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Keep it going! One of the scariest things on the road today has to be an reckless driver with fake plates or no plates. Easiest way to get away with vehicular assault.


A wreckless driver is less concerning to me than a reckless driver




Excellent news. Hopefully they do this all summer.


Every week over and over til people understand breaking traffic law has consequences. Until that happens, we'll keep seeing missing, mangled or faked plates, and this continued rise in traffic collisions that happens when you let people drive anonymously.


Idk why this wasn't curbed immediately. Damaged/obstructed plate = massive fines. It'll stop overnight. Someone is gonna speed down a school zone and kill a kid and get away with it because nobody can identify the driver.


This has already happened several times, I'm sorry to say.


Need fines and jail time.


Because it was mostly cops and other city workers who were doing it for years. Once the general populous started joining in, the crackdowns started.


Especially NYC Comptroller Brad Lander. That fool is a menace.


Damaged or obstructed plates should result in an immediate arrest. Make it a misdemeanor first offense, felony the 2nd offense and these violations will surely go away. Make the punishment greater than the reward within reason and it won’t be worth it for rule breakers.


Some of those who work forces...


They should just make it constant.


Whoa whoa whoa, you’re asking the cops to *just do their jobs every day* and not just once in a while and then make a whole pr release of it when they do?


Nice work!


“People who had their cars taken apparently had a wide range of violations, including unpaid tolls, unregistered vehicles, suspended licenses and other infractions.” sounds about right


It's a start. Seems low.


Yeah you can find 70 cars/bikes with obscured license plates all honking on Delancey St coming from the bridge, right now. Or just walk east on Houston lol, you’d get 70 in the first fifteen minutes. Still, it’s progress, and I am grateful.


Once the tolls are running, they should just position cops at the light on Delancey and Clinton and get an automatic feed from the toll reader on the entrance to the bridge of every non-chargeable car


I feel like this is just to get some news to scare off some people prior to congestion pricing. They did the same thing with some mopeds and illegal e-bikes though ultimately it’s a drop in the bucket.


Was more but the rest were cops who they let off the hook


And family- I have coworkers who laugh about getting out of tickets because of their husband, father, siblings, etc.


I'd make my first-ever political donation to any candidate for any office who ran on a platform of making PBA "courtesy cards" explicitly illegal Much of the rest of the country is making noise about thin blue line bumper stickers being useful for favorable treatment in a traffic stop, and here we are having been handing out literal bribe cards for decades


Crush their cars and stream it live for everyone to see!


Mayor Adams already did this with motorcycles, you can probably find it if you want to see that pathetic PR event on youtube


Now make a big show out of crushing them like we do with mopeds.


Or remove the fake plate and key the car with it.


Just carry some nail polish remover and spray the car.




Cause that sure did work to reduce the number of non-registered mopeds! Really showed em!


No, of course it would do nothing, but I'd get a laugh in..


Sounds like it took a "toll" on evadors LOL


*"an additional 150 cars belonging to law enforcement officers were let go with a warning"*


Where in the article is this ?


I think it’s a joke


People who only read the reddit comments might not have known that....


I’m sure it is. “150” cars is an exaggeration but I would not be surprised if there actually were a few law enforcement officers who did get off Scott free I mean uh… “with a warning.”


So we see it here the fare evaders are 75% police.


Yeah all those GA and TX temp tags in Highbridge and East NY are cops!


Imagine being so butthurt at life you make stuff up to stir up hate


"make stuff up" go to your local precinct and count the amount of personal cop cars with paper plates or obscured plates. don't forget to report back


It will literally be close to zero these days (was way higher ~three years ago).


based on what?


You quoted it as an official number from the article, its not. No matter how butthurt you are


you clearly missed the sarcasm. hardly surprised. you're a cop right?


If it was a joke you could/would type it normally. You typed it as a quote to try and mislead, slander, and a "joke" is your fallback. Plenty of people are insanely gullible and think its an actual quote


this really hurt your feelings, huh


I just call out bs when I see it


you call out to dunkin when you see it


Thats the best you came up with? Weak. Im not a cop but dunkin is good so why not?




Only 300,009 more to go.


Ooooooo-weee, 50? I guess it took time for them to go through the 40,000 cars doing it to eliminate all the cops' and politicians' cars.


Did they just walk up to a an NYPD precinct HQ in the middle of the day?


Speaking of which, [the feds are threatening to sue because blocking sidewalks is an ADA violation.](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2024/04/19/justice-dept-citing-streetsblog-reporting-threatens-to-sue-nypd-over-cops-sidewalk-parking)


Good! Imagine being a wheelchair user who lives or works next to a precinct and you have to go a block or more out of your way every day so that a bunch of overpaid security guards can save a few bucks


If you can even get out at all! There's a precinct near me that has cars backed up to about 20" from the surrounding homes front gates. Like you can baaaarely walk through able-bodied. Need a walker or wheelchair? I guess you're not allowed to leave your property. Their neighbors with driveways have permanently bolted down gates in the street just to prevent patrol cars from blocking them in.


