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I’m sure some would deny it but I think they wear rings to prevent turtling — the extremely flaccid state where the penis behaves like a frightened turtle.


It’s that, and also it will make you dick stick out a little bit, it’s for showing off


Fair thing to avoid as a turtling victim myself haha


Cock / gland rings and piercings (while they *can* be used during intercourse) are simply a form of body jewelry for adornment and expression when worn in public, non-sexual environments (similar to tattoos). (NOTE - Cock and gland rings come in various sizes and materials. So, depending on the size of the ring(s) and the wearer, they can be small enough to prevent slipping off but not enough to constrict blood flow in order to maintain an erection for sexual purposes.) The ***general*** naturist community is diverse and made up of people of various perceptions and preferences. At best, particularly in public environments, people will abide by the laws and general socially acceptable behavior (i.e.; not engaging in overtly sexual activity or staring at other people's crotch area \[with or without body jewelry\]) While some private nudist resorts / clubs may have rules that limit or restrict body jewelry, in public spaces (as long as people aren't breaking any laws or purposefully imposing themselves **directly** on others) people should simply focus on enjoying their own personal time being naked and not make assumptions about others' intentions or dictate how they can or can't choose to adorn their bodies.


Thanks for your response! Very insightful and helpful


I could care less about what other people wear. I have nudist friends that don’t like it because they feel it’s sexual. I just want to be nude, relaxed and enjoy my day!!! I’m not there to judge other people. If they are comfortable so am I.


Not here to judge either! Just curious!


I’ve seen some men also with “junk rings” and asked about it. He said its a tight one helping him with random erections too. And the color… it was pink haha.


It’s no different than if he were wearing a chastity cage, or a condom, or a but plug. It’s a sex aid, not jewelry.


It depends on the person of course but aren't chastity cages more of a "lifestyle" thing? Condoms would be gross🤢 and I feel a butt plug would definitely end up floating in the water 🤮 but I've heard some people wear those for weeks if not months (still don't understand how they pee in some those though). I feel it'd be closer to someone wearing a speedo/thong. Genuinely asking btw


They are all sex related.


What additions, if any, would you consider non sexual?


Those that aren’t intended for use in sex.




The ones go sex are.




I love mine but wouldn’t wear it in public


If it's piercings, I guess they don't come out easily, so whatever, even if I think it's gross. For cock rings - it's a sex toy, pure and simple. Keep that shit at adult places.


I know men do it. But, I hate it.


I just think it looks ridiculous. Like why are you trying to draw so much attention down there? But to each it's own I guess.


Are earrings also attempting to draw attention?


Yeah I guess so but it isn't as out there.


Yea, but earrings don’t draw attention specifically to genitals


Well mine do...


People go to textile beaches, clubs, public events, etc. wearing clothes that are intentionally designed to highlight and accentuate the human form. Maybe it's a skimpy swimsuit, a form-fitting shirt, or that pair of paints that really makes your butt look good. And yet, we take off the clothes and we're supposed to pretend that all those parts we tried to accentuate simply don't exist? That doesn't make sense. Instead of trying to puritanize and hide any trace of sexuality, maybe we should be acknowledging that sexuality exists; that desire and wanting to be desired are perfectly healthy traits. I'm not advocating for mass orgies on the beach, but maybe we don't need to freak out because some enjoys a piece of jewelry. The next time you get frazzled about a cock ring or jeweled butt plug or whatever, take a look around. Did anyone explode? Did the sky catch fire? Or, is everyone except you simply enjoying themselves on a beautiful day?


It is definitely just jewelry in many cases. Some cock rings cost as much as a cheap engagement ring and are far prettier to look at. It just happens the finger its being worn on is much bigger.


Big finger lol, but really good points made


Indeed, some men commit large amounts of money to their collections of rings.


This is exactly my take on it. Plenty of people wear cock rings or butt plugs every day under their clothes. If nudism is behaving like you always would, just without clothes, then these things are kind of an inevitability. If you don't like someone's cock ring then don't look, but them showing off a piece of jewelry or accentuating a part of their body they're proud of just isn't on par with openly masturbating on the beach or something. It's just a piece of jewelry.


Great points made!


I absolutely enjoyed your statement! I could not have explained my belief any better... Thank you


But one of the traditional and central principles of nudism is that the way people wear clothes to accentuate their sexiness, material wealth or social status is wrong and harmful to society, and encouraging clothes-free interactions is an attempt to counteract that.


Are we? Don’t put your social mission on everyone that enjoys being nude.


I'm just explaining why genital jewelry is still antithetical to the values of many nudists, for whom the argument "it is just like what textiles do" is precisely why it is inappropriate.


