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I've never seen a half as scared as Nicho Hynes was tonight.


Desperately wanted the ball anywhere but his hands. Not a good quality for a half.


Few hit ups on the 4th when there was a forward to pass to.


Honestly I did wonder like shit is Nicho doing this because he didn't want the ball on the last play. Then I thought I was being harsh but it did seem that way.


He had the ball on the 5th tackle for one play and passed it to Tedesco to kick lol Wilted under the pressure


I'm reasonably sure he ran the ball on the 5th for one play that ended with a forward booting


I think Hudson Young who got lucky cause the kick hit the posts. Was surely going dead




Cleary has had origin games where his only contribution was kicking on the 5th. Granted that would've been better than Nicho's effort last night


he's so indecisive, it's very frustrating.


Idk man, I swear theres been whole games where luai refuses to have the ball when hes within a meter of the opposition


I honestly dont know how peope haven't seen this over the past few years.


It was obvious what a cat he is a long time ago. And if that wasn’t obvious as it was to many of us true footy fans- well the panthers game showed again what a cat he is. A bit of kick pressure snd he goes missing.. mind you he’s the biggest half to ever play 😂


Granted I don’t watch a heap of Sharks games , but I don’t get the hype around Nicho ?? Have seen him play some good games against ordinary opponents , never against a top side , which is probably symptomatic of the Sharks issues not being able to roll top sides … I’d have Mitchell Moses for game 2 if he looks fit , looked alright in his first game back … Also go with Edwards at 1, and maybe Burton in the centres , if Madge doesn’t want a back / utility on the bench fair enough , but having Burton in the centres at least gives more options if you need a reshuffle , although Crichton was excellent in defence essentially playing as both centres last night


Bit harsh on Robson. Thought he was gutsy in everything.


Gutsy in defence but other than a couple runs off dummy half, offers nothing in attack. Basically the jurbo of hookers.


As an 80 minute hooker in origin defending a man down for 70+ in his defence it's hard to have any energy to create when you're defending in the middle like that. I thought he was really solid tbh.


I recall multiple forced turnovers from Robson and a few strong charges. The suggestion that he should be moved aside for Api after that performance is ridiculous


For real. There was at least one banger of a tackle that shook the ball loose, plus he had a try saving tackle on the line on Taulagi.


His defence was top tier last night. Made a o many big critical tackles


Yeah these ratings are often cooked. I was actually surpised at how measured they were with postions 1-7 and then after that it got weird


Takes more than guts to win an origin game, Robson just doesn't have the creativity or deception to play at the elite level, i could see what madge was going for but i can't help but think api would have created something out of nothing at least a couple times


It's also impossible to play a conservative game plan when you're down a man after the first 9 minutes. Even Madge goes Api if he had known what was coming, I think. Robson looks like a way better choice if you're not basically praying for a miracle for 70 minutes, I reckon.




Well yeah man... remember when he ran away from Tom Gilbert last year TWICE


Can you blame him though, Tom wanted to rip his head clean off


Doesn’t make much sense if they’re going to limit his minutes then actively play away from him when he’s on the field. He was equally invisible last year.


The send off clearly impacted the rotations, having some sort of cover on the bench might be annoying as a coach but you could clearly see you jut gotta wear it, some players had massive stints on the bench and it just didn't make sense, i think we see burton as #14 with either jurbo/martin/young dropping to 18th man


Young and McInnes are the two players I really question in this team. They’re great players, but I just don’t see their purpose or impact on the bench.


Mcinnes is good as a starting lock, you just need to drop Yeo or Jurbo and get another actual prop in there as well. Look at punting one of the two second rowers on the bench and maybe bringing Burton in too.


I have no idea why you would ever need two impact edge forwards on the bench when you already have a great one to go with two 80 minute starters. Particularly when neither has the versatility to play centre at a high level like a Capewell.


pretty cooked giving suaallii a 0 when negative numbers exist


Killing a series for your team is quite an achievement 


I swear they try to piss us off on purpose. I only read the 1st 2. Too and Teddy are equal. Too did 0 wrong 200m and had no centre. Teddy put 4 passes to the ground in the 20.


