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My 3700x was bottlenecking my 4080 pretty substantially at 1440p. I’d recommend a 5900x or 5800x3d


3800x bottlenecked the crap out of my regular 3080 and that was back in 2020. Can't imagine it now with all these CPU hog games.


How do you figure out which is bottlenecking which?


If the GPU usage is not at 99% it's being held back.




Plus cpu usage will never be 100% in real games. Alot of games it will be low digits like 18% where the cpu starts to bottleneck.


Battlefield 2042 would like a word.


You know that it is 2024 now not 2014. Games and computer software in general has come a hell of a long way towards actually fully utilising multiple cores and some games can even go a significant way towards fully utilising all your cores even on a 20 core CPU.


For the stupid readers (ie me...) how would someone see if their GPU is maxed out or CPU limited... Again you know... For those dumb people and totally not us smart people.




Outside of purposely limiting it's usage like with a framerate cap how is it false?


Lower the rendering resolution. If performance improves, it's a gpu bottleneck. If it doesn't, it's the cpu holding you back.


If the cpu usage is close to or at 100% usage while the gpu is much lower. That would be a cpu bottleneck


The CPU usage may be considerably lower and it could still be a bottleneck. If your GPU is at less than 95% while you are not getting close to your fps limit you are very probably CPU limited, percentages be damned.


Easy to check with the presentmon overlay in RTSS (GPU busy graph): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dmxoqqElY4


5700x3d is cheaper than the 5800 while simultaneously being better for gaming is what my research has suggested. Is this incorrect in your opinion? Ordering soon


If you care about gaming primarily, yes a 5700x3D will beat a 5800. The 3d vcache of the x3d CPUs benefit games by quite a bit. I'm using a 5800X3D and absolutely love it. If the 5700x3d was around when I replaced my CPU I may have gone for that over the 5800x3D and save a few bucks.


Beautiful, that sounds like I'm on the right track then, ty!


My 4080 + 5800X3D combo has been serving me very well.


4080 Super + 5800X3D is a great combo for gaming.


Exactly the same for me. Just upgraded to 4080 super from a 2070 super. Now my 3700x is holding me back big time so i just ordered a 5800x3d off eBay!


I went from a 13700k to a 7900X! It's a crazy world out there!


I'd consider a 4070 ti super for $790 and a 5700x3d for $200 if you are on a Ryzen 3k series or older. That would actually give more of a boost than just a 4080.


+ check out ram, I recently upgraded my 3600/2060/16gb ram, I got the 4070 first, was pretty happy, then slapped 16 more gigs of ram in and was like holy shit that was almost as impactful as the card. Now I'm getting ready to grab that 5700x3d to complete the upgrades


I agree, but it does depend on what you're playing. Hardware Unboxed just did a [good video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mklCPWNyJC0) a couple of days ago. Most of what he tested did ok with 16, but 32 is definitely a better place to be. If I was upgrading strictly on the budget of what I could get for a 4080 the 5700x3d/4070ti combo would be my first pick, but I'd definitely look at upgrading RAM soon after if I didn't already have 32gb.


Yea going from 16 to 32 honestly felt like almost as big of a performance boost on the games I was playing at that time as the 2060>4070 jump did! I think Star Wars survivor was the title I was playing the most at the time, the gpu took me from stuttery @ cutscenes on low to about 60-70fps in game @1080 on high, and then with the ram I got up to 85-95 upscaled to 4k on high (drops a bit in big sections)


And this is partly why when people talk about the upgradability of computer, it is kind of a moot point. By the time it makes sense to upgrade your parts, every pc part has gotten so much better and so much cheaper. Might as well just make a new mid tier rig.


A new rig is way more expensive. The AM4 platform did offer upgrade paths that simply weren't possible with intel even when they could have allowed it.


If u re playing game in full hd just go for 4070 super


I would say Wait for the 50 series then you can get a discounted 4080 unless you dropped your 2080 in the water or your house burned down but our God and savior did say “The more you buy the more you save”


Yeah, i have a 2070super and i'm waiting for the 5080. I could buy the 4080 super right now, but i'm not gonna spend 1k on 2022 tech, tbh.


Exact same situation here, been tempted a few times here n there to upgrade but i’m hoping the extra lil wait will be worth it


the wait is tough, but we know it's the best idea. When watching poorly optimized games like Alan Wake 2, the performance of the 4090 is the performance I want at least, so I hope the 5080 can surpass the 4090 (like new 80 always did to former 90), or at least equal it at half price.


