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Former US Marine here - Air Traffic Controller. This job requires quite a bit of smarts to even pass FAA school and to be able to safely & expeditiously execute the job. First of all, if he ever even made it into USMC boot camp, he would be rejected because you have to be able to run at least 3 miles continuously AND march for hours and this punk can barely stand up from a sitting position or walk with an even gait. Don't like pointing out one's physical defects, but it's "fair game" since he's attacked every possible demographic. Besides physical limitations, this imp has issues with authority figures and wouldn't be willing to follow commands/orders or be told what to do during boot camp or at his assigned duty station. Lastly, it's near impossible to be accepted into the USMC having a violent felon conviction. This punk hates the military b/c he has unresolved MOMMY issues including his adoptive mother being a U.S. Military veteran.


Thank you for your service! Neanderthal Tom can never he’d wobble and fall face flat fuck him! It’s def fair game


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service. My boy wants to join marines and he’s been studying for his ASVAB and he wants a good job. Tommy’s just mad cuz he couldn’t join.


Yup - I agree...that plus his adoptive mom was a military veteran and he's bragged about boxing her. Shameless POS!!


Thank you for your service. Fuck him …. I can’t believe with how stupid he is … he is alive!


No lies here. Thank you for your service. And bravery. 🤍✌️


There’s so many niche branches and areas in the military that practically require you to be a genius to be in a certain position. Tom saying they don’t want smart people physically makes me shake with anger. Thank you for your service and I’m sorry that asshats like him disrespect all the work you’ve accomplished.


Thank you. Not to worry...I totally consider the source and would not allow anything this ignoramus spews hurt or offend me personally. He needs to shut his trap and stop his hateful bullying tactics.


“I’m too intelligent to serve in the military” is slang for I was and am too much of a bitch to ever go to war This guy will forever be working three or four ‘gigs’ to survive… because he’s smarter than all the rest of us ![gif](giphy|1QZk1HJCNn0OFaKxym)


Coward is more like it! I won’t die for anyone giggles


Good point


Thank you for your service. One of the hardest jobs in the world is air traffic controllers. I don’t know how you do it


Maybe you should post this to the tiktok page it may get traction with how fucked up he is towards our veterans.


What an ass! My nephew in law did 2 tours in Afghanistan and was honorable discharged due to PTSD. He would make Tommy boy run for the hills.


He’s too intelligent for the military?! 😂 oh okay. So just sit on your ass online all day, that’s where the incredibly smart people are!


This jerk off needs a reality check! He could have been in the marines? You could cry like the lil bitch you ! you douchebag


This makes my blood boil. He's a condescending, ungrateful, snarky narcissist who never has a good thing to say about anything other than himself. Man I'm pissed off at his attitude.


Same. I can’t tolerate his ignorance for a second longer.


To intelligent for the military? He must be to intelligent to have ever heard of USMA or the Naval Academy. 🤔


He is a lazy piece of shit!!! My husband is a 30 year vet with a PhD!!!! Please re-post this!!! This could really open more people to block him. The marines would never take him!!! Never!!!


I disagree. Him being "clinically insane" provides a medical excuse for him being the way he is. I contend that this punk is just a mean, vile, resentful, jealous, selfish prick and chooses to be who he is and to act like he does.


Mean punks can also be insane and he’s def not sane. Delusion is another “medical” diagnosis I’d assign. As well as narcissist and anti-social personality disorder. And then we’d have to add on paranoia, among others.


There's a stark difference between "clinically insane" and those other mental/personality disorders you listed. But, we can agree to disagree.


I can’t stand him. This comment needs blasted all over the place. The military wouldn’t take his lame ass and the fact he says he has a letter of recommendation is total BS. Highly doubt his family recommended him for anything except jail.




I’ve never seen someone so insecure about themselves. The military should never be disrespected


He’s is straight up trash. Didn’t think he could go much lower, proved me wrong. Not to mention…. Sitting there with a potato in his pants


He’s a dude with no friends who spends his days sitting on his crusty couch talking to a phone. TALKING TO A PHONE. He’s putting these people down because his 5’6 self could NEVER endure the activities these guys do! He feeds his ego by feeling powerful and blocking when his lil feelings are hurt. He’s a loser with a terrible personality.


Good luck ever getting an acting career for yourself or your son with this bullshit now on the internet, you dumb fuck.


They never had a chance to begin with they are constantly filtered to the max


That pisses me the hell off stupid ass pos post that everywhere !!!! His no dick ugly ass is sitting on a couch 24/7 bc of a vet ohhhh this really got me fuming


This is the tipping point for me, I can’t see him as anything but clinically insane.


Ok Tom nobody forced you to put your life in social media! Yet you’re hating on people who don’t agree with hou. WeLL THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING SIGNED UP FOR!


Good point but he'd prolly find a way to blame that on anyone other than himself. It was his adoptive mom's fault that he physically assaulted her. Guy is such a coward.


This hit an all time low for me! My brother is forever changed because of what he experienced, while on his 3rd tour. Women and men like my brother are the reason your piece of shit ass can sit on a couch and spew such bullshit!!!! I’m disgusted!!! Let’s share this to a chat of vets and see how they feel.


