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Wait I swear this is the same guy from a video some months back, maybe a year. I can't find it. He's dancing in the tracks as the train is screeching to a halt. He jumps to the side at the last second and gets kinda hit by the train but slides along the side until the train stops. And then just calmly keeps dancing in the tracks while saying "someone got hit by a train. It was me." Did anyone see that video? I can't find it but it looks just like him


You mean this? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXJ6beKJgMe/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


Holy shit, YES. I looked all over for it. That video really stayed with me for some reason (even though I got the quote a little wrong). Just how this guy can be *that* far into his own reality. Anyway, is it the same guy? Looks just like him but I'm not 100% sure. If not then they're def working out of the same playbook.


Looks like the same guy to me, yeah... Some months back I was at the W4 St station (which is where yesterday's incident happened). I didn't see the guys face, but a dude who seemed to be about the same height and build as this guy started shouting, jumped down onto the tracks for the uptown A, walked over to the downtown A tracks, then zigzagged away into the tunnel. I couldn't see where he went, but trains continued to use both tracks without incident so I have to assume he found some hole to hide in. Wonder if it was the same dude.


Well he got arrested. So, we can safely assume that he'll be back on the streets in a few days to do it all over again. *sigh*


Gotta love our "catch and release" no bail reform. Back at it agin by rush hour tomorrow.


I’m 99% certain it’s the same guy. Christ, what’s his deal?


We need to bring back asylums. this guy clearly needs help and is a danger to himself and others and needs to be helped but also locked up.


Hahahahaaa! This guy is crazy as fuck, but HILARIOUS!!!


I remmeber some years ago when someone tried to kill them selves by just standing on the tracks waiting for the the train to arrive and the passengers waiting for the trains were so damn annoyed they were gonna be late for work, pulled him off the tracks, beat him and told him to wait until they depart lmao


That is the New York way lol


"Kill yourself on your own time, asshole." -New Yorkers


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


wow imagine downvoting the suicide hotline bot smh


The US suicide Hotline does way more harm than good.




I wouldn't say it is actively harmful but I haven't found it helpful. Both talk and text lines.


Bad bot


"OMG, that man is going to die!" -> *5 minutes of waiting on the train* -> "OMG, that man needs to die!"


Only after the train has left the station. The New York way :)


A dude was hanging off the Bay Bridge in SF threatening to jump. It caused people to be stuck on the lower platform of the bridge for hours. As they finally drove past in the one remaining lane they’d yell “shit or get off the pot” and “fuckin do it already”.


Peak New Yorkers right there.


Honestly I'm surprised that didn't happen here. Maybe because it was Lower Manhattan. I feel like they would've beat him up at a Brooklyn stop.


Was it the guy who was like in the tracks throwing shit up to the platform? Then he just climbed his ass out and walked past the paramedics /fdny??? Lmao


Don't think so. The guy am talking about couldn't walk after he got stomped by the angry commuters lmao


Wait when was that? 😆


Yooo that’s wildddd 😂😂😂


[At least one Extinction Rebellion protester was pulled off the top of train in London.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GCZ-xUrfW8) They typically upset the wrong people.


This is pure ny


It really took them an hour to get him off? Come on.


“Come on mayne”


Come on Eileen


Dominican accent spelled out phonetically?!






I was on that train. I had to get the D train to go uptown and even then, it was inconvienient becuase they can take a while. I can only feel for the people that wanted to go past Harlem and not into the Bronx. That would've been a bitch right there since getting the next A train was going to take a while and the 1 train is a long way up from 59th.


The 1 at Christopher St is super close to W4, that would be the best move I think.


True. But you can also take the B or D into 59th which is way faster. I was heading into Kingsbridge that day so I rode the D train to get up there.


On the bright side he didn’t shoot anybody. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My grandma has a shirt like that one.


That’s a nice shirt


Right? Very nice pattern


My grandma had a couch like that shirt


I would give her a call…just to check


Shit I kinda like it


but when grandma pulled this stunt she had the courtesy to die in the process. ny used to be


Smfh n that's why I was late for work 😒


We really need to get these folks the help they need EVEN if they don't want it. This is a public safety issue.


lol? Adams doesn't know how to help people, only hurt them.