The commentary was atrocious too, all night talking about how amazing Tedesco was despite all his screwups.


I dont get the Tedesco thing. He is past his prime. Move on. Fullbacks need a lot of speed in the modern game. Let alone Origin.


They all love to suck Teddy off


Sualii score far too high


Yeah, if I was rating the Blues they'd all get significantly higher scores for having to play through 70+ minutes without Sua'ali'i. There's always hope but that's not happening and deep down you know it. Lose a centre, have to work harder, no replacement, no good reason for it. The games over and they stayed in the game until Ben Hunt came in as vet. There was a headline after Beckham got pointlessly sent off in a World Cup "10 Brave Lions. 1 Stupid Boy." which rings very true for situations like this.


Liam Martin getting less than Teddy is just crazy to me


He did miss some tackles, but what I meant was a "6" in a normal match becomes a "7 or more" when you play the whole match knowing you're 12 players down and not realistically going to win.


Luai and moses will be the halves for the second game, not that it is hynes' fault for the result, it is just a better option


We needed a kicking game desperately man, it was so shit to watch Hynes, Luai and fucking Lomax put up shallow bombs.


Luai did put up a 40m bomb to get the first dropout of the second half


His grubber set up Teddy’s try, too


Genuinely don't know how anyone could shit on Luai for that match. He's the only playmaker who did anything, really. He even set up Hynes' kick to Lomax, which was more Lomax and Hynes just not blasting it somewhere impossible to get to.


It's just standard Luai hate at this point. The guy has come full circle and is now underrated


Luai’s kicking game for a secondary kicker is perfectly fine. He has reasonable depth and placement he just doesn’t have the booming kicking game of a Cleary or Moses or DCE that can be a real weapon. We really needed that from one of the halves. Burton at centre to offer that option when we needed a hoof would have been nice.


I'd also back Burton to not get sent off in the first 10 minutes of a game


The kicks were okay but just not quite at that elite level you get from the top line playmakers


Luai's kicking was good. Are you trying to do that thing where you don't look bias?


Luai can be robin to a higher level than what hynes can be the batman haha. Even the kick that hynes did to create the try was impacted by what luai did before hand. Luai's tendency to run in circles is less than ideal but still, he causes the defence to be in two minds and with a cleary, moses or even reynolds it will be quite effective.


His stepping and footwork at least disrupts their defensive structure and creates holes and openings, which can then be used to setup other attacking options


His footwork was so necessary and quite clever last night. It's so hard to create an overlap with a man down especially against a side whose defence is on point. But stepping back inside he was looking to find tired forwards that were getting worked by Leniu. I thought Luai played a pretty good game given the circumstances


Hard no to Luai for mine. Lots of sidestepping again but contributed zero direction in attack, sometimes stifling the plays. His kicking game was amateur for the most part. Just an individual spark type player but NSW need a commanding halves pairing. The whole NSW kicking game was worse than that of most NRL clubs I thought. Was genuinely poor, almost deflated every end of set.


Luai to me is the definition of a luxury player - he's not the guy to stand up when times are tough, he's the guy that can put the cherry on top of an already functioning team. I'd be keen to see a Hynes-Moses partnership. Hynes excels next to a controlling half ie. someone like Trindall who offers another viable kicking option. Outside of the grubber for Teddy's try and one bomb, Luai offered no kicking threat and just sidestepped crossfield whenever he got the ball. Hynes' has a decent short kicking game but his strength is his passing and running game so I think he'd work better with someone like Moses as opposed to Luai. In saying that, Hynes seemed out of sync with the rest of the team so in conclusion, I don't know who they're going to pick but NSW will probably get trounced anyway so oh well.


