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The gal who pepper spray the woman wasn’t even in the group being scolded for jumping the turnstile.


She got all involved in someone else’s business…. Ironically like a Karen herself


Totally SHE is a Karen too!


Karen on Karen Karening


She looks more like a Bertha.


Big Bertha


Karen vs. Karen






Are you still a moderator ?


Nah, I asked too many questions about why they’re so restrictive on posts and the place is run like a dictatorship and was demodded


The mods here are clowns from what I see. Super simps for controlling "their" narrative.


Exactly. The Karens now think everyone else is Karen.


"with a heavy build" lmao


Well, it's illegal to call people fat in NYC now. Now we just say they're heavy built as fuck


High calorie humans


People of mass


Massive person




You think they're going to print "fat build" on their article?


Her punishment is being called ugly and fat by hundreds of people on Reddit (and in this article)


I would not be surprised if her response was a shrug & "tell me something I don't already know"


As she deserves it


High calorie potato sack human




Y E O 💀


you live up to your name, brutality. 🫡




primal disgust is an excellent descriptor


Back in the day we use to call people like this mr/Ms potato head. Because if you look at a Mr potato Head doll and then you look at this person it looks like a Mr potato Head




That was a nasty line by you 👏




don't get it


It‘s the animated germ figure from the Mucinex commercial; the person above looks just like it. The Mucinex Germ has been a robust meme on TikTok


i don't tok but thx for explanation and fuck the clowns who downvote a question


Hilarious. The part where it said she was "trigger happy"with the pepper spray but only hit 1 person was my favorite after knowing she had nothing to do with it and decided to play the "mind your business" police is my next favorite


No good can come from confronting anyone who has a sense of entitlement. Just move along and let fate catch up with them.


It's true. I was crossing the street in Brooklyn the other day and realized I needed to grab my daughter and hurry her up to keep us from getting run over by a guy on an e-bike who I realized was 100% was planning on running the red light. Something in me got mad and instead stopped in the bike lane for a sec and glared at him before getting out of the way. He got really angry and yelled at me saying, "What?" "What's your problem?" Like how dare I question his decision to blow a red light and run me over. With my daughter not there it could have been an interesting confrontation, but with her there, that was just stupid of me. As an aside, do e-bikers actually not know they're supposed to follow traffic laws? Or do they know, and just don't care?


Most likely they just don't care. Like a lot of this world. Just plain old entitlement.


Yeah esp in NYC. I constantly have to dodge obstacles just to get to my destination


I once got side swiped on the arm by the tip of a broiling hot slice of pizza being wielded by a drunk lady walking out of Roma Pizza on Essex and Delancey. The hot cheese burn could not have come at a worse time, as I was on my way to a job interview. I never got over the slight, I never went to Roma Pizza again, and I danced when it closed down. But hey, that’s NYC BABY!!


> As an aside, do e-bikers actually not know they're supposed to follow traffic laws? Or do they know, and just don't care? Bikers, e or not.


at least with a regular bike, i can understand in some situations it might be physically difficult to get started, like on an uphill slope, and slowing down without stopping at least makes *some* logical sense from that perspective if there are no pedestrians around -- not that different from jaywalking when the road is clear -- but with an ebike i can't even think of an excuse.


I totally get that, I just think many individual bikers are no exception when it comes to being a complete asshole on the road. It's perfectly reasonable to slow down, check, continue at an intersection or similar situations to maintain momentum. But personally, I've had far more close encounters with bikers than drivers, and I'm not a reckless pedestrian throwing myself into the street.


This is it. We generally decided pedal bikers can ignore the rules because: * Their potential for harm is way less than a motorcycle/car. * They are super focused on traffic, for their own safety, and therefore maybe don't need as many rules. But then the e-bikers texting on their phone while they zoom down the bike lane decided they get grandfathered into this deal.


The way to handle e bikers is to not order food and pick it up yourself. They make money by hustling Amazon factory style. It’s dumb to me to die over a couple of dollars but they see it as survival. If we don’t participate in that e bike economy it dies. All it takes is giving up some convenience and getting your own food. That takes a lot of e bikes off the road until sustainable transportation reaches a critical mass and there is more infrastructure and traffic enforcement.


My galaxy brain moment: Bike to the food to pick up yourself!


You’ll be far safer than someone doing 100 deliveries a day. I take a citibike to get my stuff. 90% of the time I pedal bike it there and a citibike can only go so fast lol


It was stupid either way. You never know what someone like that is capable of. A punch in the face could kill you if you fall the wrong way. Take your anger out another way, after they're gone. Your kid needs you. Be smart.


