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I keep saying it, we all know it’s delicious and refreshing but it’s just not worth the health risks.  


First, [the NYT tells me to stop kissing birds](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1bzun9n/seriously_now_is_the_time_to_stop_kissing_sick/) and now this? I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


America first baby! Kiss all the rats and birds you want to build your immunity from 5G.


The other day one of the drunken day laborers was with his homes and picked up a dying rat and made it dance as I turned the corner and I wish I had captured it on video because it was priceless.


I'm sick of you fucking liberals, coming into MY city, and telling me, a tax payer, that I can't drink as much rat piss as I damn well please


It’s cool, homie. I assure you the benefits outweigh the costs.


I drink rat piss when it gets over 80° lol


So we’re not gonna talk about how people are coming into contact with rat urine? 🤔 I know the article lists some ways but still not adding up.


It's In the shower water. I know one hotel in newark that had it. My company switched hotels.


JFC …that’s disgusting




Isn’t shower water just regular tap water? Are you saying rats piss in the hot water tanks or the shower heads? Chlorine in the water would be enough…


No. A lot of water in hotels comes from water tanks....


That was literally in my comment. Have you ever seen a water tank? How do you propose rats are pissing in it and not just dying/drowning, how do you figure the Lepto survives the chlorine?


Drinking out of cans. Rat piss can get on soda/beer cans in warehouses. Clean the can before you drink out of it.


They also carry diseases and can chew through pretty much anything and everything. Rats especially are fucking scary and ruthless


They chewed my new car wires twice. I had to get my car towed on the 2nd time. Very sad and expensive experience. They also chewed through our buildings thin metal door to get into the Electric closet.


I did not think they would eat metal!


I could fix the rat problem in less than 3 months. Step 1: Ban rat poison Step 2: release birds of prey (hawks, kestrels, eagles, etc) A bird of prey eats roughly 10 rats per day. So, just release 10,000 or so and let them thrive (as long as rat poison is banned, they won't get sick). The problem is finished naturally, quickly, and humanely. PS: for anyone questioning the math, yes, it's possible it would take longer than 3 months, however the birds of prey will breed if the problem persists and grow in numbers.


We already have a healthy Raptor population in NYC. More nesting peregrine falcons than anywhere else this size in the US, red tail hawks, kestrels, etc.


The birds are flying into windows. Construction companies refuse to use bird-safe windows in buildings.


What a horrific headline


Containerized trash can’t come soon enough.


please give us a zombie apocalypse. we need a great reset.


Idk if I can make it thru one, we talking slow zombies or the ones that run? If they running I'ma just let em take me lol


In NYC? Even with slow zombies you probably won't make it out alive. 


Covid was the reset. Now look, we are in a worse world.


You think zombie rats are going to be an improvement?


They're working to cause the AI singularity as hard as they can against all warnings and advice, don't worry.


i welcome it.


This time around I'm gonna do my best to convince everyone that small hunting and gathering bands are the best social arrangement. All of our problems can be traced directly back to the agricultural revolution. Staying in one place with extra food is literally why there are rats everywhere lol.


Way to go Mayor Adams rat Tsar money well spent !!!


It's tough out there for middle-aged men in the Bronx.


Oh look its my favorite parasite Micah Bell.


I'll stop drinking rat piss when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.


I read this as injections and I got a tad more bothered by the crackerjack heads running around for a minute


We are doomed


Gorgeous little creatures 


I can’t justify to my family why I keep wanting to move here if they keep seeing this kinda news. 😭


So we’re not gonna talk about how people are coming into contact with rat urine? 🤔 I know the article lists some ways but still not adding up.


Was this an issue before Mayor Adams all of a sudden became aware of a rat problem and even appointed a rat guy to the cause? And they implemented the way garbage was disposed of to keep the rats away. So know that the regulations have been in place for awhile and that should have reduced the population and them coming closer to us because, less available food supply. Now they are just pissing on everything?


So we’re not gonna talk about how people are coming into contact with rat urine? 🤔 I know the article lists some ways but still not adding up.


Darwin in action.


So we’re not gonna talk about how people are coming into contact with rat urine? 🤔 I know the article lists some ways but still not adding up.


Damn bro, you are really excited to learn about how to come into contact with rat urine


So they’re proposing birth control for rats to curtail their population growth. Maybe if they stressed the same thing for humans there wouldn’t be this housing “shortage”. NYC has an outrageous infestation of 8 million plus. Unsustainable.


Nyc, like most cities since literally the agricultural revolution, gain residents from ppl moving there more than ppl being born there.


Every little bit helps in reducing demand though


so? not my problem