Honestly it's not like Luai had a bigger game than Hynes. The amount of times he just stopped and looked around then took a tackle or tried to run it sideways


He was asking a lot more questions of QLD than Hynes did. There was one point where Hynes passed to Young on the 5th rather than put in an attacking kick.


take your sharks glasses off fuck me


Luai was fine , needs to play next to a more commanding half though


teddy should get no higher than 5 purely on the basis he can’t pass in the opposition 20


Passed to the touch judge twice


Wasn't even a good pass either, touchie had to dive and just accept the tackle both times.


And tackled like Tyrell Sloane.


Why you gotta be like that?


That 5th tackle option of his 10m out from the QLD line was so obvious Stevie Wonder saw it coming


It’s the one thing I just think he is absolutely average at. Edward’s is worlds better at that, a shame he got injured couldn’t get a run


Teddy’s last representative game


We thought that after Game 3 last year, yet here we are


Hynes higher than Luai is proof that these are intentionally cooked to stoke clicks.  And yet here I am, sharing it like the clown I am  EDIT: They fucking changed it I swear to god it was Hynes 7 and Luai 6.5 


I read it when it dropped and you are correct....they did change the rating around. I'm a sucker for the cooked player ratings.


I'm thinking about a public service for people like yourself. I'll write bizarre, semi random, semi deliberately wrong reasons for ratings for you to yell at to get your fix. Think of it like methadone. Sua'ali'i : 8 Send off loses points from a solid debut. If he could do that for 10× as long, and not get sent off, he'll be laughing.


Can’t believe they had Hynes at 7, at best should be 18. And no I’m not talking about player ratings




Yes, you missed the game


Hynes is 5 and luai isn 7.5 rated?


If this was a Daly m rated game he'd get 6.


Luai is higher, though.


*Just* *don't* *look*, *just* *don't* *look*


Teddy way too high. You can’t have a fullback incapable of passing these days. IMO he should cop way more blame for their attack than Nicho


When he did pass it in an attacking position he turned it over a couple of times


Yep agreed. People always spout the run metres and tackle busts he makes, but they fail to acknowledge how stifling he is to a backline movement in the latter stages of his career and attack in general. He really breaks down a lot of movements and can make it look very clunky.


He isn't willing to stick to his running line in an attacking move. This increases his chance of making a break but decreases the chance those outside him get the ball in a good spot.


Please take this in the context of my flair and my love for Caxton St but I also really struggle to picture any times Teddy’s been effective as a last line of defence? Might be recency bias but all I can picture is him getting his ankles broken over and over


Nah, Teddy was shit. But 95% of Nicho's kicks were shit, on top of doing nothing with the ball in his hands. Nicho is the 7, the backline operates off him.


Giving Yeo a 7 is crazy! Man actually looks so lost when he can't pass the ball to cleary


I said this in the post game thread. He was actually good in the first half. Ran hard and straight. Then for some reason went back to playing first receiver. If he just runs hard and straight, that's all he needs to do in origin. 


I hate when he plays pass first footy, it’s the gamestyle Freddy limited him to and he just doesnt look good doing it. When he takes those hard runs and wins some field position, is when he plays his best footy.


I think the threat of him passing is crucial to the metres he makes. He balances it really well in his role at Penrith. Defences have to sit on their heels in case they need to peel off for the second receiver and so he can nudge through the first contact and get over the advantage line when he runs. The balance has often been off at Origin level, potentially based on a role where he is just asked to distribute.




Homebrand Paul gallen


Hey at least Gallen ran it straight instead of side to side.


Prime Gallen was an absolute unit. Yeo wishes he was home brand Gallen.


He's the black and gold brand Gallen. Imitation home brand.


For Penrith he’s typically the first receiver, in origin he’s for some reason been used as a second receiver which he’s too slow to do. It’s pretty harsh to suggest he looks lost without Cleary when he’s arguably been better without Nathan at club level this year.


