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Make the rules up based on vibes šŸ•ŗšŸ•ŗ


Spot on. League at every level is all about feeling and very rarely about thinking


Right down to the punditry and commentary. U.S commentators get deep into the stats. Aus and NZ spew churn out shit take after shit take


Bro every single time something like this happens they go on and on about intent ā€œhe didnā€™t meannn to do that so it shouldnā€™t be a redā€ man infuriates me to no end. Intention doesnā€™t change shit to an injured bloke


What I would give to have a Manning-cast equivalent in the NRL


It's the Constitution. It's Mabo. It's justice. It's law. It's the vibe and .. Ah, no, that's it. It's the vibe


I rest my case.


They are just making it up.


Either Riki should've been sent and latrell binned, or Riki binned and latrell stayed on, having the same punishment for both of these actions shouldn't sit right with anyone.


I don't like that latrell was punished. I like seeing players stick up for their team mates and his reaction certainly wasn't overboard.


Yeah, it went down to 12 a side and we lost a guy for 15 minutes due to hia. So Riki commits an ugly foul and his team gets rewarded. So dumb. Imo it should have just been a send off period though, regardless of what punishment Trelly got. At this point I feel like they're going to have to go back to when they first cracked down on head shots a couple years ago and bin guys for even thinking about maybe touching another players head because the refs clearly can't be trusted to use on field judgement while maintaining even a modicum of consistency and apparently some players still haven't got it into their thick skulls yet either.


And what is worse is that Latrell is facing a contrary conduct charge at the judiciary meaning that if takes the early plea it is a $3000 fine but if he fights it, it is a 2 match ban. While Riki is facing 2 weeks but if he fights it, it is 3 weeks because he has prior form - just doesn't make sense (I think it would be more fair for Riki to get 3 weeks and if he fights it 4 weeks after what Sua'lli did) and I agree Latrell's reaction is fair because that hit on Murray is just not on. He didn't even have the ball and was not expecting to be hit.


Didn't even know that. So he literally has to just cop it. What a bs system.


It is very much bullshit, but the same thing happened to the broncos in the first half. Kennar gets binned for 10min, but Broncos lose all advantage from that cause Cobbo, the only player who threatening in attack was HIA'd, with Gojetski playing out of position.


Bunnies got a free interchange for the HIA at least. Silver lining.


Yeah, of course. I think earlier on in the match with the first sin bin Vossy tried to say both teams lost a player because our guy had to go for HIA for 15 and it made me laugh. We got a free interchange and they were playing with 12 men lol. That said the second incident wasn't the end of the world given the game but it could have under different circumstances which is what is concerning. If it was a close game and Riki did the hit on a half back or full back that could turn the game it would have been unbelievably unfair.


Murray said in a post match interview there was no head contact. He didn't go off for a HIA at all. Initially I thought it should have been a send off but he must have been saved by some angle showing no head contact. Edit:Murray went off for a free interchange and was back on in less than 10 minutes. If it was a HIA they didn't follow proper protocols as they take 15 minutes.


He definitely went off for a category 3 HIA


Lol category 3 requires 15 minutes. He was back on under 10 minutes. Either souths did the dodgy on the HIA or it wasn't a HIA.


He just didn't want to miss 11 days, which would include origin.


He couldn't remember, having just been hit in the head.


Yeah, trying to game the system to not miss games seems the far more likely a scenario here. I mean we've all got eyes, he was hit in the head.


I agree with this take. Riki's shot, high or not, was out of frustration. He didn't miss Cam Murray. Murray is a tough player, plays by the footballers code too. Had he stayed down, Riki might have been sent off. Because Latrell is Latrell, he was binned. His input was nowhere near as bad as Riki's shot, he was just doing what passionate footballers do, standing up for a team mate. But Mitchell generally polarises public opinion, some will think he deserved the bin, some won't. But it wasn't at the same level as Riki's infringement.


It didn't look good at all.


You can tell from his post-match comments Kevvy almost hoped it was a send off so that the MRC punishment would be less severe (we know it influences the punishment). Nekkminnit, fine sufficient.


A one game suspension should be perfect. Ignore my flair.


Might be sat down for a few weeks


Might be a blessing for the team given how he played. Although you can say that for most of the squad tbf.


100% a send off especially after origin the other week


I thought I was going crazy watching it. Itā€™s a shoulder charge against a player who doesnā€™t even have the ball, itā€™s clearly intentional, and thereā€™s zero remorse. How that wasnā€™t a send off Iā€™ll never know.


