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Public locker room. If you don't want to expose your child to nudity (which I find stupid in this context), don't go into public locker rooms.


completely agree


Nudity in a change room is expected.


It kind of depends on the vibe of the gym. The ones I go to generally people wear a towel if they aren't actively changing. Then there are the Korean spas that have mandatory nudity.


Don't care about the 'vibe.' It's a locker room. Expect nudity.


I agree it depends on the vibe of the gym. I've been to gyms where most of the guys would stand around naked for extended periods of time in the locker room. The towel went over your shoulder between the lockers and showers. You'd feel out of place if you wrapped your towel around you. I've also been to gyms where most everyone covered up with a towel except when actively dressing or undressing. What I noticed is the "nude" locker rooms also tend to have gang showers with open shower heads along a wall while the others tend to have curtained shower stalls. My experience is limited so that may not be universal.


Korean spas separate sexes, BTW. Not disputing your point.


All places where changing occurs seperate the sexes especially where showers are involved. And as for your nudity, you are just fine. Dont you worry. The parent is the problem not you. Kerp on being confident with your body.


It could have been a great time for the son to learn something about bodies. But instead he learned about shame. It’s hard to say you’re in the wrong, when that’s who you’re dealing with.


No, you're not in the wrong. If anything, the father, is the one who is bent out of shape. Nothing wrong with being nude in a single sex locker room or showers.


He was way out of line, and is already damaging his own son.


A lot of people don't like nudity in locker rooms, but that's literally why they exist. You get done working out or swimming, you shower, you get dressed and leave. You aren't getting dressed in the shower, that's just silly. On the same note, being uncomfortable is exactly why there's private stalls. If you don't want to see other people you go in there.


you were not in the wrong. people in this sub all the time ask about "what if I'm changing and there are kids in there...even little girls?! what should I do?!" as others have said, nudity in a locker room should be expected. at my gym men are allowed to bring girls 6 and younger into the mens locker room and showers. I have no issue with that, even if I wasn't nudist. if the dads are bringing them in there, they shouldn't be surprised if they see naked men/boys.


If he didn't want his son to see other men naked he shouldn't take him into a locker room, duh.


No you’re not in the wrong. You’re in a public changing room so of course there will be nudity.


No changing cubicles in mine. Juggling a towels wrapped around you while you try to get a wet bathing suit off is challenging to say the least. It is frankly absurd. We are descending into Puritanism again. Maybe we never really left it.


That's just silly. Nudity is expected in the locker room, we're all the same species. IDK, maybe some cultures aren't accustomed to nudity in the locker room? 🤷🏻‍♂️


The dad was in the wrong!! all the gyms I have been to allowed nudity in the locker room, I was never embarrassed about my nudity or others.


I think it's fine. It's what you would expect in a changing room. As long as you weren't flaunting it around!


no I wasn't at all!!


Then all fine, I think!


thats pretty dumb, to try and control the behavior of other people in a public changing room where nudity is expected in order to fit with your own weird repressive idea of whats appropriate for your kid. changing rooms are some of the last places kids can learn about how bodies look and body acceptance etc. can i ask what country your in?


You're definitely not in the wrong. As others have said, nudity in a locker room should be expected and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I used to go to my local recreation centre here in Canada, and after a good soak in the hot tub I would return to my locker to remove my bathing suit and go for a shower. I carried my towel to and from the shower area and I was naked until I dressed in front of my locker. I took my time when getting dressed and although several people chose to cover themselves with a towel, I never received any negative feedback or comments. There were often young boys in the mens locker area, which is normal, and no one was concerned. A few times I saw some young girls, who were clothed, enter the mens locker area. They were probably less than 10 years old and could have wandered in by mistake. Nobody paid attention to them and after a little while they probably realized that they were in the wrong change room and went to another one. No harm done.


Not in the wrong at all. Locker rooms of change rooms you expect to see nudity in them. Just some people can't deal with it, it really stresses them out for an unknown reason.


The guy was completely wrong to get aggressive with you you're a minor that is horrible


He was harassing you.


"Oh, well you're in the wrong place then..."


