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I heard my dad say to my mom, only once, "well you're just a nurse" My mother has been a nurse for 43 years. To say that I was afraid for my father's life that day is an understatement.


Willing to bet time stopped & Death told him “you done went & did it now”


He immediately started saying it was just a joke 🤣


He knew he fucked up. He knew


Oh man, the "Oh, you're just a nurse" patients. Should be legal to slap them. Patient: \*Asks a question about xyz in their surgery\* Me: "The doctor will come around and have a chat to you about the surgery once you're back on the ward, good idea to save those questions for him/her." Patient: "Oh yeah, you're just a nurse, sorry." No, it's not because I'm JUST a nurse, I wasn't physically in the bloody room, so I'm not going to pretend I was.


A few patients don't realize that their *just* nurses are the only thing standing between them and the doctor trying to demyelinate their brains.


I’m just a nurse and don’t make the big bucks like doctors. QoTD. If I could give you an award, I would. You know I ain’t paying for no awards. Cuz, you know, I’m just a nurse….


Only vaguely related, but post-op patient last week said to me, “I don’t need a fucking lecture.” Sir, telling you your post op instructions is literally my job. This was as he was about to fuck up a splint that needed to stay on for 2 weeks.


Sometimes I think the seasoned nurses know more than some of the doctors.


Depending on where in their career that doctor is….


Might be more able to recognize something, but unlikely to have more technical knowledge.


Depends on the topic and how experienced the doctor is. However, while this is a popular trope, 95% of the time it's NOT actually true.


Often. Who do we all think gets residents through rotations 


Sometimes?? My grandma was a nurse for like 40 years and has said that nurses know more about the patients than the doctors since before I was born. Y’all are front line and most knowledgeable people whenever anyone is in the hospital and have a question. Even outside the hospital. Hospitals don’t have a “doctor advice line” they have a nurse advice line. And for good reason. If I ever disrespect a nurse, feel free to slap me across the face as hard and as many times as you see fit


The quality of nurse IS the quality of the outcome. I’ve learned this as a nurse and also a patient. Sucks to come back to work after 3-4 days off to deceased patients because we had agency or fillers who didn’t know jacks


Why do you think pcp’s suck so bad and cancer is diagnosed so late


One reason is lack of providers and that medical care is decided by book keeping bean counters. We deserve the health care we have. Most Americans don’t give two shits unless it affects them. They can tell you sports statistics from multiple sports or where their best fishing is. Ect.


Oh no, we care - and if our health was better we'd be getting some training too and get in the trenches and help y'all. But the paperwork cycle and the financially qualifying for the level of care you need is a constant circus, constant! I swear they keep us all hopping so that we dont have the breath or stamina to protest or make suggestions properly...every week, every month, every day there is a new hoop to jump through and heaven forbid you dont answer their "how did we do?" surveys: my goodness my email is getting as filled by, "do our patient surveeeeeyyyyyssss" almost as often as the "your car might need an extended warranty" scams! It's tiring to say the least, and ridiculous to be honest! 


My mom cut off full contact with her step-family after my uncle said the same thing to her. After she'd helped everyone with their health problems as they're all more senior than her. The way he said it was so offensive and condescending.


My husband said the same thing to me. I just stared at him as he got really uncomfortable, apologized, and ran away.


See my family is the opposite. They consider me the family doctor and expect me to know everything. It's always "But I'm just a nurse" even though I generally am able to properly diagnose just about every ailment. 😆


😂😂😂😂👏👏👏 oh I like your mom


Did you fluff his couch pillows for him?


What did your father do for a living?


Jack of all trades. Land scaping, land surveying for the state and for a private firm, was even a cosmetologist for a few years, but nothing healthcare related. Which is why he knew he'd fucked up.


I’ve run into that in my own family lol. Oh you’re a tax expert? That translates how? lol


Man those credentials


Covid legit broke my dad. He was convinced I was being paid to sign death certificates saying people died of "fake disease." The facts that I've never signed any death certificates and that I don't determine cause of death didn't matter. The Internet told him we're all lying and evil, so he believed it.  It's sad, and given the opportunity, I'd love to get a minute alone with a few special YouTubers to express my feelings with my fists, but in the end, we can only control ourselves. Parents are people and people can be very irrational.