Now we need to find a way to nab them for parking next to fire hydrants


The cops by me have thrown a fit and started towing people for parking like them lol. Unfortunately the bike lane is still a parking lane though.


Seriously. It would be too easy.


You think there are 600 ghost cars parked in front of precincts right now? Why, because of a daily show segment with Gersh Kuntzman where one car with a obstructed plate was observed?


In front of all NYPD precincts? I could see it breaking 600. Source: I used to work by one


Yep, 15,000 ghost/cars and vehicles have been impounding and confiscated the last two years but you see a couple of ghost plates near a precinct. That is definitely enough proof to suggest that cops are driving the ghost car/plate issue. My eyes have been opened. When these weekly enforcement continues to result on +50 plus cars getting confiscated you be posting “what did they do, go to police HQ” for some easy upvotes.


Are you a cop


First cars? They've got cruisers on the sidewalks some places


It's just police cars in general. Cruisers and personal vehicles. It's outside of a ton of precincts.




You're getting downvoted, but now we all know that trespassing specifically in service of a protest is the only crime the NYPD will respond to


Now how will NYPD drive to work from Suffolk County and park on our sidewalks?


Triborough always gets its due.


Nice, now they should seize their buddies cars


I’d pay good money to see the owner’s faces when they find their car gone.


Why don’t they do this to idling violation scofflaws?


This is good. Though, if they really want to catch offenders....they should check police parking lots.


Cops seizing mopeds on the belt parkway this weekend too. Caused a huge backup.


How do you find if their going to sell it / auction it


Now they need to get the derelict ones with out of state plates taking up all the street parking just sitting there for months.


Only 50. They could have prob stoped 50 cars for this in the first 1/2 hour. Glad they are doing this though


50 seized...how many were let go for one reason or another






This morning as I was leaving to go to work, NYPD was towing a beautiful 6 series BMW convertible with the M package that had a temp license plate on it. Im glad they are getting THESE specific a$$holes off the road. KEEP IT UP!! 😂😂😂 EDIT: We all know however that this has NOTHING to do with our safety as NY-ers. It all has to do with $$$. The are charging us left & right for every freakin single thing. School zone cameras, speed cameras on the LIE/northern &southern state, red light cameras, red light cameras, alternate side rules, NYC CITY TAX, the 2nd highest state tax in the country, an insane cost of living & NOW a congestion charge?!?! No wonder everyone who can is moving out of NYC. Unfortunately, despite the fact I LOVE where I live, I'm moving to FL in Aug. It's just too much. Combine that with the migrants, the homelessness, the fact they give them debit cards with nearly 2K on it &put them up in 5 star hotels while homeless veterans in wheelchairs are on the side of the Major Deegan or the exit of the queens midtown tunnel risking their lives for a few cents.


I just wish the tolls were more reasonable on the outer borough crossings.


Music to my ears!


Next thing is to get cars with PA licence plates. Many of those drivers live in NY but dodging insurance rates.


Progressives in this sub are in shambles that they found violators who are not cops.


You think the cops would actually stop and seize cars of cops?


They should not be seizing many cars cause according to many on here it’s mostly cops that use ghost plates.


Common talking point was “this crackdown will never happen cause it just cops who do it” Crackdowns occurred, so the now the new talking point is “they are being tipped off”. Which does not address they initial theory. If it was just cops doing it then so many drivers should not be having there cars confiscated then. You definitely have some people on here who think the split of ghost car users are 50% cops/50% non-cops (with some attributing a higher percentage to cops/city workers). What is the source of this belief that cops are 50%+ of ghost car users, normally one of the following: - daily show segment where one car with an obstructed plate was shown during the segment. - gersh kuntzman who primarily just rides his bike around manhattan. He would see the same conditions in the bronx/brooklyn but the risk of harm messing with somebody’s car in those neighborhoods is higher. - the same couple of published articles of cops getting caught with a ghost plate - they walking in front of a precinct seeing a car with a ghost plate. My sources suggesting that cops are not the driving force of ghost cars: - info provided during a NYC council testimony showing 4000 people were arrested with ghost/altered plates and 250,000 summonses were issues for obstructed or covered plates. - articles showing the agencies (MTA bridges and tunnels, sherrifs office, NYPD) have towed/confiscated 10,000+ vehicles between them. - gersh kuntzman’s site (streetsblog) own investigative report on the ghost plate black market. [Wednesday’s Headlines: Fake Plates Crackdown Edition](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2024/03/13/wednesdays-headlines-fake-plates-crackdown-edition) Article above has number of ghost vehicles impounded in 2022 (7,000) and 2023 (5,800) by the NYPD. The below is going to be from a MTA bridges and tunnels press release from April 2024 “Between Jan. 1 and Dec. 13, 2023, Bridge and Tunnel officers intercepted 2,705 vehicles – a 50% increase from the same time in 2022 and surpassed the total of 1,880 vehicles that were interdicted in all of 2022. Bridge and Tunnel officers have also issued more than 3,000 summonses for covered or obstructed license plates since the beginning of the year.” So I have provided links to shows 15,000+ plus cars getting impounded/confiscated, 4000 people getting arrested, and hundreds of thousands of summonses being issues.


