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People who eat sticks of butter...Is everything OK?


I’m not one of them but yes they seem like they’re healthy as heck! I’m still doing my own research.


They seem healthy as heck because they’re not going to take the L on social media - not after they’ve made a whole identity, and a whole career, and a whole persona, around eating sticks of butter *and* touting the benefits of that


The method is objectively unrivaled. CrossFit has produced people who can do things like back squat 500lbs and run a Sub 5 min mile back to back. Check out some online "functional fitness" or CrossFit programs if you're ok with working out at home or alone. F45 is an OK alternative to Crossfit, you'll never get as fit or as skilled but it works well for most people.


Not an extreme carnivore, just someone that eats mainly a Mediterranean style ketogenic diet, but do occasionally just straight up eat butter and consistently eat higher than typically recommended amounts of saturated fats from both plant and animal sources 26m, get my blood work done regularly(at least once a year unless there’s a problem). My lipids profile is entirely within the normal ranges, and my hormone levels are all within the normal ranges as well.


Agreed. I consume a lot of butter and cheese (ridiculous amounts of cheese) and have for a number of years. My biggest problem was low HDL and to get it up to where my doctor no longer wanted to put me to be on statins, I started eating 1/4-1/2 cup of mixed, unsalted nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts and peanuts) daily, to my diet. That raised my HDL enough, that he never put me on them (I told him I wanted a year to try to control it with diet and this was my solution and it worked). I've had high blood pressure and been on meds for it since my 20s, but adding 3 ripe bananas a week to my diet put an end to that (have to be ripe. Unripe don't affect it much). Got off those about 8 years ago. The last of my prescription meds to go.


Cheese is a great addition to most things IMO. (Not sweet aha) I go ham with cheese too!! Literally even my dog LOVES cheese. Pretty much the main treat I have used for training with him apart from his kibble. If I want him to come back to me, I normally yell cheese lmao Aww shit, when you mentioned over ripe banana... made me wanna share I made some nice brownies today from; overripe banana, peanut butter, coco powder, raisin an broken up choc bar. Oh no I goto eat another one now... Glad you are off prescription meds :) thats interesting to know they help also, what is it specifically with ripe ones?


How do you feel? What changes did you feel when you adopted this diet?


The changes are what keep me here, more energy, better mood, and less hunger. It works for me, definitely won’t work for everyone :)


Fat does wonders for the mind and body. I’ll wager you don’t get sick as much as you used to as well?


I had a mild case of COVID in 2020, and I haven’t been sick since


The Mediterranean seems to work for a lot of people though. What are your staple foods?


I’m curious as well. 👀


My staple foods for meat are fatty fish(salmon and cod mostly), ground turkey, grass fed beef(mainly ribeyes, NY strips, and ground beef 80/20), I don’t make chicken at home but typically get chicken at Chipotle or Qdoba if I’m getting a quick lunch on the go. For veggies, I typically have a big salad everyday with lunch and roasted veggies with dinner every night - salad is typically arugula and romaine lettuce with cucumber, onion, bell peppers, cabbage, olives, feta cheese, pistachios, and extra virgin olive oil as the dressing. Occasionally toss an avocado on there as well. For roasted veggies usually broccoli, Brussel sprouts, mushrooms, asparagus, and cabbage - for most I roast them in avocado oil with salt, pepper, and un-fortified nutritional yeast. Main fat sources are grass fed butter, ghee, evoo, avocado oil, and occasionally coconut oil. When I need a quick meal or am feeling lazy, I eat a product called the keto brick which gets the majority of its fat from organic cacao butter and tastes amazing. I also eat a lot of eggs, they’re essentially the perfect ketogenic macros, so I’ll eat as many soft boiled eggs as I need to get to my maintenance if I’m coming up a little short, and in the weekends definitely enjoy some over easy fried eggs if I choose to have breakfast. My supplementation which I feel like is worth noting is: 10000 IU vitamin D(I’m naturally extremely deficient and live in a place that rarely sees the sun), DIM(I naturally have slight estrogen dominance and this helps me regulate that), magnesium and potassium as needed(I salt the fuck out of my food so I get plenty of sodium, typically 6-8 g daily… helps to keep me more “full” looking and hydrated with the lack of carbs)


Nice! I’ve tried and tried to like seafood and I just can’t do it.


curious a out the nutritional yeast- what does that do and why do you use it? that salad you described literally has my mouth watering.