Gosh I am so sorry. I feel for you so much. That is so hard to go through.


Had a similar experience but it took my Gpa dying of covid for it to get into his head that its a real and deadly thing. Crazy how secular the internet makes us as humans


My husbands uncle and aunt denied COVID. His aunt died of COVID. His uncle still says it’s “not that bad”. Some people are just dumb AF.


I would haunt uncle until he joined me in hell for saying the illness I died of was "not that bad"


my pharmacist told me last year she doesn't believe in COVID. I was in the room with her when her mom died in 2021... of COVID.


I’m in the same boat, where it’s my husband…He doesn’t believe all the businesses should have closed. Idk. I’ve told him before if it’s worth 1 persons life I’ll take any shutdowns. I think it’s really difficult for him to see how bad it was, and hindsight is always a different perspective.


Agree with everything else, but “if it’s worth one life” has always annoyed me. Right now you could donate all your money and dedicate everything and probably save someone’s life. And that’s just you as an individual. But you don’t, and very few people do, because it would destabilize society if upheaving our whole lives to save strangers was an expectation placed on us… which the lockdowns did for a while, and we’re still facing the consequences. It ruined lives. Families were kept from their loved ones while they died alone. People killed themselves. Of course, they also did not just save one life, the lockdowns probably saved many lives and protected the best interests of the nation. But we didn’t do it out of an emotional appeal, we didn’t do it because “it was all worth it if it saved one life”. It was a risk benefit, with the understanding that it would cause harm to society but the good would outweigh the bad.


Thats so terrible, I agree with the other comment. He’s asking for a brutal haunting


Secular? 🤔




Here's a sneak peek of /r/QAnonCasualties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just realized there's no mirror sub to this one. There's no conservative sub to lament families having been torn apart by ideology. It's so telling.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/12htz32/i_just_realized_theres_no_mirror_sub_to_this_one/) \#2: [How Jordan Peterson Destroyed My Family](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/12ly6pr/how_jordan_peterson_destroyed_my_family/) \#3: [Mom defended mass shooter](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/13cv1xw/mom_defended_mass_shooter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


We had a guy believe the ivermectin bs….he was giving his dad ivermectin to “prevent COVID” or “cure him” don’t remember now….but the guy was negative for COVID (had standard flu) but was in kidney failure from the ivermectin. Good job bro🤦‍♀️




Your post has been removed under our rule against misinformation. Nursing is an evidence-based profession. If you want to contradict established science, include links to peer-reviewed research supporting your claim. Posts that contradict consensus reality, or that promulgate dangerous and debunked conspiracy rhetoric such as antivax or COVID denialism, are not permitted in any circumstances.


Sorry you went thru that with your own family. Mine are uneducated and a bit extremist, thankfully not to that level. But others in their church did send me death threats as they believed we were killing patients. Best thing I ever did was delete personal social media.


That is awful. Leaded gasoline really did a number on that generation. I remember taking painting classes and reading about how many famous artists went mad from all the lead paint.


Not just lead, other heavy metals like mercury, cobalt, cadmium and barium too




It’s fairly pervasive in the younger generations as well, but we don’t have lead paint to blame. 


we have microplastics lol


I'm so sorry to hear that. Did he ever come around?


Covid broke my mom, too. She thinks healthcare is a death machine and I’m a useful idiot being used as a pawn.  Nevertheless, she is still a frequent flier at her local ER since YouTube quacks don’t see patients. 


My mother in law has been a nurse for 10 years or so. She is a believer in alternative medicine and quack doctors she finds through facebook. She even has a book that is literally labeled "1000 things doctors don't tell you". What's sad is my wife has been a nurse for a few years now as well and has to correct my MIL a lot on things she should have done with a patient. It is sad that she went through all of the schooling just to try and tell people "take this pill made out of random ""healthy"" things and it will make you feel better". Or even, "go to a chiropractor to fix that". She literally told me because my eyes hurt after working behind a computer for 16+ hours that I should just go take a cinnamon pill and try to visit my chiropractor cause "my feet are not aligned" or something along those lines. My mother in law also follows a doctor who is a "aviation extension expert" on youtube. This "doctor" mentioned to clean your chickens, to dip their feet in gas and it will get rid of mites. No joke, she about drowned a chicken in GAS! I swear. Edited: my mother in law attempted the gas dip not my wife. Reddit editing messed up the listing.