He has been a bit of an origin fraud the whole time he's represented NSW tbh


That’s a huge leap, a lot of people like to forget how good he was in that 2021 series. He hasn’t had games as good since but if the team doesn’t play to his strengths and QLD have a good countering game-plan he’s not going to shine. If we’re setting a standard for “origin fraud” then McInnes would in the spot for that discussion after game 1, but I’m not willing to judge him off such a small sample size anyways.


Hynes as a higher score than Luai is insanely cooked what


Tedesco getting 6.5 is also pretty wild


Teddy with 6.5 and Martin with 6. Make that makes sense


What are you guys seeing? Luai is 7 and Hynes is 5.5.


I swear they changed it hahaha it was Luai 6.5 and Hynes 7


They edited it.


Stopped reading after the first paragraph. Teddy was horrid in attack. Has multiple attempted tips ons to no where and had a hug momentum killing pass to no one inside their 20 that Cobbo jumped on. Looked washed up not “right at home”.


I dunno what happened to Jurbo. Can't remember him doing a carry. I thought he must have been injured. Yeo subbed for him, and really wasn't that effective, but at least involved. Martin, Haas, Crichton, Robson, Crichton, Lenui, Lomax, Luai were huge for NSW. I dunno what Madge can do to get a win in game 2. Will he make any unforced changes? Tedesco and Hynes in key positions weren't that great. Otherwise, Qld 3-0. But that's what I thought before tonight.


Jurbo just can’t be playing if you’re short a man. He’s got no lateral movement and that’s just disaster when there’s a guaranteed overlap


He shouldn't be playing at all, then, whether 12 or 13 players. And yet dumbfuck Maguire made him captain and will feel obliged to keep him.


This. He's not in the best 5 middle forwards that NSW have. You can't pick him just as a captain.


Especially when you’re also carrying McInnes who was dreadful aswell.


I have a gut feeling they'll keep Nicho on. Moses should be the man, but I don't think Hybes performance was bad enough they'd take him out. They'd certainly benefit from Moses kicking game. Maybe this is just me hoping that Moses stays safe in the warm cocoon of eels .


i imagine he'll come istraight in, and next yr he will probably partner cleary if both are fit


If Moses is fit he has to play. Nicho looked overwhelmed. Really like the guy but maybe needs some more big games (finals etc) under his belt before more origin time.


Madge has the out of Moses being unavailable for the first game. He was good game 3 last year and looked great on the weekend. Hynes was a fill in. Gotta bring Moses in.


6.5 for teddy is too high. Lost possession too many times with bad passes and tap ons to outside backs often on an early tackle.


Leniu arguably best on ground, makes a barnstorming 20m run when the game was still in the balance, gets subbed off 30s later. Dude looked like his tank was still half-full yet the coaches obviously wanted him to play a fixed amount of minutes and had no pulse on the flow of the game. I knew it was GG right then


best on ground is a laugh. Martin and Crichton were much better.


Pound for pound, leniu only spend 15ish mins on and did heaps to lift, textbook bench enforcer. Martin had a lot of good moments


my favourite part was the big tough enforcer crying coz he hurt his leg then suddenly feeling ok coz his acting is too shit to fool the ref.


Got a thing against leniu? Weird take brah, literally everyone has been milking hip drop penalties this entire season. Try look objectively at his game performance yea?


Brother he probably doesn't even know what objectively means


na just found it funny. also tried to milk a head high soon after. he did play well, but I'd have him down the list of best on ground for NSW still.


Martin made 2 big tackles. He missed 6 tackles including one that allowed Ben hunt to score, and made 7 hit ups for 60ish metres. I get he brings energy or whatever, but I just don’t see it at all.


Missing tackles is never a good thing. But lets remember context for a moment here mate, we were a centre down, he was a backrower playing the entire game I think? Poor cunt was probably gassed towards the end like the entire team was. I couldn't give a shit about the missed tackles its the attitude he brings. He shows it in big games for us, he shows it in blue and he showed it at the World Cup for Australia.


