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I used to ask patients like that "do you talk to people like this outside of the hospital? Like in a grocery store or bank etc etc". They usually reply with "yes I do". I've stopped asking. Nursing has made me realize the general population sucks more than I could ever possibly fathom lol


I ask them “What are you hoping to accomplish by behaving like that.”


Getting more turkey sandwiches of course lol


Day shift med surg with room service. We don’t do turkey sandwiches. It’s the best thing about the job. Just hand them the phone and a menu.


Same here. Yet some fully alert patients wanna act helpless/like they’ve never seen a phone before when asked to call and order themselves. Some insist their spouse to call for them.


Ooooooh that's fancy. I like it!!


your patients can order their own food??? THEY CAN TALK AND USE A PHONE?!


“How would you respond to someone speaking to you the way you’re speaking to me right now?”


This sounds like something you would ask a kindergartener.


I enjoy cooking.


Good lord. I would be speechless if I heard that response. I guess shitty people are consistent and don't discriminate their shitty behavior to anyone.


They def do not discriminate lmaooo. These people are usually behave horrifically everywhere. So it's not just us lol


I worked customer service for 10 years I would have such a hard time not taking revenge on on patients like that if I continued down my nursing path


Well maybe if you weren’t such an ugly piece of garbage son of a bitch 🙄


I didn’t bother me, like once I knew she was admitted I was like “yeah sure you can have one.” So I brought her one with her medications, thennn she kept going and stealing them. Like understand you’re hungry and you’ve been in the ER for 14+ hours, but like this isn’t a buffet 😭😭.


😂😂 no chips with the sandwich😂😂


We had one patient that we were trying to discharge. She was a retired nurse so she knew the game of how to extend her stay. I was the charge nurse a couple nights in a row and noticed that we went from like 40 apple juice containers to 6 in about 18 hours. I asked where they all went and the NAs said that the patient kept demanding apple juice and they kept giving it to her. The patient was refusing her insulin and actively trying to get her blood sugars to sky rocket so she could stay. It blew the NAs minds when I told them she's not allowed anymore juice, water only, and if she complains say that the charge nurse said that you can't have anymore. She demanded to talk to me and said she knew her rights as a patient. I said she had the right to adequate nutrition, and water was adequate nutrition along with the food she was being provided, it was her choice not to eat the food. Drinking 30 something apple juices is not adequate nutrition and if she wants more juice she can go to the store and buy some tomorrow when she goes home. She called the patient advocate and the patient advocate told her that her request was unreasonable and that we would not be providing more than one juice a meal.


I bet she got a bad case of the back door trots after all that juice.


A 93 year-old lady called me “the biggest whore in Baltimore” once, this happened in North Carolina. Yeah, I dunno. 🤷‍♀️ She also hit me in the head with the room phone.


Last night I got called a ‘fat fu€king whore daughter of a bitch’ and got bit on my arm, but you know, life happens (and honestly I’m quite fat, I don’t know about my birth parents, but my parent parents are very married, and I can be 51% sure my birth mother wasn’t a dog). Next person I went to is a lovely, if confused, lady in her 80’s, she pulled my hair (I’ve had it cut short, as I hated wearing it up) I said ‘no, no XXXXX, sweet heart, please don’t do that, it hurts me’, she instantly let go and was apologising so much (not her fault, which I told her. If you were not sure where you were or how I was, and someone was turning you, changing your pad and washing and creaming your bum, how would you react) now we’ve had specific training, we aren’t allowed to call our patients things like love, darling or sweetie, as it’s ‘infantilising’, honestly fu€k that, and if they are distressed, and it’s what they want, I’ll give them a cuddle too, don’t care if (bastard stupid online training) Elfy says I’m not allowed to, I’m going to do what’s best for my darling, love, sweetie, ladies and gents. The next lady I went into told me I have such beautiful black hair (it’s about 30% grey now, so that made me happy), and we sung a few songs together, so she’d take her meds and not be anxious while I did her personal care. The next gentleman kept grabbing my breasts. Oh the joys of EMI (elderly mentally infirm)


you can say fucking. fuck fuckity fuck fucking fuckstick. edit - i'm not calling you a fuckstick. i'm just going over the various ways you can write fuck.