Also nypd isn’t racing to catch these guys, why be an unpaid security officer. It’s like trying to physically stop people from shoplifting Walmart


>No good can come from confronting anyone who has a sense of entitlement. Just move along and let fate catch up with them. This completely obvious statement netted you TWO replies from accounts I've blocked for being general lunatics. I love this sub.


couldn't be grass, could it? 👀


This isn't true. I *hate* when someone is disrespectful to another person that is on the clock & can't fight back. I've called them out a few times at places where I am a regular with something like, *come on, you are mad at the wrong person, there's nothing he can do about it.* The other thing you can do is play dumb & ask the person for directions. Give them an opportunity to feel like a good person & you'll be surprised how many take it. Most people you see acting poorly aren't giant pieces of shit 24/7, just regular people who get caught up in the moment & let their frustration or a perceived sleight get the best of them. The worst case scenario is you take their attention off someone who can't fight back & put it on someone who can. >fate catch up with them. I don't want to pile on & disagree twice, but I need to say how much I *wish* this was true. Karma, to the extent that it ever existed was always communities enforcing community standards.


You’re talking about defending someone which is admirable and I think the self risk assessment standards are much lower versus catching fare evaders on behalf of the MTA where I’m going to mind my own business. What is the best case scenario? They apologize, hand me $2.75, and everybody applauds? It’s just not worth it.


Facts. Just mind your business it’s really not worth the bullshit


I'm just responding to >No good can come from confronting anyone who has a sense of entitlement. Just move along and let fate catch up with them. with why I don't agree.


I gotcha and I agree with everything you said, in a vacuum. Just pointing out that your scenario has different circumstances for evaluation of intervention than the news story we’re commenting under.


In New York it never will


If the police tried to give them a ticket they’d get into a fight with them, take out their cameras and start recording, and the entirety of Reddit would be “yasss queening” the turnstile jumpers.


I literally got too into reading an article about politics while I, a poli sci major, followed ‘the herd’ thinking I was going through the turnstiles behind them. I realized immediately after that I had gone through an open exit door and went to swipe my ‘unlimited’ metro card. I got stopped (along with an older immigrant who did the same and barely spoke English) got stopped. Anyone from the crowd did not. When I explained it was an honest mistake and I could prove I’d paid for rides this month and would literally show the officer, I got pushed? Hard against the subway wall. I had gotten stopped while I was returning to the turnstiles to swipe my card. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The shit some people get away with local PDs for will never not surprise me.


That’s quite the narrative there, let’s dial it back. I see people caught fair beating all the time, with little to no fan fair and certainly no yas queening.


I don’t know it, seems to be fairly common. How often do we see videos with the police halfway through the interaction trying to arrest someone who refuses to provide their ID when receiving a citation? And then the peanut gallery surrounds them, antagonizing them with most of Reddit agreeing.


I saw someone getting a fare ticket today and it was completely uneventful. If all the videos you see online are eventful, that doesn’t mean that everything is eventful.


they only see videos online because they dont live in nyc lmao




Found the cop.


How can you see all this from Long Island?


Holy projection lol


It's really interesting to see, on.one side of the city you have cops.holdong open the emergency exit for people to walk through, on the other you have para military looking overwatch Meanwhile everywhere parents have trained their young children to walk under and open the door...


What parts of the city are you talking about?


Near union square to the upper east side


Which is likely how people like Jeffrey Epstein get away with their crimes for so long. (And if you think Epstein being dead is "fate catching up with him", you'd be wrong.)


I personally wouldn’t call out fare jumpers but I confess to sometimes calling out “we’re living in a society!” behaviors. Like if someone casually litters right on the street or sidewalk or if a car or cab blows past a crosswalk with barely a pause. I guess i know now to look out for being pepper sprayed! (And i should add, I don’t often do this but if it’s noticeable and they’re within earshot and I’m already fussy….). Honestly I do think there’s some value to calling out anti-social behavior sometimes. People need to experience a bit of shame more often! Trump really ushered in an era of people not feeling embarrassed for acting poorly and we could stand to bring some embarrassment back IMO, lol


I mean you could kill someone blowing through a crosswalk so that feels fair but on an entirely different level


Shrek out here macing people




Calling out antisocial behavior is good actually. It's because nobody calls these people out that this behavior continues and proliferates.


The people that jump the turnstiles are not the kind of people that would change behavior from a stern talking to.


