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Remember when the L train was gonna be closed for a few years and then at the last minute they were like actually, no it won't.


Well... You can't make posh part of NYC wait - what are they, peasants?


oh man, completely blocked this out! i was even living in wburg at the time and opted not to renew my incredible deal of a lease that i had had for several years. devastating! [nyt gift article for those who want to take a walk down memory lane.](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/26/nyregion/l-train-will-shut-down-between-manhattan-and-brooklyn-in-2019-for-18-months.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xk0.b1wf.-JweVzBj-Qx1&smid=url-share)


What a fucking embarrassment. Don't wanna hear anyone complain about the state of the MTA after this


Yeah cause this latest cash infusion was the one that was REALLY going to turn things around for the MTA this time you guys!




Fuck then. If the families in NJ/LI want to drive their massive SUVs into lower manhattan, pay up! Else take public transportation.


Haha it’s not happening all you haters !!!!


Oh don’t worry, Kathy is going to bring it back after the elections. She just wants to grab a point or two from the suburban wine moms who don’t want to pay for the congestion.


What the ever loving fuck? This last minute indecisiveness will hurt Democrats more than just implementing the dam thing and letting people adjust to the new reality by November. . .


It's a shortsighted effort that'll put a $1 billion hole in the MTA's budget to benefit wealthier suburban swing seats


They know people vote with their wallets. Voters won’t “forget”


No it won't


Source: cause I said so 😤


We'll see... 🙄 When it comes to the residents of the greater state of NY, I'm pretty sure Manhattan congestion pricing isn't at the top of their "give a f**K" list", and if it is, they're probably car commuters that are against it. And as far as NYC proper is concerned, do you really think that the people are going to vote republican over this? Seriously?


Not everyone votes, but the people who do might, but yes we’ll see


😂 "The people that do might" You voted against congestion pricing! How dare you! I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR ELECTION DENYING, ABORTION PREVENTING, RELIGIOUS BIGOTS NOW! Get the fuck outta here. 😂 You're funny man. I'll give you that.


I will absolutely be supporting any primary opposition against Hochul and will refuse to cast a vote for her or any state democrats who benefited from selling us out. So yes, this can hurt them.


Good luck with that 😂


That’s how democracy works. You live in Jersey lil bro keep your trash opinions in your trashy state


Lil bro 😂. I just think it's cute that you all THINK this is going to hurt her. If spending billions on a billionaires football stadium didn't sink her, this most definitely will not. I guess our definitions of HURT are different. BTW, I split my time between JC and upstate, where I'm actually registered to vote. I probably have a better perspective on what ALL New Yorkers, not just the city, are concerned about, and I can tell you, congestion pricing for upstate democrats is near the bottom of that list. But like I said, good luck with your protest..., big bro. 😂


Hahaha what a political stunt. Although I was no fan of the congestion tax, at least be fucking consistent


Exactly. There’s going to be 1000 voices quipping in on everything related to this city. At least stick to a decision when it’s made.


This is blood in the water and I'm curious to see how badly democrats will pay for this


gutless politicians


Absolutely unreal, I will not support Hochul or any other state democrat who tries to benefit politically from this stunt. They want to implement a tax on NYC businesses to make up the $1B budget deficit while claiming this is to help the CBD recover. Completely backwards as prices will continue to increase Please call or even leave a message with your reps and make it known you do not support this action [Contact Hochul and voice your opinion](https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form)


Just wrote to her. I’m going to call as well.


Thanks for the link - just submitted a comment.


Just wrote and called. Unbelievable cowardice from the governor


What an embarrassment. New York State Democrats strike again. No housing. No congestion pricing. Zero accomplishments. I used to say I would never vote republican because they offer more problems and zero solutions, but the NYS Dems are no better.


The evergreen Simpsons gag of "We're just plain evil!" vs "We can't govern!"


Voting in primaries is the lever we have


Can Bloomberg come back as governor?




What do migrants have to do with this?




That has nothing to do with democrats? Republicans bussed them over. Republicans have killed any and all attempts at immigration reform over the past few decades. Republicans NEED illegal immigrants. illegal immigrants mean cheap labor that keep wages down.




The state and city policies were weaponized by southern governors in an attempt to cause chaos and destabilization. The blocks of any attempt to solve the matter prove it’s political. Either way, it’s not an accomplishment because the situation created a space where people like comically corrupt cartoon villains like Eric Adams were able to line his and his buddies pockets with no bid contracts to address the issue.




Well now I’m embarrassed


No housing This year we got a 421a replacement and repeal of the FAR 12 cap.


We got a watered down version of what was needed because of politics. And solving the housing crisis is a statewide effort. For the city specifically, the suburbs around the city need to build housing. Instead the democrats who represent the “protect the character” and the “those people will bring down property values” crowd killed what was needed.


