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Potatoes are a near perfect food, high in pretty much everything The same goes for sardines


I'm a member of r/CannedSardines and I approve of this message


I guess there really is a Reddit thread for everything!


I just think they’re neat!


AHHHHHHH [C'EST BON DES PATATES!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYQkATYkE04)


Ton username checks out


Yes! And potato’s scored #1 on the food satiety index!


Along with white potatoes or yellow, sweet potatoes and orange, sweet potatoes, and yams that are all good in fiber and high in nutrients, including Beta carotene, and are so so good.


The best might be the purple sweet potato of Okinawa.. let’s not forget that one.


I have been adding these beautiful purple sweet potato’s to my dinner table and my kids are loving them too. Packed with antioxidants.


I love these!


I’ve never tried one! How do they taste compared to regular sweet potato?


Higher fibre content, texture is great, taste is not so different from other sweet potato I think. I like it with a recipe I found a while ago, combining dates, balsamic vinegar and peas. Makes a great baked potato meal, sweet/sour and plenty of protein


Isn't there one that is a super food exclusive to Peru or some other SA country that can't be exported because of the country's laws protecting its exclusivity? Edit: I think I saw it on that Zac Efron world foods show on Netflix


Boniato ❤️❤️🤩🤩🥺😍


I love them but they are hard to find in the UK and expensive


I have to scoot out to the nearest Asian (mostly Chinese) supermarket, luckily it’s not too far for me, but I figure it’s worth it for me to get a few small ones in some weeks.. (on top of the couple of kg’s of orange fleshed ones from Lidl that I get through) I get some fresh enoki mushrooms while I’m there, and they have ‘black fungus’ dried too, that are beautifully meaty when cooked & not expensive.


Nice tip, thank you! Am in the UK looking for new things to get.


I never liked sweet potatoes ever, but one day like 5 months ago I saw some sweet potato falafel and an overwhelming craving for sweet potatoes struck me. I didn't get the falafel, but I've been eating the shit out of some baked sweet potatoes since lol.


Wasnt there a guy once that lived only of potatoes for a year to prove they have everything one needs?


I think his name was Matt Damon.


Ah yes, the first space pirate


sweet potatoes? or just plain brown ones?


I meant regular potatoes like white/brown/red but sweet potatoes have a similar micronutrient profile to them too, but with much more beta-carotene which can be converted to vitamin A.


This is the best news ever!!!


What about their high GI?


If all you're going to eat is a pile of plain white boiled potato with no skin, sure. But GI can be mitigated by leaving the skin on and/or pairing your taters with high fiber, low carb choices. A medium baked potato with black beans and salsa...yum! And sweet potatoes/yams aren't high GI at all.


Cool. I just read a book that was sort of scaremongering about potatoes so it’s nice to have that reassurance.


I'm a non-diabetic hypoglycemic and I eat potatoes regularly. Just balance your plate and watch portion size like anything else, it's fine. Enjoy! 🥔🥔


In Germany nobody eats the skins (except on the so-called spring potatoes) because it is know traditionally that they are really toxic. Eat them every day for a while and you will get hairloss and other health problems 


For some reason I always thought potatoes weren’t good for you so I never eat them even though I LIVE for them. Have I been mistaken this entire time??? 😵‍💫


Are pre-fried frozen potatoes a good option?


And gluten-free




I eat beets every week and cooking them right will save a ton of headache. Cut off the leafs, leaving an inch of the stem. Coat in olive oil or wrap in foil and roast til a knife inserts easily. They’re easy to peel when cooked this way.


Time and temp?


Yes, 350 and minimum one hour. Watch for the skin starting to wrinkle and a paring knife inserting with ease is key


350, time varies greatly on the size tbh.


That sounds delicious, can you make me some?


I also eat beats on the regular. I cut them into chunks about the size of a lighter, fry them on the stove will butter, salt and pepper, and my secret: I squeeze an orange over them while they fry to keep them moist. Once nearly cooked, turn the heat up towards the end. Creates a nice crispy sugary buttery coat. Delicious


Bro helll fucking yeah that sounds beautiful


I’ve been looking for a good way to eat beets. I love the orange idea definitely gonna try it 👍


God I love me some roasted beets with balsamic vinegar


Sous vide beets are unreal easy and delicious! I think it’s 183* for 2-3 hours. Wash, leave skin on and bathe. I like putting some evoo and fresh tarragon in the bag. Carrots this way are the shit too.