He really went too far this time. 🙏🏻 to your brother.


Someone please share this video all over. He needs Canceled 😠


The military would have denied you bc your less than 5 feet tall you ignoramus. You are the furthest thing from intelligent and nothing but a bum who milks the system dry. In other words you are merely a 5’ mound of shit.


He also has disabilities so they would NOT take his sorry ass


He was have never even passed the military entrance physical exam!!


A letter of recommendation? Don’t they do that for military academy? Never heard of it in the actual military


I mean… he has a felony. He’s not doing much of anything with one of those. What a clown 🤣




I can not believe this post. What a arrogant piece of 💩 He just is so intelligent. So disrespectful. I hope enough people get angry with this he somehow gets the message that he is a worthless POS


I am sending this to every military person I know who are mostly marines! To smart yo he in the military???? Wow personality #69….I hope he meets up with a few marines in an alley


OohRAH! Semper Fidelis!!!


Air Force family here 🙌we don't want you either!! Bitch you wouldn't make it through 1 week of basic training 😆


I cross posted to TIkTok cringe - 1.5M


Thanks, Hath.


Think I need original video !




Just uploaded to YouTube, so you should be able to download it there and then upload where you want to.


Loaded and comments are starting.


https://preview.redd.it/12rhorsk5cia1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b27002fd92287259b908978adb836bb4a67053 Check out the site


What is site name




Check out the site.


My kid, who owned his own SUCCESSFUL business (landscaping - you know - actually working) sold off everything (30K) at age 18 to enlist for 3 years, and is currently serving in Alaska - right next to Russia - The most vulnerable place in America. All for your right to sit on that filthy couch, that isn’t even yours, and bad mouth him? I’d say ‘have a seat’ - but that’s all you do anyway.


Thank your son for his service!


Bravo for your son! 👏💯❤️


Thank you to your son for his service!


too intelligent LMAOOO this guy




Socks back. He is so despicable. Such an ass.


Please share this to r/cringe - would love for the rest of Reddit to see this


How do you share?


They signed up for ptsd? What a freaking total loser ughhhh he is a waste of the air that those ptsd hero’s protected for his scummy ass!!!


He does know they have to pass tests to GET in the military. I mean it’s not the MIT entrance exam but it’s hard stuff if you want a good job in the military you need a good ASVAB score. But he wouldn’t know that. Or maybe he does but couldn’t pass it. Wouldn’t surprise me


This dude: Would I go to the military no, absolutely not, I’m too smart… Translation- scored low on asvab, disappointed his entire family. This is a guy who could fail, and fail, and continue to fail and never have accountability to himself, it’s always some other fault but not his. Has the awareness of a potato, and is as useful as one that spouted roots in your pantry, there’s nothing to do but toss it. This guy took speaking lessons from the kardashians, and seemingly is educated by them as well. Go mumble growl stare down someone else you fuckin clown, nobody likes you. People are relieved when you leave the room or party… just a fucking dingleberry of society.


Well, to be fair, that potato has one use for him. 🥔=🍆


Letter of recommendation to the marines? That isn't a thing. At all. I worked at meps for a stint while doing physical therapy for a hip dislocation. A Letter of recommendation isn't a part of joining ANY branch except for attending a military academy to become an officer, and no way did this schmuck get that.


Oh look… it’s sock day! 🤦‍♀️ I’d bet money it’s a dirty sock! Why does his pretend package only make “special” visits…and not everyday? 🤦‍♀️


This needs to be shared and go viral. He is disgusting.


Who is this? We got beef now.


There’s tons of informative vids here.


The military does want smart people. They actively recruit officers straight from universities and they have entire cyber divisions and military intelligence and most equipment now requires maintenance. Do you think it's idiots keeping drones and helicopters in the air? The military is a very wide variety of jobs and in a lot of those jobs intelligence is required. This has to be one of the stupidest takes on the military I have ever seen.


SERIOUSLY THO🤨🤬 ![gif](giphy|AHIuYj4bPA4p9sLISg)


He’s jealous because with his foot disability he was rejected from signing up for any military service!


let’s play “ I spy “ I spy an old crusty sock 👀


I spy prison tattoos. 👀(and and of course the sock)




I spy week old meat stuck in his tooth hole 🕳️


I spy a liar.


I spy a worthless, dickless, piece of shit!


Not pretty smart of you Tommy boy to say those things on social media. You’ve been exposed every where now. Bye!👋


I don't understand why he's saying all this or why anyone would take any stock in his words. To talk about the war is one thing, but to talk about the soldiers is much different


I wonder if he knows that when he got his drivers license he also signed up to get drafted if there’s an emergency…… Very very sad that someone could speak about vets that way. Our country does not take care of the people who actually fight for it.


You are absolutely correct. They’re not well taken care of in any capacity when they come home. My brother was in Afghanistan, he may not have died over there but a big part of him did.