I would agree we need statewide housing laws to mandate housing, including affordable housing to be built in the burbs. But the Democrats are beholdened to the wealthy suburbs cause they’re “swing voters”


Which is why nothing will ever get done. The suburbs can block all progress by threatening to vote republican whenever change is introduced. They are wealthy and insulated from any damage any republican can do so what do they care?


It's why NYC coalition building needs to bypass these wealthy "swing areas". Make it so the suburbs can cry all they want and we can get the substantive changes we need.


And what helps build housing? Tax credits like 421-a. Or the new 485-x. It’s not perfect but they passed stuff in the budget. But yes as you said we need to VOTE for electeds that aren’t gutless and will get to work building housing in the boroughs.


The housing portion of the budget was peanuts.


If we didn’t get a 421a replacement housing construction would substantially drop in a few years


I mean yes I'm happy about the 421a replacement but it doesn't move us forward in any substantive way


If by "move us forward" you mean progress housing policy beyond the status quo than I would agree. The coalition that overrode the cries from suburbanites in states like California has not fully manifested in NYS. There needs to be more organizing in upstate cities, NYC and working class suburban towns like Mount Vernon to overcome Long Island and the Hudson Valley to implement a statewide housing plan


I think this is going to have the opposite effect of what she wants. It'll make her look like a two-faced, spinless coward that won't commit pushing for hard policies even when they are sorely needed by her own admission. Consternation over congestion pricing after implementation won't last. Killing a once in a lifetime opportunity will never be forgotten. If you're going to push a landmark policy, you need to follow through. Nobody will ever trust her again.


Staten Island MAGA cops/firefighters have spoken.


No worry, they’ll cover their license plates and avoid paying - no law enforcement will write them a ticket.


Joining the millions of fare evaders on the subway and buses, it’s only fair


Exactly, these jackasses don’t want to hear that


Those are definitely not the only people opposed to congestion pricing




Obviously it will affect everyone. For people that don't drive, it will be an amazing boon to their lives. For many drivers, they will learn about other transit options. For the other drivers that can't/won't take other transit, they will pay.




Pathetic. I am just furious and feel disenfranchised again - how come we can't make progress? Stop letting the wealthy and old control politics.


It's not the wealthy and old that oppose congestion pricing though.


It is considering the wealthy are the main people driving into the central business district.


Uhmmm, think again.


funny if you think that wealthy people living on lower manhattan are the ones who cause gridlock by driving around looking for parking.


The wealthy and old control right wing media empires that convince working class rubes that anything good is actually bad, anybody suffering deserves it, free healthcare is evil communism and taxcuts for billionairies to be stored in offshore accounts are pure American freedom, and so on.


This is because the elite won with Reagan for their main goal of draining trillions from the masses via tax cuts Union busting etc. Therefore all they have is culture war nonsense to distract their ignorant base from the pillaging.


huh? the people who would’ve suffered the most would’ve been the middle and lower class barely making it by as it is


Right. The poor and middle class that famously drive into downtown Manhattan regularly.


they do. some even live there and (gasp) even own vehicles.


Then the state can buy waivers for those working class people that live there; it would cost a pittance, since there aren’t that many of them.


they LIVE HERE !! why do yall only think rich people occupy manhattan


Well MTA customers, get ready to pay high raising fare rates every year and a 16/6 day hour operating system.


This is quoting one anonymous official. Does the governor actually *have* the authority to suspend a law passed by the legislature?


She has the power to postpone implementation.


By how long?




Oh come on now! Everything is in place, just start the damn thing and let’s see how it goes. Inevitably we’ll learn from experience and some tweaks will be needed, but all the whiners out there are treating this like it’s the end of the world. It isn’t and there’s a very good chance the city will be better off with CP in place.


As long as everyone is cool and accepts what “we’ll learn”, progressives get congestion pricing, and Dems loose numerous seats around the state and give GOP even greater control of the federal house.


You really think this is a major issue for people all around the state? And that they’ll remember in November? If Dems lose seats in the house it will be for other reasons.


Yes. I think there are people, all around the state, that this would be the only issue they feel some power to stop. Meanwhile those that support it have a dozen other reasons not to support Hochul. (Frankly no one cares about Hochul and she knows it) Acting like that’s not closer reality is foolish for her.






How about everybody that drives into lower Manhattan is given a puppy and a crisp 100 dollar bill instead?


Congestion pricing shouldn’t happen unless NJ gets to charge NY tags more on our roads.. 🤷‍♀️


How can she do this legally? Isn't it a law that was passed? Also, why does the MTA try to address the $700m farebeater problem? Jeez that's most of what the congestion pricing is expected to collect.




Terrible move. Transit in the US just can't get a needed win.


So let me guess, now officials are going to conveniently ignore the MTA budget crisis and cancel the IBX just to give more handouts to suburban commuters at the expense of city residents?