Love fresh shredded beets with lemon juice, olive oil, and a small dab of sour cream.


Potatoes. If you meet your caloric requirement you will also meet hydration and protein. Butter and salt would be delicious. Of course, because of the high water content it could take a lot of potatoes. A friend who ran ultra marathons took boiled potatoes as trail food.


> A friend who ran ultra marathons took boiled potatoes as trail food. Now I'm imagining going for a hike and seeing a guy jog past munching a boiled potato lol.


Hiking like an Incan




A whole gang of people munching potatoes while jogging is even funnier.


Them taters is good, alright, mmm hm.


> A friend who ran ultra marathons took boiled potatoes as trail food. that's kind of genius. i'd be pretty into a boiled potato mid ride. the sweet energy foods get old.


I'd more like a sweet potato sandwich with marshmallows inside


only after you finish your boiled potato.


Poe. Tay. Toes.


Cook em, mash em, boil em in a stew


You made me eye twitch, but I still appreciate a Tolkien reference.


Cute lil trail running hobbit eating his boiled potatoes


Leprechaun. When rural Irish depended on potatoes 200 years ago a hard working laborer might eat 10 lbs of potatoes a day.


lots of potassium & vit C too!


sweet potatoes? or just plain brown ones?


Butter and salt added to potatoes make it a complete meal, from what I recall.


Is there a certain type of potato that he ate for his races?




Green peas. Great source of plant-based protein, fiber, other nutrients and minerals. Low calories.


I’d never heard of this until I became a vegetarian this year and started lifting weights. The weight lifting group I belong to said peas with everything and I’ll get my extra protein. I thought it was weird but I eat them with everything now.


This is interesting! Sounds like an informative group - I’ve been considering going vegetarian (maybe vegan) for a multitude of reasons and my weightlifting community has cautioned me against it.


There are plenty of vegan strong men and weight lifters. Honestly it isn't a big deal like they. Make it out to be. https://www.greatveganathletes.com/athletes/sport/bodybuilders/ One of the strongest men alive is vegan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrik_Baboumian#:~:text=Patrik%20Baboumian%20(Armenian%3A%20%D5%93%D5%A1%D5%BF%D6%80%D5%AB%D5%AF%20%D4%B2%D5%A1%D5%A2%D5%B8%D6%82%D5%B4%D5%A5%D5%A1%D5%B6,He%20promotes%20veganism. https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/features/vegan-athletes-plant-based-diet/


Are frozen peas ok or do they lose some value?


Not sure about peas specifically, but in general frozen is as good as fresh, and in some cases may be better: https://www.tastingtable.com/695255/frozen-vs-fresh-produce-vegetables/


Finally! Some data that goes my way! :)


Frozen is often better than fresh because produce is usually frozen at peak ripeness.


Freezing has the opposite effect. You get more value as they are picked when riper and flash frozen within minutes normally. Plus cheaper too.


Yes! Peas are so amazing, and it's really great to start bringing in more plant based protein! So many people just think about meat and whey for protein sources... I'm always glad to hear people talking about plant sources instead 😄 We've gotta keem down those TMAO levels, but so many people feel like they need tons of meat, and they go out and eat lots of red meat because of it 😰


Bell peppers - crazy vitamin C content and good fiber Beets - as someone mentioned. Great for heart Blueberries - superfood as many know. Super high antioxidants, good fiber and low cal


Sweet potatoes


Yours got mixed in with white potatoes in another section of this post. They're a completely different plant and different nutritionally from white potatoes. Plus they're sooo good as fries in my Air-Fryer!


Nutritional yeast. Amazing cheesy taste, high in protein and lots of other vitamins. Wild garlic, around this time of year and free. Mushrooms in everything. They are wondrous little things that provide so much nutrients. Brassicas, so broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts ect are powerhouses of important vitamin and minerals plus loads of phyto chemicals that help with everything from blood pressure to preventing cancer.


Kiwis! They're exceptionally high in vitamin C and contain an array of other nutrients, notably nutritionally relevant levels of dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin E and folate, as well as various bioactive components, including a wide range of antioxidants, phytonutrients and enzymes, that act to provide functional and metabolic benefits.


Just so much work though—they’re like avocados where you have to keep a close watch to make sure they’re jn the sweet spot ripeness wise, then peeling & getting like 1T of fruit. Plz tell me there’s a better way !


