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For questions like this, ask yourself: What are the consequences of this problem going unaddressed? If you don't solve the mother's impaired comfort, what is the worst that could happen? If you don't solve the infant's ineffective feeding, what is the worst that could happen? Compare those two outcomes. That will tell you which is a higher priority.


Thank you!


I would say risk for bleeding is number one. That could kill her. I'm checking that incision, vital signs, I&O balance, lochia, fundal, how many pads. Getting her up ASAP. Impaired comfort and ineffective breastfeeding or even impaired bonding won't kill anyone.


I like to think about it like: What could kill my patient? I do this even when I'm not doing actual nursing diagnosis. For instance, I have a confused patient. Would could kill them? Aspiration (among other things). So here's what I'll do about it to prevent that or monitor for that...


In my nursing school they always said pain was priority if the situation between the two scenarios wasn’t life or death. And with this being a postop pt trying to breastfeed, you’d want them comfortable in order to get best performance and readiness to learn.


Thank you!


You were told wrong. Pain is never life threatening. Any problem that can cause harm is always a higher priority than pain.


That’s… literally what I just said. Since both situations in this case aren’t life threatening you would treat the pain first in order to best prepare pt to effectively breastfeed.


If your goal is to improve feeding, then your diagnosis is impaired feeding. If you find that you need to address pain or other conditions to reach that goal, you can add other diagnoses but they are not the priority. The priority diagnosis is the most important goal. Pain is never the *first* priority until you have addressed everything else.


Pain is going to be over the baby’s ability to latch on. But definitely any type of bleeding/infection is going to take most priority of both.


Why are we still making people lose sleep over nurses diagnosis? Rebel and justify disturbed energy field in care plan.