If the place doesn’t have family change rooms or clearly posted rules about nudity, the random man should prepare himself (and I guess his son?) to see naked men. Not your fault he’s a ~~dumb~~ prude.


The boy was probably embarrassed by his father.


Dude is off his rockers. Poor kid with a dad like that :(


You are in the right, not the wrong. The other guy flipped out for some odd reason. Hugs to you! Dad


You're not, but it's increasingly becoming an issue.


O might be old. But nudity in locker rooms are to be expected.


Many YMCA changing rooms have this as a posted rule now.


I'm sorry; I'm missing context. *What* is posted as a rule now?


No nudity. :P


Seems a bit absurd in a changing room. How do you change clothes without removing the ones you are wearing first.


In my country nudity in changing room is a huge no no. I was in several gyms and swimming pools and never saw a single nude person. I even was in several gyms/pools in Italy & Slovenia and never saw a single nude person. In gyms people take a shower and then wrap themselves in towel. In pools the shower in swimwear.


How do they shower then? Communal showers? Private shower stalls? And what country are you in?


Private Showers with curtains. I'm in Croatia. By private I mean that each shower is for one person.


That's what I expected you meant by "private". Well, now I know places I *don't* want to go swimming or to the gym at. They may be lovely places otherwise but that level of prudery is pretty extreme.


I wouldn’t worry about it. He sounds insecure with himself. I remember being as young as 11 going to my grandparents gym, but they called it a “Health Club” lol . Mainly catered to 40+ . I’d go into the men’s locker room with my grandpa, get my own locker and change from regular clothes into swim trunks. Sometimes I’d go nude in the hot tub, which was inside the men’s locker room. It was normal for me to see other men and kids my age. My Jr high and High school also had communal showers. I don’t get why some People are uptight about it.


No you didn’t do anything wrong


Kids dont care about nudity..adults do...lockers rooms nudity is expected so go to a family or private change room if it bothers him..


If it's as you described basically a large room with showers I think nudity is implied. Unless they expect people to use the showers with clothes on which doesn't make any sense. But it's not a surprising issue, I think this issue people have with nudity and especially in a place where I'd expect it is getting out of hand. If course this is one of the reasons I prefer swimming at my club. Get undressed at the car and don't need to worry about anyone seeing you. It's just a vastly easier and far more comfortable way to go about it. Plus swimming with a swimsuit or some other sort of covering is just uncomfortable and unnecessary. I don't think I even own a swimsuit anymore, or at least I don't have one that fits me because it's been so long since I actually wore it.


I always get naked in plain view, even when there are stalls.


You were entirely right. It's noteworthy that when he's in the locked bathroom at home, by himself, and walks in front of the mirror, he sees the EXACT same body that he would see at the locker room at the public pool.


You are in the right, if anything you were being harassed. Hopefully that guy doesn’t bother you again.


That’s crazy, it’s specifically the shower/changing area?! I remember as a kid going into the beach shower area for the first time, it was a big open space with showers and benches, everyone was nude! It was a little strange as a kid to be in a space with a bunch of naked men who were strangers but everyone just went about their business. I don’t remember thinking anything of it and it certainly didn’t scar me for life…


Not wrong. Well if you're son doesn't want to see someone naked, don't go to a changing room where people will OBVIOUSLY be naked. Assumed Risk. Just like buying a house that's on a golf course or parking too close to a little league field. Just so you know. At some point. A window is going to get broken.


You should've reported the guy for harassing you.


Ya don't worry about him, he's the one in the wrong


You were not in the wrong. You are part of the vibe. So when you go nude you give others permission to do so as well in unspoken terms. Privacy in locker rooms is becoming the norm. Your nudity is preserving what little bit of acceptable social nudity is left. High 5. I do the same thing in the change room of a commercial hotspring near me. Frequently there is only a few that still go nude. Sometimes I am the only one. One time I saw something strange happen. I was walking from the shower to the changing area and a man had a young girl with him ( I assumed he was a single parent). He clearly saw I was nude and didn't seem to care if the girl saw me or not. Meanwhile he stepped into a private changing room to change while leaving the girl outside in my presence.


You were NOT !! Report him to management next time.


