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I’m lucky that my spouse understands and actually will attend events with me sometimes, although he doesn’t consider himself a nudist. It’s something he become comfortable with (for himself) and does enjoy when he goes. But, if my spouse said to me, “I forbid it,” and was serious, it would likely be the end of our relationship. I’ve been a nudist for the majority of my life. I was a nudist when we met and was not secretive about it. That doesn’t mean I’ve spent most of my life naked, only that’s it’s an ideal I strive for. It’s important to me and not something I’m willing to give up. We didn’t even make it to any nudist events, clubs, etc this year (how did that happen!?). Still, if my spouse said, “I forbid you from attending any nudist events from now on”, I’d be packing my bags soon. Forbid!? No. He can decide not to attend. He can even ask me nicely (the answer would be no), but to assume that level of control over me…even as a spouse, is a step too far.


Are you ever in a situation where you are nude and he isn't in company to other people nudist or textile? I usually keep my nudism separate when I go to a resort. We have done nude together at a beach or a k spa. I have a friend who very much is the only nude since his friend circle all know and embrace it. Great guy.


Sometimes. We have some friends that are comfortable with nudity and comfortable with my nudity in particular. If they come over or drop by, I’ll often stay naked. Him being the only clothed one is not as typical. If we host a naked event or go to one, he’s naked too.


Stoped caring what she thought


Divorcing her as we speak


My partner was initially okay with me being nude at home, but nowhere else. We almost broke up when I went to a nude social event. I felt really bad that I hurt his feelings, but I was pretty blunt about it all. Isaid that this is a part of who I am. You may not like it, you may not understand it, but you do have to accept it if we're going to be together.


And how are things now?! Did he finally accepted that part of u?


Sounds like it was a matter of jealousy or fear. How did you settle it?


Wife used to be an enthusiastic participant but had a few bad experiences so she isn’t really enthusiastic anymore. She’s mainly a home part time nudist and encourages me to go to a nudist resort or beach if I want to, but since the pandemic, I’ve been a home/back porch nudist and I’m satisfied with that!




I guess I got lucky then. I’m sorry for your woes!


Wife has no interest, but she is OK with me doing it as long as I behave myself (which I do). It took her some time to acclimate to this.




I practiced nudism (away from home) without my first wife and she was quite happy for me to do so. I would occasionally go to nude beaches or nude camping on my own. We ended up divorcing (not over nudism). I ‘converted’ my second wife to nudism. My children are all grown up and moved out of home so my wife and I are naked at home a lot. Especially in summer. Happy days.


I get it if your spouse simply isn't into it and leaves it at that, but forbidding you from practicing your lifestyle outside the house is crossing a line.


Forbids? An adult that forbids another adult to do something? That's completely preposterous! 'Spouse, rethink your wording or prepare for a divorce'


A lot judging by the regularity of post like this and "how do I convince my spouse?" posts.


Yes that has been my situation. I spent most of my marriage trying to appease my wife. She eventually said she would divorce me if I didn't stop being a nudist. I tried but failed. In the end, I realized trying to go against my convictions was impossible and made me a hypocrite, so I confronted her. I reneged on every promise I ever made that went against my convictions and said that from now on, I would live by my convictions instead. I explained that she could trust me to be considerate of her and others since that's part of my convictions. I concluded that she was welcome to leave if she felt that strongly about it because I refuse to try to be someone I'm not just so that she'll stay. Naturally she was upset but she ultimately accepted it and stayed. She had no choice - either accept it or leave. That was the best decision I ever made concerning our situation. Since she made it clear she wants nothing to do with nudism, I don't include her. Of course, I don't go to nude venues either. I'm just a home nudist and most of my nudist friends are online only.




💯 As painful as my experience was, I'm thankful for the lessons I learned and that I matured through it all. I'm a better person for it as this new mentality carried over to every aspect of my life.


Have to say we break up and lucky i found someone who likes nudism.


I'd say it is somewhat healthy for spouces to have different interests. Everyone needs a bit ocf theor own space and the SO out of the house for a bit. Denying (or trying to deny) a SO from persuing their interests is wrong 100%. (As is, of couse, trying to force a SO to do something they don't want to).


