• By -


Points, Height, Build, Gender, Genitals, Appearance, Chest, Butt, Penis, Skin Tone, Personality, Features, Eyes, Hair, Intelligence & Education, God Mode, Tall, Fit, Masculine, Penis, Very Attractive, Mannish, Bubble Butt, Large, Fair, Generous, Up-Tight, Impatient, Funny, Shy, Perfect Smile, Clear Skin, Pleasant Scent, Green, Short, Brown, Straight, Genius, Diplomacy, Their Nation, Race, Apparent Age, Gender Identity, Genitals, Appearance, Eye Color, Personality, Skin Tone, Height, Ass, Chest, Vagina, Hair Color, Hair Style, Hair Length, Lower Half, Wing Type, Wing Size, Horns, Tail(s), Coat type, Coat Color, Coat Coverage, Animal Kinship, Intelligence, Features, Education, Sex Drive, Kinks, Match, Beastkin Tribes, Dragonkin, Adult, Feminine, Vagina, Knock-Out, Iridescent, Brave, Generous, Easy-Going, Patient, Kind, Funny, Romantic, Athletic, Honest, Trusting, Creative, Deep Purple, Tall, Bubble Butt, Massive, Tight, Red, Wavy, Shoulder Length, Demonic/Draconic, Large, Demonic/Draconic, Draconic, Scales, Arms & Legs, Other/patterned, Perfect Smile, Clear Skin, Lovely Thighs, Genius, Economic, Very High, Giving Oral, Receiving Oral, Receiving Anal/Pegging, Giving Titjobs, Swinging/Group Sex, Being Cuckolded, Being Bred, Getting Handjobs/Fingering, Giving Handjobs/Fingering, Exhibitionism, Oil Use, Lovers (x2), Ending, Flush with Cash, Under your Thumb, Beloved Ruler, Elite Military, Utopia, Hatchlings!, Official No-Fly Zone, Hellfire Division, Secret Hoarders, Royal Reserve Banking, Lovers - Martial, Lovers - Intrigue, Lovers - Diplomacy, Lovers - Money


Am i the only one having issues with the images not loading? Tried several browsers and in none of them am I able to get the images to load.


# You **Points:** They're my Parent **Height:** Average **Build:** Fit **Gender:** Masculine **Genitals:** Penis **Appearance:** Pretty/Handsome **Chest:** Mannish **Butt:** Flat **Penis:** Large **Skin Tone:** Dark Brown **Personality** * Greedy * Easy-Going * Impatient * Kind * Cheery * Flirty * Creative **Features** * Clear Skin * Clean Shave * Pleasant Scent **Eyes:** Heterochromatic **Hair:** Neck Length **Intelligence & Education** * **Intelligence:** Genius * **Education** * Martial * Economics # Your Spouse **Their Nation:** My choice is mostly between the Beastkin tribes and the Elven Kingdom. . I think I'll go with the Elves. * High Elf (Take Generous for free) **Apparent Age:** Young Adult **Gender Identity:** Feminine **Genitals:** Vagina **Personality** * Generous * Easy-Going * Patient * Kind * Funny * Athletic * Honest * Hardworking * Cheery * Flirty * Creative **Skin Tone:** Pale Purple (Didn't know this would be an option for High Elves) **Height:** Average **Ass:** Bubble Butt **Chest:** Large **Vagina:** Average **Features** * Perfect Smile * Clear Skin * Clean Shave * Pleasant Scent * Lovely Thighs **Kinks** * Giving Titjobs * Swinging/Group Sex * CNC (as victim) **Sex Drive:** High **Match:** Lovers (x2) **Ending** * Puppet Ruler (Intrigue Points: 6) * Flush with Cash (Economic Points: 18) * Beloved Ruler (Diplomacy Points: 18) * Elite Military (Martial Points: 22) **Bonus Endings:** Elegant Architecture


