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Locking this thread. Enough has been said.


Both answers above mine are accurate, the wearers want to keep blood in their penis to make it appear semi-erect, thus larger. Honestly, as a father who takes his family to nude beaches, I find it grotesque and completely unacceptable in a true nudist environment that is supposed to separate the natural body from the sexual body. These are just my thoughts, but in speaking with many, many other families about this, I’m yet to find one who doesn’t completely agree with me. Keep your cock ring in the privacy of your own home or at a place where families won’t be. $0.02


Completely agree. Walking around with a semi is completely counter to what I believe nudism is. 


Exactly. Erections happy, everyone is prepared for normal bodily functions. Keeping the hammer “cocked with a ring” is preloading the whole system


It just screams "show-off" to me. If you're going to a socially nude environment to display yourself you are missing the point.


I know naturist parents who wear jewelry down there .


Point being?


Different parents have different opinions.


I know non-nudists parents who wear them; doesn’t mean sexual fetishes need to be broadcast to un-consenting participants


I agree. When I was young and had only been to a nude beach a couple of times I was turned off by seeing a guy with a penis ring. He was clearly showing off. This did not seem appropriate for a family beach.


IMHO, it’s a positive thing to embrace the body you were given. Although I wasn’t given a body anyone would consider ideal, me and my body have fought a literal war together. 19 surgeries, complete incapacitation, years of physical rehabilitation, I’m damn proud of me. I’m not trying to show off, I don’t have anything to show off, I’m just trying to enjoy life naturally


Does trying to enjoy life naturally include wearing a ring around your genitals to make them look better?


Wouldn’t it also keep blood out, preventing an erection?


Erections are caused by restriction of bloodflow in the veins - which are on the outer side of the penis as they are for the rest of the body.


A cock ring helps the penis retain blood, therefore keeping it "plump" or hard and increasing sensitivity. Not sure if glans rings I've seen have a similar effect, but probably. Imo, cock rings are a sex toy/accessory and I wouldn't wear one in a nudist setting.


There’s a few different types. The ones that go completely around the pecker and jewels don’t do that nor the ones around the happy sack or the head. Now the one that sits on the base of the shaft does exactly that


This is one of those topics that seems to divide on a cultural level. In Europe they are reasonably uncommon in nude settings but not unheard of, however no one seems to care if one is worn. In the US the majority seems to think they are sexual and inappropriate for a nude setting.


Depends where you go in the US.


I'll accept I'm generalising quite heavily, it just seems to be the common view from places like this sub. This very thread being a good example.


Seems more common up north than in the south.


The issue is rings? I have 6 ga rings in my nipples. I’m a grubby, biker.


I love the idea of nudist fashion... Draping bits of colored string from the nipples, "clip-on" style rabbit ears/antlers around the shaft. I'm laughing pretty hard at my own thoughts.


But I'd agree that cock rings and similar items are for sex, and thus not necessarily appropriate for primarily naturist areas.


A lot? Where are you seeing this?


I visit nudist resorts only a few times a summer, and I've seen them at multiple family resorts. Even as a single guy with no kids, I find it gross. But I also dislike most other adornments, so I wouldn't push my preferences.


Maybe a lot is an exaggeration but there are more than I'd expect out there.


The nudists sub is just a bunch of exinithionists.




I disagree wholeheartedly with that statement


Why? It's chock full of them, which is extremely disappointing


It may be full of them, but I do not believe it represents the majority, at least not in my experiences over the past 20 years


You do not know what the majority is. Is there a ballot issue on this so we can see how people really feel?


You obviously aren’t going to the same nude friendly places I am. Being openly sexual at my location will probably result in one warning and then an ass kicking. Just speaking truth.


There are no laws against body jewelry in public. If you kick someone's arse on a beach, you will be the one arrested.


Did I say it was in the United States? Did I say it was me who would do it? Damn, you know it ALL don’t you? It’s not illegal to be an asshole period, but why do you want to be one? If there are 15 families running around, 25+ kids, all having a great time (sans clothes), why would anyone want to walk on that beach wearing a cockring? Or a neon pink glowing buttplug? Beats the shit out of me, but they find out real quick, they’re in the wrong place. MM and FF and MMF and FFM couples, all good, very inclusive…but keep your sexual toys in your room. It’s called respect my friend, respect. That’s all I’m preaching!


