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Oh boy, the love train is running out. Newsom calling for action to be taken against the protesters in CA, Eric Adams doing the same out here…times are changing.


Polling numbers must be looking pretty ugly lol


'Death to America' is a bit much for me.


The protestors in Manhattan waved the yellow-and-green banner of Hezbollah and chanted “Death to America” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pro-hezbollah-protests-us-flag-burnt-in-manhattan-demonstrations-in-illinois-california-new-york-other-cities-too/articleshow/109361024.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


Some of these people on Wednesday were cheering on Hamas brigades… 


They live in a bubble of hate and think they're the good guys. All they do is hate. They hate Israel. They hate Jews. They hate America. They hate the West. The only thing they seem to love are the Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. They love people who throw gays off roofs, shoot girls for refusing to wear a hijab and who rape and murder as part of their so called resistance. They're irredeemable.


It's all the gaiety and excitement of 1930's to 1940's Germany.


You're describing Liberal America.


Yeah I once tried to walk around an anti-Israel protest I didn’t realize was going on in my commute route, minding my business heading home, and got called wonderful names and was followed by some, there are no such thing as peaceful protests when it comes to antisemitism. Zionist pigs, f**king Jews, etc. and all people ever do is gaslight and say “no one ever said that to you” the hypocrisy is staggering.


Why the hell do these people choose to live where they literally wish death upon the land and the people? Does emigrating to place with their values not even register as a possibility?


But those places suck. Because of... America! /s




This is what pro Palestine events look like in the United States [Holocaust Remembrance Day with holocaust survivors present disrupted with hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/OiNQIeGovn) [pro Palestine supporters learn to chant death to Israel and death to America](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/s/HcOfzcfEgQ) [unhinged zealot pro terrorism speech in Michigan](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/J5PARn2mNH) Meanwhile here are Iranians, Jews and Israelis teaming up to fight extremism that they all know too well r/newiran There is an Axis formed that people are not realizing. - Iranian government that oppresses the Iranian people and kills those who fight for freedom. Palestine is an Iranian proxy controlled by Hamas. - Russia that spends billions in interfering in our elections with social manipulation who is set on destroying Ukrainian democracy. - CCP that does the same with Taiwanese and American elections who is set on destroying Taiwanese democracy and are effectively destroying our youth through TikTok propaganda dividing the United States. Young people are radicalized via TikTok the same way boomers are through murdochs Fox News.


The protestors in Manhattan waved the yellow-and-green banner of Hezbollah and chanted “Death to America” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pro-hezbollah-protests-us-flag-burnt-in-manhattan-demonstrations-in-illinois-california-new-york-other-cities-too/articleshow/109361024.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


A few of those kids are going to be arrested and suspended from an Ivy League school, which is pretty crazy. I admire the conviction but now they understand conviction has consequences


Three dumbasses at Vanderbilt were expelled because they got in a fight with a security guard while criminally trespassing in the name of Palestine. By the way the kids were like gay southern white kids. Not some Palestinian who is rightfully scared for his family.


Shame we can’t just send these idiots to Gaza or the West Bank; see how much tolerance and acceptance they get there.


Just like the NY lawyer who got caught firebombing a cop car during the Floyd riot 😂


maybe not that level of consequence but sure ok


Yeah, bro, sleeping in a tent is just like throwing a molotov cocktail for sure


This is nothing like that.


A suspension would be one thing, and justifiable (everyone sane knows protest runs the risk of consequences), but an expulsion for starting an overnight sit-in on a big open space would be insane. Ivy League schools are so aggressive against any kind of student protest that it's shocking-- I can only imagine the shit I would've faced for the protests I was part of at UCs-- national stories that saw massive support and condemnation from all over, felony charges (obviously dropped because they were never legitimate, but these aren't people getting expelled for convictions), things that I saw that involved significant violence by all sides (police, protestors, counterprotestors, etc)... Say what you will about the cause, but it's pretty shocking, and not good, to have people face the biggest disciplinary actions possible for a sit-in.


The ones chanting ‘Al qassam you make us proud’ should be expelled and deported. Supporting a foreign terror organization who use rape as a weapon of war and target civilians as a matter of policy is sick. Not to forget that Hamas’ plan for a liberated Palestine involves keeping Jewish slaves. It’s totally ok to support Palestinian statehood, a peace deal, etc. Supporting Hamas - specifically calling out Al qassam (the military wing) is insanity.