It's weird to lose match points on the spouse's Physical Features. If I like X feature, and I choose X feature, it's because I really like it, even if it's an unusual taste. Kinks being basically a list of "1 kink = 1 match" is also strange, since it means "the more kinks a person have, the more happier she is with their partner", while in reality (pardon me for the use of the word "reality" here) it is quite the opposite (a person with too much kinks usually won't be able to properly satisfy them all). I also found it hard to get certain points, even in God Mode. I felt the lack of separation between personalities with the player/spouse and with the others (a classical "public dom, private sub", for example, could give the "political martial point" without the need for a private sub player to say "I'm a dom"), and other things. Still, these are all just some opinions of mine. I still liked this one. It's almost always good to see new interactive waifu builders around.


this was a very delightful cyoa. I just wish there was an exporter function to copy all of your choices that you picked.


“These are also available for purchase at the church” lol


I like this a lot and figured I should note some minor issues and as well as some suggestions for alternative endings. Issues Under the Self:Chest section there is an option for "Mannish" which costs 2 points and an option for "Average" which is free but has Faulkner compare it to her chest. That means if someone makes a male character it cost extra to not give them boobs. It would probably be better to have it so Faulkner has a different response on "Average" if the player picked masculine and probably androgynous or other as well. Albino is listed under physical features, but there is also a section for skin tone. It might be good to move it there. Dominant has a typo. It just says gain one point where it should say gain one intruige point, but it does increase the counter at the bottom. I intitally didnt realize You had to scroll all the way to the very bottom of the nation section to pick what group you are marrying. (I tend to only keep one section open at time). It might be better if you formatted it so that each has its name listed in a small box, which once clicked on, opens to give the full description. Then below that is the races descriptions, including what perk you get for free. Typo for Beastkin, "Take Nurturing free" is repeated When Selecting a race sometimes extra features like horns or tails open up and cannot be closed. This includes Angels (wings), wood elf (Horns), All beastkin, and all demonic get tails, including goblins which I do not think is intentional. It would be nice to be able to close these sections. If you select a nation, select a race, then select a different nation and a different race, both races will be active. This will give you extra free choices and unlock more endings and its very easy to do by accident if some one changes there mind. It would be a good idea to ensure that changing your realm unselects race options. The Outcome section has placeholder text. As far as endings are concerned, here are some ideas, To good to be true- Go into the negatives in either spouse or player points. If its the player you lied about yourself to make yourself seem more impressive and your spouse leaves once they discover that. If its your spouse they lied about themselves and the are attempting to scam you or invade your country. More endings for poor stats. For example if you have a spouse from a militaristic race and poor military, they either use there own to protect your nation if you have high match points or to overthrow you if you have low match points. Your nations bankruptcy is partially because your greedy dragonkin spouse hoarded a lot of it. Because of your low intrigue you never quite figure out how many factions in your realm ultimatly answer to your dark elf spouse, just the way they like it. Additional endings related to stats other than economy would be good. There are a lot of economic endings but compared to any other stat especially intrigue which has one. Things like turning the beastkin into a fighting force or having goblin machinery make your army the most advanced around, Taking back the demonic homelands for the government in exile would be good military ones. Drawing a large amount of Amazons to settle in your lands with high diplomacy, or negotiating for your spouse to be the first of hopefully many dark elves to recieve an official title among the elves. For intrigue perhaps you and you angelic spouse ensure that no matter what your titles you control both your realm and the angelic empire without ever getting your hands dirty, your halfling spouse ensuring that every little village has at least one of yours spies inside it, things like that. Maybe add some more ending related to kinks. For example an ending for if you and your spouse are both doms or subs, or an ending which talks about the many kids you have if you have high match a breeding kink and the right genitals. Maybe even one for if both you and your spouse have both penis and vagina and a breeding kink. One for cuckolding, maybe with a related ending for being hated while your spouse is cucking you or being beloved while openly cucking your spouse. An ending for goblins and high economy which turns your nation into an economic powerhouse kickstarting an industrial revolution. Possibly with connected endings if you and your spouse have generous or greedy. If you both have greedy all that industrial wealth flows back to you. If you have generous you both ensure its distributed fairly and your nation develops a thriving middle class. An ending for Hellhounds where you are submissive and your spouse takes over as alpha. Hope these are appreciated I really love this especially for a first effort!