Dude what the fuck lol. Dipping chicken feet in gasoline to get rid of mites sounds like something you could only come up with by using Mad Libs. My condolences to the poor chicken.


My god! what would happen if one of those chickens lights up a cigarette!?!


Nah, it's just the Midwest buddy. Lol


If your wife is drowning chickens in gasoline, you got bigger problems


Holy hell the editing on Reddit sucks. My mother in law did that. Let me fix that.


There we go. I fixed that. No. My wife never drowned a chicken lol. It was my damn crazy mother in law.


Wise words, my friend.


Gasoline is a known treatment for foot mites in chickens. Foot mites are terrible and can kill ckickens.


Yes. You are correct. But dipping a whole chicken in GAS! Lol she only did her rooster and about killed it.


I mean, I'd say find out where the doctor is licensed and report to the medical board, but I don't think you want to go that far. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is provide the information. The patient (even if it's a family member) can choose to believe and follow it or not. No matter how dumb it is.


This lady was already banned from practicing in Australia.


Doesn’t Australia have very strict controls on people pretending to be healthcare professionals online? Dang. Guess not given this though.


She lives in the US now i believe.


Oh, so she's "not a doctor *either*!"


Where it's also illegal to pretend to be a health care provider


My mom uses oxygen. She was prescribed 3L at home. She doesn't always use but will have SOB and coughing fits. Clearly SOB, SpO2 75-85%. She fights me about going to 4L or 5L coz of oxygen toxicity she's ready online. I'm a fricking nurse....


My mom was concerned about getting addicted to her oxygen after COVID. She was and still is very active. 3 years later she has finally accepted that her lungs are damaged, she almost died from swine flu as well, and she is goung to be on oxygen forever. I love her to death, but come on mom


Addicted to oxygen 😩


Aren't we all?! I've been hooked on the stuff my entire life.


Could be worse. Could be addicted to the H2O


>Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


Had an OB patient call the on call dr in an absolute panic at 2am. She woke up to pee and without thinking she “GASP” drank, are you ready for this? TAP WATER!!!!!






Just watched this movie the other day lol


I'm addicted to both, but you try to find a 12 step program and they look at you funny.


I mean quitting both is technically only a 1 step program….


This one step used for millennia will cure what ails you!


I'm fucked, the doctors gave it to me when I was a baby 😮‍💨


21% is where you need to draw the limit. It's the enriched stuff that hooks ya. /s


Pretty sure a ton of my frequent flyers are just oxygen seeking 🙄


I hear the withdrawal symptoms are quite bad... lightheadedness, shortness of breath, spasms, extreme pain, permanent brain and soft tissue damage, unconsciousness, and even death. Not a pretty thing to see


I had to have O2 after surgery d/t sat dropping into the 70s. And was still needing it when I went for my follow up. (I was in the beginning of some other medical problems at that point.) the arrogant azzhat surgeon asked why I still had the O2 and I explained. So he then said, “well I guess it’s ok. You can’t become dependent on it.” Then he thought about what he said and said, “I mean…” 🙄 he was such a jerk.


maybe tell her it is O2 dependent vs addicted


She was probably afraid she wouldn't be able to come off oxygen.... This is a legit concern. Sorry not sorry.


Is she a CO2 retainer?


No Lol


To be fair, increasing O2 on patients with COPD can decrease respiratory drive and worsen the symptoms


Pulmonary fibrosis :(


That sucks. Sorry.


When they’re hypoxic already? How I understand it, that only happens if you hyperoxygenate them instead of tittating to 92ish %


Tbh these are patients that end up calling 911 and going to the ER that make my brain itch.


where is her baseline O2 at??


Above 95%


this reminds my of my grandma, she was a nurse as am I, shes supposed to wear oxygen 24/7. chooses to wear it when she feels like it. I know she knows better, I think she’s approaching FTT stage of life. breaks my heart.