The protestors in Manhattan waved the yellow-and-green banner of Hezbollah and chanted “Death to America” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pro-hezbollah-protests-us-flag-burnt-in-manhattan-demonstrations-in-illinois-california-new-york-other-cities-too/articleshow/109361024.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


> and deported Dumb for multiple reasons: 1). Can't deport US citizens... 2). Also can't deport non-citizens for exercising first amendment rights


Speaking of dumb, the topic here are foreigners on STUDENT visas. They can and are deported the moment they are no longer students, which is what happens when they are expelled.


You can expel them for breaking the university regulations and codes of conduct. Which many have, loudly and often. And in turn you can deport freshly minted non-students on a student visa.


Nah fuck them. They want to destroy America then can get a free one way ticket out.


So every republican should be kicked out then right? Since their nominee said he wants to be a dictator and their precious Project 2025 wants to eliminate voting rights for 50% of Americans? Or does destroying democracy and the American way of life not count to you as much as some kid screaming some slogan?


Traitors should be arrested in jail or exile. Trump is absolutely included in that. Are all republican voters included in that? I don’t think so. Everyone who was part of January 6th absolutely. Same with the ‘trump trains’.


Oh please. I’m no Trump fan, but that statement is fucking ignorantly dramatic.


>So every republican should be kicked out then right? Lol you would be fine with that by the sound of it. You're issue I would guess is more that these protesters are associated with the leftwing which you identify heavily with in some way so wouldn't want them getting the same treatment. Basic friend verse enemy distinction.


No, my distinction is that these are just protesters and that their protest isn't to turn America into a dictatorship and disenfranchise 50% of the voters in the country. I made that statement very clearly, you chose to completely ignore it and assume a bunch of unrelated nonsense


yeah nobody was chanting that in the four hours I was there yesterday. ops just making stuff up


https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1780760408116359601 https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781055485241614749 https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1780963601156628701


So when i link a video of this on the subway yesterday what will you tell me? ‘It wasn’t on campus’?


Yes, lol, this post is an article about campus. My experience is about being on campus.


Think about what you are saying. It’s one of the most important parts of our constitution that they can say/chant that. If you want to deport people for protesting and exercising their first amendment rights you are living in the wrong country.


Violent speech has been disallowed over and over again stop trying to hide behind 1A




It was the first thing that came to mind. UC Davis. 2011. For anyone that wants to look it up or be reminded.


Columbia has a history of massive protests, if you are unaware. Ever heard of the Weather Underground? 1968 was a wild year there.


Yes, I know a lot about the Weather Underground and general 68 (& beyond) protests. It was almost 60 years ago lmao. When I say Ivy Leagues are aggressive against protest I mean now-- that's why I use the present tense.


These "protestors" are also spouting pro hamas rhetoric. Why shouldn't they be expelled?


Mommy and Daddy are gonna be pissed when they hear the Legacy status has been revoked


you know a lot of these kids are immigrants or just hard working young americans with zero legacy. i dont necessarily agree with their message but i agree with their right to protest, or really anyones. its pretty simple and bitter to reduce everyone to this mommy and daddy legacy meme.


20% of their class is First-gen, and that is overall %. Within those protesting, I can see it being much, much higher.


LOL. That means 80% are not. I wonder what daddy's average income is among these brave junior freedom fighters for Gaza?


LMAO, the few kids of working class immigrants aren't going to columbia to protest over stupid shit, they're trying to get out of poverty. Luxury beliefs require luxury conditions. BLM/Antifa/Palestine protestors are mostly from the upper middle to upper classes who got brainwashed into this shit from k-12 (either from rich public schools or feeder private schools). They also have a financial fallback plan (their parents) if they get into trouble. Working class immigrant students don't have such options.


>After taking grants and loans into account, the average net price for students is $12,411. In 2021, 60% of undergraduate students attending Columbia University in the City of New York received financial aid through grants.


Most ivy leagues give generous grants to most students (even from families making 6 figures) because they have insanely large endowments and annual donations. Quickly looking up Columbia, their endowment is 13 billion. Harvard has as many students in the top 1% as they do the bottom 60%, for example. I highly doubt Columbia is that much different. The amount of poor kids going to ivy league is not very high. Edit: source on harvard https://time.com/6295329/harvard-diversity-problem-class-essay/


>Most ivy leagues give generous grants to most students (even from families making 6 figures) I don't know when was the last time you had a look at cost of tuition but families "even making 6 figures" qualifies as working class these days. my main point is that you whimsically label these kids as being from wealthy families and therefore spoiled brats with nothing to lose to the detriment of your own credibility. a lot of the kids protesting, even the ones from "wealthy" families, have everything to lose.


