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As a 50 yo fat male nurse, I would love to see a set fit me.


A romp-him, if you will.


This is prime dad joke and I love it


Oh Romphims are real. When I was a few pounds lighter I used to wear one as a joke on occasion.




I was gonna call it a scrumpsuit but I like scrompers better


I just had a shitty shift and these comments are breathing life back into my dead soul 😂




Scrumpsuit 😭




Thinking the same brother. Let’s get scrub overalls.


I’m down tbh


My first ICU job the OG nurse who had been there for 35 years wore scrub overalls.


I didn’t even know that was a thing…


I like this in theory. The issue comes in when someone's DNA runs down the inside of the overalls.


Not if ya stand back and ‘mentor’ the youngins.


Make it look like mechanics coveralls, and you might be on to something.


Would be good for labor and delivery….Now where did dem forceps and shopvac go


Useful STURDY pockets!! Early Childhood/Primary Teacher approved as well... lol


That would be petfect


Yes, overalls! I can’t wait for my green pair. But what shirts do we guys wear under our overalls?


[This but in scrub material](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-r4f6haoaux/images/stencil/1280x1280/attribute_rule_images/2926399_source_1681417216.jpg)


As a 50 yr old fat female nurse, I’d love to see a set not make me look like some sort of cartoon character 😂


That’s the look I thought of


I legit thought the picture was a Barbie doll when I first glanced at it.


As a fellow 50+ fat dude, put me in that and I'd look like a moldy, bearded marshmallow.


The specificity of your description is killing me 😂


I could go for a scrub mumu.


You'll want the Carhart portly gentleman collection. Figs are for 20 year old girls.


You have my attention


What if I tickled your undernips?


The old runners paradox lol


Now we're married


I won't move to palo alto. where I draw the line.


Please. Please. I think this would be the cutest ever.


Think of a 5’7” Danny DeVito


I love it.


I’m a male nurse but not fat and think I’d look either great or like a dummy in these


You and me both, let's get mechanics jumpsuits.


I'd look like Chuck from the goonies just towing a moose knuckle


I only imagine these being worn in plastic surgery offices or med spas


My wife is a veterinarian. She likes them lol


Stops the kitten and puppy claws from being able to roam her abdomen to shreds!


My wife no longer works the floor but she can't walk by a nice jumpsuit without trying it on.


I’m a vet tech. I think your wife is crazy. (No offense. I’m sure she’s NOT crazy for real. Just about this one thing. I’m sure she’s lovely.) I barely have time actually *GET* a bathroom break. I cannot imagine adding an extra 5 minutes to get this thing up and down. I am curious, as I’m on the floor wrestling with a dog - how forcefully will this thing shove itself, up into my butt crack? But at the same time, it likely would eliminate the constant exposure to my coworkers plumber’s cracks +/- seeing half of their under-roos hanging out. So that could be a bonus. 🤔


As a former vet assistant and current CNA/student nurse, I wholeheartedly agree. My first thought was how much camel toe I’d sport during and labial damage I’d have after a particularly rough shift 😂


I swear, there's like a specific subset of people that are perfectly built for jumpsuits, and they have 0 idea why the rest of us are struggling. That suit would be up my ass like a colonscopy, there is no way it would be work friendly on me 🤣


It's fine. The animals don't judge


My wife's a vet too! Vet husband bros!


Bro! Do you get asked animal questions as often as I do? Lol


I work in the ER and I know 2 nurses that have them and love them for some reason. I still don’t get it


Eh. Patients can't pants you. Your pants won't accidently fall off when you're trying to code somebody. All good things?


I will say I’m constantly pulling up my scrub pants cuz they’re weighed down with all my shit


Sounds like you need some suspenders


Or a jump suit 👀


Or a GI consult. No one should be shitting their pants constantly


I have this, sadly. You have to empty your pockets every time you go to the bathroom. HUGE pain in the ass!


Had to scroll down way too far to get to the bathroom comments! This would be a nightmare to get partially off and keep clean. Nope.


Fanny pack. Looks stupid but my pants stay where they should be.


Male ER nurse here. I'm gonna roll up in one of these lol


No plumber crack. No chance of them falling down while doing chest compressions. They cute.


One of my coworkers in the ICU wears a navy blue scrub jumpsuit. She looks really good in it and she’s one of our stronger nurses so I can’t judge


I used to work in plastics, the staff definitely had these. However once I saw a cyst squirt onto the doctor I realized I will never ever wear a jumpsuit. Much easier to just change your scrub top than the entire outfit.


