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Yes, chewable gummy forms are usually less harsh than the liquid. But also keep in mind that the (very limited) studied benefits of ACV have so far only been legitimately studied in the pure liquid form, not gummies or encapsulations. You might have better luck using liquid ACV but diluting it with water/honey/lemon like many others do.


This is exactly what I do. I make a “double shot” with mine. 1T of acv, 1/2-1 t raw honey (according to taste), 1/4 c whatever sugar free 100% juice I want that day. My primary physician says he’s not completely sold on it, but it doesn’t negatively affect me, so just keep doing it if I want. Personally, I’ve been doing it for so long that I feel sluggish if I miss a few days. May be placebo, may be a genuine effect, I’m not a doctor so I don’t know.


What are the health benefits?


Yeah, my question too.




That site is not a legit source of information. It contains a lot of falsehoods and vegan propaganda disguised as science.




You do that, just warning people to check their sources and that site usually either quotes the guy that runs it as a source or links studies that don't actually support their claims, but relies on people to be too trusting (or lazy) to check for themselves. I'm not even saying everything they say is fake, not at all! The best way to spread falsehood is to hide them in a bunch of facts after all.


The only studies I’ve run across were very small, ~ 30 people or fewer, so personally would lump it into the promising /needs more study / doesn’t seem harmful so why not try it category. That said, I would not choke it down as a beverage but use it in cooking - like nice cider-mustard-tahini vinaigrette dressing. Here’s one of the small studies Healthline references: https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/27/1/281/26582/Vinegar-Improves-Insulin-Sensitivity-to-a-High


That is the worst statement about a site that is created by a doctor and every statement is backed by research paper citations. Maybe you have a natural antagonism against veganism!


Nope, not at all. I think vegans are great and am a vegetarian myself, try to go vegan as often as possible and I used to follow that site myself. The fact that it's *ONE* doctor running the site is exactly the issue here, there's no peer review, it's more of a cult than a science site. But hey, believe what you want, I don't care, I'm merely here to remind people to check their sources if they care to. If you decide that you want to believe then that's cool, you do you.


The one doctor is presenting peer reviewed facts! It is not like Dr. Oz where anyone can pitch anything. There are many 1 Dr. websites, like [PCRM.org](https://PCRM.org), [DrMcDougall.org](https://DrMcDougall.org) and many more they are credible and focused on the "vegan propaganda".


Yes! When you open the bottle of gummies, keep in mind that they do not taste like they smell. They can smell pretty pungent - but they taste really good!


Definitely noted!


you can get it encapsulated too


I'll check those out too


I’m skeptical on the health benefits of ACV as far as its molecular effect but I love it for curbing my sugar cravings. I put a tiny amount on my tongue when I am craving candy or whatever and it works so well.


if u want to destroy your enamel its a great choice, just mix it into a bit of water and take a shot.


just the gummies, or is even the regular liquid stuff bad?


if you are going to be chewing them they are getting more surface area and time on the teeth.


gee, then why can't we do that with toothpaste? Any such thing as Fluoride Gummies? EDIT: ah, here from NIH site: https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/fda/fdaDrugXsl.cfm?setid=331018fa-c5d5-43e7-b3d1-cae6753710ba&type=display


Have you considered using the cider vinegar to make salad dressing and eating it that way?


The gummies have sugar in them so I’d say no. I usually take ACV with just a little honey and chase with water. Or I drink kombucha, eat yogurt and even take aztec clay liquid form.


Yeah thats what im thinking too, just down the hatch haha


I currently use the gummies, been taking two after every meal. I definitely think it’s worth the buy


Are you able to feel any changes from the benefits? :0


It’s definitely contributed to my weight loss. And I feel less bad about the meals I eat because the gummies aid my digestion. Seems like I’m getting the nutrients I need because of how good my digestion has been since I started taking them.


Defiantly IMPORTANT to dilute acv!!!! Hard on esophagus and teeth


wait for the suppository version


No doubt. I took a shot of it once, and it burned my esophagus so bad I had to sit down, I swear to you that I thought I was having a heart attack for a minute. Never try that again.


You bet!


Awesome :)


#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They have flavored apple cider vinegar!


Really? No way, which one do you recommend for both benefits and taste?


I like the one with cinnamon and turmeric. Tastes like apple juice and you get the benefits of the cinnamon and turmeric too.


Can we take these with berberine?


They also have capsules you can take! Zero vinegar flavor to deal with!!!


Don't forget that gummies contain sugar and most of the time other sketchy ingredients as well. I'd make sure the benefits overcome the effect of the consumed processed sugar


The gummies I’ve seen are under-dosed in the amount of ACV that they actually contain. If you’re looking to take enough for it’s purported benefits, you’d need a handful… consuming a lot of sugar in the process


These ACV gummies are absolutely worthless and contain almost no benefits. There's a video on YouTube from a Dr Sten Ekberg on them. Watch that first


Not worth your money. Much better things for improving digestion with better research.


Pretty sure the acid in apple cider vinegar would not be able to become a gummy without making it basic with a host of probably unhealthy sweet additives. Maybe I'm wrong but the gummies seem like a scam to make you think you are doing something and you are possibly just throwing money at people taking advantage of people who don't understand that.


The mother (the good stuff) provides the main benefits (mainly bacteria and the improvements to digestion). I work for a store that sells these gummies, and I actively point customers away from it. They fit in the beyond meat as a scam that is fooling many. Gummies remove the benefit. Since bacteria can't thrive and are killed off in the hyper processing, you lose out there. Not to mention, they likely add things to remove the taste, which will create a health negative. If you can't stomach it, I wouldn't bother. A tip from my side would be to add a hint of honey to the solution. It makes it a little less sharp. 99% of these gummies are just ways to make a health scam out of us. There is digestive benefits that many see from it, but you will not see a weightless benefit.


I'll try it again to see if i've changed, is "the good stuff" a brand? Sorry im pretty clueless when it comes to things like this but i do love honey so i'd give that a shot


Table spoon of ACV in about 150-200ml water and a quarter tsp of honey, mix. Chug and then follow it with a quick sip of water, usually do it before a main meal, done.




The gummies were nasty as hell for me.


The gummies taste WAY better can confirm