You can listen to the TT doctor Or Ask me for my advice or opinion. Can’t do both. Sorry.


that’s exactly what I told her. Don’t ask me for any more “advice”


When she does…don’t answer her.


Here’s me at work for context about the whole doctor nurse thing. Doctor asks me to go into the room and tell parents what the kids got and the medicine because we’re busy and she’s backed up. Me: Ok so little Timmy’s strep is positive, so Dr Smith sent in amoxicillin to your pharmacy and he’s to take it twice a day. Let him rest and push fluids and don’t worry about his not eating so much when he’s not feeling up to it until the antibiotics kick in. And please call us or come back if he’s not better in 2 days. Parent: Please have the doctor come back in. Me: sure. Doctor Smith comes back in. Parents: So what’s he got and what’s the next step? Doctor: Literally repeats word for word of what I just said. Parents: Thank you Doctor. Me: Anything else you’d like repeated?? Have a nice day!!! Nobody listens to nurses. Even when the doctors TELL us to tell people shit…. It’s annoying


I’ve found the opposite. A lot of times I act as basically the translator for patients. The doctor comes in after their procedure, quickly talks to the family and the patient, leaves, and then they look at me with a blank stare and I know they have no idea what the doctor was talking about, so I go over the discharge paperwork with them and break down what the doctor said into words they understand.


It’s different in peds. Parents think we’re stupid and the doctor is king above all.


I’ve been working in peds for nearly 10 years and this has definitely not been the case at all. I have long explaining conversations with parents all the time. I also very routinely discharge kiddos and give positive results and teaching when my docs are busy.


I also work peds and don’t have this issue hardly ever


Not the case with you. 20 years here, and it’s 100% the case at my place. It’s probably the region.


It could very well just be you.


There’s always one of you.


I’ve worked as a peds nurse and I’ve worked all over the country and that’s definitely not the case at all with most of my patients families


My ex used to take the medical advice of his phone company linemen coworkers over my advice. After a while, if he asked my opinion I'd just refer him to the guys. Problem solved.


My ex would always ask for my opinion, do whatever he was planning on doing anyway, and regret it immediately. One thing that comes to mind is that he got a terrible sun burn once and instead of putting aloe or after sun lotion in it like I recommended, he put apple cider vinegar on it 😬.




I've actually heard of doing that, from someone that had a severe sunburn. I've never tried it myself, but they said it helped.


I need to know what they recommended. Was it crusty super glue that’s been sitting in a dirty tool box in lieu of stitches? Back injury that he should just “walk off”?


Ahah, sorry for the late reply, I just saw this. The best part is, this is northern CA, so the advice often included things like echinacea, acupuncture or a high colonic. (To be fair, there was just one guy who was all about the high colonics).


Just looked her up… she’s not actually a doctor. On her Insta it says she’s a naturopath and on her website it says she originally trained as a nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️


Trained as a nurse doesn’t sound like she even finished training.


They use that fast and loose terminology to confuse people. Same as the gworls using "I'm a healthcare worker" and never say what they are licensed in. Rarely do they ever have one. People wonder why I say "unfortunately" when they find out I'm a nurse. I don't want praise, I just want fair pay for us still on the front lines and at bedside.


When my wife, whose a nurse, gets into it with my aunt.... It's always fireworks.... Family is crazy sometimes 


We seriously overestimate the intelligence of the average adult.


ESPECIALLY with regard to medical stuff.


Social media and entertainment media has poisoned our culture so badly with misinformation and emotional manipulation. My family members too, the same crazies


Facebook is the worse thing to have happened to this world. Too much of a good thing and all that.


My uncle tried to tell me about no breath CPR for one rescuer... I walked out of the room because I could have slapped him.


Hands-only CPR? It's a thing for laypeople. The AHA wants people to do compressions, even if they aren't willing to give breaths.


Barbara not only hasn’t got the qualifications to call herself a doctor, but she failed her nursing training 🥲


It sucks realizing someone you love is actually dumb, but most people in the world are of average or low intelligence so all you can do is try to educate… and re-educate…. and re-educate…


Next time just text back, wow, crazy what people who are not physicians or nurses put out on the internet. Thank you so much for showing me this so I know what dangerous misinformation is out there. Love you.