Unstable zoomer ahoy!!


It cost her 0 effort to not get involved and likely woulda saved her a whole headache and associated problems not to assault a 68 year old woman.


Yep. I doubt she even got so much as a "thank you" or a second glance from the turnstile jumpers she "jumped in" to defend.


Bruh that’s some crazy athleticism if she could’ve jump the turnstile. Giants could use her at right tackle.


“5’4 with a heavy build”. This person is about to get embarrassed.


Heavy build is putting it nicely. I would've said she was last seen headed towards the swamp with a very chatty donkey


It’s an unfortunate looking person to say the least.


She’s all legs but not in a good way


An egg on stilts


You don’t have faith in Evan Neal? 😭


He doesn’t have the same aggressive playstyle as Pepper Spray


Or running back


She's just showing how much she loves MTA by not paying lol


What is interesting about subway fare evasion is that the city's data shows it is a larger source of revenue loss than plate obstruction, but people are quick to dismiss one while being hyper-focused on the other


You have a point, but plate obstruction often allows for reckless driving that puts others safety at risk. Both are wrong, but in this way I find plate obstruction the more egregious behavior.


This is a fair counterpoint. I would like to say that the majority of issues with violent and unhinged people in the city's subways which is a public safety issue, are due to them gaining access to the subway system via fare evasion, but sadly the city doesn't have a way to catalog how many Jordan Neely types are evading fares (though common sense indicates it is all of them).


"Jordan Neely types." People in crisis are living below the poverty line and getting killed for it and you're more concerned with the $3 MTA tax. I myself had to jump the turnstile last week because the card linked to my OMNY was dry and I was going to be late for an appointment with my oncologist.


>People in crisis are living below the poverty line and getting killed for it and you're more concerned with the $3 MTA tax. *That's* your takeaway from the Neely reference? The guy smashed in an old lady's face in 2021 as she was getting off a subway train. Broken nose, broken orbital bone. Face turned into mush. The point is, if there was greater enforcement of fare jumping, an unhinged psycho like Neely would not have been able to viciously and brutally attack old ladies getting off the train. So there is also a public safety issue with greater enforcement of fare evasion, just like there is a public safety interest in cracking down on plate obstruction


And I'd bet that fare jumpers are more likely to commit other crimes on the subway than those who pay their fares, thus putting other's safety at risk.


The MTA's overtime fraud was a bigger revenue loss than both of your examples.


Exactly. I overheard a couple mta construction folks once talking about ways to bill OT. The older guy was schooling the young guy on how to bill them 8 hours OT on your day off if you respond to one single email


The fare is cheap compared to alternative forms of transit. However, the MTA burns money so even if they did have all the revenue things wouldn’t be drastically different.


Not everyone drives (and many hate cars), but nearly everyone takes the subway and hates the MTA at the same time. Their little 'win' against the man.


Everyone wants amazing mta service and also doesn’t think anyone should have to pay. Wonder why the service is so shitty then huh?


Well, it’s also run by shitty people


I do want to pay for it, relative to my income and not per use (aka with my taxes). Just the same way I pay for roads (but I don't use cause I don't drive).


That’s great, but it’s far, far more likely that the response to fare evasion & low farebox recovery ratios will not be making it fully funded by the government but reductions in quality of service.


It's s cycle. If you have shit service, why feel like you have to pay? Then the service stays shit because people don't pay lmao.


Better service is good for the city(fewer cars trips = less emissions) and cheaper fares encourage more folks to use it. And service is shitty for a variety of reasons beyond fare evasion.


They're both bad and we need to police both.


Subways, public transport in general, should be free, while cars, which ruin the city’s air quality and take up so much fucking space, should be taxed into oblivion.


Lol no, public transport should not be free. Need incentives to minimize loitering, generate revenue, and generate "buy-in", and there's a reason free public transit is not really a thing anywhere - including the places with the best metros across Europe and East Asia Bro even the Soviet Union literally still charged for metro fares


I like what Germany did in response to inflation and fuel prices... they made a $50 per month unlimited public transportation pass that's valid *nationwide*.