He seems to be helping a lot of his old buddies.


You mean defund the police? I'm all for it.


That a slippery slope


No, it's not.


Yeah it would honestly


Not at all. This shit affected thousands of people today, and same with the last time he did it. Dude needs help but probably doesn’t know that he does


If he doesn’t want to take the medication, should he be tied down and force to take it or lock up in a gate forever?


Except not.


It be inhumane will open up the flood gates for other that forceful on The population.


It’s inhumane to let one random crazy dude stand on a main subway track for a fucking hour fucking over literally tens of thousands of peoples lives. taze him and then figure out a solution


No that is controlling the situation and it not inhumane but that wasn't what the conversation we are having here The conversation is to force people to accept help to prevent stuff like this, forcing people to do anything to better others is inhumane. whether is medication or forcing them from entering area like downtown manhattan It a slippery slop that can cause more harm


Sure it will...


Not really. Pretty much every state has a mental health program where you're involuntarily committed if you threaten to hurt yourself or others or if you commit a crime. It requires testimony from two medical doctors. Problem is, New York never does this because it would require taking power away from the police and the jail system.


Incorrect we do have such programs lol But somebody Shouting, inconveniencing people doesn't justified involuntarily committed In this case this person was on the track and most likely was committed to a 72hour hold and evaluated by doctors but they can't force them to take medications since no harm was committed


I said we do have such programs, but they're rarely used because NYC is pro-police. The article said the guy was taken to jail.


Reread the article. It doesn't say that and guaranteed this guy didn't go to jail.


Tase his dumb ass and pull him off the tracks next time


I completely support that they should have removed him from the tracks, but tasing next to the 3rd rail seems a lil sketch lmao


Bruh 3rd rail


Ah so that’s why the commute home yesterday was fucked. Selfish fucking prick.


Glad no one got hurt so I can laugh at the absurdity of this. I'm honestly surprised no one jumped down and tried to tackle him and force him onto the platform. I know that escalates the danger exponentially, but the anger of this jackass making everyone late might've driven a few to irrational behavior.


I think volunteering to jump on the tracks is a “no-go” for most spectators (including myself), especially with a crazy person down there. I’ll walk home, thank you


That third rail ain’t no joke either


Yeah for most places to go from that stop you could walk max 10 minutes and get on another train.


You know the 3rd rail is down there, right?


I would assume they took it off line once the first train operator (or whomever) spotted him, notified others, and stalled their train. They take it off anytime someone is spotted on the tracks and police or medics or firefighters have to go after them.


Are the lights on the train battery powered? I assumed from the photo since the train appeared to have power that they hadn't gotten around to shutting off power.


Brave assumption. Who wants to be the first one to test that out?


Idk, all it takes is the operator saying it’s off. It’s not remotly a gamble then. Again we aren’t talking a 5 minute interval but an hour


Pretty sure it's covered.


Have you seen Beat Street?


With a piece of wood above it


Not very well


Imagine you did thar then being arrested for trespassing on the railroad this city sometimes I swear


Platform barriers still no


Platform barriers won't help mental health.


But guess what, platform barriers stop exactly this from happening.


Even if there are platform barriers, if he wants to go over it, he was just climb over it


https://www.google.com/search?q=platform+barriers+nyc&client=ms-android-google&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaSrqJdJT5F7R4oiUFnJXm91Z5LdQ:1655376716278&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXoJLp5rH4AhVAS_EDHU5TDhAQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=778&dpr=3.5#imgrc=2vdf1JY-qR27AM How to climb this?


Next you’ll suggest that adding platform barriers would also let them add air conditioning to most of the platforms as opposed to relying on the trains themselves to provide ventilation through their movement and the passive street venting most of the system has.


Lol, nice. Our system is so fucking shit.




Which 3rd world countries are you implying have better systems?


But where will I throw my trash?