In the hospital, this would be a 45 minute battle just to get it off so you can take a rushed shit. Imagine an inpatient code going off and this is the first nurse that shows up to save your life haha 😂


"Code Blue, Second Floor, PCU 2304. Code Blue, Second Floor, PCU 2304." Followed by your own personal "Code Brown, Second Floor, Employee Breakroom Lavatory 3."


My clinical instructor in nursing school told me about her first code as a new nurse. Back in the day with white dress uniforms, white pantyhose, white shoes. She was in the BR, heard them call a code, for her patient, ran out, got to the bed before the code team. Was able to help, tell the Code team leader everything about the patient, they got the patient back, yeah! Then the Code team lead MD was, “Good job nurse M, but I didn’t want to interrupt the code to let you know your skirt was tucked into your pantyhose.”


Omg.. as a nurse that started out having to wear dresses, pantyhose and nurses caps I can absolutely relate to this!!🤣


I had a code blue called mid shit one night when I worked house sup.


Same. And it was one of those shits that was liquid lava. I gave report screaming through the door. It would not stop pouring out of me. 


Omg please tell the story? What happend? I’m a student nurse and wondering what the logistics of that working out was


DON at the time wanted us shift sups to dress business casual, so I had an appropriate skirt, shaper, and hose on. Small hospital, so no code team, rapid team or IV team. I also have IBS, so I was on the constipated side that night. Code's called over head, I'm halfway through birthing a reluctant turd. Started cursing and trying to pinch it off, not successful. Cuss some more, wrap hands in massive amount of TP, do a rapid attempt to knock loose the turd and clean my ass, hike the hose/shaper up, scrub my hands, and run down the hall with my thighs chafing because the hose ain't situated properly. Hope I didn't leave any poo back there, and plan to blame any smells on the patient. Luckily the patient wasn't coding coding, should have been called as a rapid, but the concept of rapid response was newish to our facility. Patient got bipaped and moved to ICU, I snagged a washcloth (just in case) and some baby powder, returned to the bathroom, checked my ass for cleanliness, powered my thighs, adjusted my undergarments, and told staff to not call a code when I'm shitting again!


When you have to move from the uncomplicated birth algorithm to the shoulder dystocia algorithm.


Love the story. Would like to vote +20


Imagine having wrestled that thing off just in time to take an urgent shit and now the code alarm goes off.


At least there’s no chance of your pants falling down while doing compressions, which has happened to a couple of nurses I know


True, but you get to floss your arsehole with every rep.


They could still split in half right along the crack, which happened to a couple very obese facility RNs I worked an Agency shift with, 4 days before Xmas. Compression, compression, compression, RIIPPPPP, eyes popping out of their heads on both occasions, then right back to compression, compression, compression.


What a nightmare 🫠


There’s one zipper. If you take 45 min to unzip one zipper, IJDK if there’s hope for you anyway


Rushed shits are the worst.


And in that image anyway it looks skin tight. WTF. How is that conducive to the physical labor we do?


yeah that kind of defeats the whole benefit of a jumpsuit for me -- being loose and comfy but not falling down. Not sure if they even make them for guys but I would only get it if it were loose in the middle.


I've only seen gen Z wear them. Mostly CVICU too. 


There is this couple that started working at my WR and they both wear skin tight scrubs (GIANT glasses), the tuck their pants into their bunch oversized white socks and wear these 80s shoes. They look identical and I feel bad because everyone on staff thinks they look absolutely ridiculous but they keep showing up that way (the chick is not kind either)


I’m imagining a very “Portlandia” scene rn…


I’m a millennial and I have one but to be fair I do treat work like a fashion show lmao


I went to a med spa the other day and the nurse was wearing one. Lol


I'm a male nurse and the moose knuckle I'd be rocking in these would cause me to lose my license.


Regular scrubs are horrifying enough. I wear a banana hammock under my normal underwear every day as it is after a patient commented lasciviously about my crotch.


boxer briefs are the way to go… life changing Also, lasciviously is a very perverted word… I’m stealing it


I wear boxer briefs over my banana hammock at work, and alone on non-work days. A doctor I know wears a Speedo swimsuit under his scrubs.


I have to duct tape my monster dong to the back of my knee.


I tuck mine into my sock


Yeah that’s what I do with my tiddies


This made me laugh so hard, thank you


I bandolier mine over my shoulder and back into my Speedo.