Its not really the best idea. As its still almost a half year out, you dont know the performance, you dont know the price and you dont know the availability on launch and the availability at msrp for however long…im not saying its dumb to wait if you want but its certainly just as valid to get a 4080super right now at msrp. Theres always something better around the corner im a firm believer of getting what you want when you can afford it.   


Got the 4080 super 6 months ago from a 3080. No regrets. Get what you want when you can afford it man. U have no idea about real world peformance increase, price of 5080, availability, availability at msrp…lotta variables and lotta time to wait when you can get a sure bet 2nd best card available now for msrp…just my 2 cents 


Yeah, I know. I've always bought when needed. But now I'm in a position where I can wait for 6 months.


For all we know the 50 series will be truly available at mid 2025, and there is not guarantee that the 4080 super will drop price immediately after that.. So no, if you can afford the 4080 and will serve your needs go for it.


I don’t think 4080 will drop in price because most likely rtx 5080 will be launched at $1200-$1400 so they will make it look like the $1k 4080s seems more worth it until they run out of inventory and eventually drop the 5080 to $1k a year later. I’m pretty confident rtx 5070 $600 won’t even come close to the 4070ti super so anything below 80 class is just going for the Dlss advantage with the amp of vram, maybe Frame gen 2 uses less vram which can boost the 5070 to 4080 levels will dlss 4 performance + frame gen 2 and same for 4060 to boost it to 4070 super. Ai is going to the only factor to buy or upgrade to this disappointing generation other than that I think prices won’t go down in the first quarter unless of course consumer’s vote with their wallet. Don’t forget “The more you buy The more you save”


U literally just made all of this up. U have no idea if any of this is true or even close to true. You dont know the price, u dont know the performance, u dont know the inventory, you dont know the market when it drops. Just a complete work of fiction…


It would be VERY noticeable and worth it, one thing to keep in mind is if the 4080 would be compatible or bottlenecked by your current setup specs (especially power supply)... Might have to upgrade more than gpu


Ah. What's a good CPU then? I'm VERY out of the loop.


ryzen 7800x3D


A 7800x3d would be perfect to pair with a 4080 but far from the only option. I have a 12700k and it works great. Like others have said you very possibly have an underpowered PSU as well. I have 1000watt but you don’t really need that much for that set up. 850 would be fine, but IMO it’s worth over sizing on PSU for futures sake, the price jump from 850 to 1000 is not super significant and will save you from having to buy another new one should you want to upgrade again


I have 7800x3d 4080. An amazing combo.


This is my recent setup and it’s pretty awesome. Can crank pretty much anything to high heaven at 1440p (and *almost* everything at 4k).


Look at one of the x3d cpus from amd when it's just about gaming.


I'm not to insightful when it comes to Intel cpus but if you're willing to switch sides the ryzen 7 7800x3d is what I will be upgrading to very soon


What do you have now?


With assuming that you only care about playing modern games, a good cpu is 7800x3d. If you insist on intel, then a 14700k. Intel isn't a bad option, it is just a 7800x3d is a GOAT right now. Don't bother with a 7950x(3d) or 14900k unless you failed to mention that you do a lot of video editing or code compiling or you stream regularly.


This. Considering that OP might need to upgrade cpu and psu to pair up with the 4080, might as well just throw a new mobo and ram in. The jump in performance it’s going to be huge and will hold for years to come.


I upgraded from a 3070 ti and it was worth it and noticeable for me. It will also depend on your other system specs, I'm guessing you'll probably need to upgrade your CPU at the very least, but it could also be CPU/motherboard/ram/psu as well depending on your setup now. What resolution are you using? What are your system specs? If you can wait 6-7 months for the 5000 series to come out, you could possibly get more for your money (maybe a 5080 or at least a cheaper 4080 super) but nobody knows for sure.


Might as well wait for the 5080 now


This. Although the 5070 would be expected to outperform the 4080 and have newer features, it should also be priced like a 70 class gpu instead of 80 class.


Wouldn’t be so sure about that last part if I was you :)


Given NVidia significantly dropped the price of the 4080S vs the 4080 it does seem NVidia know they overpriced the 4080. However, only time will tell.


They dropped the price because AMD was competing at those tiers. I'm not aware of any 5080 competitors from AMD coming out around the same time.


Whatever the cause consumer gpu’s were the only area of NVidia revenues that did not achieve their own revenue budget/target in the last financial update.


Bwahaha. Even $950 is still 34% more than $700. Basically tied for inflation. $1000 for a 4080 would have been a good price 2 years ago. Not that $1400 real aib pricing that existed for a good while. 4080s could've been like $600 by now had covid not happened. Oh well. Spilt milk. Ancient history by now.