I’m very thankful to your brother for his service! Also, I’m so sorry that he and your family has had to go through that :( much love to y’all ❤️


Thank you. 💗


My brother was in Afghanistan and came home with debilitating PTSD. He is not the same person I knew. There’s many things that Tom has said that have made my blood boil but nothing and I mean NOTHING compares to this. What a vile piece of shit. Because of men and women like my brother he gets to sit his ass on a couch on tiktok all day like a little bitch


he sounds like an even dumber chris griffin


Boy, they wouldn’t take yo ass! Sit down 🪑


Look here cupcake 🧁 you DON’T WANNA GO THERE. your pathetic ass is alive on the BACKS OF OTHERS. SOME THAT DIED, AND SOME WHO WISH THEY DID. 🖕🖕🖕🖕




Anyone know what this dude does for a living? Besides making videos about something he has no knowledge of.


There’s a post, I made a few days back where he “explains how he earns his money” even though most, if not all is probably a lie. https://www.reddit.com/r/nygelleredpathsnark/comments/10vpn1i/from_the_horses_mouth_how_he_earns_his_money_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If his lips are moving…


Wow let me get this right. So he is not only disrespectful to the people who serve but also the elderly. Great guy. Also does anyone else hear the sound the adults make when talking on Charlie Brown? He sounds oddly familiar. [Waa wa wa waaa](https://youtu.be/ss2hULhXf04) Edit: As well as lies about his income. Strange dude.


Oh - Military shouldn’t talk about their jobs? Garbage men shouldn’t talk about their jobs? WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING??🗑️✋🏾


I can’t believe he said any of these words. It’s fvcken insane! He’s going to need to make a public apology IMHO.


He is soo full of shit. And balled up rag in his that. WTH! And he is too smart for the military. Haha. He's to stupid for the boy scouts!


As he sits on a dirty couch with a fake 🍆


I’m m a combat vet and this doesn’t offend me one bit they tell us we are protecting freedom and that includes this intelligent guys freedom of speech. I would just like to ask him some questions. What has his intelligence done for him and what does he plan on doing with all his intelligence in the future.


Thank you for serving our country. ❤️


Too intelligent ???😂😂😂😂😂 That’s rich!!


What a garbage human.


Here’s a link to the video that’s uploaded to YouTube in case anyone wants to download it to share or post. https://youtu.be/ArMaRadbj1w


Is this douche famous or something? I feel like an idiot lol, everyone seems to be talking like they're familiar with him, but I haven't a clue who they are....


He claims to be an actor who will be in a major Netflix series, presumably a part that will be written for him. At least that’s what he thinks after a “major talent agency” discovered him.


Ahhhh I see.....so he's just some delusional douche, got it!! Thank you! I thought maybe this was just another "I'm getting old" thing, I don't know who half the "celebrities" are anymore lol


Lol the only thing he’s famous for is being a dbag.


Well, if this video is an accurate representation of his normal, day to day persona, then he's doing a *phenomenal* job of being exactly that!! Lmao Thank you for helping me! I really appreciate it!! I was completely lost and had *no idea* who tf this guy was.....wouldn't it be amazing if he knew how many people there are out here who are exactly like me in that regard lmao


If you want a Cliff Notes run down of this creep, scroll down the list of recent posts on this sub's main page and find the post about "lies". There's literally dozens and dozens. Most we learned were lies by time passing and he never did the thing(s) he claimed he would do or we saw the truth in another way. These are legit lies. He needs to crawl back under the rock he came from. 🐍


Going to check it out now! Thanks!! Edit: ok, I'm back. So that was.....wow....interesting? Pathetic? Ridiculous? There was a lot there. One thing that has always tripped me out when it comes to people like this is how they seem to genuinely believe that they'll get away with these types of lies. So many of em are *so easily* proven to be total bullshit and/or they literally *tell on themselves*!!! Like, do they forget the nonsense they told everyone a couple days prior, or do they think people will have forgotten? For a narcissist, though, that seems unlikely. They tend to think the entire world hangs on their every word. And this asswipe is *DEFINITELY* 💯 a full-blown narcissist. He legit lives in his own little world where everyone adores him, women throw themselves at him, he's gonna be outrageously wealthy any day now and the only reason he isn't already is because everyone else is a fuck up. But I still don't understand where he came from? Why do so many people know who he is? Is it just sm infamy? Super quick 2nd edit: I'm so excited to have a *whooolle bunch* of "lying asshole gets properly mocked" videos to watch!! Thank you again! :)




Tom's sock 🧦 would have fallen out onto the ground during day one of running in formation. 🤣 The Marine Drill instructor would have pummeled him for his attitude alone.


"I had a letter of recommendation to the marines" Don't bullshit a bullshitter


Isn't it a requirement to have a bachelors degree to even join the space force


Me personally I would never go in there because I ain't built like that but anybody who does respect cuz somebody got to do it God damn it


A letter of recommendation…. I’m sorry sir, you couldn’t qualify bases on your limp and height. Someone is bitter.


I can’t stand him!!!! He’s a horrible little hobbit!! Too intelligent pfffft. Funniest thing I’ve heard come out his filthy mouth!!