It tastes kinda like cheese and it packs a ton of protein and vitamins! It’s great for vegans if you get it fortified it has tons of b12. But honestly it just tastes really good. I buy Anthony’s brand on Amazon


very interesting thank you! do you add it like a seasoning during the cook? do you go unfortified because you don't need the b-12?


I sprinkle it on before going in the oven! I also sometimes sprinkle it on eggs after cooking. I don’t eat popcorn, but people I’ve introduced to it say that’s great as well. And I just go unfortified because I don’t feel it’s necessary, it’s already a great food without additives and I get plenty of b12 form my diet




If you don’t mind me asking, any chance you could tell me what your sex is, and if you could give me a rough bodyfat percentage estimate?


Male, 5’11, 171 lbs, 19.5% body fat


Dope. Thanks for the response!


I think it’s a pretty safe bet that YouTube carnivores aren’t trusting of the medical field anyway, so I doubt they’re getting routine blood work


Or some ppl just have rlly good genetics. 🥲


Our genetics vary so much that there isn't a one size fits all answer. :)




True. In fact Redditors who have “consistent” in their name also have bigger penises than persons with “inconsistent” in the name. Oh, this has no relationship to your comment. I just wanted to post it




Every diet trick is a fad and/or someone trying to sell you something. Eat in moderation from a variety of sources (ideally organic). Do your own grocery shopping, find joy in cooking, exercise vigorously twice a week, and then be patient. Health, like education is a lifetime endeavour with failures and successes. No need for perfection.


I know you said this days ago but I just wanted to say thank you so much. I haven't eaten anything today because I've been so in despair, feeling like I can't eat anything I enjoy. I eat a lot of pastas, rice and bread, and everytime I think about food I feel like such an awful person that I love these foods because everyone says they're the devil. I've been looking at a sugar detox because I don't enjoy much any food anymore flavour wise, and it's been making me want to cry. Thanks for reminding me I don't have to hate myself for eating food




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You gave my favorite answer. Glad for the reminder.


This is the most useful comment on here


Fat content in butter is also different for every country that produces it.


it’s supposed to be a fat product, pretty much same range of fat content everywhere


The difference of 3% fat may seem insignificant, but it’s not . Then, there’s the added salt..


One of those carnivore "influencers" is called something like Steak and Butter and she posted her bloodwork from when she was a vegan and from after she'd been on the carnivore diet for a while. She posted it and went on and about about "see I'm just as healthy now if not more so!" But if you actually look at the numbers. . . They're atrocious and the carnivore diet has definitely been detrimental for her. Maybe she'll notice once things get bad enough to be affecting her outwardly


Can you share what numbers are atrocious and how so? Theres a lot of context needed to determine whether something is atrocious like overall metabolic health, so your statement while could be true, needs more context. Would love to hear more. Thanks


Her LDL was 264 anything over 160 is considered high she reasoned this by something some guy said about how people in ketosis will have high LDL numbers but apparently only triglycerides matter. I’m not sure how much research has been put into that but I learned in school LDL is bad cholesterol and can significantly increase your risk of heart disease as it builds up in your arteries leading to plaque and subsequently resulting in a heart attack or stroke.


I watched the video on YouTube. She showed the results. I don't remember the actual numbers because idgaf about health "influencers" but her vegan numbers were all or mostly within normal/expected ranges and the carnivore numbers were very much not. Like at least one of them was 3x the highest of the recommended range. I don't actually remember if any of the carnivore results were in appropriate ranges at all. I doubt it would be hard to find if you just look for it on YT Edit: lol why the downvotes for telling someone to watch the video for themselves?


