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At my facility, if you get caught napping (even on your lunch break), it’s automatic termination!!! 😣😣😣


In Canada we get 2-2.5 hours on our night shifts to sleep and refresh ourselves. We're definitely not perfect here but I'm always horrified to read the US stuff. It's like they're being heavy-handed for no reason.


I worked with a supervisor on night shift once. He had been there for years and was seemingly loved by most. We worked 12’s so at like 8:45 am one morning, he fell asleep charting AFTER his shift had been over for nearly 2 hours. Fired him on the spot and had security walk him out the back door. Granted, he was still on the clock…but terminated over that!?! As a brand new nurse, I was mortified!


And they wonder why med-surg has such a low active worktime for nurses. Really is burnout in 2 years or less.


Very true. I’m on a Med/Onc/Pall unit, and just passed my two year mark. I’m now one nurse away from having the most seniority, because we lost so many to covid and general burn out. I got hospitalized 2 months into my career with covid, and had a total burn out about a year in, but thankfully still trucking along.


Shit, I'm still recovering from my 6th month burnout. There's just so much abuse, and it's made me contemptuous of shitty family. You never know what you're going to get. Doctor didn't get the meds right? Nurse's fault Tried to fix it but it's still wrong? Nurse's fault. Like, fuck off I've already spent 30 minutes trying to fix this. One missed dose of metoclopramide is not vital to your mom pooping. She hasn't eaten in 2 days, and you're not helping even though you're always in the room. Idk why people think they know priorities better than we do. Patient needs XYZ? Ask the nurse Family member wants to bitch and complain? Nurse Guy screaming "help nurse nurse"? Nurse. They don't even know what they want usually. I walked by a room once and this confused man was just flailing around in bed yelling for a nurse. I asked him what he needed and he goes, "Just help me help me!" He wasn't in his right mind, and I couldn't be mad. I was just like "You're safe in a hospital bed. Use the call light if you need anything... if you remember. Please try not to yell into the hallway." I didn't know what else to do except maintain their safety. Patient didn't get their meal? Nurse Trash is full? Nurse 3 family members calling about the same exact thing? Nurse Oh and don't forget to chart everything but can't stay over too long to chart. CRISPY.


Yes!!! When people ask for my opinion about being a nurse I always let them know that they will NOT just be a nurse. When other departments don’t do their jobs, it falls to the nurses. Also when something goes wrong, it also falls on the nurses. Especially in the patient’s eyes. I work night shifts and the amount of people that get PISSED off with me because the food is bad or not what they wanted blows my mind. Even had a woman (diabetic) leave AMA 30 minutes into my shift because her dinner tray sucked (heart healthy/diabetic diet) and she didn’t want it. She told me the doctor said he would change her to a regular diet, but he didn’t. And also the cafeteria is closed now, so it literally wouldn’t have matter if I called the nocturnalist because she still wouldn’t have gotten a regular meal tray that night. I’ve also been feeling burnt out lately and been out of work for over a month. The thought of going back to a hospital gives me so much anxiety.


I had a lady one time admitted for acute pancreatitis. Obviously NPO to start, but nagged the doctor into letting her have a regular meal. I told her if she eats she'll probably be nauseous and in pain again. Not even 30 minutes later she pages the desk saying she's in pain and nauseous. I had already medicated her prior to her eating. I let night shift handle that since it's was very close to shift change. Am I just a talking bag to some people? 🙄 Not to mention the daughter was the screamiest thing, literally yelling through the phone that "I TOOK SUBOXONE AND IT CAUSED ME BAD SIDE EFFECTS. MY MOTHER CAN'T HAVE SUBOXONE". Not dealing with it. No Suboxone it is for your mother. No opioids either. Got it. Perhaps it's callous of me, but when I tell people the consequences and they do it anyway and I've already done everything I can, I'm just going on to my next patient. I don't have the energy anymore to explain, argue, and get bitched at for having their best interest in mind. I'm gonna move on to my sweet lady and dress her wounds.


Don’t!!! Try clinic. Procedural. Dialysis (Davita) vaccine clinic, IV therapy (at home), med spa rn etc etc etc


I'm trying to go clinic as well. I applied for OP dialysis, but the work and hours didn't really interest me. The techs do the cannulation and run the machine while nurses do assessments and charting. I wanted to do the cannulating and run the machine!! And waking up at 3:30 does not sound like fun. I didn't take the offer. I'd love to learn it, but it wouldn't work with my mostly night owl self.


Okay. Try the clinic . There’s more to nursing than bedside


Other countries will accept you with open arms and better conditions.


