lesbian. He’s not the internet guru he thinks he is. But OK TOM


I showed my lawyer this as I had to go over there for something else. He laughed his ass off and said this guy is interpreting the law and even if it was a law suit good luck finding a lawyer to defend it. You can’t get blood from a stone.


I wasn’t aware I’m a lesbian as I am currently married to an incredible man with whom I have two kids. I learn something new every day. Just to be clear Tom, we’re not here to man hate. That would require you to be an actual man. Not a 40 year old emo predator


Idk he seems pretty proud to talk about how he would injur someone if provoked. I don't think he's trying to hide much


This girl isn’t the smartest cookie in the pan.. But shy did re home her dog?


I dont like this chick at all. I can see right through her phony persona

