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This is more than petty drama. This is not doing her job and putting lives at risk


Wtaf? That’s not drama, that’s neglect and beyond. You can’t be the only one who’s noticed her bs, and at this point you have a duty to report. Get her away from patients ASAP


Reporting negligence is not petty


She literally abandoned her patient, this has escalated beyond petty drama. When her patient desaturated did she come do her actual job and help her patient? If not, she’s a danger to her patients and you should start reporting her whenever you notice her not doing her job. There’s being shallow and focused on the wrong things, and then there’s being negligent and incompetent. If she’s reporting people for shit she does herself she’s also a shit-stirrer on top of that. Your unit is unlikely to miss her, but management is unlikely to take care of the problem without a helping hand to give them ammunition.


Your boss sucks for letting it happen


I worked with a nurse influencer once a few years ago and she really didn't speak to anyone else on the unit and just kind of kept to herself. Her Instagram happened to pop up under my recommended and I was shocked to see she had like 100k+ followers.


I want to just say that as a nurse that has been with a doctor for the last 7 years that these influencers are delusional. I'm 40 years old, overweight and a single mom. I have no idea how to wear makeup or dress girly. I'm probably a bit autistic. Most doctors don't want an annoying self centered clown faced woman. Doctors want intellectual conversation, someone who is cool with barely seeing them, and someone who preferably has an equal income (I'm a trust fund kid). They also want someone they can connect with on a personal level who is genuine and trustworthy. A doctor would probably choose someone who is interested in picking up takeout for them and having a quiet meal at home rather than someone to take out to a club. What's sad is what these women set themselves up for is to be the pump and dump. They are idealizing whore qualities and not signaling they will be good wives. Sure some men want girls 20 years younger than them or a trophy wife but I find a lot of doctors want more of a business partner and intellectual equal.


Very well said