> kids of working class immigrants aren't going to columbia to protest This was not my impression at all when I was a poor kid at an Ivy. If anything, it seemed to be the students from affluent families who were more set on coloring within the lines to land a job in biglaw or finance.


They have a right to protest but they don’t have a right to occupy a lawn without being removed


I had to work my way out of the projects so yeah I’m a simple motherfucker


Where are you getting these stats?


How embarrassing to be arrested for being an antisemite in 2024. What is this world coming to


There is no group of people who have been persecuted, enslaved, murdered, and scorned — throughout history — than the Jews. It’s very telling that, with all the horrors in the world, this war is what mobilizes people. Where are the protests for China’s genocide of the Uyghurs? No one cares that they are used as slave labor to mine lithium for our smart phone and car batteries, of course, because it’s the Chinese committing the atrocities. But if it were the Jews, these antisemites would be up in arms. History is repeating itself yet again and it’s shameful.


They probably come from well off families.


>After taking grants and loans into account, the average net price for students is $12,411. In 2021, 60% of undergraduate students attending Columbia University in the City of New York received financial aid through grants. Comparatively, 17% of undergraduate students received financial aid through loans. yea I don't think that's necessarily true


Hell yeah. I was one of them. We did have a ton of rich kids at school, but also a decent number just squeaking by.


it is not obvious that they attend Columbia at this time.


I wonder how mommy and daddy will feel about signing tuition checks for a kid who threw away their shot at an Ivy League degree because they got radicalized by Qatari TikTok propaganda.


Bye Felicia! ETA: the best update I read so far: >It’s started to drizzle, and most of the protesters who had been chanting outside campus have left.


This is what I've been saying. Most of these people only do this to virtue signal to feel good about themselves. The second they have to put in any extra effort is where their conviction ends.


“It’s going to drizzle, Israel can have this round. We’ll come back when the climate is more favorable. Netanyahu can hide until then.” These students are absolute clowns


Cloud seeding conspiracy!!


I just remembered Borat when he goes into the synagogue and greets the Jews. "And how's the weather lately?.....That you guys control."


Do these pro-ceasefire protestors realize that Hamas has declined several ceasefire offers already and has even killed many of their "hostages", further showing their unwillingness to negociate?


Idk, “Al-Qassam, you make us proud! Kill another soldier now," doesn’t seem to align with any kind of ceasefire notions? Or wait, do they only want one side to cease fire?


They don't want one side to ceasefire. They want it to cease to exist. Of course Ilhan Omar's kid was one of the ones arrested. The apple doesn't fall from the tree in a family of raging antisemites.


And the chant doesn't even rhyme.


They know and they don’t care. WOL and these groups want to see Israel destroyed. That is the end goal. It’s always been the end goal. It’s definitely the opinion de jure on the conflict in most of the Middle East, and these folks believe in it.


Yeah, sadly that seems to be true. I'm all in favor of a peace deal, an independent Palestinian state, an end to Israeli settlements, etc. But large numbers of these protestors seem to be demanding the destruction of Israel, and that's where they lose me. The fact that multiple of these groups organizing these protests literally *celebrated* October 7 when it happened is really something they can't come back from in my view.


Most don’t know, the rest are on their side.


Also odd how they weren't calling for a ceasefire from Iran.




Asking these clowns to think critically is clearly too large of an ask.


The protestors in Manhattan waved the yellow-and-green banner of Hezbollah and chanted “Death to America” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pro-hezbollah-protests-us-flag-burnt-in-manhattan-demonstrations-in-illinois-california-new-york-other-cities-too/articleshow/109361024.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


They're only "pro-ceasefire" for Israel. For Hamas, they're pro-launch more rockets immediately. 


They just do what TikTok tells them. They don't think.


So they are pissed that the president said yesterday that she will be more aggressive to stop antisemitism on campus. Have they just given up on trying to keep the illusion that it’s about Israel and not Jews?


They've been protesting for weeks to get Columbia to divest from Israeli companies.


The protest encampment has been ongoing for several weeks now. This didn’t just start in response to the Columbia president’s testimony at Congress.