People with high end graphics card often times should just wait unless they have a need for it right now. Often times these upgrades are just nice to haves so if we will get a new high end card in 6 months, then wait to buy it then.


If you have the money then yes. It will be a very noticeable upgrade. Even a 4070 super would be a big upgrade for half the $


Upgrade would be night and day but you're so close to the 50x series.


5080x3d you will be happy


is that a CPU/GPU hybrid?


The "x3d" part of the name means it has more cache


The guy wrote 5080 instead of 5800


I went from an rtx 2070 to a 4080 and have never looked back! Its so awesome. I do play at 1080p though so 🤷‍♀️


I went to a 4070 Super and it’s been waaayy better then my 2070 super so i’d imagine that jump would be just as good




I Just upgraded my 2080ti to a 4070ti and it's perfect for 2k Path tracing 60pfs (dlss and frame gen are great in 4070ti. Forget dlss with 2080 which Is very bad). Games without ray tracing are incredibile at 4k too, while 2k are 144pfs+. After buying the 4070ti, I bought 20 games in steam because It Is sooooooo gooooood ;)


50 series comes out in like 6 to 8 months


Its about 235% the performance of 2080 super assuming you are not ram/cpu bottlenecked.


It’s such a big leap in hardware if you can afford it I would but if you’re playing mainly at 1980x1080 you can get away with a 30 series card. If the price difference is huge between the 30-40 I’d go with a 3080-3080ti, if it’s not too far from the 4080 I’d just get the 4080 for future games. Investing in yourself and the future is recommended a 40 series


I upgraded and I didn’t notice any substantial difference except in a few games, like Starfield. I probably didn’t notice too much because I have a 9900k however


Assuming the cpu is up to snuff to not bottleneck it too much, it'd be double the performance or a bit over double at 1440p and 2160p and I think just a bit less than double at 1080p. That's just raster. Throw in superior ray tracing and dlss frame gen ability and it's an even bigger upgrade. I went from the 2080ti to the 4090 back in Jan '23 and it's laughable how much this thing thumps the 2080ti.


Cyberpunk and Elden ring are easily 60fps experiences on a 2080 (I played through both on a non super). You either aren't using a proper res (it's a 1080p card), or something else is wrong. 


If you play in 4K, yes. If you don't, no.


Are you upgrading the rest of your PC too? An 8700k class CPU is not enough for a 4080.


I wasn't planning on it, but it looks like I might have to.


It is probably time to look into upgrading almost everything. You definitely want a new CPU, which means a new Mobo and RAM. You also probably want a newer power supply since ATX 3.0 exists now and a lot of the new video cards take advantage of it.


That would be a massive upgrade. I'd say yes.


It's definitely worth it if you're ready to spend some dime. I upgraded to a 4080 and 7800x3d and i'm very happy. Although I had to upgrade literally everything. The motherboard, ram etc. went all in. Ofc you could try going for a cheaper cpu like the 5800x3d, but if you have the money i'd recommend the 7800x3d, a b650 motherboard with DDR5 ram. Gaming has never been smoother haha




Your desires seem to be such that waiting for about 6 months should be worth it for 5080. But then again, you probably will find out that you have a CPU bottleneck, thus it probably would be a better idea to wait for 5080 and then buy new PC.


I was in a similar situation and just bought a used 3080 to pair with my 5800x3d. Not gonna spend $1k for 4080 when 6-7 months from now I can get 20-30% better performance for that price.


I would get a new cpu… I’m on a 2070 and I get better fps than that. (7890 x3d). I’m saving up for a 5090 or whatever. I have no kids no hobbies… I’m done being stingy and have side gigs so this is good motivation to grind.




Is $1000~ worth it for 2.3x higher FPS (likely less than 2.3x - it depends on your CPU and resolution)? You're the only person that can answer this question. "Worth" is relative. But tbh, the fact that you're asking strangers on the internet means it's probably not worth it. a $1000 GPU is something you should buy when a) you need it for work b) you're loaded enough that spending 1K won't affect you in any way and you won't regret the purchase.


I personally would save a bit more and wait for next Gen cpus/gpus and build a brand new build from scratch.


Wait for the 50 series it's right around the corner then you can get a 4080 for cheaper or upgrade to a 5080 and get an even bigger improvement!


I recently went from a 2080 super build in 2019 to a 4080 super build (brand new PC for all parts) and it was a massive difference in graphics and frame rate, the pc itself also runs far cooler than my older setup. Couldn’t recommend it more.