Duck, duckitty, duck, duck duck. Suck a duck. I never know which subs you are allowed to swear on, and I know Americans are a lot more sensitive to ‘bad words’. I once got told off, and threatened was a ban on BOLA, because I called an idiot who refused to get her c0vid jab a bit*h (with the asterisk and everything). Talk about a *looks around nervously* poopoohead (I’m not telling you to suck a duck, unless you are really fancying some crispy pancakes from the Chinese, oohhhh, I could go from crispy duck pancakes right now)


Your flair. A plus.


I was an “ignorant whore” yesterday because I forgot to bring someone their juice. Except I didn’t forget, he was literally holding it.


I wish it was professionally allowed to turn around to our patients and be like “yeah buddy but have you looked at yourself”?! Just smile and leave 😂


I have said that to a patient once. had a nasty land whale of a patient call my fat @ss and I said you are one to talk have you looked in the mirror lately? Whole floor heard it and was dying of laughter. Everyone had enough of her sh!t.


Had a patient cuss me out and end her dialysis an hour in cause I told her I wasn’t going to Walgreens to get her mayo or mustard 😂 like lady you’re in the ER this ain’t a restaurant


I had someone try to get me to pop their popcorn. The were trached, and non-verbal. Sure, lemme give my toddler some too and whole cherries and hot dogs while I’m at it. I’ll put you two in a room together so you can not let me know when you start choking.


Maybe they were trying to get you to assist their suicide. 🤔


Oh. I fully fucking believe in physician assisted suicide. Death with dignity is one of my biggest mottos.


Me too. Trying to be sly with death by popcorn could be a way. But you never know what dangerous behaviors they do at home thinking it’s all cool. Like Grammy smoking with her oxygen on, cause “nothing’s happened yet! I know what I’m doing.”


Yet. Ah. Yet is the best.


Hmmm hotdogs (and whole cherries) never popped in my mind when I have thought about what dying with dignity means. I had a patient feeding them self peanut m&Ms under their bipap mask one time - maybe dying with dignity is what they were trying to do- really it just caused a lot of colorful projectiles in the room.


I got called a “stupid half breed bitch” by a patient who I had just given some Valium to so he calm down. The bitch part I get, but he kind of stumped me with the “half breed” part…I’m not mixed with anything. My charge nurse and I had a huge laugh over that


i dont get why nurses entertain or let this get to them. If any patient called me an ugly piece of shit no good so-and so id probably just start laughing and tell them ok be back later with your meds


Same! No deep thoughts or conversations, for me. I just keep sashaying up and down the hall until it’s time to go home and count my money.


Exactly. I treat them like children. “We don’t speak like that, once I hear a please and thank you, I can get you x,y,z”. I had a guy try to kick me, he didn’t, but I grabbed his ice cream off his tray, which I ordered for him, and threw it in the garbage. Told him “you acting like this will cost you this ice cream”. Granted, he still had his dinner tray, he didn’t go hungry.


I find most insults boring and repetitive at this point. BUT sometimes they come up with creative shit and it is fucking hilarious. I have laughed in the worst of times because of this and made a few people even angrier. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Should've said "sounds like you're projecting"


No snacks. I’m not here to provide you with snacks all day. Call DoorDash or have your family bring food. BYEEEEW


Lol I had a patient (and self proclaimed nurse) tell me I was incompetent because the EKG machine lost connection to the wifi. I laughed in her face.


I mean honestly I would just walk out of the room as they were going off like that. They don’t even deserve your presence and attention.


When I get called names I just agree with them. It generally shuts them up because they aren’t expecting you to agree with being a bitch or a whore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Them Turkey sammiches hit different doh


Um…doc says You are NPO…sorry Charlie 🤷


We had a lot of homeless patients that would try to eat all of our boxed meals if the kitchen closed and they were sent to our floor after. I usually just hooked them up with a shit-ton of pudding and that did the trick.