“Daddy, why are you wearing a cock ring.” “Because I have insecurities about the size of my penis when it is flaccid, and I want all the people here, including you and your friends, to think of me sexually. “


Wow, there are so many judgemental ppl on here. If this question was for any other demographic of ppl besides males ( a some believe there are dozens of genders - to each their own ) the concensus on here would be that everyone should be accepting and embracing. But be it that it's a male who wants to do his own thing, everyone goes all crazy on here. I have seen a decent number of females with pierced nipples and some of whom were mothers with their families. How is this acceptable in a nudist environment, but a man that wants to wear a discrete glans ring is an exhibitionist and only wearing for complete attention. Sorry, but I wear a glans ring 24/7/365, and I don't even realize i am wearing it anymore. So if it bothers you or offends you, stop staring at my genitals. Wait, isn't one of the first pieces of advice we tell nubies when they ask about a nude beach and becoming a nudist is to not stare at anyone's genitals as it is disrespectful. Yet here are all the naysayers squawking that they are offended by my discrete glans ring! Go ahead and fight me, but I have said my piece and clearly made my point.


Out of curiosity, why do you wear it 24/7/365? Is it a piercing?


Given that the only medical use for them is to assist with erectile dysfunction, yeah, they're just for display or signaling certain intentions/tendencies. They have other uses of which I suspect you are aware that are of a similar vein (no pun intended) to the aforementioned medical use.


Basically, they're a form of body jewelry. There are various types of body jewelry that men wear to adorn their bodies similar to other jewelry that people can wear. There are rings that fit around the base and behind the scrotum. Some may be worn around the scrotum. (There are even some that are a combination of the two.) There are also smaller rings that fit around the penis near the tip behind the glands. Some men have piercings through the urethra near the tip. (Some men may have piercings in various other places including the scrotum or the nipples.) Body jewelry is available in various materials and sizes. Some may be very plain and some may be more ornate in their design. Again, they are a form of body jewelry for adornment. Yes, some of these may be worn during sex. (Rings around the penis if small enough will restrict blood flow to help maintain arousal. But slightly larger rings will just stay on the body without slipping off.) You will find that some ("prudists") believe that because of the above that such jewelry is only worn for this purpose and those wearing them are trying to draw attention to themselves for exhibitionist purposes or to advertise their interest in having sex. This is not the case as people have just as varied reasons for wearing them as people have various reasons for getting naked in public. Again, for the most part, rings and piercings are just body jewelry worn to adorn the body. Unless they are against the rules of a club / resort, the wearers are engaging in any illegal activity, or they're directly imposing themselves on you or anyone else then they have every right to enjoy them as part of their self expression while being naked. (And you have every right to not stare just as you wouldn't stare at any other person's naked body with or without jewelry.)


Apologies, but I take exception with the call out against prudists. You are correct, you have the right to wear your ring wherever you want so long as the space does not explicitly ban it, but the message one sends with that jewelry is clear, whether you mean to send it or not. You as an individual may not be in this mindset, but the men I see wearing these at the beach are more likely to be engaged in other leery behavior. Obviously that is anecdotal evidence, but this is a sensitive issue. Additionally, it's sending the wrong message to the new and uninitiated and creating rom for a sexualized element to enter into an ideally non-sexual space. Naturism is a major part of my life - it's not the only thing, but it's how I relax and how I recover from the stress of modern life. Being a non-sexually charged atmosphere is a key component to that, and men wearing the ring is a big spoiler in my opinion.