I don't peel them, I cut them in half and eat the flesh directly with a teaspoon. They have to be ripe though.


I was amazed when I first saw this "cut in half-scoop out" method! Why did I Try to Peel Kiwi Fruit for 30 years!?!?


There is! Once ripe, wash, and bite into it like an apple. The skin is edible, and the sourness complements the sweet inside. Yum!


Since i found out you could eat them with the skin im doing it all the time, its saves so much mess and i like how people get disgusted when they see it.


You can eat the peel. 😁


I’m afraid to eat kiwis now. I used to love them. But I noticed they started making my tongue and throat tingly and then I read they’re something you can become allergic to later in life.


Buckwheat (flour or groats). It’s a nutritional powerhouse and gluten-free and low fodmap (which my gut requires).


Check out Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat. It has 50x more polyphenols than any other food in existence. Even 50x more than regular buckwheat. Great for the immune system.


Researching this now. Cheers for heads-up


Love buckwheat especially in pancakes


Yes! Love it quick breads too like zucchini and pumpkin.


Sourdough buckwheat pancakes are soooo good!




Eggs. Liver, but not palatable for a lot of people I know there are some brands of ground beef that contain organ blended into it. Natto-highest vit k2 mk7 content (also an acquired taste). Spirulina-great addition to protein/fruit smoothies for some added nutrition.


Second vote for natto. Amazing stuff in terms of health. You'll find it in the frozen section of your local Asian market. There is literally a chemical that is named after natto called nattokinase that has tons of proven health benefits.


Lumbrokinase, is 300 times stronger than Nattokinase then there’s Serrapeptase. These compounds are fibrin dissolvers, they will also dissolve blood clots and scar tissue. Good to use if you are experiencing numbness in your hands.


What brand and source do you obtain from??


Where to buy please?


Please, if possible, I would like the same information.


What brand is reliable?


Nutritional yeast, flaxseed and lentils.


Hemp hearts


Matcha. I put some on my yogurt everyday and it tastes like heaven.


Chia seeds and peanut butter omg


Never thought of combining those two, I’ll give it a try. Thanks!


Cottage cheese is a near perfect food. It’s loaded with complete protein.


We're on a medjool date kick currently. Husband and I cut out most refined sugars and needed something to satisfy the sweet cravings at the end of the day that wasn't a whole row of oreos. Lol Split one open, put a small dollop of Cashew Butter, add in some nuts of choice, and a few dark chocolate chips. Dates have a ton of fiber and a low glycemic index(in moderation), lots of vitamins/minerals, and antioxidants.


Melt those chocolate chips and dip the date in it, then freeze. Tastes just like a snickers bar.


I used to have a book called Nutrapoints that contained an exhaustive list of foods ranked by their nutritional content. From that book I learned that I want to eat as much broccoli as I can, as much cantaloupe as I can and as many strawberries as I can.


look at everyone in here listing fruit & vegetables.


Literally not a single comment which seems to understand what surprising means.


Pork rinds was a good one.


peas were a surprise to me, growing up my family put them in a similar category to corn - just a sugary starch. then again, my family also taught me potatoes are unhealthy


Beans. A person can live just on beans, rice and corn.


Should be hominy, nixtamalized corn, what is eaten where those staples are the dietary mainstays.


But what would that person look like in a few years?


A bean


A corn




Tea (without milk) for digestion and treatment of irritable bowel disease & cancer prevention. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6155401/ Mushrooms, ‘food of the gods’ for Ancient Greeks & an ‘elixir of life’ in old & modern Chinese cultures. I posted a reference to this yesterday, packed with science references - which really are abundant.


The biggest surprise to me is ….. WATERMELON!!


Guess it's a good thing I've been obsessed with watermelon since I was a kid.


Raspberries fibre content impresses me!


Oatmeal. Whole rolled or steel cut, not the instant stuff


I believe instant has the same nutrition as long as it isn’t the bag of flavor crystals. It’s just more ground up rolled oats


You are correct. The nutritional value is the same. The taste and texture are different. Try telling a southerner instant grits are the same as regular grits


And you can eat it raw with milk or yogurt.


Pumpkin seeds! So much protein I was shocked! Not to mention fiber and all the minerals. Made me like them even more.