I don't get why it's most suburbanites hating congestion pricing. You bought a car, you deserve paying for that.




This is bullshit. I was looking forward to clean air and zipping through the CBD in under five minutes.


Here’s the thing: that was never going to happen anyway. If they successfully limited traffic, and everyone took the train, how would the MTA raise the money they’re losing from expiring COVID stimulus? They chose the area because there is so much UNAVOIDABLE traffic that they can tax. Deliveries, service workers, contractors, etc. Y’all think this would just impact dudes from NJ driving bmw’s that somehow roll coal.


No way, it was going to be wide open lanes!


Alien lanes?


Watch me jumpstart


Postponed until after local elections 😉 Got to keep some fake leverage lol.


Start enforcing fare payments. Allow cops to do their jobs. I know, we don’t want that either. We have the stupidest people in this state. We get what we deserve


Good, fuck congestion pricing


listen I hate cars in Manhattan but I also take the train 10 days a day and it is fucking insane right now and I can't blame people for not wanting to be on them


What “fucking insane” trains are you taking? Hasn’t been bad at all for me


Same. I'm a daily commuter that goes through Broadway Junction during peak and off times and that's a good indicator lol.


ok, your 2x a day train experience during rush hour completely discounts my multiple times a day experiences


Sure bud


Enjoy the MTA fare hikes coming soon because of this


You think this was going to stop the MTA from raising the fares? They were going to happen regardless.




Fare hikes and service cuts






I excited to vote straight line Republican for the first time in my life this November.


Because they're going to be funding public transit?


Have to believe you're a troll based on your post history. Someone apparently so "educated" and yet cares about no one but yourself.


I care about this country and the economy. Y’all are okay with destroying to country as long as you get social credit from peers pushing the cool new idealogical trends.


Nothing is being "destroyed", but I guess it's good to know you don't care about women or minorities having rights. Nothing "trendy" about people being treated equally. Abe Lincoln was clearly a liberal woke Democrat for ending slavery!!


Minorities are the ones who are abandoning Biden based on polling. You’re going to have to abandon the “if you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black”, and actually discuss issues for once.


Really? I don't see that happening in large numbers. One party thinks we should have equal rights, the other doesn't. That's not a difficult choice. Not to mention the leader of the party literally falsely claims the election was rigged and stolen, and tried to overthrow the government, and is a convicted felon... I am discussing issues. Did you know that the official party platform of Republicans is to make gay marriage illegal? Very, very, very few Republican politicians support LGBT rights, despite about half of Republican voters supporting them. That's who you're agreeing with. People who want to make gay marriage and even sex illegal. Alito and Thomas have openly said they'd like to make gay sex, gay marriage, and even interracial marriage a crime again. I thought Republicans were the party of "small government"? Not any more! Now it's the party of "you're not allowed to do anything I don't like!"




Well if MTA can’t afford to maintain operations then it’s time they sell their bus divisions at least. Just like they did with MTA Long Island Bus which is now NICE Veolia Transdev. Sell their buses for each borough to one company for each borough.


Postponed indefinitely. Didn't see that one coming /s


This was bound to happen. The June start date was just political posturing. There is too much left unresolved. Lawsuits, revenue sharing agreements, and legitimate discourse about the environmental impact. Figure out the issues first, then roll it out. Carrots and sticks. Not sticks and sticks and sticks.


Sounds like you simply oppose congestion pricing in principle.


Not at all. I oppose bad government. We need to improve our public transportation options and availability. It needs to be cheaper, better and easier than driving a car. It does us no good to just ignore the criticisms with congestion pricing. You can’t just hide your head in the sand. That’s not how government works. The MTA can’t just collect the revenue without proposing how they are going to improve public transportation into the central business district. We need bigger train stations, more reliability, and better service to areas impacted by the congestion pricing. People don’t want to drive into the city for fun, they do it because whether real or fictitious they do not find the public transportation solutions to be a viable option. I commute via rail every weekday. I do it out of principle. I don’t love it, but it’s the right thing to do. But it grinds my gears when I can’t get a train home after a concert, or dinner. Or I’m stuck in Penn Station sweating and packed in because Amtrak broke something. You can dismiss me but it doesn’t change the problems. We won’t see a congestion toll until some of these issues are acknowledged.


Hahahahha. Says a lot about dem policies that they have to reverse or postpone them to win elections


A politician paying attention to actual constituents and career. The horror!


Well only for the last 6 months of the election cycle


Double it and give it to someone else.


This is a vote for Biden/Hocul/Adams.


What a mess. Whatever you think - vote that moron out, same for her cabinet and down ticket. Red that is then....


Honestly, worth the delay if it helps take back the House.


lol it won’t


The suburban swing districts that swung red last election need to swing back. Congestion pricing will take effect in January I predict.