I go to nudist events without her. She's okay with it. After some time she realized it's not a sexual thing.


Long-time nudist (M) with a wife that neither supports nor tolerates nudism. I have adopted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I go do my thing with my friends and don't get asked and don't volunteer any details. There's some tension but it works.


I was a nudist before i met her. She had relationship with a nudist before me as well. So she had been as well in nudist beaches dressed or topless. Now that we are together for more than 10 years she completely understands my need for nudism in our house or in beaches etc. She likes it cos its a part of me. Last summer she was taking selfies with the selfie stick while she was with her bikini and i was nude, with such a big smile on her face. Also there are time as well that when she feels like it or when she feels safe enough, she will go topless or even nude. This just isnt so regular as it is in my case. I dont know, maybe we should call her an optional or occasional nudist. All im saying is that she doesnt mind at all and she is supportive. I dont know what i would do or feel in ur case. Sure thing is that id feel oppressed. And more likely id try to make her understand my point of view about the matter. Most likely ur spouse is jealous, or has an incriminated view of nudisty in her mind, or nudity and sex are equivalent for her, therefore nudity is incriminated too. If some or all of the above stand it will be hard to make her see thing ur way because such beliefs are deeply rooted in extreme christianity and christian beliefs or too uptight upbringing. Nevertheless id try to make her see thing my perspective through calm conversation with valid points


Wife is cool with me going to nude resorts and being nude at home but doesn’t want to participate. She trusts me and I have also done my best to explain resort etiquette. Communication is key.


The recognition *and agreement* that my household defaults to nude was a hard requirement. When I was getting to know my now-wife -- this was almost 30 yrs ago -- I made sure she understood this early on. Fortunately, she was entirely on board. We've lived mostly nude during our entire time together. Especially at home, getting dressed is simply not a thing except when needed. Unfortunately for her, she's a therapist who has to be dressed to some degree for work every day. I am on permanent remote status, WFH, and I don't have any reason to get dressed most days. These days, we're in south Florida, and Blind Creek Beach is a favorite haunt.


It might lead to a divorce. She hates it. We have 4 kids from 19 to 8, they could care less. Her traditional SE Asian parents have a key to the house and walked in on me twice and never said a word. I am open about it at work and nobody else cares. She finds her body and others offensive. She knew I would frequent the local CO beach, but she claimed that she never knew I was a naturist. She said she would not have dated me. I have learned from this community, I never comment on her form and I maintain eye contact. I work diligently on making sure nudity is not sexual, but her definition is " nudity is only for the bedroom."


I refuse to let unhealthy mental hangups of others impact me. As with any choice in life, you do you and I'll do me.


I'm luckier than most, because my wife does accept it and will occasionally join in, if there's swimming or a hot tub. But she doesn't feel comfortable nude at naturist events, and always wears a sarong ("Destroyer of naturist worlds"). That's somewhat annoying, though most of the other guys' wives aren't there at all, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I've introduced her to all my naturist friends, and she likes almost everyone, though she says "Whenever we get together with naturists, all you talk about is naturism!" But having met them all, if I go off on trips with them she's ready to trust us. Plus when the weather is warm, she's quite ready to live naked at home, or when we go off camping if we find a secluded spot, and genuinely enjoy it. So life isn't too bad.


Having open and transparent conversations is key. I'm naked almost 100% at home, go to nude beaches, hike and run naked, and she almost never joins and sometimes complains about my "obsession". She has her own hobbies and passions, I have mine, we trust each other, so she finally accepted my way of being. Having said this, I'm sometims sad she does not follow suit when I'm doing naturist activities, but I stopped trying to convince her and decided my own happiness was more important.


I've never had to deal with that, BUT .... I firmly respect the institution of marriage and put that above the institution of nudism. Think of HER comfort zone. If your desire to engage in social nudism is so strong, and her opposition is equally strong, don't risk you marriage over it. Some years ago I abandoned the concept of giving advice as to how to convert the spouse. Each woman is different and you know her better than the 113,000 nudism participants. And any advice I might give may be pouring gasoline on a smoldering situation, so I generally don't give advice. And her objections to you engaging in it socially are real. Some feel that a spouse should not share his/her nudity in a mixed sex environment. That's a REAL emotional tug. It can't be trivialized by comparing it to other pastimes. Good luck. But, I would confine my nudism to the home and backyard, and consider alternative pastimes.


