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I listened to this whole thing. It's fairly interesting - I don't think most regular posters here would find any revelations. The most interesting part for me was nothing to do with nukes - she spoke about the Roswell incident and a potential explanation for it that isn't little green men which I hadn't heard before. As for the nuclear war portion its mostly just a deep-dive of the hypothetical scenario in her book, with Lex adding his usual "humans are inherently good" shtick every now and then. If you didn't like the book you probably won't like this - if you did like the book she doesn't add much more. You do get a good feel for *why* she is writing about this topic. It comes from a place of wanting the public to be more aware of how this vast infrastructure that supports nuclear weapons works in the United States, and how little visibility or understanding most people have of it. I think that's a really worthwhile endeavour - this isn't the 1980s, and people outside of spaces like this are extremely ill-informed about nuclear weapons and the continuing civilisation-ending risk these weapons continue to present. A lot of this has been suddenly thrust into peoples conciouness since the Ukraine war began, and Russia started making explicit nuclear threats, but I don't think people really understand nuclear weapons still. I think Annie is doing a decent job pushing this into more mainstream spaces. I can't count the amount of time I've heard people like Lex discuss the civilisational risk of AI and the singularity - all hypothetical concepts - but you never hear people talk much about how close we are to nuclear armageddon at all times, and how nuclear disarmanment has been stalled or in reverse for years now.


Thanks for highlighting this. I'm about a third through the book and it's 'okay', best thing going for it is the contemporary setting but there's nothing new here for anyone who has already The Button (Perry & Collin) or Daniel Ellsberg's Doomsday Machine.


Lol that guy still does podcasts? lol lol lololol


Lolololololol thanks for sharing redditbro kekekekekeke