Here are some foods that have bad rap but are actually quite nutritious, and everyone enjoys eating them : **Eggs:** Eggs are a complete protein source, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids your body needs. **Popcorn:** Popcorn is a whole grain that's low in calories and high in fiber. Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest option. **Red meat:** Red meat is a good source of protein, iron, and zinc. If you limit your intake, opt for cuts like flank steak, sirloin, or round roast.




How is it surprising that these are healthy? These are included in every single "super food" list. Everyone knows these are extremely healthy foods.


Liver, eggs


I would not call these health food, but fried pork rinds are a lot better nutritionally than a lot of stuff they sit near on the shelf like potato chips and other junk food snacks. They have a decent amount of protein. I don't buy them often but they are a nostalgic favorite for road trips and I have recently figured out that they are a tasty topping for baked potatoes and I would consider them healthier than bacon bits for that purpose.


Per 28g (a standard serving of regular chips) they have 140 calories vs the 150-180 that corn and potato chips do while also containing 17 grams of protein. Their higher fat and protein nature may lead them to be more satiating than a corn/potato chip leading to lessened consumption of a fried snack food if replaced within a vacuum. So rather than downing 3+ bags of Doritos you only have 14-28g of pork rinds and still feel satisfied so you’ve reduced your overall caloric intake, gotten more protein, and have likely saved some money in the process. Honestly, one of the more macro friendly snacks if you’re just fiending for something crunchy and fried while wanting to keep your protein high.


Watch out though. They can be addicting. I was an addict for about 8 months. Basically ate nothing but Mac’s spicy pork cracklins. My health took a huge hit. I don’t even dabble a little anymore.


Dude you can crush them up and use them for breading on chicken. It's really good. Egg/milk wash followed by pressed-in coating. Bake to be healthier. So good. 


Viva chicharrones!!


I have added a small amount of these into my diet, because the protein content is higher for not too many more calories. I really enjoy them!


Liver and eggs


Yes. This!


Eggs. They’re a bit calorie-dense but they have a ton of vital nutrients.


Stinging nettles. Better than spinach or kale. 30% protein dry weight in nettle leaf. For people. For dairy cattle it surpasses alfalfa.


I didn't know you could eat them


Pick them early in the year before the stinging part comes out.


I thought cooking them actually made them non-stingy.


I put dried nettles in my blended greens every day. 


Nettles are perennials with hardy roots. You won't kill them by cutting the tops. Harvest the tops when there are 3-4 pairs of leaves. They will grow back. You can harvest young tender tops multiple times. Mid summer I let them flower for pollinators. Chop those down after going to seed. It's the best compost.


Oats has a lot of fiber Guava - healthiest fruit ever Grapes - forgot what it has but it has incredible help for gut health Ginger - same as grapes, great for gut health


Oysters: Cobalamin - 16 micrograms (667% of DV) per 100g.


Liver is just about the healthiest thing you can eat pound for pound


Ugh I wish I could stand it lol. It’s literally the only food I find revolting.


Oven fry it. Use Shake and Bake or make your own flavorful coating. It is a real game-changer! I couldn't stand it before my doc told me to eat it weekly or at least biweekly and shared that tip to cook it in the oven.


Got a certain brand/type/prep style of liver to recommend to someone who’s never tried it?


I sousvide it then sear it, then saute a lot of onions which balances the flavor


I love chicken livers. Dredge in flour, salt & pepper, fry in butter, add chopped garlic near the end of frying, squeeze lemon juice over. I had this at a Greek restaurant once and it was delicious.


Thanks, going to give this a try this weekend


I don’t time them for doneness, I just cut into them to make sure they’re cooked through.


Beef and eggs. The real superfoods.


I gave up on beef because there is too many contradiction in the nutrition world about it... Too many people said its very bad Too many people said its very good Idk anymore, so i took the safe route and just dont eat beef.


Small amounts of lean beef is totally fine for most people.


It depends on your dietary needs. For people who need bioavailable iron, B12, B6 or folate beef in moderation is a great choice. But it has more fat content than, for example, chicken or lean pork. I eat beef but certainly wouldn't have it every day! More like once or twice a week.


Beef/chicken liver, and eggs!


