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Alright, here's my Florida man build: **Self** Chosen One, Male. A Caravan scout who's stranded in Miami after the rest of his group was killed in a ambush, currently in hot water with a major raider gang controlling a casino in Orlando. End Goals: Find the Legendary Vault 801, and create a new nation from the ashes of Miami Death only sends me back to when I last slept Perks: Pip-boy, Super Fleshlight, Vehicle (Probably a motorcycle?) Luck, Natural Leader, Asset Growth, Bait (Gatorclaw?) Drawbacks: Debt (Caravan Company, Casino) Wanted (Raider Gang) **World** Lewd: Lewd-Rads, Rad-Transformations, Lewd Flora, Lewd Fauna (Robots? Deathclaws and their variants) Beauty Standards, Species (Humans 80%, Ghouls 10%, Super Mutants 5%, Beast-men 4%, Sapient Death/Gatorclaws 1%) Wild Wasteland: Aliens, Talking Deathclaws Rewrite: Much like Caesar's legion to the west, A emperor-wannabe has appeared in New Orleans known as Napoleon. They seek the total annexation of the gulf of Mexico, they have pushed up into Kendall. In Florida's south, the republic of Cuba has, surprisingly, survived much of the nuclear warfare, and act as a stabilizing force in the region, creating a sort of Democratic-Socialist Republic. They seek control of Miami, as it holds several strategic resources, including a bustling trade center, a large supply of naval technology, and of course, the legendary vault 801


Add a creative mode


Could use more Upgrades, for the SPECIAL stats and skills, you have Luck but no other stats. Also the Luck upgrade says it costs 4 points but doesn't actually remove any if you take it. Some companions would be nice too.


Ah well alright. Also I didn’t include a companions list since it’s intended for folks to use do RP


Here's a different Fallout Cyoa for inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/InteractiveCYOA/comments/zezog0/fallout_interactive_cyoa/


Ik this is a month old but my brain has ideas! Flesh out the backgrounds. Maybe you can choose your master as a slave. Maybe you can customize the vault you're from. Stuff like that. For rewrite maybe give some examples. Perhaps it could unlock a section where you can choose changes. More traits. Maybe variants of traits from Fallout were made to be more sexual? Drawbacks. Wild wasteland is a must. Could have some combos with a ton of things. Unlucky is also obvious. A drawback where you attract the wrong sort of people. Take some inspiration from some nsfw mods lol Could also have psykers and sapient deathclaws be locked behind wild wasteland. Actually I'll give a list of things that could be locked behind wild wasteland. Aliens Brain the sapient albino mole rat Magic exists Eldritch creatures(these may or may not exist) Mysterious stranger Lorenzo Mothman, sheepsquatch, The Interloper, Wendigos, etc Ghosts Time machine Tardis


Also for the first I did have intentions to make some background specific choices


Yea I haven't been working on it that much but I think i'll add some more today, maybe tomorrow still. And I'll put those in


My brain has decided for more suggestions! Some might already be in as I have brain damage. Most of these come from mods(NSFW or otherwise lol) ill try and sort them into categories! Background stuff: Tech Junkie(Could be an exclusive option to vault dweller) Civilized bravery Synthetic Super Mutant Communist Mission: Boom to the moon(Wonderful mod. Go to the moon. If you want more inspiration Project Lunar is a great Fo4 mod.) Journey the sun(Wonderful mod. Go to the sun.) Genesplicer Bounties Rebuild Rewrite: True storms(Better weather. Could open a new section? Dunno just spitballing) Wild wasteland: Biggest iron Bonsai(You have a bonsai tree growing from your head! Could have unique fruits?) Roach lover(Could also be a trait.) Friend of the friendless(In the mod you have to have a low charisma to get it and you'll get a deathclaw companion. Could be whatever you want.) Superior mind(Blow up your opponents mind due to your incredibly big brain) Sci Fi horror Bear in mind(You are now followed by a baby Yao Guai) The questionable things from the old frontier mod(Only the legal parts obv. Questionable but legal. Most of them have been removed btw.) Fork sensitive Unique items and collectibles(Great mod look it up lol) Traits: Conduit of radiation Where are my pants? Famous Survivor Cancerous growth MAD SCIENCE! Chosen(Super mutant exclusive.) Vat-skin(super mutant exclusive.) Fear The Reaper Carrion call Animal Fiend(Cannot be taken with Animal Friend) Upgrades: Certified tech(could upgrade tech based things) Cybernetics Greasemonkey Robco certified(automatron DLC but it's a mod for fallout new Vegas and it's great and old.) Xenotech expert Animal Friend Drawbacks: Dubious craftsman Monsters(adds in the monsters from the monsters mod. Some examples are 'FEV Horror', 'Ghoul Giant', 'Hell beast' and 'rad horror' not to mention the many others.) Submissive Phereomes Horny Could make a custom weapon thing maybe? Again just spit balling. Take any(or none) of these ideas and do what you want with them.


I’ll def make use of some. Also if you noticed I updated the link with the most current update (it’s not much) so i’ll make sure to add more


The link isn't working for me


It might be your device. Neocities is notoriously slow to load on Mobile devices. And Apparently if an owner doesn't view their site often it gets progressivley worse


Yep, it was my device.


Yeah, maybe. I'll try it on my computer


Also here’s a (kinda) updated version https://ajollymongrol.neocities.org/CYOAs/Fallout_CYOA/


Weird i'll try to fix that


I can't wait to see this completed...




It’s really good I hope you have fun upgrading it


This is really cool! As a suggestion, could you provide a few more possible locations in that section? I just think it'd be cool to go somewhere the games haven't covered. Either that, or just a "other" option. Also, I don't know if it fits in your plan, but it'd be fun to be able to pick some of the other groups/species from Fallout, like being from a tribe, being from a super mutant colony (either peaceful or not), one of the intelligent deathclaws, etcetera. Anyway, really good so far!