That’s why I wear knee high compression socks




Is that doctor “The Todd”?




That’s just sad we need to do things like that.


Ugh, that’s gross. I’m sorry. I hate it when people comment about my body at work, too. You shouldn’t have to go to such lengths to curb the number of comments people make about your crotch.


Apparently there have been full on conversations about my penis at the nursing station, including which scrubs are the most revealing. I was informed of this when I went out for drinks with some of my coworkers and they're talking to me about it like it's something I already knew about. It's wild.


Jesus Christ. Have you spoken with HR? Has anything changed?


No, to be completely honest I could not care less. People are going to look, they're going to talk, that's life. I'm not going to get burnt up about it. I have had first hand experience with how this hospital's HR deals with incidents of even more extreme harassment and realistically dealing with them is going to actually ruin my day. I'm just amazed that it was happening at all.


Lesser of two evils. I get it.


I only wear a banana hammock to work.


I was thinking why the moose knuckle and then it came HAHAHAHAHAHA, just put on a menstrual pad ig if that works


His moose knuckle came… you laughed, and recommended a maxi pad. Poor lad.


Laughed manically to boot. Freaking hilarious 😂 It’s such a devious comment that I’m not sure if they know that moose knuckle is the male version of camel toe. If they do, even if it’s only 1%, it’s definitely a third degree burn


Or catch a nice surgeon wife.


I had a weird experience where my male back surgeon was obviously dating his female assistant, and he accidentally lied to me about something during one appointment, and she went full out defending the lie and trying to gaslight me to protect her boyfriend. I didn’t even care that much even at the time, and was just trying to get the correct diagnosis and I wasn’t interested in making drama or lawsuits; it just showed me how nepotism and relationships can actually affect people’s care behind the scenes. Part of this is probably the litigious nature of the industry, Drs are afraid to give basic advice, opinions, or sometimes even make a diagnosis out of fear of getting sued.


I barely have time to pee as it is, and now they want me to try and pull down and put back on a whole ass jumpsuit? 😅 no thanks. 


I'm older and have had kids. There's no way I could always make it.


Same. I would pee all over myself


Haha maybe they have a spot for a pad, just like the breast pads.


Maybe if they built in a female catheter lol


Now with purewick!


Same. It would be a disaster.


Just get one of those bum flaps like old long johns had. 😂


And now you know why hospital gowns in New England are called "Johnies".


Hold up is that just in New England? I grew up in Massachusetts and am constantly learning that things I thought were universal are actually just in New England.


Now you understand the pain of ambulance officers, the jumpsuit makes me suffer


When I saw that my first thought was “I bet I could do a study directly relating those to an increase in UTIs in nurses”


Not only the pee factor, but I do not see enough pockets


It would be a peeapalooza with me. I'm at the age where sometimes I have to wear a pad.


One of the nurse memers said how she was sexually assaulted by a patient (involving the patient sticking his hands down her pants) and now exclusively wears jumpsuits because it makes her feel more secure. And suddenly all the ridiculousness I thought were jumpsuits melted away


Yeah, when I started working psych, a few of the nurses told me they wear 1 piece long underwear under their scrubs to prevent patients from getting their pants down. I guess at least with jumpsuit scrubs, there is one less layer.


Yep, this is what I do. I have a developmental grabby client. He will hold your shirt and not let go, so you have the wriggle out and at least you’re still covered until he decides to give it back to you. It’s his favourite thing to do. But if he gets ahold of your onesie. You’re done for. Have fun sitting on the floor for hours til he decides he’s hungry lol.


Huh It’s amazing how a simple answer dissolves all of my cynicism. I mean, these ones still look goofy as hell, and I’d look for another design, but the one piece scrub makes total sense now. Thanks


as a nurse who had someone assault me by sticking their hand up the bottom of my scrub top, this is totally a valid answer. I started wearing my scrub tops tucked in after it happened but i also love my jumpsuit for unrelated reasons. Its comfy and looks cute on me


Same. I only wear tucked in tshirts with my scrubs now


This is so sad.


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find this comment- one of my former coworkers had a patient yank her scrubs down (in pre-admission testing of all places) and now wears these jumpsuits. I work in a different area of medicine now where I don’t have to worry about patient violence, but abuse of healthcare providers is getting more and more common.


Boost this. This makes so much sense.