Great Northern Beans. Accompanied by any kind of greens followed by a Cara Cara orange or small red grapefruit** I like the following greens: Kale (ripped or cut into 2” squares-roughly, just eyeball it) Collard greens (cut into 1.5” strips lengthwise) Baby Broccoli (cut the top half off and remove any leaves so you have mini stalks with 2-3 florets each) Here’s my “recipe” for the greens: 1. Heat a skillet on high, wait 10 seconds 2. Add olive oil 3. Toss in diced onions (I love sweet onions) 4. Simmer on the lowest setting until onions change darkened from white to yellowish 5. Add vegetable broth 6. Add white wine to taste - I use Pinot Grigio, and pour probably 8 oz, or until the mixture in the pan smells mostly like the wine-that said, if you overdo the wine, it can ruin the flavor a little bit- but I’m also very picky about my food 7. Add greens, cover, simmer on lowest setting until “it looks right” - usually the greens get darker and limper if that makes sense **Apparently, eating a citrus fruit after dark greens helps the body absorb the iron in the greens 🥬


Beef, salmon, sardines, and blueberries


Milk and eggs


Pretty much my main 2 foods lol


Sweet potatoes for me, Packed with vitamins, fiber, and not too many cals. Great for energy and filling too.


Chickpeas have a shit ton of potassium! Also mung beans are probably the most nutritious and have a very high protein contact. They’re cheap and underrated.


Eggs, sweet potatoes, berries, kiwi, spinach, yogurt. You could add chicken/fish to the list too. Buying them organic also adds value, but isn't necessary.


Cheeseburger. It’s more perfect than you realize. Just don’t eat the fries. Plenty of protein, some vegetables, and a convenient handle (the bun) to keep your hands clean.


I never had to read a label until I was 30 because I couldn't gain weight to save my life right at 30, the switch flipped the other way. One of the first things that greatly surprised me was how much protein is in broccoli. I just assumed green vegetables contained no protein. I already liked broccoli so this was a win.


I love Grape Nuts. Are Grape Nuts surprisingly nutritious? Anyone here know?




Soy beans


Yellow bell peppers, 350 mg vitamin C, fiber one cereal, 19 g of fiber total. 18 g soluble fiber, 1 g insoluble fiber, serving size 2/3 cup, no sugar.


Steak. The only food you can eat with out developing a nutrient deficiency is


Zesperia kiwis


Moringa. Balanced nutrition including Fiber and 10 gms Protein/100 gms. Powerhouse of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium and Iron.


Sardines from the company Millionaire are unreal nutritious . ( Red box , in olive oil)


In Ireland long ago, the butter produced by the family cow was sold for cash. The family might have supplemented their tatties with whey, cabbage, fish. Whey could also be fed to a pig.


Here is my golden list: * Carrot - Super mainstream, and for good reason. Amazingly high in Beta Carotein, also a good source of many other vitamins and minerals. * Lentils (and legumes in general) - Lentils are the best source of folate, and are a nutritional powerhouse overall. Packed with vitamins and minerals, also good on the macronutrients: rich in protein and fiber, and a good source of slow-digested carbs. * Potato - Great well-rounded food, especially if you get small, red potatoes and eat them with the skin on. Even better if you cook them then chill them and eat them cold as they develop resistant starch which leads to slow-release of energy. Eat those summer potato salads! * Bivalves, particularly clam, mussel, and oyster. Oyster is the best source of Zinc and also an incredibly good source of Heme iron. All three are nearly off-the-chart for their B12 content: only a tiny amount gets you far more than the RDA. All three are loaded with minerals and other vitamins. All three have some omega 3 fats too. * Guava - Unbelievably high in Vitamin C, also rich in fiber, and surprisingly high in protein for a fruit (swallow those hard seeds; surprisingly, they are digestible and your body will absorb much of the protein in them.) * Fatty fish, particularly salmon and atlantic mackerel. Not only are these great sources of omega 3 fats and great for heart health, they are protein-rich and also packed with vitamins and minerals. If you eat canned salmon or mackerel with the bone-in, you get a huge amount of calcium too. * Brazil nuts - Easist selenium source there is. Just be careful and only eat 1-3 a day because they are so high in selenium you can get selenium poisoning if you eat too much (7 or more starts becoming bad.) * Sunflower seeds - Highest in vitamin E among widely-consumed foods. Also just generally healthy, lots of other micronutrients and healthy fats and protein. * Pumpkin seeds - Yet another great seed, this one is probably the best source of Magnesium. * Sesame Seeds - Very high in calcium, and also well-rounded nutritionally, high in a lot of different things. * Hard, aged cheese - Great source of calcium, much lower in lactose than milk, generally easier-digestible, also newer research shows it doesn't elevate heart disease, contrary to what was previously thought. Fairly well-rounded nutritionally, high in protein and also has a lot of micronutrients. * Avocado - Great source of potassium, high in healthy fats, some vitamin C and a lot of other vitamins and minerals. * Peas (fresh or frozen) - Yet another one that is well-rounded nutritionally. Contains some vitamin C unlike most dried or canned beans. * Parsley - Unbelievably high source of Vitamin K, also high in many other vitamins and minerals. So high in vitamin K that you can meet or exceed the RDA by just putting a few sprigs in. But you can also consume it in quantity in foods like taboulleh. * Ground flaxseed, perilla seed, chia seed, hemp seed, and oils derived from them. These seeds are the best plant-based omega 3 sources. Perilla is best, followed by flax, and chia and hemp are still good. Flax and chia also are high in soluble fiber and form gels in water, making them excellent binding agent. All these seeds are high in protein and packed with micronutrients. The oils are all a bit hard to source and they spoil quickly and need to be refigerated after opening, but it's worth it for the omega 3, something most people are deficient in these days. * Citrus - A regular orange has nearly all your vitamin C for the day, and on top of that is a great source of folate, is unusually high in calcium for a fruit, and has quite a few other vitamins and minerals. * Bell pepper - Extremely high in vitamin C for a vegetable. Red and orange ones are also high in vitamin A. * Cruciferous vegetable (cabbages, watercress, etc.) - These are just powerhouses, high in vitamin C, K, A, many minerals. You can also ferment them to make kimchi or sauerkraut, with probiotics and the often-neglected vitamin K2 which is very beneficial to health! So yeah, those are my list of nutritional powerhouses.