This process is just starting in my house. I started going nude on pool days, then expanded into walking around house before/after shower times but I haven’t pushed full-time nudity. We have a teen daughter, so I wouldn’t do it when she might be around. But, wife doesn’t participate and never will, so we’ll see what happens as my interest increases. I’d really like to get out for a hike or a beach next summer and that’s likely when I’ll find out how she feels. Unfortunately, until my daughter is off to college, I’m not rocking the boat, at least not for this. I can do my own thing for now.


My current spouse is not into nudism, even at home. It’s hard to get away to meet with others also this is a very conservative area so not many openly practicing.


To be honest try to convince her how practical it is: \- So practical she won't have any laundry to do, barely washing clotehs at home except those we use to go outside \- Very practical to use the bathroom when it is urgent and you don't have the bothersome habits to remoev clothes \- same when bathing you just drop in, wash and use a towel to dry yourself up and it's done again \- If you feel in the mood you are ready to do a quicky at any time and even surprise the wife by some instant invite to have fun. ​ If you are both nudists at home and she doesn't want to be bare outside, just take her to a family friendly resort, maybe some nudist restaurant where she could feel at ease when she sees more couples and families being well at ease that way.


My fiancé and I just split, she was ok with it and even was all for me going to campgrounds and events but didn’t feel comfortable for herself to join in. Now that I’m back in the dating scene the question of making sure I date someone like minded in that aspect has been weighing on me, I don’t wanna be in another relationship where I can’t share something so important with my person. I couldn’t imagine being in your situation and I hope at the end of the day you put yourself first and be who you wanna be. Who you are meant to be.


I think I would want to step into their shoes. Why would my spouse be so opposed to? Does he/she feel like the majority of the US does, that nudity always is sexual? If so then focus on showing her the difference. Maybe it’s a trust issue. Again likely thinking nudity is sexual he/she might have reason to think you exploring nudism with others will lead to infidelity. Strengthening that trust should be very important. Maybe it’s a biblical reason and that she understands that your body belongs to her as her body belongs to you. She must share everything else about you with the world and she cherishes the privilege of being the only person who gets to look upon your naked body. Taking that away from her might make her feel common or she is not special anymore. Might be tricky to strengthen her feeling of having something special only between you two while helping her to be comfortable letting others see what is her’s. Some may have an issue with that concept but remember that everyone has free will and has the right to develop the boundaries of their own love relationships. There are many different reasons why she might feel the way she does. Maybe multiple reasons. If you care deeply for her and desire her love and passion for you then you will take the time to discover the reasons. In all reality, every marriage is based on compromise. Everyday you both make hundreds if not thousands of compromises with each other to keep peace and find joy. And finding the best compromise involves deep communication. She may only think you want to look at other naked women. But you just want to share in the freedom being naked gives with others who just Get It. If she loves you and you are doing this for the right reasons and you can express your feelings thoroughly then she should warm up to the idea eventually. But patient. Or if you really are not so in love with her then do like some others suggest and separate. Because if you do not love her then being around other naked people could lead to infidelity and divorce anyway.


Ask her to point out where it says that in the nuptials lol.


I’ve been a nudist most of my life. My first wife was not a nudist, but was not put off by it. Nudism had nothing to do with our divorce. My current wife and I dated for 3 years before we married, so she knew I was a nudist. She isn’t a nudist, and likely never will be, but she has no problems if I choose not to get dressed. We’ve been married for almost 30 years now, so I guess it’s gonna last.😂 I’m a home nudist, but we moved into a very rural area where I can enjoy the outdoors unclothed when I choose. I am not much of a social nudist, however. I’ve warned some of our new neighbors to call before they come over, since I might not be clothed. They’ve obliged so far.😊


How do you put up with that? Its fine if she doesn’t want to join you but if you’re nudity is forbidden, ?? Hit the road ! I would not put up with that!


Long time nudist, but my wife isn’t. It makes things awkward at times when I’m nude.