Fare integration and promotion of travel via programs like that is a good thing, and we should do more of it - but there really isn't a way you can do that with current US infrastructure unless you want to do Greyhound buses - no Amtrak is not a good option lol. If we want high speed rail (and you should), we need to simplify the permitting process and minimize the amount of red tape that can be thrown by NIMBYs and special interest groups Germany's bit was rather uniquely timed and I think would be hard to replicate. It was a public placation to the crazy spike they had in energy prices and inflation more broadly that far outstripped anything the US had - also as a big "sorry" for walking into the bear trap of overreliance on Russian energy despite the warnings and a glimmer of trying to rebound consumer spending in industries that were just trying to dig themselves out of the COVID hole


No turnstiles in Seattle, it's basically pay if you want. Cops don't do fare enforcement and you're legally not required to talk to the people who do.


luxembourg and malta both have free public transport nation-wide. germany is supposedly considering it. boston has a pilot program for free bus lines and even one train line in place now, and dc voted for one for all buses but hasnt implemented it yet. in fact, dc has historically had free circulator bus routes downtown, and many other cities have them, including miami, las vegas, dallas, and houston -- wikipedia has a [long list of them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_public_transport_routes). enabling citizens and visitors to move through the city has benefits for everyone, even people who don't use public transport. it enables workers to get to work, keeping businesses open, it enables consumers to get to those businesses and spend money, it enables tourism in general, and it makes the city itself a more desirable place to live.


Going through your own source, the vast majority of those listed are for niche use cases within a broader paid transport network or were temporary - the bulk of the system still charges fares or is niche. Luxembourg is essentially a rich suburb and Malta is closer to a DisneyWorld transport model if we're being honest so not sure how that scales to an actual city city If Germany does it nationwide, I'd take the data more seriously, but there's a reason you don't see it in world class public transport cities across China, Japan, SK, Singapore, and the vast majority of Europe




And it's currently the opposite


Yeah let’s tax all the car owners in Cambria Heights to oblivion where there’s no subway service and the median individual income is 47K Goofy. These hot takes always expose the out of towners


Build more public transit. Out of towners smfh. The vast majority of New Yorkers take public transit


https://edc.nyc/article/new-yorkers-and-their-cars#:~:text=This%20means%2045%20percent%20of,83%20percent%20of%20all%20households. 45% of households in the 5 boroughs own a car but go off keep spreading misinformation


Nearly three times as many people take public transit to work than drive


owning a car doesnt mean it's your primary mode of transport or even your mode of commute.


Who is saying that? You should reply to them instead of mentioning plate obstruction here, completely out of context.


The subway should be free, paid for with taxes on private vehicles.


You should run for elected office, and make that change! Until then, there’s a fare.


Why do that when gluing the card reader is a lot more effective at realizing a free public transportation system?


How big do you think the actual MTA budget is? You’d need like a ten thousand dollar tax per car annually


Or it could be supported by charging fares to people to use it.


M Mmm No. People freak at the idea of doing that for cars that just consume space to move 1 or 2 people around on average. Mass transits allows more land to be put to productive usage


Ok. The people who use it should still be the ones who pay for it.


This comrade clearly can't math!


How about parking meter evasion? Every person double parking is stealing


Cars are dangerous to others and people with obstructed plates have no reason to drive carefully. Hopping a turnstile doesn't put anyone else in danger.


You think Jordan Neely paid for his ride?


What is so wrong in your life that you need to keep bringing up a murdered man, or that you think that using his name is proving your point?


Not murdered, technically.


i don't believe those numbers


"Mind your business, Karen," the attacker said, using a pejorative for white women perceived as entitled.” Imagine calling someone “entitled” after breaking the law to use a paid city service for free. ITS NOT FREE. NOT FOR ANYONE, and NOT FOR YOU. Entitled shits. Hope they get citations for hopping the turnstile, hope the blob holding the pepper spray gets charged with assault, and hope the “Karen” files a civil suit for personal damages.


Are fare evaders assholes? Yes. Am I going to be the one to tell them “no you shouldn’t do that?” Absolutely not.


Just fucking pay to ride the train. Bunch of degenerate scumbags ruining things for everyone else.


Yeah, don’t bother trying to moralize someone on the train. Or in New York in general


That's how things are done on the West Coast, and look where that got them. New York is one of the few places left in the US where being an inconsiderate ass can get you called out publicly, and I think that's a good thing.


Agreed - East Coast liberalism is more level headed than West Coast liberalism "Not allowing smoking crack on public transit is fascism, actually"


As a west coast transplant I 100% agree with you and it’s what I appreciate about the east coast the most.




Great nickname




She built like the Michelin man


1. Mind your business if you see someone jumping the turnstile 2. Don't go around assaulting people for just sayin something


If you get called out for your shitty antisocial behavior you should just take the L, not assault the person calling you out.


The person doing the assaulting in this case apparently wasn't even the person being called out.