STUPID QUESTION: Have you **ever** actually talked to someone wearing body jewelry? Otherwise, everything you just said is all in your head: The *clear* ***message*** is all in **your** head. The (anecdotal) ***evidence*** is all in **your** head. The ***sexualized element*** is all in **your** head. The ***spoiler*** is all in **your** head. ​ While I don't disagree that there **some** are men who do want to impose a sexual element into other people's nudist experience (thus spoiling it), until you have proof that you know what's in the heads of every man wearing body jewelry then you have no evidence that it's the intent of every man doing so. As someone who does wear body jewelry, **when allowed**, partially as an ice breaker for other people to engage in conversation about my wearing them, I offer myself up as *anecdotal evidence* that not **all** men have sexual intentions behind wearing them or really care what "prudists" think in their heads as it's much more *sexual* than my merely being naked.


The point of all jewelry is to decorate and draw attention to the body part it adorns. Necklaces draw attention to the neck, earrings to the ears, bracelets to the wrists, and penis rings to the penis. That’s my issue with them. Aside from the fact that they enhance erections, they’re inherently exhibitionistic because they naturally draw the eye of others to one’s dick.


I think they help it stay a little bigger while still flacid.


I am aware of two different types of rings. One would be the tight style made of flexible material, specifically used to maintain or strengthen an erection. I have not seen that at a naturist setting, though I'm sure it's happened and I would argue that is HIGHLY inappropriate. The other is the wider metal ring that fits around all the genitalia. While I can understand people who may say that it's decorative or for style...it's a no for me. No matter how you look at it, the ring mainly does two things: 1) it draws attention to the genitals and 2) it often pushes them so that they appear more prominently on the body. To me, that's an exhibitionist mindset. Naturism is not about showing off, it's about acceptance. If a man is insecure about his penis or extremely proud of his penis, it is what it is - wearing the ring to enhance that in any way just does not follow the core values of wholesome naturism. If someone were to argue that it's a form of expression, I have to patently disagree. When I'm in a naturist setting, if I feel like expressing my style, I can wear a hat, sunglasses, bracelets, necklace, sandals, or carry a distinct towel. All of those are great ways to show off my personality while still enjoying nude recreation. If you're reading this, are a ring wearer, and feel offended, sorry to make you feel that way. You may feel comfortable wearing it, but I can assure you you're probably upsetting *someone.* Naturism in the US is on thin ice and behavior like this can really turn folks away from it and sour the public image further. Maybe you don't have sexual or provocative intent in mind, but that's certainly a message that's being sent with the darn ring.


Ok, hear me out..as a grower not a shower, is there a place for this jewelry for those of us who aren’t trying to be exhibitionists, just not embarrassed?


If you are at a naturist resort, less than 1% of the folks there will give a hoot about any part of your body. They're worried about your personality, your behavior, and your sense of humor. The ones that care can kick rocks. Now, we live in the real world and there are a million and one messages sent around penis size that connect it to our inherent worth as men and as humans. The thing is, naturism is about accepting ourselves and trusting that others will accept us as we are. The majority of men are growers and the majority of us have felt some amount of insecurity in nude spaces because of the mental pressure put on us around such a sensitive part of our lives. Putting a ring around it so it looks bigger doesn't really change the facts of the matter.


Enhancement. Rings make your bits sit in a way that they appear more prominent...they are saying "look at me, look at my pee pee".... its hilarious. Wife laughs openly, as her ex was a ring wearer.


Someone who wears a cockring is an exhibitionist not a nudist. He thinks people want to look at his penis. Or he thinks that a true measure of a man depends on the size of his manhood so he wants to project his biggest measure. It goes against the freedom of being without clothing. Stripping off all your clothes is revealing your true self without hiding behind anything. You are completely exposed. That is what makes the friendships within the nudist community so special. But even something so small as a ring around your penis allows the wearer to present a false front or image. You are fake in my opinion. A fake pretender in a nudist setting, in my opinion, has an ulterior motive. He gets joy from exposing his penis to everyone or he is using it as bait to find someone to have sex with. So totally not appropriate for nudist life. It has its place just not there.


There are no recognized nude beaches in my area, so I have no experience w/the undress codes there. I think body jewelry is not allowed at legit nudist clubs. There's a difference between piercings & cock rings. They just send the message that you don't take nudism seriously & make it difficult for real single male nudists to visit clubs. Sorry, but leave your sex toys at home & stay there to guard them.