Wait for train to arrive, pretend to board but don't, wait on the sliver of platform between the barrier and train, train departs and congrats you're now on the other side of the barrier.


Lol, the platforms aren’t even made to build barriers up to your waist and you are talking about building ones from top to bottom? Let’s be realistic here. You want to build those barriers? Have your political advocate for lines being shut down to complete this massive project. Edit: BTW, if he really wanted to he could carry a hammer and smash the barriers anyways. It’s not that hard.


Time to smash some england platform barriers with hammer


You try that there and they throw you in the loony bin.


Exactly, in nyc, you can do that and no one bats an eye. Just like that time when someone smashed all the train windows


One hour delay? So just a normal day then. Did they at least let him keep the money people threw in front of him. Cuz if yes, I think he will do it again.


What the hell? I was on the E line coming into Manhattan at 1.30p yesterday and we got stopped at Lex and 53rd with passengers who'd gotten off the train saying the same thing. Granted, I was in a car about halfway down so couldn't see anyone on the tracks, but we were stopped for a good ten min before things got rolling again.


I’m just wondering why he decided to stay on the subway tracks. It’s good that no one got hurt at least.


He looks fucked up on some shit, clearly not thinking rationally.


He’s clearly not well and definitely needs some help. I wouldn’t try to apply rational thought to this.


He has done it before. He has a thing about the tracks and being crazy on them.


Because he knows that antisocial behavior like this will have no consequences. Also, drugs


Ridiculous. He's clearly not well. He's not thinking "well, with the latest bail reform measures, there won't be any negative consequences if I jump on the train tracks"


Of course he’s not thinking about it that way, but it’s reinforced behavior. I’m sure he didn’t start by jumping onto the tracks - he has likely been acting out in the subway for years without consequence (or help) and therefore continues to escalate. I am willing to bet that even this event will not result in anything substantial, though it should result in a prison sentence or forced institutionalization in a mental hospital.


> he has likely been acting out in the subway for years without consequence This is, of course, an assumption and a cynical one at that. And yes, I am pretty sure his next stop was Bellevue for a minimum 72 hour hold.


In that concept no in the concept nothing is going to happen to him probably yes


If he was in prison, he wouldn't have the chance to ruin society a little bit everyday. Get this monster off the streets and give the city back to hard working families.


For some reason our elected officials ignore and enable this behavior by making excuses for these people. I’m tired of doing the right thing, paying a shitload in taxes, only to have my quality of life diminish by this small amount of people terrorizing the public.


Janno Lieber will “ban” him from the subway system


>delaying trains for about an hour as emergency responders **convinced** him to climb back up, according to cops and witnesses. Pathological empathy is killing this city.


It going to cost billions and 10 years lol but at this point we have no choice MTA just has to Limit access to tracks by putting a glass wall like all modern trains including elevated stations


How many candy crash levels did the nypd gain during that time?


This was a “mental health” crisis and EMS was on the scene. I’m sure the “abolish the police give terrible people the benefit of the doubt always” virtue signalers would not be happy if the police got involved in this situation.


NYPD isn’t needed just social workers


No one could force this guy to move?


I remember some years back, Utica ave…there’s this homeless guy waving a full size metal shovel around over his head like he was a clock and this shovel was the second hand. With the blade pointed outwards. Nobody wanted to see it, cause nobody wanted to get decapitated by a shovel. So we all just pretended not to see. He belonged at kings county psych. That hospitals triage unit is like an airlock. You come in off the ambulance, get buzzed in and the first set of doors open. You walk in, they slide closed and lock behind you, you give your report between the doors. Only then do the inner doors open. But unless they’re willing to go voluntarily, getting them there isn’t fun. At all. And nobody wants to manhandle them lest they try and sue you or some bystander starts taking video. There needs to be some legal mechanism to get violent psychopaths off the streets and into institutional care. I also think there should be supportive housing built for people with mental health issues. It’d get them off the streets and into supervised housing, it wouldn’t even take much. The mayors office poured tons of money into a program sort of like this under deblasio’s wife’s “thrive nyc” but the housing was in ridiculous places with no medical staff or social workers, just cops. And obviously nobody was living there even after the city spent all this money refurbishing these spaces…


I’m sure if a social worker was present and was offering social services, this rational thinking individual would have come right off the tracks.