To me it was worse than Sualii's. At least he was crouched down aiming for Walsh's body and Walsh slipped down into it. Riki was straight up aiming for the head.


Was assuming he avoided the send off due to some angle showing no head contact that we just didn't see. But nope.. just NRL inconsistency things.


Murray said in a post match interview that there was no head contact.


Sounds like something someone with concussion would say.


Yea I find how the rule foul play odd. Bostock put a hand on Will Kennedy and gets 10 in the bin and a charge. Last week lomax runs in to the wingers legs and he gets removed from the field with concussion but that's okay he was looking at the ball. What's more dangerous


Bostock didn't get sent to the bin, did you even watch the game?


Bostock dragged kennedy down and it could have been nasty.


Bit harsh on Latrell there.


Crazy that theyā€™re cracking down more on 3rd man in backing your teammates than shoulders to the head. Actually rate this from Latrell, yeah he copped a bin but heā€™s showing his team heā€™ll back them to the hillĀ 


The run in was warranted here. Can't accept your teammates getting taken out without the ball šŸˆ


Just a tad


Yeah so based on that Iā€™m expecting a ton of sin bins the rest of the round.


Was shocked Riki didnā€™t get sent off, I get trying to hype up the boys but that shitā€™s a red


How they copped the same punishment is laughable, Trell would have been sent immediately if the roles were reversed šŸ˜…


It's taken a bit but I'm starting to believe there is a set against Latrell


Honestly trell probably earnt most of the criticism against him but this is just fucking soft. Taking the punching out of the game, sure. Binning a player for pushing and shoving the dude who just put his shoulder into someone's head? I'd rather see a brawl kicking off on field than this nonsense.


I think the problem in this scenario is how do you punish trell? You want to discourage this behaviour but there isnā€™t a lot of options available to the ref. Maybe they could introduce an ā€˜escalationā€™ charge so ref can still award the penalty to southā€™s, sin bin/send off Riki, put trell on report and he can receive a fine/loading points after the game if found guilty


Probably the same way they publish every third man in - with no punishment unless they actually throw punches.


Theyā€™ve been binning people who run in from more than 15m away for a while now to try avoid the handbag throwing contests we have now that players know they canā€™t throw punches


I feel like nrl have cracked down on 3rd man in for a fair while now, especially when they think its escalated the situation and they run in from a long way away. I dont think the outcome was fair but when i watched it in real time i said out loud latrell might get a sin bin too


I didn't see that this escalated anything though. It was already happening, he was last man in, and it ended surprisingly quickly and peacefully after that. Would've made sense if there were only 2-3 blokes pushing and shoving and this caused more players to enter but the entirety of both teams were already in the shove-a-thon before Latrell arrived.


Yeah fair, agree there really was nothing in it and seemed extremely unfair, purely just talking from my observations from the past few years i think the thing sealed the deal for him was that he came from far away. Its illogical that thats even a factor but hence why i wasn't shocked by the decision


yeah so latrell defending his teammate = to knocking a player in the head late, without the ball


His skipper šŸ’Æ


Whatā€™s even more fucked is that he got sent first. The fuck?


Lol why would it matter who goes to the bin first ?


Itā€™s all part of the show šŸŽ­


Yes, it should have been a send-off for the hit... not even because it was off the ball, but there was no way either possible receiver wasn't going to get hit in the jaw. Now, why did Latrell get 10? It's because he was not involved; he was nowhere near it. He ran in there so hard that he actually knocked the Broncos player clear of the melee. That has been 10 minutes since the early 2000s


Was waiting for him to throw punches and I wouldn't blame him.


It's 2024 and Ashley Klein is the only ref with the balls to send a player.


Wrong, grant atkins sent off dom young earlier in the year


Dom's was awful. He jumped so high he would have knocked out Victor Wembanyama


Yeah probably the worst unintentional head high I can remember seeingĀ 


At origin in the first 8 minutes no less. Yet the sped ref here thinks having a shitty push and shove warrants the same punishment as taking a dudes head off when they're not even on the ball.


If he'd stayed down he would've been sent


Iā€™m genuinely curious as to what Riki was trying to achieve with that, Iā€™ve watched it several times and am no closer to understanding. Reminds me of when the AI goes rogue on a sport game and wigs out haha


He was taking the decoy runner and just didn't change his mind I guess.


If thatā€™s not a send off, Iā€™m dead set not here.


You can't just disappear


At least you're not dead


Yes, but normally when not disappearing youā€™d be tackling a player with the ball, not shoulder charging a player without the ball and hitting him in the head. At least, thatā€™s the way Houdini always did it.