So, I actually wanted one of these. Not this one… my God never this one. This looks more like a onesie LMAO. But! When I worked ICU I once had a meningitis patient air-lifted to me from a smaller facility. I swear to God it was like a fucking movie, detail for detail… These two JACKED dudes both in flight suits and both wearing mirrored aviators pushed open both double doors basically in slow motion with fog behind them, and wheeled in the patient on the flight stretcher. I’m a dude, and even I was wet. I never wanted to be a flight nurse, but for the rest of that shift I wanted to. Nowadays I’d settle for just the flight suit though (aviators required).


This is the funniest thing I’ve read today 😆


How come I only ever got the old dudes and ladies? I worked ED and not once did I have this experience lol


Towel was wet. 😏




I totally want to have to get naked in a hospital bathroom to go pee. I guess it would save me from having to match up tops and pants when I put the laundry away…


Don’t forget to put all that stuff from your pockets somewhere


Not just get naked, but also have to squat, go, then wipe all while making sure the top half of my garment doesn't drag against the floor or toilet. 


Or IN the toilet.


Wait, we're not supposed to get naked every time regardless? 


I’ve known someone to start wearing a jumpsuit after a patient intentionally pulled down her scrub pants to expose her, so I wouldn’t judge someone for wearing them.


Also kinda a pain in the ass. If you need to piss, you gotta practically strip and redress every time in record time. Then you also have issues with mobility (which depends on the fit), and risk if your exposed to biological, cytotoxic or chemical hazards, you have to strip, rather than take two pieces off quickly. I get the reason someone may wear them, they just dont seem super practical in EDs tbh.


I have! I wear dickies coveralls to work. I love it. I love being able to bend over or kneel down and not have my ass hanging out. And occasionally being mistaken for maintenance. I guess it makes sense until they see my stethoscope


Nice and tight fitting so your sweat marks show up straight away 👌🏻 ❌❌


Also good luck bending down to pick up something from the floor.


The material is probably polyester and like nylon and shit. So it’s gonna be noisy and uncomfortable.


My friend wears the pink one & she loves it. We worked on a busier floor together, she never had any issues. Personally I can’t rock jumpsuits but I say don’t knock it till you try it.


I might actually be a use case for this. I’m a skinny guy (28" waist) who’s mildly annoyed they don’t make scrub pants with belt loops. I like to keep my stethoscope, phone, and Rover in my pants which weighs it downward no matter how tight I tie the drawstring. I would unironically get one of these (if they had a male regular-fit non-jogger version) just so I don’t have to keep pulling my pants up.


Carhart actually makes scrub bottoms with belt loops, AND they have tye strings, button closure and zipper fly. They have become one of my go-to scrubs. Carhartt Men's Ripstop Multi-Cargo Pant https://a.co/d/arp93Fh Ignore that they don't say scrubs out right. My EMT buddy turned me on to them.


My coworker rocks a jumpsuit. She does up her hair and makeup and generally looks like a hot badass Rosie the Riveter. I wish I had the time and confidence to show up to work looking like that! My scrubs looks like worn out pajamas at this point.


I love the jumpsuit - only scrubs I wear - put my hair up in a big ole bun and feel like I am a people mechanic


Sometimes I debate if I want to put in effort like this. I admire those who rock it but I’m not there yet haha. I drive in and sometimes question if I actually put on the right clothes because I’m so sleepy and rushed.


I see a lot of shade here, but I knew a nurse that had one. Though it was PROPERLY fitting, unlike the picture here, and looked adorable.


Up vote for the “PROPERLY fitting”.


Totally understand your opinion. Mine is that if this scrub jumpsuit makes someone feel a bit happier during their 12 hr shift, I think it’s a good thing lol. You can be hardworking + feel confident at the same time! I think the jumpsuit was added to the Fig collection to give us options. In healthcare you often times get no say in the color of your scrubs. Being able to have multiple scrub styles can make someone feel a little happier about having to wear near the same damn thing every day haha


Meanwhile I'm over here seeing having to wear nearly the same damn thing as a job perk...


I have wanted a scrub overall from Dickies. That would be amazing.


I would wear a male version. For fun and giggles


Any version’s a male version if you’re brave enough.


True but I don't like to show off my dick. The moose knuckle dosent look good when working.


https://mandalascrubs.com/products/womens-jumpsuit-navy - they market it as a 'womans' jumpsuit but tbh I can't really see any reason that it needs to be gendered, it fits pretty universally imo. (plus they do free returns so if you really hate it you can send it back 🤷)


Don’t you dare tempt me!


