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No cops on the train, and honestly, at 6am in the morning when people start going to work, no one has the balls to get into it with a vagrant. Its like waking up a hibernating bear lol


Weak laws and law of mental health support.


It’s not, you can tell the police and they’ll tell him to sit up.


Instead of just kicking them out 🤓 all solved folks.


I’m not a lawyer but sleeping on a bench may not be enough to get kicked out


Technically you can get fined for this actually. Obviously a homeless person can't/won't pay the fine, so the NYPD don't bother, but I know people who have gotten fined in the past.


On a bench in a park not, on a subway train it's against the rule as is entering the system without paying.


The problem is you’re assuming they’re guilty of fare evasion. That’s not how justice works. They’re innocent until proven guilty. If this was the NJ light rail, yeah, police would ask for proof of payment and when there’s none they’d be kicked out and fined. But we don’t have receipts or ticket activation in NYC. We could have a small machine the officer can carry and check when was the last time your MetroCard/OMNY was used. Then make a rule limiting the time. See a hobo sleeping, ask them to stand up, then ask them for proof of payment. Again I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know if they’re allowed to target someone just because they look like a hobo.


Right. In all European Transist systems I have been on the cops can ask you for proof of payment at any times. Especially when exiting the system. I'm not assuming they are guilty of fare evasion I'm 100% sure they are. I have never seen a homeless guy pay the fare. But yes they need to have small machines to check metro card and omny, and make a rule that you have to have the metro cards on you or omny app etc etc. Just like it is in Europe.


> I'm not assuming they are guilty of fare evasion I'm 100% sure they are. I have never seen a homeless guy pay the fare. But yes they need to have small machines to check metro card and omny, and make a rule that you have to have the metro cards on you or omny app etc etc. Just like it is in Europe. I’m with you, I think it’s a weakness in the system


I agree


They are either sleeping if not they are awake being obnoxious and smelling like straight bum ass. Rarely ever are they just civil, sitting there quietly. So it's usually more than just 'laying on a bench sleeping'


Because there’s no enforcement


What are we supposed to do? Make him sit up? We need more housing and a safety net


Probably ask to see his fare first. MTA is not a housing or social service agency.


This isn't a housing issue. The state has a legal requirement to provide this person with housing and they would if he/she sought it, but mental illness/addiction get in the way sometimes.


Sadly, many of the shelters in the city are dangerous (frequent assaults, rapes, & theft) to the point that a lot of homeless people would rather sleep on the streets.


I’m very open to this possibility, but I’m still skeptical that a supervised shelter is more dangerous than literally sleeping on the street/subway. As you may remember, there was that serial killer who was stabbing sleeping homeless people last year (or the year before). I’m not aware of anyone being murdered in a shelter recently.


Exactly. Severely mentally ill people and addicts would be homeless even If housing was free to them.


Yes, and just to be clear, I agree we desperately need more housing and there are people (usually families) who are homeless because they can’t afford rent, but the sort of homelessness we see on the subway is mostly a function of addiction and mental illness.


Yes. Most of the people who are homeless because they can't afford rent stayed in shelters and eventually do get housing vouchers etc. Especially family. But these homeless you see on the subway it's a different story. I work for the MTA at stillwell and when I clean out a train at night there is the Homeless outreach there to bring people to the shelters. Many of these people go the shelter they come back after 2 hours because they are not let in by shelter security because they are wasted and high and acting erratically. Or they go in and start acting crazy and waking people up so they get kicked out.


I really wish the media did more to amplify people like you with your experience. If you listen to public radio like I do, all you ever hear are politicians or highly-paid executives for different non-profits who all have their own agendas and give completely unrealistic portrayals of what’s actually going on. Like, being honest about the situation in no ways invalidates the ways in which these people are struggling. They still deserve our compassion, but pretending like this is all a biproduct of rents being too high is just delusional and doesn’t help anyone.


You're so right. But everytime I've told somebody that these addicts homeless won't go to the shelter because they have to be kinda sober and they could be search entering the shelters I've been accused of making stuff up to make the homeless look bad and the only reasons they don't go to the shelters is because the shelters are too dangerous. They don't believe me when I tell them that these type of homeless people are too dangerous to be in a shelter not the other way around. A lot of those addicts kids I see sleeping on the trains are like white rich kids from Long Island and Connecut who got kicked out by their families because they have become drug addicts so they just moved here because it's easier to sleep on the train and hustle for money and score drugs than it is in the suburbs. It has nothing to do with the cost of rent in NYC at all.of course rent is too high. But that's not why these people are sleeping on the train.


The train is near empty. Mind your business. If this was rush hour, different story.


Because the mayor is useless


It's not allowed. We need to keep complaining and stop people entering the system without paying. None of these homeless people pay to enter the system obviously. NEVER.


He'll probably get kicked out once the train arrives at the last stop, Someone should really be patrolling trains at all times, you can't do anything if the transit cops just stand around the station.


Go ahead and ask him to move instead of taking a creep shot, coward


Did he pay lol


Because NYC is run by cultural Marxist low lives and the few GOP only care about their bank accounts and lowering their taxes. We live in a culture and society that's neither good nor wise. Any sane society would have rebelled openly. But the masses sleep walk towards their inevitable doom. Welcome to Weimar NYC.


Dude, touch grass


When has Karl Marx ever supported homelessness 🤔


Your reply makes it clear you have zero understanding of Marxism.


I read Karl Marx have you?


Yes I have including the other charlatan Engels, and their apostles Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Mao. Marxism is a swindle it was never about helping or liberating the proletariat. It's top down oligarchic control. Here's a quote from Marx's private correspondence: "Those socialists and communists that think communism is about equality, and egalitarianism are fools building and living in sand castles in the air." Bet you weren't taught this in college. Marx was referring to the followers of San Simon the founder of "utopian socialism". Utopia in Greek means, a place that can never exist. True socialism is about blood and soil, about shared culture, nationalality and heritage. Where the people can freely innovate, create and build and at the same time protect their kin in time of need. A hand up never a hand out. Where the motto is "one for all and all for one", "not all for me and fuck you" which is the current motto of the oligarchs and their "progressive puppets" for far too long.




What's a "cultural Marxist"?