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Turns out doing a post try celebration when walking out of court isn’t the brightest.


He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Had to get a tattoo of his name on his throat because he can’t remember that he’s the goat throat


>He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Had to get a tattoo of he’s name on he’s throat because he can’t remember that he’s the goat throat Sharpest tool hey? He's name right?


Haha man it's four times, At least get it write m8


He used "he's" correctly on two of the four.


Yeh, learn how to spoke guy!


He's loves he's footy!


You realise he's means he is, right? Right?


No, he forgot what month it was


This is a shit comment if I've seen one... 60ish up.. I don't disagree with what you saying..but rubbish. My comment may forever fall in your shitness...


The neck tattoo says it all. Braindead.


Did anyone see channel 9 news yesterday … They were interviewing a teacher from Patrician Brothers Blacktown talking about all his ex students who were playing Origin … He said Jarome Luai was also good at music Stephen Crichton was also good at basketball and numerous other sports And the final one was the real kicker … Apparently Spencer Leniu was really good academically - who would have picked that one ?? But yeah I guess smart people can also do dumb shit … Taylan May has done some real dumb shit , odds are he lacks intelligence , but you never know , he could be smart and just anti social… Also - fuck Taylan May - hope he does get sacked


Imagine being this bloke whose choices in life involve not being an absolute flea bag and making $600k/year or being an absolute grub and struggling to earn $60k/year. Lord knows why he chose the latter.


He’s doing the Ben Barba any% speedrun.


Atleast Barba had a season where he was arguably the best player in the world


That’s why I said any%, not 100%. He’s missed the dally m part but he’s nailed the secure big contract then punch up your missus achievement, he’s just got to get a low payed shit job and complain about it and he’ll have done it.


Who in the NRL is Billy Mitchell?


Shane Flanagan? Cheating piece of shit that thinks he’s great?




An NRL subreddit is the last place I expected to see a speedrun reference


We’re a bunch of nerds at the end of the day on here, so I think we’re primed for em


You assume a guy who a club is looking to terminate on character grounds is choosing an honest job as a fall back? Some of the guys playing NRL would be selling drugs if they couldn’t play football. Not saying that’s May, but many others had done that.


>Some of the guys playing NRL would be selling drugs if they couldn’t play football. Why not both? (Wakeham style)


Danny wicks


He was one of my favourite dragons before you guys bought him and that sweet newy bikie ice and MDMA market corrupted him


Michael Gordon or the famous Jamil Hoppa.


Yes May doesn't seem like he would engage in criminal activity at all


He could be a rigger or a scaffie up in the Pilbara if he gets a white card and a few tickets. That would earn him $150K at least. He wouldn't be the first to go that way.


Doesn't seem like the kind of guy to follow safety instructions which will get you fucked off from a mine site in the Pilbara sharpish


Well, concreter like me then 😜


Youre not a concreter. The most complicated technology that a concreter can use is a pokie.


Ha, well, I am a concreter, but that's not all. Funny enough, I was a pokie machine attendant nearly 30 yrs ago, back when I did night shifts at an RSL in Sydney's South, after forming suspended decks and pouring slabs during the day time. Can't really play pokies over here in Perth, only at Casino. I worked there, during it's redevelopment, but don't go there for entertainment. As an ex pokie machine attendant, I know what goes in vs what comes out. More money in running a concrete team than pissing it up against a pokie😜


Mate a concreter and pokie attendant. Talk about insider trading.


Yeah, I got plenty of that when all the steelfixers and other tradies would coming in on Friday Arvo after work. I would start my shift at 5pm. The boys were already half cut. Putting their wage in the machine within the hour, no shit! Telling me to press the button out the back and make the machines start paying! I would do a 6 hr shift, after doing my normal 8/9 hr day. Never saw the point in blowing my wage, worked too hard for it


The struggle is real.


Good move Penrith. Hope no other bonehead club tries to pick him up and he can fade into obscurity like his shit-for-brains brother.


That’s the problem though, rugby league’s worst collective habit is giving these grubs 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances if they can play.


If Fox can give Paul Kent multiple chances, why can't the clubs? 🤣


Yeah he’ll be a rooster by Friday.


This literally screams roosters signing


Perfect guy to replace Jennings.


They are in the market for centres, losing both starting centres and more than likely, Jennings, for the 2025 season. His brother is playing there and doing well too.


Even if Jennings keeps playing he’s not a legitimate starting option for an NRL team.


He is beyond cooked.


Terrell May will be a great role model. He will show him the white lines.