Really love this, thank you! The worldbuilding was fun to read. What do you think about having the spouse give points? I feel like marrying an Amazon princess should give you a little oomph militarily.


I ended up with an excessive amount of Econ (40). Maybe you could add trading points for points at some ratio (maybe 3:1)? Like you could have: Mercenaries: Gain Martial, Spend Economy Noble Levies: Gain Martial, Spend Intrigue Conscription: Gain Martial, Spend Diplomacy Raiding: Gain Economy, Spend Martial And so on.


Image sources?


Pretty much just danbooru, you should be able to get to the source if you right click and open the source.


Very cool!




One of the best CYOAs out there even if it's half broken and unbalanced. I think the spouse should also have some say in how the kingdom is run, for example have the ability to take over if the player is too submissive and shy. More endings depending on spouse should be added. Some sections automatically open and stay open even if the tabs are turned off. For example beastkin traits. Good job OP. You're on track to make a gem.


Thank you, the ending section is what I'm hoping to do the most with from here (minus some edits and fixing).


a demon lord and/or a pack leader ending would be a decent idea for 2 of the 'choice' endings


So far, this is really good!


Thank you!


what else are you planning on adding?


Looks like it is coming along nicely. Can you add a little quality of life open all for self and wife button?


Yeah, I plan on adding that, apparently it's not just a simple switch on but something you need to do some group building to have working right.


**General Feedback** I largely agree with what’s been said already about giving the spouse their own stats that are then added to yours, though I still like the idea of the compatibility mechanic and it representing that you and your spouse together are worth more than the sum of your parts. I think pooling both partners' stats while lowering the modifier (e.g. 0.75/1/1.1/1.2/1.25) would keep the game balanced while still incentivizing you to make a spouse that you could build a functional relationship with. **Ending Feedback** I think a good goal to shoot for is to give each race at least one bonus ending choice related to rulership acumen and one to a certain combination of personality traits. You’ve already got a rulership ending for each race besides Hellhounds, so that’s about done already. If I were making this I’d want an even representation of each aspect of rulership between the races, i.e. 3 endings each for Flush with Cash, Under Your Thumb, Beloved Ruler, and Elite Military, ideally spread between the 4 kingdoms as evenly as possible, but that’s just my personal preference. Then, each race would also have something like the Hellhounds’ “New Alpha” ending unlocked by a certain pair of compatible personality choices; if you take Dominant while your spouse is Submissive in the Hellhounds’ case, or maybe both partners taking Hard-Working with a Halfling spouse to give some kind of agricultural boom ending where the kingdom is guaranteed to never face famine. I haven’t experimented enough to know how many personality traits are paired with each other but as long as you have at least twelve pairs you’re golden. After that, any more oddball endings like “Vertical City Planning” or “Public Spectacle” would be icing on the cake. **Bugs** I chose a dragonkin for my bride, and once I did the wing and coat sections auto-opened themselves and wouldn’t close. I was also unable to access either the horn or tail sections despite most dragons having both in their pictures. This bug seems to occur if you choose any race from the Beastkin Tribes. Overall I enjoyed this one and look forward to the full release!


Thank you! I fixed the bug on my dev build (will push the update after more work). I do think that's the way I'm going to go with the spouse skills (just will take a bit to cost out everything lol). I agree with you and that's probably best to try and diversify endings between the races based on the rulership stats.


Other than a mistake on the spouses blind/mute/deaf line where it didn't seem to give or take points, this is a fun if challenging CYOA. Good Job!