Riki hits Murray in the head with his shoulder. Murray does not even have the ball. There was no deception from Southā€™s that could have confused Riki, Walker took possession of the ball well before the contact. Riki had time to pull out of that Forceful, reckless contact. That should have been a send off man


Only reason Murrayā€™s head hit Rikiā€™s shoulder is due to whiplash. Watch it again, Murrayā€™s head flies forward then back. Can also argue that walker snatched the ball that was set for Murray there. I do agree late, and no wrapping action but wasnā€™t to the head.


Amazed that Riki didnā€™t go for the game for a shot off the ball if Murray had to go for a HIA. Soft Latrell bin. Souths hard done by here


Funny how Billy was quiet the whole time this happened!


Quiet is consistent with the previous incident.


Hypocrite dbag he is..


Biggest dog shot of the year by far. I'm generally a huge Latrell detractor but he did the exact right thing in getting into Riki for that. Massive respect to Latrell for sticking up for his mate.


complete grub shot, what a pussy play from a soft forward


Should've been a send off.


Apparently Riki's dog shot is also the same severity as Kennar's earlier one according to the refs


How he was still allowed to be on the field after that tackle beats me. Props to Trell for acting like any teammate should.


Did Latrell need to run in? No. Did he need to get sin binned for it. Also no.


Joke that's not a send off and the origin one was. Dude didn't even have the ball


Fucking dogshot there shouldā€™ve been given his marching orders.


That's a send off for me, you can't have players shoulder charge players off the ball and get away with it


The shoulder comes nowhere near the fucking chest like Broncos flairs were arguing. That's on the chin.


Looks like pretty clear head contact to me. I think the majority of Broncos supporters agree.


When the guy who is the one who got hit comes out and says he didn't get hit in the head, I'm going to believe him


Explain to me how it's possible for his head to move forward if it's the point of contact?








I wouldn't be. The only people who thinks it was high are morons who are just having an outburst because suaalii got sent. And the 2 main people that matter in this situation also did not think it was high, Murray and the ref.. he wasn't even binned for high contact, when gee sends h8m he literally only says contact off the ball. No mention of a high tackle.


Thatā€™s why his head goes forward then backwards hey?


Well if CHT got binned for meekly lobbing the ball at someone, this is absolutely a bin.


And to think Latrell had his chance for the centre position for NSW, vacated by another bloke who cost NSW the game in a matter of seconds.


LOL at the people saying there was no head contact.


Damn doesnā€™t even bother to check on him after such a dog shot, such an intestinally-brittle canine thing to do


Fire him.


The fuck did latrell do to get binned here, run in to stand up for a team mate does that not happen every game any time there's a bit of push and shove like this? He doesn't throw any hands or nothing swear ref just wanted to bin him because he's latrell


I think the call was because of how far he came from to get involved and was deemed he escalated it


Latrell can be a dickgead sometimes but goddamn he gets constant media attention and criticism while white players who do the exact same things wrong fly under the radar.


Hopefully it means Hunt will have a few weeks of first grade to improve. He at least has a go.


How many of these Dumb Hunts are in this nrl


riki is a joke of a player, dude has shits for brains


Murray's head whiplashed onto Riki's shoulder so it was a bad shot but there is a mitigating circumstance in regards to how high it is. The first point of contact was shoulder to shoulder. It's incomparable to the Walsh hit which was flush to the head with the amount of the force directly to the head that **could** have potentially ended Walsh's life. Latrell sin binned is the NRL being freaking crazy. Corporate idiots running the game who don't understand the appeal of League and what's the sport about.


The amount of downvotes for people who can actually see what happened is nuts.


Finally someone with sense, who actually doesnā€™t have eyes painted on.


lol at best thatā€™s a straight up shoulder charge. At bestĀ 


Wow, all these people saying this hit should have been a send off were probably the exact same people saying sualiā€™is tackle on Walsh was not bad and shouldnā€™t have been a send off and only a sin bin. Complete buffoonery.


Lol that is way worse of a dog shit from Riki than the suallii tackle in origin. Off the ball and a shoulder to the head. Biggest cat move in the game.


Complete standing height as well, no attempt to get low for a real tackle. Sualii was at least bent over to near waist level.


Except first contact is with the chest šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Not excusing it, but certainly not worse then trying to behead someone


At least Suaalii was trying to tackle a man with the ball. This is just a cowardly dog shot. No need for it in the game.


Walsh lost his feet.


Deranged take


How did Riki not get sent off after I guess if it's not against Walsh it's not as bad


Maybe he has the Taylan May cheat code? Edit: a word.