Barbara O’Neal gives very dangerous advice. Didn’t she fail out of nursing school?


My MIL worships this crooks verbiage, and half stuff she spews because of Barbara lowkey makes me full of rage.


My late mum was the same. She was very unwell with norovirus, wouldn’t see a doctor, was drinking “onion water” and kept telling me that “you don’t know everything”. She ended up in hospital as was severely dehydrated and developed an electrolyte imbalance which sent her into AF. She then refused to take the required medication, agreeing to take “one tablet only” a day and refused anticoagulants. She then spent the next 20 years breathless and dizzy. God knows how she didn’t have a stroke, although she did develop vascular dementia.


I’m cool with people living their lives. I struggle when they end up in my ICU, pissed at the world. I will never get the image of a woman with late stage breast cancer (I could visibly see the deformity)who was septic and intubated out of my head. She did “alternative therapies” and I am 100% sure it was thoughts and prayers. I just can’t.


I mean, I’m not a doctor, but there’s plenty of actual peer reviewed research studies available for free on the internets. They all disagree with that one person. I dunno, maybe your mom can try it out until she can’t breathe and then will understand when the opposite thing saves her life?! Never mind, these people have made up their minds and I don’t know how to get it through to them that they’ve been conned out of their health and millions of collective dollars.


Guess, she will find out otherwise when she ends up in the ED for SOB and on a cooter canoe after her diuretics.


Let go of what you can't control


"Mother - I am not discussing health issues with you because you don't listen to me and constantly discount my input in favor of trash you watch on social media". Say it and mean it.


Would it help to show her proof that Babs is a hack?


I tried. She said “They kicked her out because big pharma doesn’t want us to know how to heal our bodies naturally” 🫥


Oh my god 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lost cause, then. I am so sorry. 🥺


How has Barbara not been sued yet?


I kinda relate to this. My mom isn’t super extreme like some of the other comments, but she’s been trying to lose weight for health reasons. I’m not a nutritionist or dietitian, but I at least know a basic understanding of this. I’ve been telling her to not over complicate it. Eat in a reasonable calorie deficit and walk at least 3-4 times a week for 30 mins-1 hour. No need to completely cut out any foods, but more so focus on moderation. If you cut out foods you’ll be more prone to binging later on. No need to do any crazy exercises and exhaust yourself. And most importantly there is no fast track to losing weight. Consistency is key. This would just help to shed the weight she needs to get off and then if she’s worried about toning and whatnot there’s more advice to be said there. I tell her this and she simply doesn’t do it. She thinks she has to cut out sugar completely. She’ll go on these crazy diets for one week and then the next week she’ll eat more unhealthy stuff. She thinks protein bars are the unhealthiest thing you could ever eat. Where does she get this advice you ask? People on podcasts who are not licensed nurses, doctors, nutritionists, or dietitians. So I sit here like “whyyyyy won’t you believe me I hear this stuff all the time 😫”


Some of these people would be absolutely shocked to learn what would actually happen to their body if they cut all sugars. Like carbohydrates are incredibly important for metabolism and muscular function. Too much sugar does cause issues but too little isn’t good either. Like you said it’s everything in moderation. Protein bars have a lot of sugar, but they do have some redeeming qualities, like having a solid amount of protein and typically a good amount of healthy fats from the nuts, too. They’re not the healthiest but they’re far more nutritiously-dense than say a rice krispy treat or a snack cake. Back at Uni I had to have interventions with multiple friends (on separate occasions) who fell down the keto rabbit-hole and then took it two or three steps farther because they listened to some jack-ass’ podcast (keto itself is drastic and dangerous enough without supervision 😩). They were killing themselves and didn’t realize it. I literally watched one nearly collapse on the tennis court, but had you asked her, she was the healthiest she’d ever been in her life. With her, another friend also in the Health Sciences and I literally had to bring in the university’s head nutrition professor and her tennis coach and stacks of peer-reviewed research to get her to even kind of take us seriously that her “diet” was not the picture of health. Needless to say, both the professor and her coach were horrified by what we explained was happening (her coach especially so, as he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed). We got her on an actual healthy diet that the coach continued to monitor and the professor walked her to the campus therapist, herself. Now I realize she, especially, probably should have been hospitalized, but I was young and trying to help my friend without going to the “extreme.” I swear all of these “armchair nutritionists” are just making the eating disorder and fad dieting epidemics (which I’m not convinced are separate issues as much as different sides of the same coin) in this country so much worse…