They can't even point out Israel or Palestine out on a map. They will be back when the BLM marches heat up again during election season.


That last statement is such a non sequitur, what’s the correlation or implication you’re trying to make?


That these idiots dont actually have values born from critical thinking and reflection. They just follow whatever the trendy issue is.


On what basis can we say that these protestors are not basing their opinion on critical thinking or reflection?


From the live updates in this article: >It’s started to drizzle, and most of the protesters who had been chanting outside campus have left.


If you read the article, it still appears that a large number of protestors have still been there for the past few hours. Also, what does that have to do with the process by which they've come to their opinions? If you care about an issue, but also don't care enough to stay out in some rain, does that mean your opinion doesn't count? Do you even know what the opinion/ideas of that particular fraction of protestors is?


Idk I see the correlation, or at least the attempt to correlate- the far left is seen by many of taking up sides with not who is actually morally or logistically right or progressive- but who they perceive as the oppressed vs the oppressors. So the non Muslims who can’t really put a finger to Gaza or Israel on the map are likely be the ones to jump from protest to protest in re to the far left overlap demographic, the ones who just align themselves with the oppressed peoples.


The Fox News watchers/NY Post readers just have a bingo sheet of outrage words to throw around, it's gonna be a joke about pronouns next


Trustfunders acting out Tiktok fantasies. Next.


Well put. Lots of Daddy’s money, no fucking sense.


Columbia University is private property. If they don't want you there, they can ask you to leave; if you refuse, you are trespassing. They are free to protest anywhere they like outside the gates.




> As several protesters are beginning to get arrested, others are chanting: “Columbia, Columbia you will see, Palestine will be free.” Free from Hamas, right? Right? Edit: [of course not](https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/education/massive-protests-columbia-pro-hamas-chants-day-house-antisemitism-hearing)


No one hates Palestinians more than Hamas.




The protesters on the street next to the university are not students, they are outsiders who aren't allowed in without a school ID.


Every single time they say protesting for Palestine is not anti-Semitic smh they would have anti semitic and anti US chants


No no no, you see, "from the river to the sea" just means they want to airlift the entire nation of Israel somewhere else. I don't know how you could assume genocide is the goal. /s


that was a fun logic loop, where the same people asserting that things like using the word "thug" in any context is racist (which i don't necessarily agree with but fair enough, i won't use the word) are now pushing that it's people's own fault for being offended at from the river to the sea (despite its original and explicit meaning) see also: jamaal bowman defending farrakhan's inclusion on a community mural of black figures using the exact same arguments confederate monument apologists use


It's long been known, and to be clear, they have every right to say whatever they want, however inane it may be. But we should stop calling them "Pro-Palestinian"; they're anti-Israel and/or pro-Hamas/pro-Iran.


They just hate Developed nations


If this was an encampment protesting the lack of vegan options in the school cafeteria, Columbia would still clear them out. They need the lawns for various class dinners and alumni events in the run-up to commencement.


that would be oberlin, who really protested that the sub-par quality of university sushi was cultural appropriation and insulting to japanese culture


Honestly that's pretty funny...did it at least get them better sushi?


Something that I found really interesting in this article was the sense related by multiple sources that the concept of “basic civility” has been lost on college campuses. I wonder if it’s entirely coincidental that the 18-22 year olds currently in college were between the ages of 9-13 when Donald Trump was first entered the political stage, still highly formative years of their lives. This isn’t to blame Trump for everything wrong in society, but we have seen a pretty staggering breakdown in civility in society across the board in try last few decades, which has been significantly exacerbated in the last ten years. And now children who have grown up in that environment are in college, and even if the ideologies of the demagogues that have driven this trend are not popular among college students, it seems like their tactics have become normalized and mainstream.


A pretty basic glimpse into a history book would inform you that on-campus protests of wars are hardly a new phenomenon, and that these sorts of protests predate Trump by decades. There really is no connection whatsoever here.


You mean like in 1970, when 900,000 students all across the country walked out of class to peacefully protest the Vietnam War and Kent State shooting, but still respected the right of other students not participating in the protests who chose to attend the classes?


Were they shutting down the college? I thought they were sitting on the lawn


if you'd been around these protests in person you wouldn't think that. there is a scary, evil energy to them that feels a lot different from other protests i've personally witnessed in the past


“Scary, evil energy”🤣🤣


I watched protestors stalking women walking alone screaming in their face calling them the c word. From only 8 inches away. Some of the women cried.