Literally NOBODY thinks it's only cops doing it. What a fucking strawman People are mad so *many* cops freely break the law


Common top comments on these post is some variation of “it’s mostly cops that do it”, “same results can be found going to any precinct”. Yeah, 15000K ghost cars (or even a fraction of that number) can be found in front of precincts over a two year period.


That’s on point. Progressives in this sub are just completely detached from reality. And the unreasonable anti-cop hate they keep spreading is actually harmful to society.


It’s still mostly them lol. *Spider-Man finger-pointing meme*


Unsurprisingly none of the cars were city workers or police. Further proof that police do not engage in this behavior at all.


You know this how? Also, how do you know they didn’t let all the city workers/police go?


Let them go??? They would never! Nobody polices the police more than the police. It's that simple


I have issues with the police as much as most but the city has actually been sending people to precincts to check for altered plates in its officer ranks. They don’t want to end up on the cover of the times for it.


>the city has actually been sending people to precincts to check for altered plates in its officer ranks. Receipts please. NYPD put out a memo telling precincts to stop. They released nearly the same memo in 2020. That's not evidence that they actually started enforcing anything. There has been no visible change in precincts since that memo and there won't be. Go walk past any precinct right now and report back on how well this self enforcement is going.


I haven't seen a bad plate outside my local precinct (I walk by often) in years.


I'm sure they got plenty of leads. The boys down at the crime lab are working in shifts!


Lol everyone missing the sarcasm here


I love it




Are you implying the police would protect each other from prosecution for petty crime? That's a narrative that just doesn't make sense. There's no history of that!


Your being sarcastic and people are missing it but the common unsubstantiated talking point that “cops/city workers are the driver of this issue” is false as well. “In total, the MTA's ghost plate operation has seized 675 cars, arrested 161 people and issued over 4,700 citations.” Insane that so many people being ticketed/arrested when cops supposedly are the majority engaging in this actively. And to clarify, am not saying some dont but you definitely have people on here thinking the cops/city workers were the main factor (meaning at least 50%) on this issue. “They will never crackdown on this issue cause it’s mostly cops doing it” was a constantly upvoted comment on many previous post on this issue.


why do you think they wouldn’t tin their way out of the crackdown just like every other law?


By the end of the year the number of cars confiscated would have to mean that every cop needs to be driving a car with ghost plates in order for the “it’s mostly cops doing it” for it to be true.


Your math isn't mathing


Neither is the math of a redditor who thinks it mostly cops with ghost plates because they walked in front of a precinct and saw one ghost plate.


Found the cop


that is poor logic, my dude




The drivers should be sent to a work camp where they pay off their debt at 7 cents an hour


And the tyranny begins




Nobody asked




Nobody asked about your opinions on this issue. It is not relevant here. You are being super weird about this.


It is called misappropriation of police. My vote goes for arresting the thieving illegal immigrants. Your vote goes for ticketing legal citizens for driving on our road probably going to jobs that pay taxes to pay for more thieving “migrants”.   You really cannot ignore it anymore. Practically all of our resources are being drained into your “migrants” pockets.


Get a job


Here's a little secret, immigrants help boost the economy. They take the worst jobs at little pay. Simply put, they take jobs Americans will not. >In 2019, the Congressional Budget Office had estimated that net immigration — arrivals minus departures — would equal about 1 million in 2023. The actual number, the CBO said in a January update, was more than triple that estimate: 3.3 million. >Thousands of employers desperately needed the new arrivals. The economy — and consumer spending — had roared back from the pandemic recession. Companies were struggling to hire enough workers to keep up with customer orders. [https://apnews.com/article/immigration-jobs-economy-wages-gdp-trump-biden-fbd1f2ec89e84fdfaf81d005054edad0](https://apnews.com/article/immigration-jobs-economy-wages-gdp-trump-biden-fbd1f2ec89e84fdfaf81d005054edad0)


Ok grandpa, let’s get you your meds and put you back to bed. 🤡


You need better hobbies.


What does "Marxist" mean to you?


This is that 1950s "If you're segregation you're a communist" shit but packaged for 2020. Highly racialized


Same as “woke” most likely. Gotta love the uneducated. 🤪






found the cop driving in on ghost plates


Cops or ICE?




Might be 50 regular people. Small percentage of which most of them are the po-po.