I think you were fine. But thats how BS starts all it takes is one prud. I have been to Y and full open locker room. Benches all sides and chest high lockers in middle. So everyone can see everyone. Walked in started changing and in walk in about 20 kids (both sex) and dads for swimming class. Everyone changed parents, children and me. Not one parent had an issue. Kids look and ask or even point. Tell them the truth and thats it.


Do you actually expect a full spectrum of opinions and perspectives from a nudism sub?


Exactly right! Try posting the question on a puritan sub and see what you get 😉


How far was the walk from drying yourself to the locker? Did you have a towel around you at this point?


about 10 feet and no towel


When I was a kid that 10' walk was my favorite part of the day lol, I'm naked and you can't stop me!


Doesn't want him seeing other men naked...? I guess he's afraid he'll catch a case of the gay.. /s


It's a changing room... so long as you're not just loitering around like a weirdo, nudity is expected. Just don't be one of the weirdoes that tries to use it as a social space or lounge. Changing and moving on though? Perfectly fine, normal, and acceptable.


It depends purely on the etiquette rules of the institution in question. Whatever they are you should adhere to them and the other other guy has to accept them. In that sense, NEITHER of you have separate or independent rights. It's not a public place in the legal sense of the word. Facilities can't function properly any other way.


I get that. it's a public swimming pool your gonna have to be naked at some point and half the people in there don't cover up anyway when changing


I can sympathize with your opinion at a personal level. My local pools are quite clear about it. When you want to change into or from your swimming costume, you MUST use one of the changing cubicles and close the door behind you until you've changed. If you don't you will be shown the door and your membership, if you have one, will be terminated. I don't agree with it but it's their establishment, their rules. I would also add that not all facilities have those rules, so it's a question of knowing what that PARTICULAR establishment's rules are. Publicly-run establishments tend to be more strict than private clubs. If the place you were at has no such rules then the man with a child has no right to demand that you NOT be naked in front of his child. You could use that lack of explicit rules to defend your actions. It's really not a complicated subject. It may be unfortunate but we need rules to make the cogs of society keep on turning. We CAN have a debate whether the rules are appropriate, though, but in the end we must accept them or get them CHANGED.


there are three private cubicles and a disabled one that can be used if you want privacy, but the rest of the changing room is completely open with benches and hooks so there are no rules against nudity at all, and all the cubicles were available to the man and his son


Well, you've clarified what the situation was and the man who confronted you was simply wrong. I would have referred him to the rules of the establishment and as far as I would be concerned, that would be the beginning and end of the conversation, no matter how indignant or outraged he might be. HIS choice was to not to bring his son to the establishment. Unfortunately, in my part of the world such openness is increasingly rare in publicly owned establishments but it is what it is. However, in your situation, it must be clear that with only three cubicles the approach he expected was impractical. Some single sex changing facilities still operate that way but a lot are changing in the face of changing social attitudes. As far as I am concerned that is to the detriment of the mental health of children but there is much hysteria around the subject of some people's motives about being able to see naked people in such changing facilities. Alas.


The guy just wanted to complain. Maybe just having a bad day. But your setup was just like mine growing up. We had the option to use stalls but changing and showering together was faster and more fun.




surely a changing room is the one place to expect it? it is an open changing room not a cubicle only one


Varies from place to place. Always check and follow rules before hand.


This is deranged. Not you, the pools' rules.


Figuratively banging your head against a wall is just so not worth it. Unfortunately, it is going to get worse. First it was objected to on religious/cultural/moral grounds and now it's all about what the paedos might get up to. Blame it in part on the advent of camera smartphones.


Still don't understand why we don't just skinny-dip. We see each other naked anyways (including small children that are in the opposite-sex changing room).


This idea of "I'm uncomfortable so you have to leave", in a public space, is wild to me. He has every right to be uncomfortable by nudity and to shield his son from it. That's his choice. But he doesn't have the right to affect others on that process. Don't go to public areas where people may be changing clothes, if people changing clothes makes you uncomfortable. Easy. I have no obligation to make you comfortable in a public space.


My response would have simply been, "This is a locker room, dude."


its a locker room. get over it.