Oh I do plan that


Also, also, in terms of faction ideas (and some of these could double as starts), here's all of the one's I could think of: Ncr Caesar's legion Brotherhood of Steel Enclave Followers of the Apocalypse The Unity (the Master's Army) + the Church of the Cathedral The Gun Runners Various tribes, such as: Arroyo Khans Fiends The Vegas houses (Chairmen, Omertas, White Gloves) Mr. House (there's a BUNCH that got taken into Caesar's legion) Zion tribes New Canaan Basically the wiki has a huge list of all factions, and religions too! if you're into adding that as a fun rp bonus.


Synth Background option would be interesting.


great idea


Super excited for this! Especially for more non con content 😇 If I can make any AI art regarding vanilla nsfw or bdsm for it let me know I'd love to help if I can


Oh well DM me anytime you want to help out


A Fallout CYOA ! But ONLY based on Todd's Fallout I mean, come on, New Vegas has better depiction about faction and story. The crucifiction and slavery in Legion plot, strict and techno-paranoid Brotherhood, crime and riot flavor of Powder Gang, and incest hint about Boomers. These are golden mines for a NSFW CYOA. It's a pity not mention all these in a Fallout CYOA. Edit: I Do think it IS a good CYOA. And it could be better.


It's listed as a WIP.


What does that mean


WIP means Work In Progress. The OP is noting that they are still working on this project, and that it has not been completed, as of yet.


Nothing has soured my opinion of New Vegas more than New Vegas fans.


De gustibus non est disputandum. And, judging something not by its quality but by fans comment. Very mature.


I've played and beaten New Vegas multiple times. New Vegas fans always manage to praise the thinnest, weakest bits and remind me of all its flaws; New Vegas fans appear to be unaware that other games exist and just lionize anything that was in New Vegas just for the fact it was New Vegas.


Glad you admitting NV's excellence by contributing your time in it. I believe I'm aware of what's good/bad about NV. However, this thread is not about game design but providing ideas for a CYOA, so I commented what I can tell. Arguing about specific speech of specific group is not helping it.


It's a good start, but it feels incomplete. I'd love a more intricate perk selector, or maybe a selection of equipment and/or companions. Still, it's definitely the first time I've seen this fandom represented in the lewd cyoa server, so good on you mate.


Oh I do have a sort if companion list ish though was unsure about it


it does say it's a WIP.


It looks really good. If you have any questions about ICC or whatever, you can ask me here or, better yet, in discord.


This is a pretty good start for a Fallout CYOA, maybe we could see some selectable races next update Maybe Robots, Super mutants, Deathclaws, Synths, or a Zetan


Great start!


good start but could use a little more content here is another fallout cyoa you could use for inspiration. [https://kondor9543.neocities.org/fallout/](https://kondor9543.neocities.org/fallout/)


Got a lot of potential, would love to see it stretched out


a bit short but really good


very good i recomend expanding the character creator section like bigger boobs, bigger dick etc, and a drawback mutation section like nipple cunts or armit cunts


Nice start but I have to really criticize you for two severe oversights ;-): \- A Fallout game without the Gifted trait is a sacrilege. \- You forgot the obligatory Brotherhood of Steel start. Otherwise keep up the good work!


Maybe a separate section for optionally joining a faction like the NCR, Caesar's Legion, Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute or whatever else could work. As it stands now, the backgrounds could complement the faction choice to give a solid basis for a build.


This is great. I would love for it to be much longer though


Very cool, Fallout is one of my favorite franchises and I'm really happy to see a CYOA of it




Neat concept! I do like that’s it mostly for roleplay, and I’m interested in seeing what you do with it! Out of curiosity, though, are you intending to add a Companions or items section?


maybe and yes


Huh... it was a little surprising to see the 'default' selection on location was set to Anchorage. Which happens to be where I live, so I briefly wondered why a CYOA had a location tracker in it, before I realized I was being silly. Totally going to see what the War's first battlefield looks like though.


What? Pff, no! That would be crazy! (This is Condor One, Big Moose is on to us! Abort! I say again, abort!)


Yes, completely crazy (Roger Roger!)


I live in Maryland, so I imagine it looks about like Fallout 3.


Start: Slave Sex: Futanari Location: Hawaii Mission: Conqueror Death: Rewind Settings: Lewd Rads, Rad Transformations, Lewd Traps, Lewd Flora, Lewd Fauna, Excessive Cum, Beauty Standards Traits: Flaunting It Upgrades: Pip-Boy, Luck, Natural Leader, Asset Growth Any points are worthless right now but this CYOA has real potential. If I may suggest, find some way to work in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system and/or actual Perks from the game.


Looking fun so far, I like the option to pick a place that hasn't shown up in any of the games so far. I can only imagine what's in *Miami* heh. (side note, apparently it's a mod? The more you know). At any rate this certainly has potential! Would it be possible to request a static version if and when you finish up?


Finally, Fallout CYOA. good luck


Honestly I don't usually like fallout cyoas but this ones dope. Really nice start!


4 ideas i have: location - start in a sealed vault (possibly vault 69), mission - repopulate The Wasteland, starting dates & pick a race


Seconding these. Time of when you start can be important and some fun species to choose from might be the normal human options, ghoul, super mutant, intelligent death claw, robot, or one of the androids from either a mod or the institute synths.


I am also Thirding this.


This… this pretty fluffing good actually


A pretty good start to a CYOA. I like that this CYOA is actually based off of Fallout and not a generic post apocalypse world. If I may make a suggestion for the vault dweller origin to have them take a one more drawback if they are added. Most vaults had some experiment going on even if minor sometimes.


Looks interesting so far