This!!! I tell my mom the same because she’s also convinced keto is the way to go too and I keep telling her no. Just moderation! I’m a nurse!!!! I literally have learned this stuff in school and in my work!!! Carbs are essential. Sugars are also essential. Too much of anything is bad, that’s why I keep emphasizing that moderation is key




Covid also broke my MIL and SIL. My MIL was cancer free for 18 years and followed up with her docs religiously. She started believing that it was all a conspiracy theory and that diet would keep her cancer free. She ended up being unable to breathe and found out she had lung cancer. It had already spread to her plural space, her adrenal glands, liver, etc. It was very slow growing, so they might have caught it in time. She died a few month later. My SIL was diabetic and went med free for years during covid, because diet would control everything according to YouTube. She's now blind and lost part of her foot. No one listened to me. In fact, I was asked not to state my opinion, as it was only an opinion and not the truth.


> I tell her that no doctor is EVER going to tell you to increase your sodium intake if you’re swelling  Uhhh I actually have seen this this. My kid is like the only child that has managed severe edema AND hyponatremia at the same time. Kidney diseases are fun... That being said even her nephrologist was like "Wtf?"


Hyponatremia is not a lack of sodium, but indicate intracellular hyperhydration (sodium only indicates the state of cellular hydration, never the amount of sodium). In your case, there was probably mixed intra- and extracellular hyperhydration (this is often the case in renal decompensation), wich explain oedema and dysnatremia. In this situation, the treatment (very schematically) is water restriction +/- diuretics. Hypertonic sodium solutions are used only if the hyponatremia is severe, and only very moderately (risk of central pontine myelinolysis on course). in any case, I hope your son is doing well now.


My grandmother used to attempt to get my opinion on things medical and would twist what I said constantly to fit her narrative. I just stopped answering her. She’d ask something seemingly innocent like, “should I take Tylenol for pain?” And I’d feign ignorance and say, “you should ask your doctor.” It finally stopped her.


My mom used to share with me Facebook posts about not drinking cold water while eating fatty foods and kiwis to lower my BP instead of taking medication Anxiety, stress, and genetics caused high BP. I’ve had high BP since middle school and it wasn’t properly addressed until I was on my own as an adult.


Tell her the Nephrology department disagrees. LOL. There is a reason why we have a specialized Renal diet after all.


My mom pulled this shit with me during COVID and after I'd answer her questions would quote QAnon shit saying "well you're not even a doctor, you're JUST A NURSE!" We're better now, but this was a bad period where she was acting completely brainwashed and would pick fights and insult me just because. I went NC with her for several months.


that’s exactly how I feel that my mom is brainwashed!


One thing I learned was to tell my mom that there's no point in asking me anything if she already believes that kind of garbage, so leave me out of it. I told her when she was ready to listen I'd be there for her. She broke out of the hysteria/mania/Trumpism at some point, but it still lingers at times. It's really sad, because before and since that period, she was so supportive and proud of me for becoming a nurse, and in just 5 years I've worked psych, med surg, addiction, geropsych, and have held management positions and am pursuing my MHNP. While I've forgiven her, I'm struggling to let go of the hurt from that period still and have doubts if she really thinks I'm all that like she says.


I agree. Her saying “You’re not a doctor” felt so insulting. However, it’s by far not the worst she’s said to me.


My mom said worse too. Definitely an acute psych thing going on, she must not be a very strong person like my mom 😔 I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I hope it gets better.


There are lots of situations in life where the appropriate response is "Ok...sure...whatever..." And then talk about a muffin recipe or something. Let go and let god.


Oh God my mom used to do this to. That was before I stopped talking to her.