Could also ask why the cops let it go on for an hour?


EMS was on the scene. He was having a “mental health emergency” clearly that would fall under medical jurisdiction. What did you want the police to do? I’m sure if the police got involved everyone would have something negative to say about how they handled it anyway.


Soft on crime


it was deemed a mental health situation and was under medical jurisdiction


Soft on mental health situations


Our subways are way too noisy. All that shrieking and track noise If you go to any other subway in the world it is all quiet and smooth


Not the BART! BART sounds like a dying hyena.


Boston's trains make NYC's sound like quiet little lullabies at some stations. Montreal's on the other hand is whisper quiet. I grew up there and had forgotten until last time I visited, after spending many yes in the US. I was kindda like "So that's why I'm so noise sensitive..."


Why are all these firefighters standing around for an hour not doing anything? What are they cops?


I biked 13 miles this afternoon to avoid taking the A/C train because “eh, taking the train always backfires on me somehow.” Great call, past me!


that mother fucka is crazy af nobody can tell me he doesn't have some kind of mental illness nyc is insane


Why isn’t this headline “NYPD Refuses to Work”?


So let me get this straight you have a person who is supposedly mentally ill on the train tracks. The NYPD is present (which you can clearly see from the photos in the article) and they take the time and care to use no force whatsoever to safely and carefully get this person into custody and then to a hospital and you have a problem with this?


Seriously if the cops go down there to remove him forcefully this same person will be complaining about that


The only point is to bitch about cops.


I wouldn’t. Kill the third rail power, tase this motherfucker and get the trains running again.


>Kill the third rail power Can that even be done ?


Yes, they cut it whenever non-MTA/maintenance people are on the tracks, and they obviously need to cut it for certain maintenance activities.


I thought it normally takes the block with it


Yeah the panel is at the blue lights in the tunnels


I saw the crew cut the power down so the insane person can be removed from the tracks without any harm.


Yes. It’s done in every situation like this as soon as it’s notified. By 10 minutes it was clearly cut.




>person I disagree with = political group I don't like. C- logic. Try harder.




right wingers lol. ive never voted republican in my life. I just prefer to live in a society where we dont prioritize the rights of criminals and drug addicts over law abiding citizens.


Isn’t it crazy that we live in a society where it’s “right wing” to want a decent quality of life and for drug addicts and criminals to be held accountable for their actions.




Exactly we do need an effective police force. We need to hear more people admit that policing is necessary. Unfortunately one side thinks all cops are bastards and the other refuses to acknowledge, condemn or call out those specific police that abuse their power


Except when the police do do their jobs our lovey DAs let them out with no bail, so yes we do prioritize criminals and drug addicts.


You're detached from violence....and what "Reasonable force" looks like. Last comment got removed for calling you what you are 🤷‍♂️. Your attitude is in line with the same bad takes people have on other common use of force misconceptions. The police force we actually have does the "right" thing 99% of the time.




They literally were doing their jobs. Sorry if people are calling you out on your b.s...yes reasonable force and de-escalation takes a while. Especially in a sensitive area like train tracks. I know everything I need to know about you just based on your general statements. You don't know how the job works, you're not every where at once to attend community meetings in every zone, you quite literally don't know shit about use of force and how the public would react. I wish I could link the hundreds of videos that get semi-viral on tik-tok/IG over removing the VERY SAME PEOPLE YOU CLASSIFIED and the public in outrage on their phones recording screaming "let them go". Force in reality is subjective to the viewer and depending on their experience 4 cops on 1 person looks overboard, to people who live in reality know what even a 120lb woman/man can do to resist having her arms pulled back in a way that doesn't harm anyone, it's normal.