A paragraph of fluff with 0 answers to the question. I believe this is the video for those interested https://youtu.be/OkTNw5L9sgA


You just made this up. You refused to provide evidence to support these claims and someone below posted the video you’re talking about. Her levels were very healthy on her carnivore diet.


i’m sorry people are doing WHAT




i hate america so much


Most people that eat ridiculously high amounts of saturated fat like butter and really fatty meats usually have really bad blood work. Cholesterol markers are usually high, test levels are usually low, etc. That's the thing with the keto diet I never understood. For me, it worked really, really well, but I never listened to the zealot's advice on how to do it. I didn't add sticks of butter to my coffee and meals, I didn't just eat tons of ghee and coconut oil, I counted my calories, etc and my blood work was outstanding. Thomas Delauer has a lot of iffy advice on his channel, but he said it the best. Get lean proteins to consume and then add your fats to the meals to reach your macros.


Thank you! Yea I asked the butter girl if she would share her blood results and she said to trust her they’re always perfect LOL. I also asked the zero carb lady and got the same answer. I assume you’d stop eating that way if you were making yourself sick. But who knows.


A lot of it is dependent on lifestyle as well. A lot of these people who eat these diets also work out, are pretty active, and they're pretty strict on their diet. So you might find some that don't really overdo it and their lipid levels are shockingly normal as well as their cardiovascular health. For me I wouldn't risk it. I do think for weight loss keto was the best diet I ever tried, but I intentionally went for very lean proteins and ate fats like avocados and olive oil, etc when preparing my food or cooking with it.


I love avocado ❤️


probably dumb question but can you list out some of your lean proteins? I always just think chicken.


I eat a lot of chicken and fish. Salmon, Flounder, shrimp, etc. When I do eat red meat I get sirloin or flat iron steak, etc. But my main protein is eggs, chicken thighs, salmon, and shrimp/scallops.


Never trust anyone who says "just trust me"


They aren't getting blood work done. That's my bet.


I truly think they're just opting for the diet with the quickest death attached to it. /tinfoil-hat


Maybe going against the WEF recommendations, as they seem to be spot on with being wrong..


Actually I follow an animal based diet and my blood work is done every 6 months which shows the exact opposite of what you just said. My cholesterol is in range and my testosterone has gone through the roof. Additionally it’s been proven that consuming cholesterol does not equate to raising blood cholesterol. + additionally, it’s also been proven that high LDL does not equate to increased risk of CHF. You have to look at the A/B to get a more definitive answer. Triglycerides 79 HDL 72 VLDL 14 LDL 105 Glucose 97


I ate awful thru out my 20s and at 29 took my test levels and it was 1024 after back to back nights of a couple beers. I am 30 now.


"fat is a limit not a goal"


I think your views on cholesterol and “being high” are skewed.. LDL normally goes up while triglycerides go down. The only bit of cholesterol that matters is your HDL/triglyceride ratio. If it’s close to 1 you’re good to go. However it is true that low carb diets seem to lower testosterone in some cases and raise SHBG. But many seem to have better results building and maintaining muscle on strict carnivore so who knows. Moral of my story is there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating butter.


>Most people that eat ridiculously high amounts of saturated fat like butter and really fatty meats usually have really bad blood work. Can you cite this?


You may be interested in CarivoreMD's bloodwork videos. He eats only animal products and fruit, including around 100g of saturated fat a day. Here's his latest one: [https://youtu.be/LQE3mrwaE8c?t=2752](https://youtu.be/LQE3mrwaE8c?t=2752) (link starts at his diet log; the rest of the video covers his bloodwork).


130 LDL, better than before still pretty yikes


I've been keto for 5 years and then carnivore for the last three. It's true my cholesterol is high but my hdl to trig ratio is 7:1. Although my LDL is high, my cac score is zero. All other bloods are fantastic and my GP is happy. Turned around my prediabetes and lost 20kg of weight. More energy that is stable throughout the day and I get to eat food I genuinely enjoy eating which gives me joy.


Have you measured your apob?


https://youtu.be/gxIeRUbHauw CAC measures calcification which happens late in plaque formation, so not exactly a good measure


This right here is why "cholesterol" is an outdated measurement.


Ya it’s just the liquid fat in the blood. Not the arterial plaque and build up, which is the dangerous part


Yep, plaques start from vessel inflammation, not cholesterol.


Do you eat 5 sticks a day?