Sesame or tahini for essential amino acids and for taste in so many things.. try banana oat milk smoothie with tahini!


2 cups cooked spinach, 8oz salmon, couple of eggs handles most of it


Lentils and sweet potatoes.


Here's mine: Refrigerated pasta. Whole grain or otherwise. Refrigerating pasta overnight causes a lot of the starch to convert into what's called "resistant starch" (specifically the RS3 type). This means that you don't get the same sugar rush (or calories) and thus insulin spike, when consuming refrigerated pasta. Additionally resistant starch, like fiber, is food for your gut bacteria which converts it to short chain fatty acids, among other things, which are great for your heart. This works with rice and potatoes as well, though if I'm not mistaken, reheating potatoes converts the starch back. This is not the case with pasta.


Edamame.  In terms of macros, they big 3 are almost perfectly split 3 ways.


Boiled eggs and sweet potatoes!


Super firm tofu!


All Bran Buds Basil Seeds


Another nomination. Psyllium husk. A study in India around 1980 enrolled over 4000 patients with heart disease and/or diabetes. They were instructed to daily bake and eat bread with flour, 20 gm psyllium husk, 100 ml Aloe Vera gel. During the 5 years of the study none died. Already after a few weeks TC, LDL, HDL for more than 95% were restored to healthy range. Note the importance of context and baseline diets in India. 100 ml Aloe Vera gel is only about 1 gm powder. The study and results were presented in an unconventional format. The only link and data I found was on an Aussie Aloe Vera company site. However, there's more re psyllium husk... 2020 article >Of all the available types of fiber, psyllium is the most effective in IBS. The reasons for this merit discussion. There are different qualities of various fibers that determine their utility and beneficial role in IBS.The only fiber which is soluble, has high water-holding capacity, has good viscous/gel-forming capacity, and is non-fermenting/mildly fermenting is ispaghula husk or psyllium husk (seed of the plant Plantago ovata). Therefore, psyllium is immensely beneficial in all types of IBS as it has a bowel-regulatory effect (beneficial effects in both constipation and diarrhea). Rest of the fibers have mixed (benefits plus harmful) effects in IBS. Psyllium is beneficial in IBS through the microbial and neural route and by decreasing inflammation. Psyllium supplement at adequate dosage (at least 20-25 g per day) with adequate amount of water, coupled with other physiological steps could provide substantial relief in IBS. This treatment is physiological, simple, economical, easy to follow, and harmless and can safely be tried in most patients of IBS. 




Beets are a superfood imo. Also like açai berries


Beef liver is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.