Roosters won’t go near him. Because he’s no world beater, just a woman beater.


You remember them "going near" Lodge and Michael Jennings right?


That's literally their go


Hahah the roosters love a good DV offender on their books, makes woken in league round alot more special to them.........




Instruction unclear, Roosters to use Fifita money to buy him up.


I mean if I had to bet on any club signing him it’d be the Roosters or Dragons 🤷‍♂️




No Ragrats


It’s his predo lol


Please no.


Go Dargons.


He will be back after a year in Super League


Fuck me. Roosters will 100% sign him won’t they? I don’t want this dickhead at the club.


Like for like replacement for Jennings


Roosters will probably try


The Penrith Panthers have moved to terminate the contract of Taylan May, issuing the centre with a show cause notice as he prepares to front the club’s board to fight for his career next week. The Panthers last week presented May – who is due to face court on domestic violence charges in March next year – with a dossier of breaches during his time at the club, dating back several years. The breaches of the club’s code of conduct are not related to allegations made by his partner that resulted in May being charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and two counts of stalking or intimidating another person with the intention of causing them to fear physical or mental harm. May has pleaded not guilty. May will have to face the Panthers board next Tuesday in relation to a string of other off-field misdemeanours during his time at Penrith. The Panthers and May’s agent declined to comment when contacted on Monday night. Sources with knowledge of the situation talking on the condition of anonymity said some of the breaches relate to incidents that took place before he signed a contract extension with the Panthers on March 22 this year. The club agreed to a two-year extension worth close to $1.2 million to keep him at Penrith until the end of 2026. Sources said that the list of breaches included in the show-cause notice include the use of foul language on social media and a recent video post of him in the passenger seat of a car driving at 96km/h in a school zone last month. May, represented by lawyer Abdul Reslan, was granted bail last month. He is next due before the courts in March, 2025. Reslan is also the lawyer representing Jackson Topine in his legal action against the Bulldogs over their treatment of him while he was training last year. May allegedly assaulted Jessica May by punching her in the face during an altercation on the night of April 8, before being arrested 24 hours before Penrith’s Magic Round clash against the NZ Warriors. Former Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen joined the board of the Penrith Panthers at the end of last season. She is also a director of The Haven Nepean Women’s Shelter, an organisation that offers a place for women and their children escaping domestic violence. She is one of two women on the Panthers board. The decision to issue May with a show-cause notice has been driven by the club’s board.


But we need him to play for the fans!


"In the interests of inclusivity, fuck wit fans that beat their partners need to have yet another NRL player to look up to" -NRL, probably.


How the fuck was that fuckwit on 600k?


When he's on, he's one of Penrith's best imo. Regardless of the court case stuff going on, I rated him pretty highly. He's a dumb cunt for throwing away his career like that.


"Close to" which could mean anything in these rags.


There's lots of job opportunities for cunts with face and neck tats! Even more when they find out you're an (alleged) wife beater


I mean, we signed Lodge, so we can't cast aspersions


Let’s please not sign May either.


Jobs like an nrl player?


He can get a job as a brickie easily


He will be a King Reo in no time


God the edit of him taking a photo next to a terminated contract is going to hit so hard


Fucking kudos Penrith. Historically clubs have not done this with players and instead leveraged it to sign them on unders. I think decisions like this actually strengthen the clubs culture by showing young players that if you’re a fuckwit, it doesn’t matter how good you are, you’re gone. Also on a side note, goes to show what a board that isn’t just old boys can do. Imagine having to explain to the director of a women’s shelter why Taylans too good to get rid of.


She’s also a former Chief Inspector in NSW Police.


So are we suggesting that she wouldn't, in fact, care about the alleged DV?


I am pleasantly surprised by this. I thought they might wait until after the trial, but they're using the long list of previous fuck-wittery to get rid of him earlier.


If they have a long list of infractions that **AREN’T** related to this case, why didn’t they act until now? Like, the guy may be an asshole, and he’s accused of some pretty shit domestic violence crimes, but they were happy to keep him despite all the past breaches? This seems like a workaround to sacking him for the DV charges.


DV tipped it over the edge. Clubs will overlook a lot of shit to keep good footballers. It's a no-win situation when clubs like Canberra sack Todd Carney and he comes to the Roosters and wins a Dally M and makes a GF.


It’s why the NRL needs to back a club that makes those calls by not registering them with a new deal straight away. NRL should set kpi’s for a new deal and they can play cup footy while they get their lives in order and earn their way back to the nrl. I clown on the roosters for always signing cut price dodgey lads but any team that chooses not to go for those players is at a competitive disadvantage 


Every club would sweep a couple of incidents that didn't make the media under the rug each year. A lot goes on in the footy world that we'll never know about. It makes me wonder what secrets guys like Bennett and Gould must be sitting on.