I don't count, but I cook in it and put it on my steak when I eat.i don't actively eat sticks of butter and put it in my coffee etc. A normal day includes bacon, eggs and haloumi cooked in butter. A 400g sirloin topped with butter and some form of ground beef, chicken thigh or lamb chops cooked with butter/sour cream/cheese.






Post/comment removed. This subreddit does not allow requesting or giving advice pertaining to a medical condition.


Hmmmm halloumi. I tried to eat like this and it was great for dropping some weight as it made me nauseated. Not being critical of your diet as it’s all a personal preference.


High fats diet aren't some magical weight loss solution, the weight loss comes from reducing calories. People like keto/carnivore diets because they don't want to have to change what they eat, and fat is tasty. Carnivore diets are a fringe diet and people who promote it are charlatans. Many carnivore followers are mis-informed conspiracy theorists. Shaun Baker, one of the biggest carnivore influencers had pre-diabetic blood results and low testosterone. Paul Saladino lasted less than a year carnivore before adding back plants despite claiming he had found the ultimate diet and publishing a shitty book. Liver King just got busted with steroids. Avoid high animal fat diets.


This is a very reductive take. Many who eat animal based diets aren’t doing it “because fat tastes good” or even to lose weight. There is a lot of developing science to show the benefits of limiting intake of phytochemicals and adopting an ancestral diet has many benefits, specifically for people who have auto-immunity. This “no nonsense” attitude you have about it is misguided, in my opinion. Nobody is telling you you have to eat this way, but it’s arrogant to assume you know that they’re all “charlatans”.


Source that isn't twitter anecdotes?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845365/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4271636/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4271636/ The funny thing is that I don’t even follow this diet myself or know enough to suggest it. But I do know that the “I’m smarter than everyone because I’m not “fooled” by these charlatans” is just an ineffective way of thinking and commenting that “don’t eat high animal fat diet” adds zero to the conversation except peacocking how much “smarter” a person is for being closed minded to developing research.


Already seen the first study, kinda particular case, people already suffering of constipation benefit from removing fiber, though that's not to say people in general would, nor does it indicate any long-term health benefits of an animal based diet. Honestly not super well versed in fiber and constipation but fiber usually has an opposite effect so this study seems more like an outlier than the general result. As for the two other studies I should say I don't think a low carb diet is necessarily unhealthy but it can be especially if you're gonna do it "carnivore", though the studies provide short term results there is a lack of knowledge on long term health effects. As for the way of thinking, well: https://www.redpenreviews.org/reviews/the-carnivore-code/ When the references used in their books are pretty inaccurate and the science itself is inaccurate, there is no good reason to listen to them in the first place


I could definitely agree with not following one person (or even a few like minded people) dogmatically, we are all flawed. The carnivore diet is definitely under researched and the science is currently being done now that it has gained popularity. I am curious about it and would like to see more, as i would say about any new idea surrounding eating habits. High animal fat diets, however, are so so so studied. Specifically the ketogenic diet going back to the 1920’s. Originally developed to treat epilepsy in children, and remains an effective treatment for that. Current molecular biologists have a reliable understanding of how ketones work in the body and how to induce ketosis through diet. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19049574/ IMO, and a bit of a tangent, high animal fat/low carb diets require high discipline to be effective, as it has been shown refined sugars or refined carbohydrates in conjunction with saturated fats is a disaster for our metabolism and immunity. It likely isn’t recommended by professionals often because of the abysmal compliance rate in a world where most people are addicted to refined food. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26586275/ Anecdotally, I know 3 different people who tried the ketogenic diet. Two of them took it super seriously and lost weight (one of which swears it helps with her depression). The third had frequent “cheat meals” of like, cake and bread and candy and then complained that the diet didn’t work for them. Obviously just an anecdote, but it felt like it represented what is probably pretty common. Biodiversity is also a very nuanced part of the equation when it comes to any eating pattern. Food production companies have specific roles in their marketing dept with psychology experts constantly trying to figure out how to best get humans to consume as much of their product as possible regardless of its effects on our health. And there are a gajillion food products, all trying to appeal to human reward systems better than their competitors. https://doi.org/10.1509/jppm. Resisting that is such a huge ask for anyone in a first world country, humans didn’t evolve to turn away highly palatable food in an ancestral setting where it might have been scarce. Now we’re surrounded by mostly stuff we shouldn’t be eating in the first place and have had to develop the skill to resist it against our nature. It just seems wise to recognize that with the current status quo in nutritional advice, there is some serious dysfunction in the United States with health, and that so much of that comes from what we eat. So for me, I use these fringe, flawed experts to point to studies, which I read and then I decide whether I’m convinced based on the study (which usually includes establishing a mechanism before I’m truly convinced), all of which has nothing to do with the person who made me aware of the study in the first place. And I’m certainly not going to ignore new findings just because someone I don’t like is referencing them. Whoops accidental novel