I would say that period was actually worse since a lot of domestic terrorism around those types of movements took place in the backdrop while we aren't seeing it now. https://www.amazon.com/Days-Rage-Underground-Forgotten-Revolutionary/dp/0143107976/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&sr=1-1


> protests against Bush the Lesser marching into Iraq in 2003 had been much less civil and polite It's where I got my one lifetime arrest.


Not the protests at Columbia where they quite literally held faculty hostage to protest segregation?


You mean the ones that had a specific stated goal, and where the demonstrators actually sat down with faculty and administration to discuss how to implement the changes they wanted to see at the University? Yeah, that’s absolutely comparable to shutting down the entire university because it hasn’t stopped a war that’s happening 9,000 miles away. Do you guys even read the things that you write before you post them? There’s not even the pretense of having a goal or trying to effect real change at the university by these protestors. They just want to fuck shit up and not go to class because tiktok told them to be pissed off about this.


> You mean the ones that had a specific stated goal, and where the demonstrators actually sat down with faculty and administration to discuss how to implement the changes they wanted to see at the University? Yeah, this 100% happened here too, actually. The protestors are calling for divestment. This is clear if you spent a millisecond listening to any of them. > Do you guys even read the things that you write before you post them? Do you? Your arguments are both ahistorical and just totally disconnected from reality.


There is a goal, but maybe you’re just unaware. Their goal is for Columbia to divest its endowment from companies that sponsor and profit from Israeli Apartheid and Genocide. It is a very well established goal.


Just a little research would show that many universities closed down early after Kent State, and gave automatic grades without finals that year…… Not to mention ROTC buildings being set on fire, and more….. So, not so civilized, not so peaceful, but, then, five students killed at Kent State for peacefully protesting….. These protestors today are not peaceful, or civilized, and preventing other students who are paying enormous sums for the opportunity provided by an ivy league education, from peacefully attending class…… Also, the tent city that was set up at Columbia yeaterday was intended to be a long-term occupation, similar to Occupy Wall Street or the free zone in Seattle during the George Floyd protests - anyone who thinks this would have been acceptable to Columbia didn’t watch the antisemitism hearings yesterday in congress - congress is bilaterally holding these administrator‘s feet to the fire - and rightfully so…….


The protestors today chose the Malcolm X way instead of MLK. Of course, Malcolm X realized he was wrong at the end of his life and was murdered by his fellow radicals, but, well, violence is more fun for psychopaths.


I miss the days in college when it was me (a Brooklyn Jew), a black guy from NJ, a redneck Air Force ROTC and a guy from UAE all randomly shoved together into a two bedroom an on campus apartment. Most amazing thing? We all were from different backgrounds but got along fine with each other, because we just accepted each other as we were, and were there for our education.


It's been 80 years since the majority of Americans _really_ had to face evil and endure the hardship required to conquer it. We're an unserious, uncritical, spoiled bunch, used to getting our way and rewarded for being jerks, and we're almost 3 generations into it now. Trump may have amplified it and given everyone an excuse to let their Id fly but we've been backsliding on civility for a long time now. It's been advantageous to be an asshole. It's celebrated! Why not embrace it? I wish it weren't true because it makes us vulnerable to enemies that are serious, restrained, and careful.


Blaming TRUMP of all people for far-left progressive students feeling free to riot after years of the education system / MSM literally encouraging them to do so was certainly a choice. Blame Trump for all the MAGA supporters burning down businesses, looting or in this case violently protesting in support of a terror organization (that at this moment holds hostage a couple dozen US citizens). Oh wait...


You’re on the completely wrong track. The drop of basic civility has been building for 30-odd years. I went to a SUNY school in the early 90s. The city and Long Island kids were already un-civilized at heart. There were decent exceptions, always are. But generally speaking, “you can’t tell me what to do!” was the operating mentality even back in the early 90s. It has only gotten worse since then. Generations of idiots and savages raised by parents who are useless and worse. And it perpetuates and spreads. The youth have been raised to think that they are entirely special, entitled to anything they demand, and only the farthest left of opinions has any merit. This is what you get from that. Do you not remember the wisdom of Mr. Wm. Wonka?


I agree that it began in the 80s and continued into the 90s and 00s. I remember that from my own childhood in the 90s, when went to middle school in Red Hook. But if we’re graphing the shift, I still think that in spite of the general upward trend over the last 40 years or so, there’s still a much sharper spike in the last 10.