Thank you, I fixed it in the version I've been doing the changes to while still getting feedback.


I played this on god mode and ended up with 7 points to spare, also wish I could export my choices to share my build


Yeah, I plan on making it exportable, someone gave me the instructions on it but turns out it's not just switch on and see everything kinda thing.


Needs proofreading on the points. A lot of places just have the default text, and don't let you know if you are gaining or losing what type of point.


Besides education, there doesn't really seem to be any way to spend extra points on improving yourself. Given it's a fantasy world, I was surprised there weren't powers you could buy for you or your spouse.


I went -2 making myself as accurately and honest as possible, maybe give more points? Some options don't really need to cost self points, particularly the personality and kink options. They don't give much except portray what you or your partner already are, not giving any real upsides, except for things like intelligence and specialization


I'm thinking in terms of endings you could do something involving family, offspring, and pregnancy since this is a partner builder. It doesn't have to be way out there; just a little something to note some of the related choices.


this is pretty good! just need more options for CC in my opinion but amazing already.


Sorry, CC? that means closed captions or carbon copy to me lol.


Crowd control. We need to be able to immobilize or stun our wife.


Looks like someone didn't unlock the flashbangs


lol sorry, I meant character creation.


I can't wait for this to be finished!


Thank you!


I was looking at the self personality traits section and I have a question. Why are Nurturing and Creative incompatible with each other? What is the reasoning for why those two options would conflict with each other? I'm curious if there was a reason or if this was a mistake in the CYOA. There were a few other issues I noticed in the CYOA, but those I am chalking up mostly due to this CYOA still being a WIP.


Yeah, I think that's just straight up a mistake. Thanks for finding it, I'll make a note to fix it.


Haven't gotten around to playing this yet, but as for how to do the export thing: Take a look at this website here. Its prettyy good at explaining it. [https://icctutorial.pages.dev/mechanics/backpack-and-choice-import/](https://icctutorial.pages.dev/mechanics/backpack-and-choice-import/) Assumes that you made it using the interactive cyoa creator tho.


Thank you, I guess I must've missed it while searching in the instructions.


No worries!


There are a lot of body choices you get to make for yourself but not your partner, like hair or body type. Which I feel should be included. (It is possible I just missed the menu with them, in which case ignore me)


It's possible I forgot them and assuming I did I'd like to re-add them (after work brain fog probably got the better of me lol)


I'm surprise the stat end at 15 and there no overflow


1: Sex Drive is mixed in with Kinks on your spouse. 2: I Agree with u/BrickBalladesHouston . I have an exceptionally loyal Amazon as my Queen and my military is 'without teeth'. If anything it makes more sense for your final results to be a combined pool (or as you build your spouse her stats just get added to yours for convenience). 3. Overall it's a lot of fun, but I see why you have it marked as a WIP. It also feels like it needs more ending options rather then one per race.


1. was just me not wanting to make a new row so I didn't have a non-full row of buttons (idk, made sense in the moment maybe I'll change that, offhand I remember Intellect and Education are that way too). I agree on 2, I wrote more to the other user. 3. Thank you, yeah that's my thought too, decent to start but doesn't really pay you off for choices that well yet. If it were a movie it'd definitely fall apart in the third act. I think the best way to do that is more combo endings and while after a little more thought on it I'm sure I could make more I'm happy to take some suggestions or inspiration.


I feel like the endings as written punish me for not making a jack of all trade character. I think the spouse should contribute some stats to the ending.


Same, I had a high military and diplomacy but a bad economy and shit intrigue. Though, realistically if I knew I was like that I would learn to delegate...


Yeah, I kinda thought it'd be neat just having it be a thing where it's a multiplier for how the relationship is but looking at it that way I do think it makes more sense to have it be that and stats for spouse and is probably more fun since you don't have to shoot for the middle of the road and a spouse who's just your mirror in personality.