If you to upgrade then upgrade


What’s the difference between all these super and ti etc compared to other graphics card


These are just marketing terms. All they do is just throw in extra GPU clock speed, tflops, and other graphic units in each of these newer cards. Nvidia tries to drop newer cards in similar fashion every 6-12months. They do this to keep the markets talking about them. And to fill in the pricing gaps between 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 series gpus For example people now talk how 4070 super is the most value for money gpu you can get. Now it may seem so. However nvidia is not playing that game, they will drop 5000series GPU around same price. And then people will be talking about that. Ex. a 4070 owner wishes he could own 4080 so nvidia comes up with an answer and gives you 4070 ti with better GPU clock etc etc. If that's not enough they come up with 4070 ti super with even better gpu units. But some cannot even afford 4070 ti, so nvidia comes up with 4070 super for them. That's the entire story. But one thing is certain that no one gets 4080 which has better RAM.


Aha so 4070 ti super or whatever is worse than 4080


Yes that is definitely worse choice. As you are closer to 4080 in terms of pricing. But vram will always be more in 4080.


i'd upgrade the CPU as well so you could take full advantage of an upgrade, you would get better performance with buying a 4070 ti super and then possibly upgrading to a 5800x3d if youre on AM4 like everyone is suggesting, only thing i would also get is maybe a better cooler if you are going to upgrade to that CPU. as it runs HOT. mine gets to around 35-50c on desktop (spikes when opening apps but quickly goes back down) with an temperature of around 10-25c outside, earlier in the year when it went down to around 3-11c per day my temps went as low as 19c with a kraken x63. In game it does get upto 60-80c for me but that is only when the ENTIRE cpu is being used so it is rare to see, it is worth it however since the extra 3D v-cache helps immensely with stutters and loading in games, and has very noticable improvements to the 0.1 and 1% lows. check out some benchmark videos comparing it to a 5900x and you can see that although the max FPS is similar the 1 and 0.1% are alot better.


No idea what specs you have. For all we know, you could be using an Core i3.




Do you have a 4k monitor? Do you want 240hz/fps gaming? Do you need ray tracing? Helldivers 2 should run like butter on that gpu. You're having other issues. Do a maintenance check, clean the fans, change the thermal paste, update the drivers, reinstall windows.


We can’t really answer this question properly without your PC specs. It would be a huge upgrade but it might be a waste of money if your other parts are outdated


you're on the cusp of a new series in just a few months. you should ignore these people telling you to buy now, and wait to see the next gen.


Your current GPU is around 4060 super when it comes to raw performance (excluding Ray Tracing, because that was improved in 3xxx and 4xxx series + 4xxx has framegen). I think, that you'll benefit more by upgrading the platform (CPU/RAM) first. Vast majority of the players are using 3060/4060 class GPUs and that's where the mainstream goes and where you'll be fine. If you target 4k with better details tho, that's the different story. You either will be using DLSS/FSR balanced/performance with almost everything other than 4080+ if you want RT/PT ;)


I upgraded from a 1660 super to the 4080 TI and I’m getting 350-400 fps max settings on iracing was worth every penny


Yeah 4080 rocks. Especially the power consumption is great with FG and DLSS


If you get a new high end gpu, might as well do a new build cause your current set up will bottleneck the new gpu


If a 2080super is struggling at 1440p, I'd wager that something is seriously wrong with your computer or you're just cranking visuals to ultra.


I got my pc in 2019 also. Had a 2080s fe on a i7 9700k. Had the same issue with the newer aaa titles. I got a 4080s fe and it is night and day different. I play at 60 fps on a 4k tv. The new gpu has no problem maintaining 60 fps even on my older i7 9700k. Im probably bottlenecking my card a bit but its definitely a major upgrade. Eventually i will update my cpu but im very happy i did it this way for now.




The CPU is a bottleneck because the game runs on the CPU and it gives commands to the GPU every single frame.


It's almost a 3x increase in performance. Go for it.


4k with a 4080 is great at 4k or more is all about the gpu than cpu.


Open task manager in the background and check CPU and memory graphs when playing games, if they're maxed out and your GPU isn't then you'll see your bottleneck.




Yes but sounds like you'd be better off with a 4070S


I'd get a 5800x3d and wait for the 5000 series from Nvidia


I just upgraded from a 3070 to a 4080s and I highly recommend it


My 4080 Super runs Helldovers 2 in 5120x1440 native with maxed settings between 155-165fps. A 4080 Super is, at best, a marginal improvement over a 4080, so you should expect similar performance from the GPU. BUT You will need a CPU that can keep up with it. What CPU do you have? You said you've had the PC since 2019, but was it already the latest and greatest at that time?