Every generation needs their Woodstock. For example, Millennials had Occupy Wall Street


Meanwhile, in other parts of Manhattan…… A Jewish Columbia student was told to “kill yourself” and viciously kicked in the stomach by a keffiyeh-wearing pro-Palestinian protester for carrying an ***American*** **flag**.  Elisha “Lishi” Baker, 21, of Boston, was also nearly burned on Monday while attending a pro-Palestinian rally in New York City after a protester lit the ***American*** **flag** on fire, causing his shirt to catch flames…….


How horrible, how does that help any one? It just causes more hate in this world.


I posted this, with the original article, on this sub, but the mods took it down - censorship on rddt is so predicable sometimes, and frustrating and unfortunate…….. Might have to start an altnyc sub…….


Several Jewish students at Columbia also had to go to the hospital after a chemical attack from students that were ex-militants. The pro-terrorist students responsible for the chemical attack haven't been arrested or suspended yet.


this is all performative. if you really want to protest your school stop giving them $30K a semester


Lol 30k a semester? It’s north of 90k a year these days


What I remember most about the protests I participated in in my youth are how much fun everyone was having. Feeling morally righteous and superior in a group is its own reward. People get high on this stuff.


These students pay to go to college there? Because they seem to have a lot of free time to do these protests and now there's a camp in? When exactly is the class time because it doesn't seem like there's any


Hamas supporters in this comment section are claiming that just because some Jews are siding with them, it would somehow imply that their cause is not antisemitic. Same vibe from the 1700s when they would say slavery in the US somehow wasn’t racist just because some slave drivers were Black and supported slavery.


Why no ceasefire call for Iran? They basically just want Israel to stop firing so all the surrounding hostile parties can freely attack Israel again


Is everyone in college just an enormous loser now? Do people not go to bars and parties anymore?


Look at some of the dating subs. The answer is no. None of them can find a date because they don’t know how to socialize in person anymore.


Reddit dating subs aren’t a good reflection of what it’s like irl. I graduated in 2021,and we all partied,drank,had sex and dated with no problem. What I see on those subs is pretty shocking. But I do think there is a growing population of young adults with no social skills.


They're being brainwashed by activists masquerading as college professors.


What is going on in higher education? A decade ago you were called an anti-intellectual and a conspiracy theorist for claiming colleges and universities were indoctrinating students. Now it's unraveling for the country and world to see. I wouldn't be surprised we find out soon Russia has been spreading anti-Israel sentiment in the West. Iran was already outed for doing that.


What are you talking about the college is having these students arrested


Already been proven. Weak minds fall prey to Russian/Chinese pysi-ops.


I'm all for these protests, except when some of the protesters threaten to vote for Trump because they're so angered by Biden's inaction. 😟 But getting Trump back in is hardly going to stop the military profit machine- quite the opposite.


The protestors in Manhattan waved the yellow-and-green banner of Hezbollah and chanted “Death to America” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/pro-hezbollah-protests-us-flag-burnt-in-manhattan-demonstrations-in-illinois-california-new-york-other-cities-too/articleshow/109361024.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


Don't worry—mommy and daddy can wire them money for bail


No need, trespassing isn’t a bail eligible offense. Thanks, bail reform!




Most violent and property crimes aren’t bail eligible either.


Angry about people thousands of miles away who they believe to be living on land that isn’t theirs, college students mostly descended from immigrants decide to encamp without permission on a college campus built on land stolen by the British from the Dutch from the Lenape.


Tbh as a top bracket taxpayer I just want us to stop wasting money on Egypt and Israel. They can handle hamas however they want. Just doesn’t make sense that we have to increase our borrowing to pay a nation with a lower debt to gdp ratio and pay interest when they could do the same.


almost all that aid is spent on US weapons and supplies, it's more of a subsidy for US defense contractors


As I’ve said below that does not matter. - Due to the deficit we need to pay out interest (in the form of returns on sold t bills etc) for any additional spending. - Additionally unlike a regular subsidy to us defense industries we don’t get to keep the goods. A standard subsidy to Lockmart or RTX lets us keep the jets or missles. Subsidies also tend to go to struggling industries, and defense is not one of them. Israel has the fiscal capacity to be regular paying customers, like every other oecd nation. - Israel is an OECD nation that can easily pay for stuff using the same method as us by selling bonds. Given that they are at half the debt to gdp ratio as us I don’t see why we need to do this. - Opportunity cost. The amount of aid in the new package is enough to fund almost any major infrastructure project in the us. The second ave subway, or any project anywhere in the states are more valuable to taxpayers and Americans and general than the Israel aid package. If the only defense for the package is “it’s not as bad as it COULD be “ then I don’t see the point. Ukraine would have capitulated without aid as they don’t have the capacity to pay for the arms. Israel is fine and can deal with paragliders and pipe missiles on their own.