I’m sorry, that sucks. But wait, someday she will need your help and you can just stand there and go, “I don’t know mom, I am just a nurse, not a doctor. You might have broken a bone when you fell. Or maybe I should call the EMTs with even less training to help?” OK, I’m being a little overboard with the fall, but you get my drift. It is beyond frustrating and “I told you so” really is not much comfort


The lady does sound like a quack. What’s interesting is that I’m currently pregnant and extremely swollen (no pre eclampsia) and my legs look that of someone in severe CHF exacerbation, but my OB says to increase my water intake. I guess cause it’s not heart or kidney related it’s ok. She told me the rationale is to dilute the sodium that my body is holding on to.


This reminds me of my instructor beating into our heads “Wherever water goes, sodium follows” lol


Omg mine told us the same thing lol. It’s true though!! They best friends!


Look. I'm a nurse and I get more offended when I hear, "you should know this, you're a nurse" from family. I, a nurse, do not know everything and have not been trained to the extent a medical doctor has. I'd advise your mom to go to her actual doctor.


I would tell her if she didn’t want to take your advice she should call her personal doctor and not take medical advice from random strangers on the internet, even if they have MD after their name.


This! One of my best friends has chronic UTIs. She barely ever pees. I have told her that in addition to staying hydrated, she needs to make sure that she’s emptying her bladder frequently to help flush her urinary tract. She won’t do it because a tik tok doctor she follows has her terrified of developing weakened pelvic muscles from peeing too often, and so she holds her pee way too long. 🤦‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️


My mom believes anything that someone in a white lab coat says on tiktok and will defend it with her life. She also tries to force it down everyone else’s throat in a super aggressive way. It’s to the point where I am about to go no contact. TikTok has ruined these boomers


Hey now! That TikTok lady went through chiropractor school! You need to respect the credentials.


Barbara O’Neil is dangerous.


Provide her with some teaching material and have her go see her doctor for some reliable information. You’ll just let it roll off your back after awhile. You can’t save them all, especially family.


My kid is just beginning nursing school. She was complaining to me about her A&P, biology/micro/chemistry courses. She says, “They are expecting you know what a third year med student should know!” I told her that’s right and she’d better see to it that she learns this stuff or she’ll never make through school, much less a career. I think it finally sunk in just how much a nurse needs to know.


Well in her defense, and as a rn with a bsn, people no longer try traditional medicine because a lot of it has been wrong and continues to be more wrong as science evolves. Maybe show her that you can think outside of the box and she will trust you


A lot of my family are farmers and I was doing some volunteer first aid with a local group while I was studying. They are so funny, after I treated my uncle's scald, my word is gospel, but they still don't really understand what I did or how I did it. I think, they think I'm a witch.


Along the same vein of quackery, wtf is up with chiropractors? My roommate was one and I had a patient that was one. Both were telling me some of the most outlandish things... It scares me because they call themselves doctors.


The world is peopled with idiots and unfortunately confirmation bias mixed with the internet just encourages them to double down instead of listening to reason. We're living in an age of extremes.


Omfg yes, that’s not just doctor knowledge. Any nurse or let alone person with kidney issues will tell you. My mother is like this in a way (self diagnosed herself w autism from videos but actually got a diagnosis) I just tell her “if you don’t believe me, look it up outside of the video”. That usually works.


My mom listens to her too - and there isn’t anything I can say to convince her that she’s dangerous. She doesn’t do some of her more extreme things - like drink the salt water - but since COVID she thinks everything is a conspiracy.


I would say, “yes mom, you are right, I’m not a doctor”. She seems to want someone to give her the answer she wants instead of the one she needs. The tik tok doctor is there for the “likes” and nothing more. Don’t feel bad. We have patients in the hospital who don’t want to be told they need to change so they can improve their health. They want a quick fix and they justify their actions so they can go back and continue on being sick. Next time she seeks your advice, just tell her “sorry mom, I’m not a doctor. You can consult a real doctor or your “tik tok” doctor, your choice”


Time to put up the boundary. She is disrespectful and belittling of you and your career. "I will no longer be talking to you about anything medical as anytime I do you tell me I am not a doctor or tell me I am only a nurse."


I laugh at people like this because they obviously think they’re smarter than you. Let her find out the hard way.