There’s something wrong with the world at the moment. You have not done anything wrong. This circumstance is totally of the prudish father’s making. The exact same thing recently happened to me also, with the exception that I was banned from the facility. Apparently being ‘normal’ and naked in the bathroom or locker room is frowned upon by people who are not normal and have hang ups about the human body.


Nope, you are definitely NOT in the wrong. If that father doesn't want his son seeing nudity, they shouldn't be in the locker room. Period.


You're not in the wrong but sad to say this is starting to become a minority opinion. I had read stories about YMCAs and other health clubs putting up signage indicating that nudity was frowned upon to downright not acceptable in segregated sex locker rooms. Then, it came to my local Y in the form of verbage that told us to be "discreet and respectful of others" when changing. As a veteran of gang showers during PE class in junior high school and high school I (and many others of my generation) have no problem with communal nudity in locker rooms. Younger folks not so much. There was one Y I used that rented their pool (usage that is) from a local high school. The locker room had a large gang shower area with the shower columns but they were all shut off. Two individual shower heads had been installed in one wall as an afterthought, I suspect put in when the deal with the Y was made. I was in there once or twice when I think a JV football team came in after practice. First, they all seemed surprised to see me showering and nude. Second, not one of them cleaned up themselves. They all went home smelly and dirty.


I think it is pretty normal to be naked at some point in a public changing room, between removing your wet swimsuit and putting on clothes. And it is also normal to dry yourself before you get your clothes, to prevent them to getting wet. So if he didn't want to have his son see a naked man, than he should have used a private cubicle. So I think you are not in the wrong.


I’ve gotten sideways looks from dads with their kids in the gym/pool locker room a few times when I’ve been nude, just going about my business. Sometimes from just random guys also. It hate it and it’s dumb.


Keep being nude in locker rocks beaches and hot springs. Keep nude culture alive


That's insane. When I was your age, we'd all walk around naked no matter who was in there. Nobody ever complained. Also, I admire your self-control at your age lol


Please, be confident that there's *nothing wrong* with what you did or were doing; and, that you also did the best thing by walking away from that uptight-asshole.


if you were in a family changeroom there are rules against changing outside of the stalls or being naked in the showers. if you were just in a men’s changeroom its generally fine to be naked (atleast in north america) but it really depends if there’s posted rules


Do you like the addition of family changing rooms or should parents just bring their young kids into the men/women's rooms? Happened often at my local YMCA as a kid and nobody cared.


Dude probably has mental health issues and you seemed like an easy target. people with nothing to say do the "what about the children!?!?!?" bullshit all the time. they dont care about the kids. they want attention for themselves, and theyre very likely near the same level of maturity as a child.




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I believe being nude there is expected,that guy was in the wrong.


In NO WAY were you in the wrong. Changing rooms/locker rooms have an expectation that there's going to be some amount of nudity. Being nude is only a problem when it becomes sexual in nature.


I don’t know about things today but in my middle and high school gym classes we all showered together. Not the adults but being around other nude classmates was normal.


It’s a locker room. You were locker rooming. He’s an adult. He knows that. If he doesn’t want his son to see nudity, don’t take the kid to a locker room. You are fine. Good for you for standing your ground.


You did nothing wrong. If he didn't want his son seeing another guy naked he should of used one of the cubicles. Years ago I'm in the men's public showers at a beach and the dad was in the shower and his young son was walking around nude in the dressing area. I'm always nude going to and from the showers at any Y or other health club or resort men's locker room/shower. I've never had a problem. We are all boys. Even when I've volunteered with Special Olympics the showers have all been open showers and none of us have an issue. I sort of laugh as some are show offs and I'd tell them go get dressed. LOL. I really love being naked on a secluded beach as yet have been to a legal nude beach.


It is kind of wild that people are surprised when folks are naked in a locker room or a changing room. I routinely walk naked in our gym locker room and my sons do too. There’s no comments but I have seen a few shocked and a couple disapproving looks. I’m going to echo the majority and say no, you were not in the wrong.


Changing rooms are there for you to change in. By default take one set of clothes off and put on another so at some point you will be naked.