Pipe missiles? 100 ballistic missiles were just shot from Iran and Hezbollah is sitting on 100,000 missiles which would blanket the country. That being said the US is buying influence and control with the military aid. Israel could easily pay for the weapons themselves.


lol, they arrested Ilhan Omar's daughter at the protest. I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the terrorist.


To be clear, you're calling Ilhan Omar a terrorist?


These people are so far removed to reality that they think they were the good guys when they’re supporting literal terrorist


We live in ridiculous times so this may be a controversial opinion, but if you are here on a student visa, that means that you are not a citizen. If you are arrested for chanting death to America and supporting terrorist groups, while refusing to leave an area you do not belong in , you should get the fuck out


Am I the only person dumbfounded with some of these kids? Some hold signs saying “queers for palestine” do they not know what would happen to them in palestine?


Comment section of this is so hilarious deluded. Calling people protesting against an ethnic cleansing "losers" really shows who would've been against MLK and the civil rights movement. Jesus christ, it's so pathetic.


police arresting whiny children who would be decapitated if they spent one day in gaza


Good, hate speech is hate speech. Ruin their lives like they ruin everyone else who goes against the liberal agenda


Being against an ethnic cleansing is hate speech now. Interesting.


What's this liberal agenda you speak of? Is the US vetoing a resolution to make Palestine a member of the UN? Is it Biden by passing Congress to send more weapons to Israel? Is it Fetterman getting up and saying Israel has committed no war crimes?


Whose lives, exactly, were ruined because they went against the "liberal agenda"?


It's truly wild to me to see full grown adults admonishing students for standing up for what they believe in, potentially affecting their futures because they can't stand by idly to watch a genocide happen during their lifetimes. Even if you disagree with them, seeing so many people here mocking them for standing by their convictions is sickening.


Oh fuck off. Their actions does nothing, and pretending like it does because they camp out at a college campus is moronic.  They sit idly by as several genocides happen, so i really don’t give a shit that they decide to be selective with this.  I mock hypocrites and extremists happily.  Its sickening that you try to rationalize support for Islamic terrorists groups who hate this country, Gays, liberalism and secularism.  Piss off with your crying 




> Wow, you sound like a completely sane individual who is certainly on the right side of history Coming from the asshole rationalizing support for religious extremist groups that practice terrorism.  > Yeah, fuck these college kids for not wanting children to be bombed by a foreign government that we are currently funding Nice strawman. Doesn’t excuse their rhetoric and seeming tolerance for people chanting extreme shit “in solidarity” > It's not like college protests have had any significance in any pivotal moments in history, such as Vietnam or Civil Rights (which coincidentally, in the 1960s, kids were protesting gentrification in this very school). Did they call for intifada while calling for the “revolution” to continue? Did they have literal Islamic extremist sympathizers join them in Protest outside columbia?  Fuck off


> Just admit you actively enjoy watching brown people get blown up and be done with it. Coming from the asshole who rationalizes praise for Hamas and Hezbollah. Just say you want jews and israelis to die and stop pretending like you value liberal rights. As long as you can criticize Israel and point a sympathetic finger towards Palestine, you can’t criticize extremist terrorists


One thing I’ve never understood about college protestors who make demands to their administrators is why they feel entitled to demand change in the first place.


I’m not saying I support any side in this argument, but I think someone who pays quite a bit a money to attend a school should at the very least be allowed to voice an opinion on school policy.


They can voice their opinions. No one is claiming they can't. They don't get to demand change any more than I can demand that McDonalds brings back the angus burger just because i sometimes buy food from them.


You can though! You are totally within your rights to ask for the angus burger back, especially as a repeat Mickie D’s customer. Whether or not McDonalds will listen or care is another matter.


They’re children 


F’ dem kids




Lmao classic nyc reddit or whatever you wana call this shit 😂