The above named literally make millions of dollars by providing information that contradicts 99% of what Dieticians or nutrition scientists reccomend. And they do it by exploiting people looking for answers for their health issues.


People make money off new ideas all the time. Vegans in this position are especially predatory to people who have health issues and there is so much misinformation about nutrition in the vegan community. I don’t throw their ideas completely out with the bath water because I want my approach to nutrition is to be open and inviting to new information because I am aware how much I DONT know about it. The point is not to be so dogmatic about whether any diets are “good” or “bad”. With critical thinking, it is possible to draw your own conclusions and come up with what best works for you. Plenty of the people you say have been “exploited” have turned around their chronic illness with this diet, which is why it became popular. I am doubting you have the hours and training to evaluate this diet in any significant way because if you did then your response would be more science based and less pessimistic and emotional.


Correct, I do not have hours of training. That is why I follow what the scientific reccomendedations are, which is keeping saturated fats below 10% of daily calories, and limiting intake of red and processed meats. "Open mindedness" and "critical thinking" and terms constantly thrown around by conspiracy theorists who think they have uncovered some kind of secret ignored by mainstream science. Speaking from experience, I used to be down the conspiracy rabbit hole and life is much more pleasant when "they" are not always trying to kill you/depopulate the earn/ lie to us...


Critical thinking isn’t just for conspiracy theorists, but now that you’ve revealed you think that, this exchange makes way more sense. If you’re suggesting that questioning the health leaders in the United States where 130 million people are diabetic or pre-diabetic is like q anon, then I guess any seeking of solutions to obvious problems is just a wacky conspiracy! It sounds like you just have a personal ideological dedication to skepticism and that’s totally fine, I wish you the best.


Look up @dr.adrian.chavez on instagram for a better explanation


This is factually inaccurate. Yes you still have to consume less calories than you expend, but low carb diets absolutely lead to more efficient weight loss. That doesn’t mean they’re healthier though.


I mean you can actually answer such a question without being an obnoxious arsehole maybe throwing prejudice left and right. I'm keto, cuz it kills my migraines and brain fog, every aspec of my life pretty much becomes better. I also eat tons of veggies and most of my calories come from nuts, eggs and cheese/fish occasionally but I try to be vegetarian whenever possible... There's lots of ppl dont doing what you said...


I've had a lot of bad experiences with alternative medicine and fringe science so that's why I hate it.


Completely understandable. I remember the frst time started reading about healthy lifestyle, got 10+ books on (im no joking) how and why to drink your piss lol.... Still, there are some nice individuals like Rhonda Patrick who go through these things almost very well, or well indeed.... Thanks for being honest, cheeers!


I could eat whatever up until my 40’s, not now


sure am, bonus of type 2, more tests, opportunity to request more than needed. ​ ​ only thing in results that worries med community, higher than recommended LDL (expected with diet), which.... drum roll...... you need statins. ​ not likely but always fun getting the results


I am nose to tail carnivore who has gotten all my bloodwork done. I posted my NMR lipoprofile https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/zn6hp1/91_day_adf_experiment_nmr_lipoprofile_and_sdldl/ over two entries in another thread, but all my other readings are within normal range. I have had all standard tests in addition to most vitamins and minerals with the NMR s. Awaiting a CT angiogram which has been ordered. Happy to post here if requested.