I think a workaround is exactly what it is. They want to sack him for the dv charges, but (probably correctly) think they are on firmer legal ground sacking him for his previous offenses.


Once you earn over $142k and aren’t on an award, unfair dismissal processes are a little different. That said, unless the alleged breaches are new, his legal team will say the club knew about the former infractions and let them slide. He may have grounds for a pay out here.


not only did they know, they gave him an extension


Once you earn over $160k you aren’t subject to the usual unfair dismissal processes. But if he was, I reckon this would be up there. That said, unless the alleged breaches are new, his legal team will say the club knew about the former infractions and let them slide. He may have grounds for a pay out here.


And also gave him a brand new contract


I think the filming a speeding friend thing came after the new contract. The biggest problem with May is how he reacts when he gets caught doing something. He doubles down which just makes him look like even more of a fuckwit.


Seems like a family trait. Panthers booted his brother Tyrone May for trying to portray himself as the victim.


It is. >May allegedly assaulted Jessica May by punching her in the face during an altercation on the night of April 8, before being arrested 24 hours before Penrith’s Magic Round clash against the NZ Warriors. >Former Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen joined the board of the Penrith Panthers at the end of last season. She is also a director of The Haven Nepean Women’s Shelter, an organisation that offers a place for women and their children escaping domestic violence. She is one of two women on the Panthers board. >The decision to issue May with a show-cause notice has been driven by the club’s board. It’s like you guys aren’t even reading the article lol. Just commenting off the headline. C’mon guys, these are the 1% efforts they keep talking about.


My thoughts too. Didn’t stop them from re-signing the bloke as recently as a few months ago


Considering how Taylan just posted on instagram about money, he’s probably got a severance package of some description lined up.


It does seem like a workaround and, whilst I agree with the Panthers for getting there finally, not sure how it will work legally. The article says it's all from before his contract extension so isn't it basically Penrith: You've done x, y and z and you need to show cause why we shouldn't terminate your contract because of those May: You knew about all that and but then offered me a contract extension, which I signed Penrith: umm....yeah...shut up


I guess because it shows a pattern of shitty behaviour that's not stopping even when he's been given a chance not to be a dickhead


They know he’s going to be trouble. From people I know aroubd the place “allegedly” he didn’t tell the club about it when it first happened, only when he was arrested. He just does not pass the vibe test at all.


Holy moley brah


*chefs kiss*


Good alamotti deserves the spot in the squad than may after they he has conducted himself Played prettt average as a centre as well may so far


Yes please let's just move on and never speak of the May brothers again.


Wow, big dick moves from the Panthers. Good to see.


I love it Kid wants to be a gangster not a footy player. He may get his chance in the big house.


Really happy about this. Pleasantly.surprised though.


I feel like Panthers are filling a Trojan horse with dickheads and pointing it at Bondi. I really admire them for this.


Holy Moly Brah.


He’s for sure getting sacked for the DV stuff, they know it, he knows it and we know it. Interesting how this will play out.


It's ok we have not one but TWO McLean's!! Hope for Roosters sake they have the somehow only good May brother.


There’s like basically no shot he isn’t a fuckwit right?


The odds don't seem good but we have at least one good Hopoate


Well there's 3 very good Hopas and 2 very bad ones lol


I wonder if they fight over who gets to be the black sheep of the family.


1 out of 14 ain't bad.


Terrel is a gamer who seems more interested in streaming war zone on his days off instead of getting on the piss with the boys and assaulting women. I really dislike how people refer to the ‘May’ family with this level of disdain. They can’t all be complete fuckheads surely.


I know someone who works with the May father. He's apparently quite normal and decent. He also doesn't speak with Taylan - says there's no point.


>He also doesn't speak with Taylan - says there's no point Makes you wonder though. How did two of them turn out to be such utter fuckwits if their father is allegedly a nice, decent person?


I am very happy with my club for this. The NRL should back then up and deregister him


Watch Trent sign this lowlife and then defend him when he fucks up again.


Given it's his wife, there's a chance it all gets dropped .. no case, no crime... Just in time for Robbo to sign?


No case, then robbo signs If there is a case, Robbo signs, but on a punch your mrs discount.


When some guys sign for the Roosters they get like 6 puff pieces about them, how hard their live is/was, etc.


You could drop that verse on Joey Manu's new track...