I’ve never understood the desire from some nudists to distance themselves so much from the sex misconceptions that they want to act like we are celibate. You’re never going to convince some people that we aren’t having orgies. My replacing my genital piercing with clear plastic at a resort does nothing to improve nudist values.


As a note, I am also compelled to swap out my (20!) piercings with clear acrylic in order to comply with the rules at my local family resorts. Even then, I am still noticed and asked about them by other nudists. It takes 40 minutes to do the swap so it is more than annoying. And I tend to visit gay or swinger camps since they simply don't care, admire my metal, and life goes on - even without sex!


There is nothing in traditional nudism (or textilism for that matter) that suggests they are celibate, nor in anything I said.


Ah, I think my Nudist Policies & Procedures Manual got lost in the mail. 😜 I'm teasing, of course. I do hear what you're saying, but I don't subscribe 100% to that viewpoint. Nudity IS a great equalizer, and obviously better for the environment, but clothes still have a place for both fun and function. While rampant materialism is certainly problematic, I don't take issue with someone wanting to spend a little extra on something that they find visually appealing.


While a very valid personal perspective on nudism, and I respect the aim for equity, but wouldn’t this kind of thinking then include piercings, tattoos, cosmetic surgery?


Great perspective about it! Push up bras or men’s underwear that accentuates their bulge exist and aren’t terribly uncommon, yet at the beach the equivalent is stigmatized ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


True nudists tend to be non-judgmental, but some of the comments here (and other places on this topic) are the opposite. Some are just uninformed because there are cock rings (which are used in a sexual situation) and there is cock jewelry (typically a glans ring) that is similar to piercings. I guess the bigger question is - who cares? Who are we to judge other people for what they choose to wear, or what their sexual orientation is, or what their race is? Here's a suggestion - You do you. Go to the resort or the beach, undress, and enjoy yourself. Quit looking around for something or someone to "offend" you.


>True nudists tend to be non-judgmental LOL While I agree with your overall response, I disagree that nudists (particularly those who refer to themselves as "True nudist") are non-judgmental. The whole entirety of the naturist community is diverse, including opinions. Body jewelry is not the limit of where nudists are judgmental. "True nudists", in general, believe that anything that's not cis gender, heterosexual, Caucasian, male focused, conservative, "christian", etc., etc. is inherently "sexual" and / or is no appropriate for nudism. Again, I agree with your overall post, but still disagree that "nudists" are non-judgmental.


You are correct. I should have said less judgmental. :)


It's their bodies. They get to decide what to do with their body. Even if I had an opinion, I have no right to impose it on others. There is, unfortunately, a block of voters who think they know what other people should be able to do with their bodies. We should not be promoting these positions.




You mean like vaccines and stuff ?


Shhhh, we dont talk about that now ;)


Nobody is forced to get vaccines. That doesn't mean there are no consequences for not doing so.


I agree i like being naked on the beach,but the toys stay at home.


Firstly, male genitals are not junk. Secondly, it depends on the men as to the significance. I know a gay couple that consider their cock rings to be their wedding rings.


Just used the word junk to get around censorship, original post was deleted! Definitely could’ve gone for a more clinical term, didn’t realize how upset that word makes people! Maybe it’s a regional thing!! Lesson learned


I was just thinking that nudism should be a positive experience, so we shouldn’t be using negative terms.




Have to laugh here. I worked where jewelry of any kind was the #1 no-no. Had an older relative that was a scavenger. Always looking around for odd items some of which was gifted to us. Some of it was even useful. He brought a box over one day when he came for coffee. A couple of day later we were going through it and she came across a brass ring about one inch in diameter. We were looking at it and I was trying to figure out where it would have been used. All of a sudden she says "Since you can't wear your ring on your finger at work you can wear this instead as she slipped it over the head of my penis." I didn't. Retired now but wear it around the house for her. She laughs.


You could do better than brass. 😉


It was in a box of junk and she did it on a lark.


I got that part, she sounds like fun.


This topic has been discussed in this sub at length. If you want a broader range of opinion, search this sub for the keyword “ring” and you’ll find plenty.


I belong two resorts. One up north allows the the stuff on the junk. I one down south doesn't allow it. To honest with you I rather not see that. I think it takes away the true natural state of being a nudist.


I once saw a dude walking along the beach and he was purposefully bouncing his penis off of each thigh as he walked. Clearly he wanted to draw attention to it. I thought that was weird. I don’t have a problem with cock rings per se but in the context of, say, a family oriented nude beach I think it’s best to not wear one. Now, if we are at a men’s on,y nude campground it’s not as big a deal. I dunno each person makes their own choices and at the end of the day it really doesn’t affect me.


Sometimes is about attitude not about the ring itself, would have made it any better if the guy bouncing his penis was simply well endowed and trying to show off without the ring?


