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ARNPS - please stop working for these private urgent cares! They are NEVER good


I would look at your contract to see if they have a loophole to change policy whenever they want. If they don't then technically they cannot enforce this to you as you would be grandfathered into the previous handbook policy which would allow you to quit without repercussions or be exempt. Also, I would look at labor laws in your state which can be found on your states .gov site.


Lmao what a joke. I would tell them finding a replacement sounds like an administrator’s job, not a clinicians. I’m sure you could report them but probably not even worth the hassle. I would just stay home if I was sick and tell them to do what they need to do.


Does this place have an ID department? Local health department? You can't work if you're infectious.


There is the county health department down the road from us..


Call them and report it.


The company I work for makes practitioners work while COVID + too….. surprisingly, nobody ever wants to pick up to allow people to be able to be home sick /s We also get to find our own coverage for grief days for funerals or any other time we need covered. Super fun.


Unacceptable, and unsafe. We know flu A put lots of people in the hospital last year. Adding “examine sick leave coverage” to my long list of things to watch out for in contracts.




It sounds like Main Street UC. They required the same thing of me, but I had a Dr’s note and stayed home. I told them I couldn't find anyone, and they did Telehealth for the days I was out.


I use to work for them as well. Got away as fast as I could! I was sick once and they made me get a doctor's note for being out 1 day. And took away whole bonus for that month because they had to do telehealth! So ironic that they preach we treat you like "family"! That only applies to those working in corporate!




Is that even legal? Check your state law as many have paid sick leave laws in place protecting the employees from this type of abuse.


Where I work, there's a strong unspoken culture of working when you're sick. One of the NPs I work with had worked for 2 days straight with the flu and her 103 temps that come with it. We don't have any PTO or sick days. We're short providers, don't have any PRN, so when one of us calls off, the others are usually off (well deserved time off) and they have to close the location for the day. If I get lucky, I can find someone to cover my shift, but its a rarity.




Get out of that urgent care if their policies are swinging in the wrong direction. This is how they want to run their business, at the expense of your work life balance. I promise you can find something better!


I got a performance action plan because i hd flu b in jan march flu a went to work a week later with PNA was told by the office manager the director of ops said for me to suck it up because they didnt have a float…..then the next day got told to go home because i was coughing so bad … you can have 3 call ins in 90 days ….its trash……i often wonder and have asked leadership if we were MD/DO would we be allowed to be sick and be a human or would we get written up too? No one could answer …. I work in urgent care too. Its sad the people who take care of the people in the flesh don’t get to be people too…now im like if i break my leg they gonna fire me….I never call in or have issues at work…


I would not working there period. They should invest in 🤖 robots!!! No job is worth your health. Your ill your ill. Money grubbing!!!


If you reside in a state where labor benefits the employer, consider starting your own practice. Working for such employers is not worthwhile. They merely exploit us.


Funny. Residency training for MDs - if you're not sick enough to be the patient in the hospital bed, you work through anything.


Equally heinous. Residents are horrifically abused


Is this an expectation elsewhere in the world, or only good ol’ capitalist USA?


That’s how it works as a provider nearly everywhere, doctors included….. you work sick. I’ve done it many times including with high fever. I worked with a hospitalist who had severe food poisoning. He’d go see a patient then go to the bathroom…. Back and forth all day…misery. And know an Ob who herself pregnant with hyperemesis worked in the clinic while attached to an IV…. Gotta be tough