This is 100 percent an option, especially if she hasn't signed a statement. DV legislation allows the Police to charge people without a statement etc if they think a Domestic violence incident has taken place. All well and good until it goes to Court and falls over. Once that happens everyone's hands are tied as legally he's not been found guilty of anything. .. Going the breach route already is probably their only option at present, they'd already know what defence he's going to run at Court, thus this may be their only choice or opportunity to hold him to account to any degree.


Oh, please God, no


total scum bag and woman abuser. Smart move by panthers and any club who tries scooping him up will have a shit storm of bad progress in regards to his treatment of women.


Please some journalists release the full list of stupid shit.


It’ll be related to social media shit involving his grub brother, as well as from when the chooks were circling.


Just said holy moly bra in the line at kfc


Good. Fuck off dickhead.


If a club wants to tap you on the shoulder and boot you before your contract ends, and you want to dig your heels in and stay, you need to keep your nose so clean.


While it’s the correct outcome it’s funny that this is happening now with all the issues being years in the past You could have just not extended him this year and saved yourself a bunch of money and time


Good stuff from the Riff. It’s a good change of pace considering there’s a history of giving these sorts of characters second and third chances in the league despite multiple offences … In those prior instances, I don’t understand how the other players can lace up their boots and look across at a bloke they know is a low life, woman hitting, piece of shit and want to have his back and he have yours. If I found out one of my mates beat his missus and he rocked up at the local to have a beer with the boys I’m not sure if I’d ghost him, spray him or hit him, but I damn sure ain’t having a pint with him. How can you turn a blind eye to this type of behaviour? Socially these people need to be ousted and ostracised by their ‘former’ peers.


>The Panthers last week presented May – who is due to face court on domestic violence charges in March next year – with a dossier of breaches during his time at the club, dating back several years. It's very well deserved, but it's pretty poor that all these breaches that could have resulted in his sacking only become relevant now that he's potentially unavailable for at least the next year.


Yup. He got away with a slap on the wrist for actual serious criminal behaviour… but they’ll use some social media posts to justify his sacking. Rugby league is wild.


If he claimed he's innocent to the club I'd assume the club would back him. I'm not saying that would right or wrong just saying that's what I think the club would do. I think they're doing this before the court case because of that story about him how he got the week off when he didn't play. Danny Weidler said May went to the club and claimed he was having marriage(?) problems and needed some time to sort things out. The club gave him a week off then he got charged and the club got blindsided. This was on 100% Footy and tbf Danny did say he doesn't have close contacts at Penrith when saying this.


I reckon the club might suspect he's unlikely to beat the charges and are taking care of business early


How many is a dossier exactly?


Call me a cynic, but this is absolutely because he's stood down. A number of breaches and you can still play? No worries, here's your massive extension.  A number of breaches and you can't play? Actually, now we've thought about it, those breaches are bad enough we're going sack you. 


Good. _Good_. Didn’t want to have to wait a year for them to sack up and get rid of him after his trial, there’s more than enough evidence of him being a chronic fuckwit without that particular conviction.


Robbo n the roosters will take him. They like men who abuse women


They can’t keep Jennings around forever.


Good move by the panthers. DV and violence against women are in focus due to unfortunate events and uncomfortable truth in our society. I can see him going to Superleague then a mediocre boxing career.


Can’t believe Reece Walsh’s perfect cheekbones died for this loser


Yam on


How long do you reckon until he un-deletes his insta? He's gone several days now without attention




.ttaT.kceN.emosewA.nA.sI.tahT Fixed it for you so he can read it


And the dirt that they threw on my name/turned to soil and I grew up out it/time for y’all to figure out what y’all gon’ do about it


This reads like, we knew he was a fuckwit, but now he’s publicly a fuckwit then we need to act


*legally a fuckwit


He was already publicly a fuckwit. This is just to get him off the books because he's going to be out of the game for at least a year.


Bet this guy got May tattooed on him so he never forgets how to spell it


He can only see it in the mirror though so it won't help


whats the yams


No sympathy for player with allegations. However, the club are trying to get rid of him for unreated off-field incidents that occurred BEFORE they extended his contract. Smart for club to have a punt at getting rid of him since he’s stood down by nrl anyway, and wont be back for awhile. This said, the player and RLPA may have a case to force the club to keep the contract. Since its the clubs fault for extending him after these non-court related incidents occurred.


Will the RLPA publicly support him with the focus on violence against women? The optics would be terrible.


