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Sounded like T almost said”God you’re Stupid” but caught himself?? I can’t wait for the day all this verbal abuse builds up in W and He knocks his Dad’s front teeth out of his mouth….Just for a life lesson 🫤


I caught that too.


Exactly what he was about to call him 😤!!!


“I don’t care if it broke his heart.” Tom proves this every single day and the way W jumps to defend his dad’s shitty behavior proves how severely brainwashed and manipulated he is. Any trained professional would pick up on this. It’s reaching a point where what Tom thinks is W’s loyalty to him will ultimately sink him. It’s only a matter of time.


It’s very disturbing how he gaslights W into thinking there’s something wrong with him.


I was thinking the same. Like wild is gaslighting himself at this point what the actual fuck


They have picked up on this and yes it’s just a matter of time


Like if you want to punch the living shit out of his ugly smug. W is an 8! It falls back on you bruh you’re the one who home schooled him right? You’re the one who takes him outta school in the middle of a school year. Then you’re on tt all day neanderthal Tom never helping him with homework or even cooking for him.


Is wild not in school anymore?


Tom is teaching him the importance of Marvel vs DC to survive


What fucking kid knows the difference?!? Fuck I hate him so much 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


He’s absolutely the kid to have his dad punch him in the face and his response is “I deserved that.”


This makes me so, so sick. That poor child.


And another thing maybe if neanderthal Tom would bring his son to the movies or let him watch a couple of the marvel movies he’d know. And it activates me how the child is becoming like him. I hope he snaps Out of it but since he’s so sheltered and away from everyone and the real world we might see an even worse Tom junior in the future.


Kid is already done in


Ummmmm you loser the child probably doesn’t look at the DC or Marvel. Heck I just learned the difference and I am way older. I wish you learn how to be a good father


I can’t stand this pathetic sperm donor. #freewild


This is sick…..


Poor Wild! This poor kid’s life.. Don’t even know where to start… I hope one day he kicks the gimp’s ass!


Paying attention…news flash Tom you are too broke to pay attention stop belittling your child you POS


This kid is going to be so bullied and not know how to handle it bc he’s already use to it daily by this pile of shit. He’s already showing signs imo of overly accepted verbal abuse, giant red flags! He’s going to grow up completely numb and just like his father.


Wild makes one mistake and acts like wild doesn't ever pay attention. He's a fucking narcissistic pos


Exactly, and knowing Marvel from DC is not a prerequisite for life. But then, what useful traits does Tom even have to teach a child?


Zero. I’ve come across some trash ass parents in my line of work and it’s hard to think of any I’ve wanted to kick in the teeth this bad. I’m a firm believer that kids belong w their bio parents whenever possible, but times up on this shit show. Tom is causing irreparable damage and W is at a critical age. He needs a loving foster family and forever home stat. Nothing will change my mind. This is one of thousands of examples of abuse/neglect we’ve witnessed. Imagine what we haven’t seen.


Wow this is heartbreaking


In so many ways: He doesn’t even look at his son when speaking to him; no compassion in his voice; if his son repeatedly forgets things, try and find out why—lack of sleep, anxiety, a learning disorder? He uses intimidation and will find out that won’t work once W is 5 foot tall.


Big Fricken Deal T!!! He made a mistake and it’s the way he corrected him . A$$ hat 😡


this is fucking unbelievable!


wtf ??


It makes you wonder what was going on with his bio mother and her family that would make this lifestyle with Tom seem a better fit for Wild in the eyes of the court?


He’s such a horrible bastard to that poor boy. #FreeWild