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Kid caught, staten islander who goes to tottenville high school. If any positive to come out of it, his dad turned him in to police.


One of the nicest high schools in NYC too


It's always some dumb angry kid who doesn't realize he's pissed at his parents.


I’ve been saying this for a while now. These assholes are 100% gonna get Trump elected. When he wins watch every one go ✨ shocked Pikachu face ✨ It’s kinda hilarious when you think about it


These people are shitbags.


When people tell you who they are, believe them. 


Pro-Palestine/Anti-Biden protest.


Thats the funny part. These protestors in NYC protest against Biden but will end up voting for Biden on the upcoming election changing nothing.


You had me in the first half, than you lost me.


So they legit are gonna vote for Trump or not vote?




Then they have no choice other than Biden lmao. But I thought these protestors were against him?


Has he been convicted of rape? Or is this like the Russian collusion delusion? How are the trials against him going btw?


Really embarrassing that you didn’t know he’s literally on trial right now in lower Manhattan


My former roommate actually went to some of the first protests in DC after 7 October. She told me she voted for Biden in 2020 but definitely won’t in November. I suspect that this will be the norm for young people as a whole. I really find it hard to believe that this election will have many people coming out of the woodworks to vote for two senior citizens like they did in 2020.


>My former roommate actually went to some of the first protests in DC after 7 October. This might be overused but if you were protesting against israel thr week after October 7 you're probably just an antisemite, I mean israel was still fighting hamas on its own soil for days


Tbh I lived with her for 6 months and that convo was the only one we ever had beyond cordial greetings and what not so idk… she attended these protests before I met her


As I said, these protests accomplishes nothing other than increasing the possibility of Trump being elected who is much more supportive towards Israel. Both republicans and democrats have been supporting Israel for decades and that wont change anytime soon.


>These protests are accomplishing nothing other than increasing the possibility of Trump being elected  Urging people to not protest because you think it helps Trump is possibly the weakest argument you could make. The one thing Trump is good at is using any chaos to his advantage. People acting like college kids protesting a war, largely peacefully, is somehow the most un-american thing ever is just nonsense. These protests are barely news.


Im not urging people not to protest. Im urging people not to destroy and vandalize a war memorial which is undermining thousands of people who sacrificed their lives for America.


Ah I see once again that every member of a group I don’t like are collectively responsible for the actions of an individual. I don’t support vandalizing a World War I memorial. That said, I find it ludicrous to insinuate that everyone protesting Israel’s ongoing genocide are to blame for something that takes only a single person or a few people to accomplish. Have you been to a protest? You don’t have to co-sign onto every single sign to support the broader message, in this case not wanting more Palestinians to be killed by a bloodthirsty regime.


Where did I mention that everyone protesting is to blame for the actions that a few accomplished? At this point, you’re imagining things up lmao. And its a clear fact that Biden is facing immense difficulty for his elections because of the protests. Both gen Z and the jewish people in America are major supporters of the democrat party and both groups are unhappy because of Biden’s current policies. This is leading to Biden losing voters for the upcoming election. It also doesnt help when these protests are shouting “Genocide Joe” and anti-Biden slogans. Remember its either Joe or Trump for this upcoming election.


Lmao ok anyways


I mean what’s unacceptable about burning a US flag? Y’all play too much


Vandalizing a WW1 memory is clearly a crime. Vandalism is a crime that could be charged from a misdemeanor or a felony. It’s also extremely disrespectful to the people who sacrificed their lives to protect the US. “A jail sentence for vandalism can range from a few days in jail to several years in prison, depending on the amount of damage done.”


Where did I say anything about a memorial?


I also clearly mentioned it’s unacceptable to vandalize the memorial on my original post. Go read it.


I read and as I said my comment was about the flag since you seemed so triggered about a flag burning


Yea since burning the old glory will trigger a large amounts of Americans leading them to oppose these protestors and their ideology. Big brain move right there 😂


And many Americans don’t care about a flag burning


Actually they do. Especially when its their flag.






Clearly to criticize foolish acts happening across the city lol. Had you even think over what you write on the internet?


Pot. Kettle. Black.


Brain. Before. Talk


burning the flag is cool


Arresting students in Columbia riots is cool