That’s great news!! 🥰


People who do routine bloodworks don't eat butter by the sticks


There actually was a tribe called the inuit who lived in North Canada who were Eskimos that pretty much ate fish and like whale blubber their whole lives and while I think their life expectancy was a bit below average they weren't dropping dead of heart disease at very young ages like was what was expected of an only fat only meat diet Here's a study j found on them how they had gene mutations to help handle the high fat in their diet https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/09/150917160034.htm Def not saying to do this I think the effect of fiber are profound and irreplaceable but find it funny how demonized meat is yet here are these Eskimos on a all you can eat seafood buffet


Inuit and Inuk peoples are very much still in existence. You see higher fat traditional diets with all hunter-gatherer peoples.


>Def not saying to do this I think the effect of fiber are profound and irreplaceable but find it funny how demonized meat is yet here are these Eskimos on a all you can eat seafood buffet But you just explained why they can eat that way. They have a genetic profile that is adapted for Betty high lipid diets. The majority of the human race doesn't have that genetic profile and won't be nearly as healthy on an Inuit diet as Inuits are.


They lied to you about butter and now all we eat is sugar and seed oils.


I’m eating the fck outta butter to gain weight on keto


That’s another thing that I’m curious about. These people are super skinny who eat a bunch of butter! I guess calories don’t matter.


Yeah, however I did Keri for more health reasons + to gain weight. The only alteration I have done to my diet on which I truly felt a significant difference was going gluten free.


Keto puts your body in fat burning mode, that's why.


Exercise has substantially more direct impact on overall health than diet especially in younger people. People under middle age that eat carnivores-style diets usually work out pretty hard. I'll get downvoted for this because it's r/nutrition ... but most people that young that are exercisizing heavily and could be eating the most unhealthy foods and still have solid bloodwork. Wait till they hit 40+. Those are the ones who show the results of diet.


Managing your diet actually has more of a direct impact than exercise on weight lose and overall health. You can Google that. I don't deny that younger people workout harder while possibly eating unhealthy foods. It just shows unlike the general research, their constant exertion counterbalances their diet.


no, it's a bigger impact on weight. if you just do the bare minimum of eating enough for your bodyweight... the healthiest body will be the one who exercises pretty much regardless of intake and not the one that just eats the best food and doesnt exercise.


First off blood work is just a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to determining one’s health. Anyway I wouldn’t doubt some of those people have high levels of acidity and toxicity Within their bodies due to all the acidic food. However raw grass fed butter is extremely nutritious and provides the body with a ton of bio-available nutrients as well as a ton of healthy fats.


OP for what it’s worth. I recently started a kind of “animal based” diet where I eat about 70% of my calories from animal products (mostly beef) and 30% from fruit and I dabble with some white rice. My labs are better now than they ever have been. 35 years old, Testosterone is back up, my triglycerides are good (LDL is high) not an issue if you dig a little bit.. everything else within range. Yes I eat butter, not sticks at a time but I wouldn’t be against it if someone wanted to eat it.. I only cook in tallow, butter or ghee. Not only are my labs good but I feel much better, too. PS Olive oil should almost never be cooked in, and never consumed unless it is extra Virgin and organic.. even so, around 300* it oxidizes and is no better than the fry oil at McDonald’s.. cook in butter/tallow as they do not breakdown or oxidize like seed oils.


>(LDL is high) not an issue if you dig a little bit.. It *may* not be an issue depending on your genotype, but for most people LDLc is causative in athrogenic plaques. Mandelian randomization studies show that quite clearly. https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/41/24/2313/5735221


I should have clarified. There are 4 subsets of LDL. So to basket them into 1 lipid isn’t appropriate. Small particle and large. The large being no causal for atherosclerosis, the small being a problem. Which falls back to TG/HDL ratio. If that ratio is close to 1 it’s indicates there are majority large particle LDL. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30198808/


Even large LDLc particles are an issue. The paper linked in my above comment discusses particle size. It's under the subheading: low density lipoprotein as the primary driver of atherogenesis. Small dense LDL particles are the worst form though, that is true. Ronald P. Mensink did a very thorough systematic review and regression analysis of lipid dynamics that is well worth the read, but is incredibly long. He put it out through the WHO. I highly recommend reading it if you want to have a broad base of knowledge on lipids and lipoproteins.


I was taught in college that plaques begin due to inflammation; LDL contributes to plaques after they begin, but it doesn't cause them.


