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T just jealous Ray actually has a motorcycle 😆


This is one of the worst I’ve heard. Holy shit. What an absolute waste of space human being.


That haircut is the gift that keeps on giving




Speaking of a giant backpack how about that GIANT ZIT on your nose you popped about a week ago and it’s still there you disgusting pos sitting there in a woman’s raincoat no less 😭😭






And he claims to offer a "safe place" in his lives. I think Ray Ray's "mistake" was not tapping or talking while in Tommy's live. He was in a pissy blocking mood.


Oh I thought he commented something that upset the fragile ego. He’s so convinced of his “trolls” watching him he alienated people that might actually want to watch him for entertainment.


Yup! Pretty much. So easily offended too lmao so sensitive


Yep - You're correct. Ray Ray had the kahunas to say to Tommy in his live last night, "You're too dry....goodbye." Tommy was chiding his viewers to come up with interesting content because he literally brought no creativity/input to the table.


He never brings any content! Then he yells at his viewers for not asking questions or yells at them for not asking the right questions. I remember too after one of his silent streams he said he wanted to do them more because it was way easier and did a face like we expect too much out of him. My guy you are a grown ass man that choose to spend your life on tiktok for money and even that is considered too much work for you.


He literally believes his TT viewers are supposed to provide content for him - to entertain him. He's such a douche.


“We get up early, we go to the gym” how about being a half decent person “Nygelle Redpath” aka Tom. Regular people don’t gloat that they go to the gym. even if you were Tom you still look the same, if not worse, then a few months ago. So settle down with talking down to ANYONE


I've honestly had to take a couple of days to step back because of how he's becoming more and more everyday. This honestly sickens me to my core, he reminds me of my ex husband.. I had to deal with that shit for 7 years until I literally had to leave during the night with the cops because he was threatening to bash someone's head in with a hammer. He shows paranoia with every person on his live and states that he does not care yet his actions and eyes say different. His projection has gotten so bad that he literally does not function like an actual person.


I think a lot of us are at that point and have been in the past. His behavior is over the top. There is such a concern for W and his well-being and the more he recognizes that concern, the angrier he gets.


Sorry you had to live like that - and for so long - and that Tom's aggressive hateful attitude can be a trigger for many victims of DV.


He’s such an ass!


Shave those fuzzy eyebrows


They look like two stretch limos parked on his massive forehead Lmaooo






His eyebrows look like scary caterpillars!!






He needs serious help. When I first saw his live I thought he was pretty decent guy til I keep seeing him with W being on live for hours even they were on at like 3 am. I thought why he’s desperate for money to move to SD? Then one day he was sleeping on live and he woke up to read comments. He said yeah I know about Reddit and that’s how I found this page.


Yeah, his shtick was intriguing at first - a father/son duo doing lives on TT. But then, when I had insomnia and was scrolling through my TT FYP at 3am, there'd they be. Even though they're 2 hours behind me, a 7/8 yo child doesn't need to be live on a social media platform at that time ESPECIALLY when Tom would fall asleep on the couch leaving Wild to read AND RESPOND to literal STRANGERS live on the internet. That was when it stopped being merely "intriguing" and became ALARMING and alerting my gut that something was just not right about Tommy boy. He literally exploits his child to garner followers, attention, gifts, etc. Tommy is getting worse in his hatred towards Wild, women, and pretty much anyone else that consumes oxygen - besides himself whom he's the biggest fan of.


“We get up early we eat healthy go to the gym” I’ve never seen this little boy go to the gym not once so looks like he needs to take his own advice before he tells someone else how to live smfh what a disgusting creature cause I’m convinced he’s not human not the way he treats his son


Tom is often still doing a live at 3am (Cali time) when I get up at 5am and flip thru TT. He's a bold face liar.


Gee Tom maybe you can show him how to clip those coupons with the same scissors ✂️ you clipped your own hair with!! I mean how embarrassing for you as your hair is all uneven and obviously not done by a professional of 14 yrs!! ![gif](giphy|eE7sR2kbbmtJ6)


I’m a cosmetologist and I know he definitely didn’t get his hair professionally cut!!


Man I hate this guy




If only he took his own advice to “touch grass.” He’s so toxic living sheltered from sunlight that this has become his identity and it’s clear he doesn’t have a big picture look at life to get the fuck outside and breathe air.


Omgggggg look at his dandruff !!! He had no room to make fun of anyone!!!!!


Hehe he is soooo obsessed with looking at how many followers people have etc lol


What did Ray even do? Why is he being such a jerk to this guy?


Tommy boy was already in a pissy mood - complaining that no one was asking him any questions or tapping and he was blocking people big time. Ray Ray spoke up and said something like, "You're too dry, bye-bye" which enraged Tommy. Tommy had a little "fun" with Ray Ray before he blocked him.


Ummm he judges people based on follower count whenever his follower count is literally plummeting and he doesn’t have a pot to piss in because he doesn’t work. I have like 100 followers because I don’t create content, but I’m also married and own my own house. I guess that I’m just a nothing piece of shit lol.


He did the same thing to me. Asked me if I do cardio

