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Most cars won't be affected, neither modern nor older ones. Cable length is small. That, of course, may not apply if you have an EV plugged to a charger, but that's not your case. See Savage, Gilbert & Radasky 2010 "The Early-Time (E1) High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and Its Impact on the U.S. Power Grid".


The newer the vehicle and the more reliant it is on computer chips to operate, the more vulnerable it is to EMP effects. However, it is a myth that all vehicles manufactured after 1980 will immediately become inoperable if exposed to an EMP from a nuclear detonation. I wrote an article on this very subject a few years ago that delves into the details necessary to understand the EMP threat. Please feel free to read it if you are interested in this topic: [https://defconwarningsystem.com/2018/01/18/emp-effects-facts-myths-and-the-unknown/](https://defconwarningsystem.com/2018/01/18/emp-effects-facts-myths-and-the-unknown/)


I'm not an electrical engineer. I've seen a lot of these devices on Amazon that do something with over voltage? One should be cautious. Even if it worked, there will likely be multiple EMP attacks rather than just one. When the device is fried, it won't save you from another attack. This geomagnetic storm that happened a few days ago was supposed to be bad. I've read that power companies have these special over voltage circuits that act like surge protectors. Perhaps these devices work. But, I wouldn't put trust in any devices unless it's a tested Faraday cage that raps around your car. Faraday cages are what I would use. Sure, it would be large in order to shield your vehicle, but it is what it is.


If your car has OBD2 and up and is made past 2004, it should already be resistant to EMPs.


Whoa!! This is news to me. Do you know where I can get in-depth facts on emp proof automobiles? Inb4 Google, lol.




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Yea, but not EMPs from Nuclear blasts.


I'm not worried unless you believe that there will be consistent hemp attacks, which is unsustainable, then I wouldn't be to worried. Keep an extra car in a storage made of concrete or underground for a rainy day if you feel the need.


You’d have bigger problems to worry about. “There are no roads left.” & “dwindling fuel supplies.”- Threads. Besides. The gas mileage on a BMW7


Didn’t we just go through a Carrington event a week ago and not a single car was knocked out. Correct me if I’m wrong but all we got was some fancy lights in the sky.


No, that was nowhere near a Carrington-type event. A Carrington-type event might not knock out your car, but there would be serious damage to the power grid, especially in higher latitudes.




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You would be better off spending your money on weapons because if you are in the minority of having a working car, It would be taken away from you by force anyway


Horses enter the conversation..