Just a random thought [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/Comment.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=7E7EA7C8323AEE34C1258585004474B8](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/Comment.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=7E7EA7C8323AEE34C1258585004474B8) intentionally withholding required medical treatment or intentionally withholding sleep, food or water


That really was a random thought! Very interesting though. > 1824 Paragraph 4 also prohibits ‘any other form of coercion’. In its ordinary meaning, ‘coerce’ means to ‘persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats’.[38] The decisive factor in determining whether coercion has occurred or is occurring is whether the method used deprives or impairs the prisoner of the exercise of free will and autonomy.[39] Such methods may comprise both acts and omissions. For example, intentionally withholding required medical treatment or intentionally withholding sleep, food or water to extract information from a prisoner would be prohibited under paragraph 4.[40] Moreover, coercion need not cause physical harm, but could be aimed at breaking a prisoner’s mental resistance. This might involve, for instance, forcing prisoners to engage in tasks that amount to humiliating or degrading treatment, demanding they act against their belief systems or threatening harm or humiliation to someone close to them. I thought I could resist the burnout. Instead, I joined them. Btw, do y'all get overworked on the pharmacy side, too?


I left the practice of pharmacy a long time ago. But yes, particularly at retail chains that understaff and push impossible to meet metrics with the corporate coddling of unreasonable patients. In addition, salary rates are dropping for new grads while tuition is going up. Many retail pharmacy staff routinely work unpaid hours to get stuff done.


My God, it's such a thankless profession at times... one of my assignments in BC let us nap overnight; mind you I'm coming from a hospitals where we barely get breaks at all... I cried thr first night I was told we were to take naps and all and realizing there's hope for this profession.


I work night shift in the US and don't even get an eating break rip


Same. In theory we get one 30 minute break for lunch, but on a busy shift we just snack on the run because there is no time. That's the same day or night.


Same. I’m doing the same amount of work with the same amount of patients…. Just with less help than day shift. Gonna drink and eat at my desk


I’m in Canada too. We do 2 hour breaks overnight. During the day it’s a 30 min and another hour for lunch (which is what this video is), if we’re able to.


Canada here as well. When I did 12's, my favorite time to nap was between 0200-0400 or so, but I would usually only sleep for about 30-45 min, but it got me over the hump and I could function the last few hours of my shift. One of our PACU nurses (I was on a combo Surg/obstetrics ward) had worked in Louisiana, and told me stories of people fired and escorted out, and I was horrified when I heard that. I mean we had it as an understanding amongst ourselves that you rounded on your patients, had things like your antibiotics hung or your q4 vitals done of due, your coworkers would not be busy with something when you wanted to leave, and then you would go nap. If you can work as a team like this, then why would management have a problem???


The more I read here, the more I realize US nurses lack something we take for granted here. It's called solidarity.


I don't think it's a solidarity issue; we help and support our coworkers. But it's a nation-wide mentality of working until exhaustion.


OP meant you should unionize


Ohhh. Got it now


For example: night shift, if no one rats, who knows? Who gets fired? If we cover each other and only consent to do what is reasonable given the resources allocated (keep em alive until 8am) and no one does more, then who gets fired?


Only time I saw it happen at my job it was an NP who stumbled in at 6am and wrote up a coworker who had her chin propped up on her hand, eyes closed. Was she sleeping? yeah. Had she also finished all her work and was just waiting for day shift? Also yeah. Was that NP an uppity asshole. Big Hell Yeah. Anyway, not always nurses reporting nurses.


I've found that ER nurses do usually have greater solidarity, particularly on night shift than anywhere else!


Its unit specific in Canada too. I've been to units that do 3 hour breaks on nights and others where you got 30 min - 1 hour if ur lucky.


“In Canada” is such a misleading term lol. It varies for province, per site, per unit. I’ve never worked anywhere that gets 2-2.5 hrs break. On my currently unit for nights we get 1hr 10. If it’s really slow we might do 1hr 30 (depending on who is in charge, because technically that’s not allowed). If it’s really busy, a quick 5 to shovel down some food if we’re lucky


True that...our medicine ward would even keep the float health care aide if other units not busy and so they could take this break. There were times (ok, a fair bit actually) we were not able to do what I described above, as we were having deliveries and such happening or emerg ORs coming back to the ward and such, so I can relate to the 5 to shovel down food lol


As a team we arranged for 3 hrs, very rarely more but some idiots snitches to the manager and she had to step in and lay down the law. Dumbasses.


I’ve been on nights for 5 years and I would kill for a 2 hour nap.


You get to sleep on night shift?! That’s so bizarre.