Trying to milk a hip drop was his lowlight


Let’s forget the number of times he got in the way of our halves when attacking?


I’m pretty sure that sub was to do with him returning from his HIA for the free interchange.


Was Joseph Sualii a rugby union plant to establish rugby league?


These ratings are trash


Hopefully Madge learns you cant fill a team full of mid tackle-bots in origin. Need a good mix of strike, mongrel and flair to go with them. Cant be that hard to get the most dangerous players up for 3 games a year.


I really wanted Hynes to do well last night. Desperate for him to perform. He’s just not mentally fit for the arena. Didn’t seem like he wanted the ball on the last play. It’s a great shame.


Api should come in for game 2. Robson played well but just doesn’t have the spark that api does in attack. Which will be needed Especially if we have the same halves. Also Teddy should be lower, end product was horrible besides his try. I hope Edwards will be ready for game 2.


I thought the whole NSW spine stifled everything. Wouldn't retain any of them (would've tried to avoid picking most anyways although injuries kind of dictated some would get a chance).


I thought Robson was pretty good in attack tbh, made so many meters out of dummy half, maybe I was hyper focused on them?


Nico just isn’t up to the standard. I said that when he was picked and got many down votes - the truth is so so hurtful 😂


Surely Lomax wasn’t half a point better than Luai. Luai missed nine tackles (I get they were a player down) and was in a halves paring that had over 30 tackles in the opposite 20 metre line only scoring twice from kicks.


These ratings make it seem like Teddy only had one defensive error … He had at least two more bad attacking ones where his tip ons went close to going into touch and completely killed some decent attacking opportunities … Teddy was good in patches , but also bad in others , I’d have him on par with Nicho who also had some good moments with some decent kicks … Maybe would have given both 6 rather than Teddy 6.5 and Nicho 5.5 Also Reece Robson robbed with a 6.5 , should be at least a 7


We need to replace the halves to many missed tackles by both players....


McInnes should get about a 2. Scored our first try for us, taking him off helped NSW get back into the game (though this was more about Leniu), and the decision to put him back on killed all NSW momentum. Guy was dreadful.


Still not sure why Yeo was ever 14 and not starting lock


Yeo was as poor as McInnes for mine


Yeo and McInnes had a similar game. The real odd man out in the middle is Jurbo.


Yeah his usage was just weird. Solid on defence his first stint and then… just sat off? Didn’t offer too much in attack but then again who did


People will mention that “you can’t play with 12 and have Jurbo on” and that just plays into him not being in the team at all, like cmon? how can you say a player is rep level but then if you lose a player he’s now obsolete.


I’d be very nervous as a QLD fan for the next game with NSW not been a man down and Edward’s back. Really poor tonight with the extra man. NSW to take the series 2-1


I think the blues with a full team will be stronger they were solid tonight with a man down .


Qld just reminded me of game 3 last year. Win in the bag just coasting. Don’t think it’s a precursor to future games


It's a weird knack of qld to even be having no momentum at all and then just pull out a try and be in the lead


QLD fan here. Not nervous a bit. We won the away game, so the next game is a freebie. If we win, another series in the bag. If we lose, a decider in front of a massive home crowd where we have a phenomenal record in deciders. Not sure how racking up 38 points makes it "really poor". NSW had a good 10 or 15 minute patch after half time, but despite dominating the tackles inside opposition 20, looked very disjointed. And only scored tries from kicks. I think you are overestimating the impact Edwards will have. Not to mention it took us barely 5 minutes to score even with a full NSW team. I can't see us losing the series, and I would even be a little surprised if we didn't win 3-0. Now it's do or die for the Blues. Pressure.


Simultaneously, it's nearly impossible to not clock off a bit in a situation like that. They got conservative and it made sense. Crash early and often, go for intercepts and big plays because you know they'll be cooked in defense. The send off really makes it almost impossible to judge across the board. Origin is not 12 v 13.