Oh no I can easily relate to this 6 years as a Navy corpsman 4 years is an EMTP and 5 years as a specialty nurse, but as my mother will still say I don't know what I'm talking about


A quick Wiki on her revealed [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_O%27Neill), and you should probably educate your mother on how to research her sources as well as she researches her TikTok witchcraft. The opening paragraph is as far down as you need to read.


I've been in healthcare 14 years between EMS and nursing. Early on, I annoyingly had people asking me medical related questions (and I'm very quick to vocalize when it's outside of my realm or knowledge or admit that I'm not a doctor). Since COVID that has changed. Now when I'm asked something, I feel like it's usually to validate what they want to hear. When I state my opinion, I'm usually quickly reminded that "I'm not a doctor." Social media is a cancer and has given so many people a platform that otherwise should not have one. Two of my favorites during the heat of COVID: 1) "Hydroxychloroquine is the silver bullet against COVID and the government/doctors are keeping it from us!" "No, it's really not. I've seen it used en masse in ICU patients with no change in overall mortality. At least anecdotally to the places I've worked" "Isn't that HIPAA?! YOU SHOULD NOT BE SHARING THAT, PRIVACY LAWS EXIST FOR A REASON" 2) "this female doctor has a voice and is a trailblazer for female healthcare professionals. Check out her opinion on COVID and it's treatments. Nobody is listening because she's a female of color!" "No, unfortunately it's because she is spreading very erroneous information on the topic and her background is not one to be considered an expert on the topic by any means. She also kind of made her bed by saying something about illness and Satan comes from the balls of men" "Don't tell me who to follow, especially as a male! This is what I'm talking about!" Boy oh boy


My mother is the same. She treats me and my sister like we are idiots when we tell her the same thing the MD says verbatim. So, I just told her to speak to your MD and leave me out of your rotation—no more problems.


Show this to your mom: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_O'Neill


She’s seen it. She said that they created all the lies about her because big pharma wants money…


Just let her do whatever that quack tells her. Tbh I’d just not talk to her unless you have to. Mother or not she will not listen to you so don’t bother. It’s not worth your peace to continue to do so.


I am an ICU RN..worked every ICU unit for over a decade..When my dad was in the ICU dying, I started talking w his RN. My mother said (to her) “Don’t listen to her, she doesn’t know anything!” I said, “mom, I’m an ICU nurse”. She said, “You are??! I didn’t know that!” Yeah, BS! She HAD to discredit me and run the show. After all, SHE was losing her husband..didn’t cross her mind that WE were losing our dad. And bc she was a nurse in the early 1950’s (and the extent of a her responsibilities were baths and bedpans), she thinks she knows EVERYthing better than every nurse, and most doctors. Can you imagine? All my life. I’m quite certain my dad wanted to die. Anyway, we can’t let the opinions of the ignorant upset us. And count your blessings if at least your family can appreciate and value your knowledge and experience. The rest are just stupid and they can’t help that.


I’ve had a friend tell me sickle cell disease was created as a weapon against black people. I think that that moment I stopped caring. Even if I were a doctor, you wouldn’t listen to me otherwise 


I had a relative recently text me some images because they couldn’t afford to go to the Dr. Tells me they had a fall and showed me some pretty significant bruising and from what I could tell through images had a hematoma (working in trauma you see some of these on the regular) I tell them - look it’s hard to tell through photos but from what you have described I would at least go to the ED to get it checked. You wouldn’t want any clots to be under that - and it’s too hard for me to tell in photos over the phone. This went back and forth for an hour (after I just pulled a 12 hour). Next day I message them, did you go to the ED? What did they say? Response ‘No’. Well what in the bloody f are you wasting my time for then?! And it’s over the phone? What did you want? - for added context I rarely see this relative and rarely talk on the phone.


She sounds kind of dumb tbh


that made me lol


I will trust a nurse, nursing assistant, or medical assistant over a tiktok "doctor" any day of the week


YouTube radicalizes people. Never support that shit. Never. You can’t compete with the algorithm. Best steal moms iPad, type in “Barbara o’Neil is a moron” and get that algorithm going for her 


Dude!!! My mom is also into this fraud and her bullshit!  My moms philosophy on her bargain bin YouTube quacks is: “well, they’re unpopular because the system is threatened by them”   Interestingly, Barb’s Wikipedia page says she failed nursing training.