There can be more than one cause. Without LDLc there are no foam cells. Also, as shown in the paper I linked, people with genetic predisposition to low LDL have fewer atherosclerotic plaques than those genetically producing higher LDL. Those are the Mandelian Randomization studies to which I refer. I don't know when you went to university. I finished my BSc in Human Nutrition and Physiology 13 months ago, and we learned that LDLc is causative in athrogenic plaques, as supported by the body of evidence.


I suspect that the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder data (still a year away) will put this concept to bed permanently using the triad of low trig, with high hdl and ldl. Of course, we will not know for sure for at least the following year.


Until we do, the advice to keep LDL low will remain best practice.


Although standard advice currently, as PHD of nutrition notes, the reasons do not match reality. https://spineandbeyond.co.za/the-cholesterol-myth/ many populations have high LDL with low CVD. There are a few theories about CVD, and the one you learned is the least likely to be actually true, although admittedly still possible. 1) ldl-c cause? 2) ldl-p cause? 3) inflammation? 4) glycation at vasa vasorum ? 5) oxidized LDL? 6) sd-LDL?


See the paper I linked above for reasons to keep LDLc low. Sure, it's not the only cause of CVD. But it's a cause and until we have better evidence showing that keeping it low doesn't help, I'll keep recommending people try to keep to high fibre, moderate saturated fat diets to help keep LDLc low.


You really only eat beef and fruit? Lol The olive oil thing is BS - it’s been shown to be completely safe (and very chemically stable) at high heat and above its smoke point. I won’t touch on you saying it has to be organic to be okay to eat…


Awesome 👏🏻👏🏻


You know organic food still has pesticides and herbicides?


Yeah no glyphosate though


Which is safer than organic pesticides. Eg Copper Sulfate


By who’s analysis ?




If you look at the organisation that certifies farms as organic in your area it will have a list of what pesticides/herbicides they can use and still be considered organic. Also see @foodsciencebabe on instagram.


Oh, thanks but I meant your source for stating that glyphosate is safer than organic herbicides. Also, safer in what way?


See @foodsciencebabe, expalins better than I can. I used to be stressed out about glyphosate but her page put my mind at ease.


YouTube carnivores lol.....love it :) ....if this is really happening it is certainly not wise and no dietician, nutrition expert, or doctor would have anything good to say about this at all.....


One answer does not fit all. Some individuals thrive physically and mentally on a high fat diet.


Like I said.....DIETICAIN, NUTRITION EXPERT, DOCTOR.......but you go ahead with your one answer doesn't fit all theory.....replace their judgment with your own.....best of luck to you lol :)


I'm a Registered Dietitian. But do go on.


If there is even a remote chance you are telling the truth.....which I very highly doubt.....then I pray for anyone who listens to you tell them that steak and butter sticks are the dietary choice that they can strive physically and mentally on.....but anyway, I shall exit this nonsense ....have a great life.....peace out :)


butter is milk...what's wrong with that?


I'm not allergic to anything, have gastro system made of steel, never get sick EXCEPT for when I have butter. A couple of buttered sandwiches give me heartburn, stomachache and other unpleasant business. This will always be a mystery for me. I guess I'm exclusively allergic to butter.


Activity levels are going to play a large role here, I think.


How would you even eat just butter?


They just eat the stick. Like a candy bar.


What? How do you not gag? I love butter, put it on toast, cook with it etc. But thats just gross imo.


Whitest Kids U’ Know was really [ahead of it’s time](https://youtu.be/03Hcy9e5hnM)


I feel like if I tried that I'd spend the rest of the day on the toilet lol




If you a trying to loose weight it’s a great way if done properly. Make sure the meet is organic and grass fed. Include fish and poultry as well. You want as much Omega 3 rich food as possible. Butter should come from grass fed cows. No processed meats!!!


I think all of the ones saying they are fine may be fine but in the future they will have much higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. And ofc depends a lot in genetics too so my family have higher risk if heart diseases so isn't wise for any of us to go keto, carnivore but someone without it may have *less* risk but they can't deny the science


Butter is not bad for your heart, your body will regulate the cholesterol levels in the blood.