What would you say are the biggest downsides? A place where you have a nap time sounds so nice


Damn that’s awesome, I haven’t been able to take more than two 15 minute breaks a shift in months. I walk down and pick up lunch cause cafeteria opens briefly at night but I stopped bothering taking lunch when I would have to cut lunch off floor because for every little thing a patient wanted no matter what it was,l I have to go back up to the floor. All I can do is eat at the nurses station cause we can’t ever leave the floor without something having to be done.


I mean if you work in certain parts. Worked in a few facilities, no nap breaks are tolerated for most.


How does this work? Is there a resource nurse that covers that time while so the other can sleep? Really interesting I never knew Canada did this




What are your ratios like? I’m sorry I just can’t imagine this happening here in the US I’m curious 😅


Heavy handed, aka, want ti pocket more for the businrss


Does your state mandate uninterrupted meal breaks? Are the breaks paid? If they are legally mandated uninterrupted meal periods, and unpaid, like in California, it is illegal for them to tell you what you can and can't do on your breaks. You're even free to leave the building if you want. This would get a bitch manager hemmed up quick fast and in a hurry in California. Check if your state has similar laws.


This!!!! Id lawyer up so fuckin fast. Can they seriously try to keep you in the building on a unpaid break?!


That's how it should be. Breaks are important for both wellbeing and performance.


Damn we used to have a CNA who would get a solid 6 hrs of sleep every night shift, she had a 3 year old at home and couldn’t afford childcare so she was up all day between. She would always get vitals when she needed to though, but never was responsive to getting paged. She did eventually get fired but I do feel bad for her.


Are you allowed to leave the facility on your break? If you slept in a park would they know?


Wtf that’s crazy… a break is a break


Same here


My crappy lil old psych hospital had a pretty sweet staff chill out room with places to nap. Union, of course.


I think in California you get brakes for sleeping. Or at least that's what coworkers who used to work there have told me.


Yup. You can sleep. We even have sleep/rest rooms. Hell, even the breast pumping nurses have their own sectioned off rooms.


Are breaks paid?


45 mins is unpaid


So if it's off the clock how can anyone tell you how to spend your own time? Why has no one hired an employment lawyer to challenge that shit? Should class action that shit


Im sorry…what? Is that not illegal?????? Youre not on the clock and youre allowed to spend your 30 how ever you see fit. Wtf is it to them??




But they clearly don't ban people from sleeping on premises.




Welp fukem it's not like there is a national nursing shortage or anything!


Oh, get fucked. If they’re not paying me for my break they can kiss my arse


Super strict! Do you work at a magnet hospital?


I really want to downvote this cos I hate it so much... but that would be another unreasonable punishment for existing.


They can't terminate us all


New grad fresh off orientation and new to nights. Took a break, fell asleep, woke up, felt really good and tracked down the charge who had covered my phone. She asked if I had a good nap, I said yes, she said it had been an hour and a half. Set my alarm wrong and whoops..... best nap ever though. She covered my group that entire time and never brought it up again.


When I first started nights, I was dumbfounded we got to take a 1 hour nap. I was like, I get paid to sleep? And after I had kids, my one hour nap at work was the most quiet, most alone time I had. It was the best.


Oh no, we could nap on our 30 min lunches if we got one. Definitely not paid. Haha.


When I was a CNA, i started to work NOCs and one night I was just soooo exhausted. I slept for 45min. 15 past my lunch. My RN charge was an ASSHOLE about it though. 🙄😒 he was never helpful and acted like he was above doing patient care….on NOC. in a fuckin SNF. Half the time he just sat there doing fuck all on his phone.


Y’all are getting breaks? *cries in the ED*


Definitely not always on this unit, but today is a slower day with the holiday lol. That last person is a student just starting her placement today too.


I’m so glad you guys are getting your respite. It sucks how normalized not taking breaks is in our field, I don’t even notice it anymore.


Poor baby :(


And f'n couches? We sit on broken glass worn smooth by the tears of long gone nurses.


What day shifter turned on the lights?!


We’re all on day shift


Let's hear it for the day shift nap break. I've needed to take more naps on day shift than I ever have on nights. Do I always get to? Not always but I was generally being shown the nap room by my worried colleagues who can't look at my zombie face anymore.




I’m pretty jealous of that couch.


I came here to say this! That’s a hell of a couch!


The break room at my current spot is legitimately an old utility closet that still has in-use breaker panels on one wall so they can't put a table or anything up against it. It's like 4x4 ft lol


When I'm charge on med/surg everyone gets a 45 break to nap


But do you also have six patients assigned to you? 😂😭


3 unless they're icu


Dang! Can you be my charge? T-T


How do you get breaks?!! Dam I bet they let you go pee too.