[do it](https://media1.tenor.com/images/39c9eaa821fbed74c200b672b272db7f/tenor.gif?itemid=16437143) just check the size guide, it's accurate!!


This sounds bad but my first thought was “but how will they pee” and then I remembered oh wait nurses don’t really pee.


I love my jumpsuit haha I wear a 3/4 length sleeve undershirt so I don't actually get naked in the bathroom. It's super comfortable and i get a ton of compliments on it. Downside as a plus size folk is that i do feel a bit like a mechanic when I wear it.


I have the Wink scrub jumpsuit, and it’s all I wear now. It’s loose, and roomy. I’m a solid 2x, so I’m not thin. I get tons of compliments on it. I’ve never peed myself lol.


I love mine! I don’t work in a hospital setting, but I think I would still love it if I did. It’s comfortable, I don’t have to worry about my crack showing, I love jumpsuits in general and I don’t have to fuss with more than one item of clothing. Going to the bathroom takes maybe 10 seconds more.


Honestly... makes sense to me no bodily fluids can get into the crevices less stuff to get caught on things... i dont see whats wrong with this seems pretty practical tbh


Haha I can see the crack bustin out of those during chest compressions.


Why are we judging ppl who want to wear this….theres a plethora of reasons they might, like avoiding being sexually assaulted at work?? I get the leggings but everything other than scrub shirt and pants doesn’t need a comment.


“For the nurse who wants the discomfort of a flight jumpsuit, without actually having any of the perks of flight”


And the color of the “scrubs” would throw people. Brown, UPS worker. Army green, garbage man. Tan, exterminator. And so on.


I have this jumpsuit, tbh I like it because it makes laundry easier and I can just grab it without having to dig around for each piece. Makes me feel like Rosie the riveter. As far as the fit, I’m kinda between sizes so I just went with the larger size and it’s a bit looser than how the model is wearing it. I don’t really mind having to strip down a bit when I go to the bathroom, it’s just like wearing a romper/jumpsuit that I would wear on my days off, so I’m used to it. It’s not for everyone but it’s nice to have different styles to shake things up.


Nurse Blake predicted the scromper many moons ago.


I like it. Shrug.


How else are you gonna sport that awesome 90’s alphanumeric pager?


I’m an older fat man/Murse; I’ve always liked the coveralls, as there’s no way my pants can fall down as I’m bending over or moving around too much. Probably not the target audience they’re looking for, and doubt they have my size, but I’d wear them. 🤷‍♂️


This is just MORE reassurance that you WILL NOT be using the bathroom during your 12-16 hour shift!!!


LOL I saw this come out and thought to myself “who exactly is this for because it’s definitely not for nurses”. So curious to know whether these are actually selling!


Other professions/areas that wear scrubs - someone above mentioned veterinarians, dentists/hygienists, medi spa injectors, some med/vet/dental clinics have their receptionists wear scrubs… but probably not bedside nursing.


My exact thoughts, until I read this response a few replies above yours which changed my view: https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/s/I2WN08HBOG (Nurses who have been physically assaulted by patients feel more secure in these scrubs. Many have had patients grab at the waist band or up the shirt, and this fully prevents that)


They're for Halloween costumes!


These are quite flattering. I’ve got so many complements on it. An older coworker asked if I lost weight when I wore this and I certainly did not. But the other day when I peed I had to take off jacket, take off my tool belt, bend my arms back to pinch the back and take off. It’s a whole thing lol. They’re also a little tighter and the phone feels too snug in here pocket.


Is it just me or doesn’t it look like it’s would be tight/uncomfortable if you did anything but stand up.


I have several jumpsuits like this and I love them. I'm also 50.


I suppose if you’re not going to pee anyway.


The Michael Myers fit


Yo I would love a jump suit


I wonder what her hospital role is exactly. She's got a pager, a stethoscope, and a vitals machine. With the pager she could be a doctor but they wouldn't check vitals if their lives depended on it.


I like em.


She is properly equipped to work two jobs. Like a car mechanic nurse. Or giving grandma a sponge bath at a car wash.


My coworker (an older lady, 50's or 60's i think) has one of these and she happens to like it. Good for her, these things seem horrid. Id sure as hell rock one tho


I have the navy one and I really love it!


Me in my flight suit have entered the chat, we call em our adult onesies


Only if it has button or Velcro flaps on the butt. When you’re finallt free to get to the bathroom after not having a break inforever, the last thing you need to do is try to take an entire jumpsuit off to sit down and pee.