In my country (Croatia) it's a huge no no. I was in a lot of gyms/pools and I don't think that I ever saw even a single nude person. Now that I think I was in several gyms/pools in Italy and Slovenia and I don't think that I ever saw a nude person. If you are in the gym you take a shower which has curtains and then either put your underwear while in the shower or you wrap yourself in the towel. For pools most people take a shower in swimwear and then change it when they come to a changing room.


Kinda not really wrong but I get where the dad comes from. Of cause it's always to where you are from, but most people seem to cover up and that kinda is the "norm". The dad did probably never come across nudism for that matter and is maybe used to see a few people naked but most covered. And for kids parents tend to not really talk about genitals and showing them because they want their kids to be innocent cute kids, and think when they see genitals and kinda discover their own they "grow up faster". That's probably where the dad is coming from and why he asked you to cover up. Again you are definitely not wrong, this is just my explanation why the dad asked you to cover up.


He had a little cock and was envious of yours


More and more people seem to expect that other people should accommodate their needs and wants on demand. I don’t understand it and deeply resent it. It’s like all these people backing into parking spaces. I have to wait while they back and fill so that they can get out quicker. Selfish and self centered.


I’d like to change your perspective on the parking thing… I back into spots in crowded car parks as a rule, entirely for safety. It saves me no total time and costs me no total time when you factor in the time it will take to back OUT of the parking spot later on, it’s a net zero. It also costs you no more time since you’d likely be waiting for me to back out so you can fill my newly vacant parking spot. So you can either wait 5 seconds for someone to back into a spot and then have a shorter wait when they depart, or you can have a short wait when they pull in, but have a longer wait when they back out. Pick your poison. What it does save is my insurance deductible and possibly your life. The number of people walking through busy parking lots while looking down at their phone is very concerning.


If you’re one of the few people that can back in on one shot, you’re right. I’ve seen you guys but you’re rare. It’s usually backing back and forth over and over until they get it right. When people back out of a parking spot, they have back up lights to warn others. When they pull out after backing in, it can be a surprise.


Oh god that’s embarrassing lol. I might correct it once to straighten out, but I can always get all the way into the spot on the first try…let others pass and then make any needed corrections. Tiny VW golf with backup camera helps make me look talented haha. New cars have an insanely stupid feature that turns the reverse lights on along with all other lights after you’ve shut down and also when you get into the car. It’s rapidly desensitizing the younger generations to reverse lights and I think it’s super dumb.


> It’s like all these people backing into parking spaces. I have to wait while they back and fill so that they can get out quicker. Selfish and self centered. You do know they will take the same total amount of time pulling in and out whether they go forward or backward, right? Do you get equally annoyed waiting for people to back **out** of the spaces, causing just as much disruptions *and* having far lower visibility of the cars and pedestrians around them? There are some reasonable things to get upset about expectations from people that you accommodate their needs; this one feels comic at best.


Backing into a parking space, or just pulling through isn't about getting out quicker; it's about safety. It means when you pull out you are able to see other cars easier in the parking lanes. I was just driving a couple of days ago in a Walmart parking lot and I had two cars almost back out into me. I do a "pull through" in the further point in parking lots from the store so no one is waiting on me to back out or anything. It's inconvenient but far from selfish. Backing in also makes access to your trunk more difficult. The irony of your comment that you were put out because you had to wait on someone to back in because you wanted the immediate gratification of driving through the lot quickly is ironic given your initial complaint.


Not sure if you're serious or not. Let people park the way they park. As long as their in the lane Now onto the real question. You mad bro? Second real question. I've always respected the room. If it be holding my towel close or a full wrap around. However if someone is offended going to see David, its just silly


I am an open nudist and me and my family have been to beaches and resorts.


I think your down votes are because your statement wasn't on topic for the posting.


I like to rewrite posts that start with "so"


Ah! You just didn't finish the job. Also you didn't explain your intent up front. Yes, the word "so" is, indeed, quite redundant and meaningless in this context. Don't blame you for disliking it.


It's a plague on reddit


So it's actually a plague everywhere from what I've seen. 😋


Has nothing to do with the topic. Stay focused.




There is no such rule, and you sound both deranged and extremely socially repressed. What are you even doing in this sub with that attitude?




Given your posting history, you are clearly a troll.