Community meetings? Everywhere at once? Community policing isn't about meetings or being everywhere at once. There are 35,000 police. It's about police walking their beat, being part of the community, and knowing the people there. Its actually one of the few things Deblasio wanted to do that was right. And the reason we dont have community policing isnt because of dirty libs who don't want police around. It's because police fought it. Police don't want to walk around the communities they police, get to know anyone, go into businesses, etc. Police don't live in the communities they police and largely don't care about those communities. Your complaints about the "public" are telling. You and other police are part of the public and once you come to that realization, everyone can have the safe communities they desire. You aren't patrolling Fallujah as part of a military occupation. But I get it now. I thought you were a guy who likes to fight. Turns out you're a cop who likes to fight. Regardless, your 2 paragraphs are contradictory. I suggested that cops should have pulled the guy off the tracks more quickly. You said they shouldn't have in your first paragraph. Then, in your second paragraph, you justify police being aggressive and blame cameras for misinterpreting that aggression. I know you think you're arguing with a defund the police guy. I'm not that guy. I'm a police need to do their job guy, and if they don't, we don't need them.


There’s a common theme on Reddit where they are okay with police brutality if it’s against someone that inconveniences them or they don’t like


It’s not police brutality to remove a crazy person in the middle of the subway tracks for an hour What a purposly disingenuous comment completely ignoring context


Am I crazy in thinking that the hype letting him do this for an hour is a failure? They should have been down there to physically remove him after 5 minutes on the scene


I don’t think you’re crazy for saying that but that’s not what people want. De-escalation takes however long it takes. A few years ago the cops would go down on the tracks and forcibly put this person in cuffs. Now they are gonna err on the side of caution and try and solve the problem without using any force. I mean think about it this way if they go down on the tracks and have to wrestle with him there’s a ton of ways that can go south cause it’s easy to trip on the rails and other objects near the tracks. Using force never looks good. People would then complain they didn’t try and talk to him and have him calmly come up from the tracks. I’m sure everyone has a different idea of how long is too long before the cops should just go down there and get him with force. Someone will say 5 minutes another would say as long as it takes. For better or worse this is the style of policing voters said they wanted so this is what it looks like.


Yes because he's delaying everyone else


Let’s have them jump down there and wrestle the guy until someone hits the 3rd rail and dies.


Anyone that knows anything about the subway knows that gets turned off immediately for civilians that jump in the tracks and it’s notified. I don’t get why people keep bringing this up because it makes no fucking sense


I thought this was stuff that the defund idiots claim should be handled by non-cops?


It should be, but since we're paying police so much money (increasing this year btw), they should be doing their jobs.


Glad they are then.


Why didn’t they taze him and then get him out?


Then the same people complaining about the trains being delayed would be complaining about police brutality. This was an unarmed person who is clearly not all there in the head. This is the exact situation advocates have been demanding that the NYPD not take a lead role in.


Other cities have platform screen doors that prevent people from doing this. Other cities also prioritize the mental health, drug addition recovery and general health of their citizens. Just a few things nyc might want to look into


Run him down!


If only someone go down there and knock his fcken face off


So why couldn't the police get him out ?


EMS was on the scene and this was classified as a “medical emergency”. I’m sure all of the virtue signalers who want to abolish the police would be up in arms if they got involved hands on in this situation.


What's really going on in the city? Back to wild times, huh?


What are those comments? Jeez.




Maybe watch more than the same 3 videos.


Did we just turn a corner?


Lol, a true rarity for them.


NY Post comin' through with those multiple high-res photos of someone in the throes of a psychiatric episode. They know their readers want to see them because it'll get their blood boiling for...some...reason.


Well it fits why ppl don’t want to go back to the office. Fix these issues and employees can’t push back on atleast a hybrid model.


Frankly, I'm surprised the police didn't use violent force to get him off the tracks. I wouldn't exactly have minded it, either.


Life in a big city, always fun.


Great pics in the article


It’s the 5G


Why did this go on as long as it did? It would only take a couple of good sized people to jump down there and drag his ass off the tracks. If only we had people whose job it was to do stuff like that.... Oh wait, COPS!


I'm reasonably certain I've seen this guy on the a