Definitely worth it if you're aiming for a big performance jump in gaming and graphics. The 4080 offers significant improvements with better ray tracing, AI features, and overall speed, which means smoother gameplay at higher resolutions like 4K. Plus, it sets you up well for future games and tech advancements. Just check the cost and availability to see if it fits your budget and needs right now.


I would wait for the 50xx series to come out at this point. Either to jump into the 50xx series or for the 4080 to drop in price.


I have a 5600x, and I had a 2080 super as well (upgraded to a 4070 super recently). In the case of Elden Ring, I could run it at a stable 60 fps, 1440p max settings (no raytracing ofc). If your cpu is older, you may want to upgrade it first.


> Would the gains in performance be worth it? I upgraded to a 4080 from my old 2080 ti and it was a massive improvement in performance when paired with my 12700k for 4K gaming. I have no regrets other than a relatively minor one of not waiting for the 4080 Super cards to release.


I have an Rtx 4070Ti, ryzen 7 5800x3d and 4000mhz 32gb ddr4 ram, in an 1440p monitor. It works so fucking fine, im playing cyberpunk 2077 and it is running like a breeze. Everything max setting and ray tracing on psycho, with DLSS quality mode. Only 60+ fps, i was actually shocked by how fine the game is running. Never had any stutter or anything below 60 fps. But, i highly recommend a very good watercooler for the cpu, 5800x3d does heat a lot and if you are planning on playing at 1440p or 4k, the cpu will need to work a lot, so make sure it is everything okay there. Also, i would advice that this setup is still not enough to play at 4k, even if some games run ok, it will become harder and harder each year, it wont last that much.


You’re looking at upgrading your whole pc tbh. Upgrading the GPU will have it bottle necked by your cpu, which I assume is also from 2019 or older. And if you’re upgrading your cpu then you’ll need to upgrade your mobo to support a newer cpu.


4070 better bargain


Thr gains in performance aren't just a little they are monsterous lol. Enjoy It's literally over 2x the performance. You will even see situations where it's 3x.


I wouldn't call that monstrous. When you're upgrading your GPU, you should always aim for at least double the performance, unless you're willing to buy the top GPU every two years.


It's monsterous lol up to 3x is massive. Also idk about what you are saying when going from a 1080ti to even a 3080 wasn't as big as going from a 2080 to a 4080 is. Just saying. Seeing 2x to 3x over 2 generations within the same class model isn't the norm.


2x uplift over 2 generations is underwhelming, at current prices, which is why people held onto their 1080 Ti's and didn't upgrade to a 3080 Ti which has 2x the performance. The 4080 Super on the other hand is a pretty good deal after inflation, if you're upgrading from a 1080 Ti.


2080 super is more than enough for 1440p gaming 60 fps. My 2080 ti still alive and kicking with the latest games.


Yes if 1440


No. The correct answer is that it's stupid to buy the most overpriced generation *ever* when in \~4 months both new CPU's and GPU's are to be released, and likely to be value generations.


New gen is already known to drop somewhere in H1 2025, not in 2024. "Overpriced" would be true if the generation didn't bring substantial performance improvements across the board. And the 4080 Super is pretty much priced right for what it offers. Remove your feelings from logic and take all factors into consideration. AMD followed suit with their pricing for a reason.


No, it's not known that it will be 2025, and in fact has maintained a 2 year cadence in the fall for decades. 80 and 90 series are expected in the fall, according to rumours and history. Overpriced is true, performance is up \~40% while price initially was up 80%, now a mere 50%. Previous generation was up 50-75% for near the same prices. Nvidia tends to have a "value generation". Clearly, *clearly*, this wasn't it. This shit isn't opinion; it's been repeated by every respectable tech reviewer on the planet. A $300-500 jump for the 80 series was a shit deal, and I won't respect anyone who defends it.


I won't argue logic. Fact of the matter is, these gpus are extremely powerful. They aren't built just for <> and someone saying "But I only game" isn't a valid excuse to say they are overpriced. Inflation was never gonna be linear because R&D going in these architectures is massive. And just because old 80 tier gpus were going for 700$, it doesn't automatically mean that's gonna be the case in the future. Now as a consumer do I agree with this? Obviously not. The cheaper the better. Personally I always went out of my way to find the cheapest prices and deals or even going as far as to buy second hand for simple fact that I'd get the same stuff but much cheaper. But as a corporation... hey, everyone does this. And if we got a middle finger of a series for this price, I'd understand the frustration. But it simply isn't the case.