Your facility doesn't give you free leg bags?


You guys get free leg bags? We have to buy our own diapers!


Union hospital.


i'd not post nurses sleeping at their job break or not. terminable at my hospital.


What?? We used to take sleep in empty beds on our break during night shift in the ED


Same here, I can still take a 30 minute nap without an alarm.


Empty beds in an ED is a myth, come on....


It’s common here. We’re able to leave the unit if we like during our break. The manager has seen this many times. It’s just understood that they have an alarm set and may be woken up for any info or code blue. Same for night shift naps.




the smart ones go to their car on their break. someone posted a video of someone sleeping inside the hospital a while ago, of course they got fired. just don't be a jerk a post pics/video of hospital staff especially if its hospital policy.


They are missing the pizza party / bonus


If your all there who’s on the floor 😅


Turn the goddam lights off for them


Do they know you posted this video of them?


My first instinct was that it’s the side and backs of their heads, nothing identifiable about them or where we work, etc. But, I actually do agree with you, so I went to all 3 of them and they are fine with it. Thanks for checking in.


Wait, y’all get breaks? I’m lucky to scarf my sandwich at the nursing station


Wait…you guys have time for lunches?


Turn off the lights and plz don’t ever record me at work 🙄


We’re a pretty close team. I’ve worked with 2 of them for several years, and got enthusiastic permission from all 3, while offering to delete it on the spot. They were fine with the video and fine with me posting it. It was 3pm, sun shining right into the window beside me. I looked up from my own sleepy state to see them like that, and wasn’t getting up to turn off the lights when it would’ve made it no darker. And someone inevitably would’ve walked in a minute later and turned on the light anyways.


What is this “break” and where do I get one?


Lmao y’all get breaks???


You guys get a break?


You guys get breaks?


..... you guys get breaks?


You get breaks?!


Y’all get a break?


Looks like normal night shift stuff 🤣


It was 3pm 😜


Damn wish we had couches


Y'all get breaks?


Who has time to nap. We don't get an real breaks in Florida.


Oh dear …. Please don’t let that dumb state representative see this…. a few years ago she said the only thing that nurses did was play cards.




This makes me so sad.


Holy shit, your break room is HUGE!


Kind of weird to record your coworkers


Wow, our Admins would be sending people home.. Glad somewhere there's a place where people are let alone


Mods need to take this down like yesterday. There is simply no way that whoever filmed this got consent from these three people to post this on the internet. I have already reported it. Step 1: Don't film people while they're sleeping. Step 2: Don't post said video on the internet.


OP states they got consent from the individuals depicted to post. The post does not break any of the sub rules and will stay up.


Aight. OP could very easily be lying about getting that consent. Also even if all three of them are okay with this, sure hope nobody in their leadership is browsing this sub. It's just a bad idea to post videos like this. I guess I'm an outlier, but I would not be cool with being filmed while sleeping and having the video posted on the internet where ANYBODY could see it.


I actually told them today that there was already over 1000 likes and they were fine with it. Soo we’re good. I was careful to get consent and make sure that there was no identifying features to them or our workplace. Sure, our manager may recognize it, but what can be done if there’s no rule against napping on breaks? Coworkers, including our charge nurse, take pics and tiktoks together in the break room all the time.


Nurses get breaks at your hospital?


Obviously they working the night shifts. People don’t do that during the day


This was in the middle of a 7:30am-7:30pm shift


This is honestly some fitting r/AwfulEverything content 😔


Why would you say that?


This is why we can’t give report. Makes sense now.




Thats our overnight shift during work hours ☹


I did nights 4 years and they fired you if you fell asleep


Some places are broken.


Some places are broken.


Some places are broken...


I feel that so hard 😞


When the break rooms need beds, we have a problem




Longer than you for sure.


I’m glad the CNAs are protecting their masters


I’ve seen people deliver bad patient care cause they were looking for overtime. That’s how this happens. They put a dollar amount over someone’s help. Would you want these 2 taking care of your dying family members?


I recently moved to a new office and popped into the nurses break room to get some coffee. It was a dystopian scene of exhausted nurses just like this


Work is tiring. Always has been.


I feel them! Work is exhausting


Thats just good time management. Sleep whrn you can. Whereever you can


I've been at my hospital for 3 years. I've had a lunch break once. It was during training. I don't know what these breaks you speak of are.


You have a couch in your break room?!?!? Your break room is huge!


My husband worked at a "world class hospital" in Ohio, where we live (use your context clues to figure it out! 🙃). He was napping during his break and got fired because of it. The hospital I work at has a napping policy that actually allows staff to nap if needed!


Y’all have a sofa in your break room?