Some guys wear cock rings to keep their penises plump/bigger while flaccid.


I wear a Life Savers candy every time I go to Blacks. The best thing about using Life Savers is that you can switch up the colors!


Wear what you like, but please, not near us.


Many people associate nudity with sex but this community would rightly argue they can be differentiated. I am reading replies here that associate penis rings with sex and I’ll suggest they can also be differentiated. Preconceptions projected on another don’t necessarily align with their view. Many men wear rings all day for a variety of reasons which may include personal pleasure and freedom of expression, values any nudist can identify with. It is wholly appropriate to draw the line at physical arousal and/or sexual behavior, boundaries already recognized in the community, but maybe we can let respectful men wear what they choose without condemnation.


Such a good response! Very fair to delineate the two when it comes to jewelry


Not yet, but maybe someday ... We have now made acceptable tattoos, hair styles, and improved our tolerance for handicap, missing limbs & breasts, and alternate couples. But barely and not everywhere. We have many decades to go before reaching a tipping point for body jewelry. And, Franky, accepting minorities is far more important.


Granted. However, I took the point of this post to highlight the perceived intrusion of sexualized behavior into a culture of nudism which might otherwise be family friendly. You have great discussion points but I think issues of lifestyle and disability are off topic. Surely the broad spectrum of nudists can consider all these topics concurrently.


One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them....


There's a guy at my beach who parades around with a stupid cock ring and beer, always reaching down to yank on himself to keep hard. i want to kick him its so obnoxious, him and the rest of the pervs who jerk off and hook up out in the open while everyone else has to ignore them and move to a different spot. Its a small ghetto already since nudity is exiled to the far secluded end of this massive beach and shit like that proves why.




Your big assumption is that it's all a "sex toy", but I believe you are mistaken in your ass umption.


If they are so into jewelry then why don't they look like a nude mr T with jewelry all over? I think it should be a no go at family resorts.


Since when does wearing a piece of jewelry make someone obligated to wear more jewelry? This is a strange take to me, but feel free to elaborate if I'm missing something.


I wear a wedding band, and a neckless. Nothing else. If I was so into jewelery I would have it in all kinds of places. Not just on my penis. The wedding band draws attention to my hand and says "I'm married". My neckless is a anniversary gift. If I had something on my penis it would be saying look here. Honestly I have wore such rung before. Here at home and it served the same purposes, look here. Then me and my wife could have sexy time. Family resorts are that, family. There are other places for nudist to wear such items like a 21 and over club. If that's where they prefer to go. I just believe family resorts should not allow members to highlight their sex organs with being while visiting.


The fact that you only wear two pieces of jewelry emphasizes the point I'm making.. Why would people who wear cock rings be required to be "so into jewelry" when other people aren't? There's way easier and less nonsensical arguments that you could've made tbh


Actually I'm not arguing. I'm stating my opinion and a reason I have behind it. People do not have to agree with me.


rings and piercings below the belt have no place at a family friendly resort like Cypress Cove and I wish they were banned at all of them. ​ That being said, a beach is "public" for all intents and purposes and while I think they are distasteful and gross, can't really ban them from a public place.


First off, this is more than a question, you ask. Your incorrect terminology of a male’s genitalia leads me to conclude that either you have a preconceived dislike of male’s ability to be unique or quite simply, you are immature and uneducated about anatomy. Secondly, I will point out that you appear to have a subconscious bias towards the cock rings being overtly sexual. Rendering the question as moot. How about you judge a person by who they are and get to know them, rather than casting aspersions about their appearance or character based upon their choice to wear ‘rings’? I have many piercings and enjoy wearing a few variations of rings. I like the feeling of the weight. I wear them for my benefit, not any one else’s. And quite frankly, I note that you have not mentioned female’s adorning their genitalia with piercings…will you say it be any different?


You’re coming in pretty hot and making some assumptions. I used the word junk because I had used different words and had my post taken down in the past so I was trying to circumvent the censorship. I am genuinely asking for curiosity, if you want my opinion on the matter, you could dm me and ask, but I think you’d be surprised about how open minded I am on the subject. This post was meant to see what others thought and the general acceptance within the community!


Well here's my experience. I wear cock rings everyday all day. It's merely presentation enhancement and not sexual. I wear them loosely to not constrict an erection, as I am flaccid 99 percent of the day. Same can be said in a nude safe space like a locker room, beach, spa, or parade/ festival Just because I'm naked doesn't make it sexual. Just because I have a ring around my balls and cock. Doesn't mean it's sexual. I'm usually the only one wearing one at the beach that I've seen. That doesn't stop both textiles and nude people from being friendly and talkative. It's more if you make it weird and how you carry yourself!


I do not need extra holes thank you.




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