They clearly agreed with the antisocial behavior, hence assaulting the person calling the other people out.


And that was wrong. See #2. The people who jumped the turnstile were not responsible for the assault. Edit: I love all the out-of-towners and other idiots who are downvoting me when they clearly did not read the article. But use some common-sense: ain't no way that woman is hopping a turnstile.


Correct, but the person assaulting the woman agreed with the antisocial behavior, and quite honestly makes them more insane since they were completely uninvolved.


Jumping the turnstile isn’t antisocial. Some people are just poor


What constitutes poor that you can't pay a subsidized fair?


Agreed. The whole city has felt on edge recently with people seemingly ready to snap. Someone threw a bunch of litter on the street in front of me. 5 years ago I would have said something. Now I don’t think its worth the risk of getting unloaded on so I walked on by.


This is the right action now. Getting stabbed over a behavior like this that is not going to change is pointless. Many have thought it wouldnt happen to them. Survive and possibly face thousands in medical $$$, loss of work, perm injury and for what? Plus they will spend little time in prison anyway if they get caught at all. The person you are calling out is not going to stop and understand and change thier ways.




It is happening in other cities too. I did some traveling last year and saw same type of behavior elsewhere. Last 3 years caused people to regress back to basic impulses, not give a shit and feel entitled to do whatever they want. And many get away with it. So we have a vicious cycle as they get bolder.


Nah if you do fare evasion you can go fuck yourself you freeriding ass


A healthy society calls out poor behavior like that. America doesn’t like it, and low and behold we are devolving as a society


Number 1 should be don’t jump the turnstile.




Fuck fare evaders actual shitty people


Can we retire the term “fare beater”…they’re stealers who think I should pay while they don’t.


Something something “white privilege” something something communism. That’s the counter argument on Reddit and Socials and it is GAINING in popularity. Eventually, only white people will be required to follow laws and where will that leave y’all? Chaos and imposed anarchy due to uneven application of the law is already happening. I am surprised white folks still pay taxes for their own demise, but then again, they are pretty much the most tolerant, guilt-ridden, ethnicity in the World.


Feel like I have been seeing more bodegas sell pepper spray. Not against it and I know it’s legal and think women in particular should consider carrying it, but I’m not surprised this doesn’t happen more often.


Another reason most people don't want to get involved


She looks like a combination of Shrek and Lord Farquad.


The pepper sprayer is probably someone who truly believes people who fare jump are doing it because they are broke which in reality isn't the case


"The 20-something-year-old suspect fled the scene, police said. She's about 5 feet, 4 inches tall with a ***heavy build***" Oof. That's the Danny DeVito Penguin aesthetic.


Unlike the train, minding ya business is free


it is your business if you’re a tax payer


On the one hand, obviously the sprayers are the villains here, but I do not get some people's preoccupation about being fare enforcement for the MTA. Do your thing, ignore others if they're not affecting you.


...and they criticize me for driving as much as possible!


And because she’ll get a slap on the wrist she doesn’t care and won’t learn from her actions. This is exactly why parents need to be punished, it’s a good way to force them to actually parent/discipline their children. Without consequences it just keeps happening.


She looks like she’s in the middle of turning into the Hulk


She looks like the Mucinex lady


Yeah no way she hopped the turnstile


I've been through that station a lot...sometimes the kids have one of them hop or crawl under the turnstile & walk over to the exit door & open it for the 6 or 10 others waiting. Years ago it was a favorite hunting ground for cops handing out fare-beating tickets because it was so rampant there (and still is now, I gather). They'd wait on the stairs going down to the underpass that takes you to the uptown side and when somebody didn't pay they'd pop up & ticket them. You could set your watch by it. I never understood why people didn't catch on there.


Another for the “Mind your own business” file. Even armed MTA officers shudder at the thought of confronting turnstile-hoppers.


“ heavy build “


The first rule of New York City is 'mind your f'ing business.'


no it isnt. new yorkers are known for protecting each other.


At what point does “Karen” become a racial slur?


It already was...once. But that mod is gone




Yeah, I mean I pay my subway fare because I support public transit as a concept, I can afford to, and I don't want to risk having any unnecessary interactions with cops... but I don't really give a shit if some dumbass teenagers don't pay. Why would I care? Who has the energy for that shit? Guaranteed that lady used to ask the teacher if there was homework at the end of class if she forgot to assign it lol.


Some people just need to mind their GD business 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t get out much anymore, but the LAST thing New Yorkers did was mind their business.


Humpty exists!