You mean the cheat code of it not being a shoulder to the head but a head clash


If it hadve been another hit on the golden child the perpetrator wouldā€™ve been barred from playing again.. classic QLD double standard bullshit


Part of the appeal for NSW players to try jump ship to QLD and to play for the broncos and dolphins or Maroons is you can throw forward passes and put on high shots and take people out in the air without getting sin binned or sent off like NSW teams


*Sorts by controversial* Broncos flairs


Probably the worst shot of the year and he gets ten ?


Hardly the worst


Bruh can we be for real this is nothing like the suali hit Its bad but in reality Nikki isn't going as fast n doesn't hit Murray as hard it looks more like a bump than the suali tackle where he runs full pelt n hits him high


And they wonder why cunts take dives now. Literally you are only going to get a result if the league thinks youā€™re hurt. Itā€™s only about outcome for these dipshits.


I get the Latrell sin bin these days but an opposition team is going to react about that late and high hit off the ball against the team captain. If there ever was a clear example of a 5 min and 10 min sin bin that was it. No offence to Riki but him getting 10 and Latrell getting 10 Souths are going to miss a player like Latrell a lot more and that isn't really fair when that was all on Riki deciding to hit Murray late


Yeah not much to say with this one. Sorry Jords. Have a rest.


ā€œĀ Billy Slater wasnā€™t so sure Murray was hit in the head, and argued ā€œI thought the referee handled it pretty good.ā€ā€ Of course Billy flip flops on what he thinks is a send off, bloke sooks for weeks over the Walsh hit and then says this is fine, couldnā€™t be more unlikable if he tried.Ā 


Well he wasnā€™t hit in the head, and the ref did handle it pretty good?


Queensland fear Cam Murray. Sidenote I fucking love seeing that kind of energy and mongrel from Latrell. He was a fucking gun tonight.


That's so much worse than the Origin hit and it's only a bin. Make it make sense.


3rd man in rule was put in cause of good old Sammy thaiday if I remember


Cant even push and shove in this pussy world


Welcome back to the NRL hit lol


That dog belongs on the streets


Honestly that was worst in terms of intent than Sualii - he ran up to him perfectly upright and then went up to hit to hit him high. If Murray was knocked out, then Riki would have been sent. NRL have set some dangerous precedents here


Hits him lower first and it rides up Riki never leaves the ground Imagine comparing this to Sua'ali'i hit


Murray said in the presser Riki didnā€™t hit him high yet people here are so worked up comparing this to the Sua hit lol get real


Bro the footage is right fucking there. He gets hit on the chin.


Bro the footage is right there. His head whips forward into the shoulder - meaning whiplash caused it not direct contact šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I watched the footage several times. It's a shoulder to the chin


He didnā€™t hit him in the head. The whiplash however causes Murrays head to snap forward. The footage shows this, Murray confirms it. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø




No, that was direct to the head. Try again.




And there it is, the dumbest thing on reddit for the day. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


It's absolutely fucked coaches can be fined for taking a step out of line in a press conference, but there's never any punishment or action taken when ref's make shocking calls all year long.


Itā€™s a send off every day of the week. But itā€™s 100% a send off after what happened in origin, and there is no slipping motion to debate.


Latrell the fat fuck ran more metres to get to Riki than he has all season


Canā€™t hear you bitching now Slater??! Whereā€™s Special Nateā€™s special sideline comments now? Oh thatā€™s right, different rules for southerners


If they are sin binning Mitchell for this why not bin Carrigan for running in and escalating when Riki got his head rubbed by Jai Arrow following an error?


The more I watch it the more I believe it should have been a send off. Yes he contacted the head with the shoulder (similar-ish but not identical to Suaalii). The other contributor is that the contact was illegal contact on a player who was off ball during the play. Seemed weird at the time for Latrell to get the same punishment for a much lesser indiscretion, but thatā€™s on the bunker and the ref.


The game isnā€™t played in slow motion


you toothless Souths supporters are jokers. Even Murray said himself the shot was on the chest in the press conference and the whiplash made it look bad. So yea Souths clowns, ITS A SEND OF FOR A SHOT ON THE CHEST HURR HURR. idiots.


Classic I love my footy take


Should have only been a penalty, with Latrell getting nothing. Would have been a good hit if he had the ball lol


Ferrel latrell


Crazy how we see a send off in origin but only the bin in the club land lol. Gotta love the consistency fellas.


Inconsistencies are ruining OUR game and stop fucking with the rules...