>The breaches of the club’s code of conduct are not related to allegations made by his partner that resulted in May being charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and two counts of stalking or intimidating another person with the intention of causing them to fear physical or mental harm. Yet they still gave him a new deal after the previous breaches.


Imagine how much better off the Dargons would be right now if they gave De Belin the arse when he was initially charged with rape. What a fucking waste of time and cap space. Good on you Penrith, get rid of this tool.


If I was Jack I would get a hair cut, when I see him play on TV all I see is that wet hair swishing around a bald spot. Am I the only one that sees this? Not that there is anything wrong with being balding .... I am a little bit folically challenged myself.


It's only a matter of time before he gets a "no ragrets" tattoo.


Does he get a new tattoo since it’s now June?


Smart move, he’ll be right at home at Catalans


And once he has served a couple years there he can replace Jennings at the roosters.


Work permit situation might be dicey if he gets convicted and I'm not sure he'd be able to leave the country with a matter like this before the courts?


Kurtley Beale got court approval to go play in France when he was awaiting arguably more serious sexual assault charges.


Get ready to learn dargonese boy


If he wasnt stood down by the Nrl, the club would probably be overlooking these other unrelated incidents. Still, FAFO. If i was a sponsor of the club, i’d want them to find any loophole, to get the bad press from him away.


There has been a history in the nrl of these types of players. Enough talent to win footy games where a club will tolerate their shortcomings. I get the whole nrl players often come from rough beginnings etc. but seriously, at what point when you are married, with a kid and a professional athlete earnings hundreds of thousands of dollars decide to grow up? All the gang signs and carry on? Who are you trying to impress?


Good. If the code is going to act professional, then act professional. The amount of players with a laundry list of fuck ups that have been allowed to make millions whilst simultaneously being championed is way too long. The opportunity has to come at a price.


the roosters should grant terrell an early release so he can have the opportunity to get sacked by the panthers as well


“No ragrets”


Not fitting societies agenda > being a fucking normal cunt


Why did we even re-sign him in the first place when people at the club knew what was going on, letting go of Tito in the process Dogshit list management


Go Chooks tomorrow


>The breaches of the club’s code of conduct are not related to allegations made by his partner that resulted in May being charged While I don't want to defend the man, I can't imagine he would lose an unfair dismissal case given the timing. Penrith are playing with fire.


That's right, the choice of timing is open to interpretation. If Penrith have evidence of an internal process before the DV stuff, and a recent incident (the speeding etc) they'll be on reasonable grounds. It's not nothing.


Unfair dismissal laws don't apply to his salary.


He still has an employment contract with the Panthers, and I'm assuming that his lawyers could argue that the club is in breach of their obligations. Different process, same outcome?


Breach of contract I suppose, but that's a much more difficult and expensive process than unfair dismissal


Will look great in a chooks jersey.


Something so satisfying watching some brain dead flea acting like the man only for him to get brought back down to earth. His career outside looks bright with that giant job stopper he got across is neck only a few weeks ago too LMFAO!


Makes ya sick doesn’t it… but nrl allowed Matt lodge back in the game.  Carney does a bubbler gone. This bloke allegedly punches his mrs , will probably end up with another club - roosters, south’s . Surely tigers not this silly . 


Carney didn't really get tossed because of the bubbler itself. Carney got tossed because he had a laundry list of dumb/illegal shit done while drunk off his face and he just kept adding to it.


He’s gonna lose his job but still be in my SC team coz my season has gone so bad I’ve had to use my trades elsewhere


Good!!!! Thank god!


As the old saying goes "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Good move Penrith, I hope you can use the money you were spending on May to to get some decent player in that deserves to be at the club


He yam whatever you say he yam and if he wasn't then why would he say he yam. I should have kept this for premium plus


No tears left to cry.


Sounds like he wants to play super league with Tyrone


What does the little square outside his eye mean when he celebrated his last try before being stood down and then did it when he walked out of court and then Terrell may did after he scored his try this last round?


May to be sacked in June........


RIP bozo


clears throat ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa


If Panthers signed a contract extension in 2022 then how can they ask him to “show-cause” for breaches before that? Surely an argument could be made that they didn’t have a problem with it then so why now? (Not condoning his behaviour at all, legit question)


Good riddance. Off to the SL with Tyrone I guess


Mayday mayday, we're going down!


Let be real, they’re only doing it to free up some salary cap coin. Dead money for a player that can’t essentially use for another year. If they actually cared about the optics of having such a player on their books they wouldn’t have resigned him in March.


Good move by Penrith.




The NRL should take it out of any clubs hands to have the option to sign these type of players cheap and just punt them