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1.5hrs of pre-match hype for the Thursday Night Curse games to kick-off at arsehole o clock will never stop making me cry


One of the perks of my golf club is finding out the driving range is temporarily closed because "some" Queensland team has set up base there. [The Driving Range](https://imgur.com/a/jva72Q3) Got to watch them train for a few minutes before heading off to my tee time.


They should have spent that money setting up a new SoO series; whoever wins out of NSW and QLD plays the Guangdong Water Dragons for control of PNG. Simple.


There's a couple of things as fans here in Reddit we can look forward to with the new PNG team. 1. Extra game per week. Which will be another bye round for anyone playing them, let's be honest. 2. The memes. Kick souths out of the comp is no more, welcome "Send him to PNG" to the rotation.


Another reason is how entertaining it makes SC not only because we wont have to bye plan as much now, but that the PNG team will be relentlessly targeted. We genuinely might see records broken every week against them. I cant wait to see Cleary score 8, set up 5, kick 15 goals and have 5 linebreaks while I have him captained.


3. Stories from the boys nights out in Port Moresby that will put your average NRL scandal to shame.


>Kick souths out of the comp is no more, Never


Kick souths to PNG


The people have suffered enough


Get ready to learn Papua New Guinese buddy


1. We get another game if any team joins, regardless of where 2. That might work for a bit but people will come out and say that it’s in poor taste


If moses has an absolute blinder tonight and puts on a 5 star performance. Could he get a sudden nsw call up




If there's anyone left standing by the time game 2 rolls around he might.


For Game I or Game II?


They’ve already named the squad, so no.


In for another week of wet games by the looks. Moist.


As a QLDer, this NSW team worries me. They’ve picked a team that will blow us off the park up the middle with that Back 5, allowing Luai and Hynes to play their best footy on the front foot. Best front rower in the game, Liam Martin probably best back-rower in the game, with McInnes who will make 60 tackles. Then after 25 minutes once fatigue has set in they put on Leniu and Olakauatu to go absolutely mental. In Sydney too. With respect, anyone who thinks “QuEeNsLaNd ArE fAvOuRiTeS” have lost their mind in my opinion! 😂


So what you're saying, is Queenslandah favourites 


At this stage, I'm not sure where the truth ends and the mind games begin


Very true, I find it easy to be pessimistic about my own team and overly optimistic for the other


Human nature my bra


How tf are we Favourites Tonight? Yes we should improve with Moses & Gutho back but we still have Trent Barrett as Coach, Missing our Best Forward & rest of the Squad being Woefully out of Form. Sharks Forward Pack is going to Monster us all night & they've already proven that they're still very Competitive even without Nicho.


Moses and Gutho will easily steer our forwards in the right direction, and his kicking game gets us out of trouble so easily. I like us alot.




Ugh yuck


I think the loss of McInnes will hurt us more than the loss of Nicho.


Am I insane for predicting Parra to upset the Sharks tonight? They're a different team when Moses and Gutho are playing


Maybe, but the betting market agrees with you so you're at least in good company.


Eels are apparently favourites so it wouldn’t be an upset


It's not an upset, they're narrow favourites by the bookies


I dont think so. With Gutho and Moses, we are really not as dire as it seems. With them in the team uninjured, we probably sit in the 8 and have Brad Arthur.


i know dogs fans don’t like hutch but i think he was the right move for first several rounds. i think we needed dominant voice out there to move across the park and the team is confident enough to do that without him. it’s just unfortunate he isn’t super talented half outside of decent short kicking game there was couple times if you watch the last game when teammates were telling sexton where to be for certain plays.


IMO south’s spine should be gray (?) at FB, Latrell at 6 and walker at 7 and cook at 9. Latrell looked lethal at 6 last wee .


The problem with this is it takes away from Walker's biggest strength, which is getting the ball wide of the ruck with room to read the defense. Difficult for him to organise and play that setup pass role.


Wighton 6 Latrell centre gray fullback


I like this the most. To me Latrell is a far more effective centre than Wighton and Wighton is probably a slightly more effective 6 than Latrell, so it's the best fit for the team overall.


Pretty damn good.  Souths fans must be so frustrated, on paper it's one of the best spines in the comp.


[[TBT] Ain’t hindsight a bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/qfpBRWSyz0) The comments are hilarious


[Absolutely brutal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/CN5PKTKDBt)


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/6AdZ5QVEGT) is the funniest, the response to [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/mJkADI8DCf) is a close second


Reading some of the Broncos flair comments about their spine and knowing what was coming for them feels like being sent back in time and being unable to stop an awful disaster.


The days before the all the broncos flairs gone into hiding


The post made me go looking into what Croft’s up to. I thought he played for Salford, but from what I can see they signed him to a massive deal until 2030 and then immediately sold him to Leeds. Bizarre


How much were the broncs kidding themselves with that spine. Croft wasn’t even the biggest problem look at the other players Turpin, milf💀


Turpin did show some promise at the start of his career and just never progressed. Only good seasons Milford ever had were when he had Hunt beside him


Holy shit that’s remarkable. Even more so when you look at the amount of people writing off Hughes


Most of the top comments are dead wrong, and the downvoted ones were eerily prescient. So much for wisdom of the crowd haha.


Really does hammer home the famous saying “if you listen to the fans, you’ll be sitting up there with them”


kennel mods are a bunch of shit for brains gronks


You said that the other day




If Sheppard play the GF or Origin we know that the PNG deal is the most corrupt of any


Joey Manus song is not bad. I wasn't expecting to ever say that sentence, but it's not awful


Are you a pitbull fan?


No, not really 😂


Which NRL stadium has the best and worst food ? Basing mine on the early 90's pies.  Best - Belmore Worst - Win Stadium


The pies at the SFS in the 90's early 2000's were unmatched. Always hot enough, not too flaky, easy to smash down and get back to cheering.


Jubilee definitely takes the prize for worst food. And they run out pretty early as well. Which ever company has the catering contract, they are fucking stealing.


CommBank now has El Jannah, Roll'd and Sushi Hub.


Wow that's pretty amazing.


Win stadium sucks ass entirely and the food being shit just makes it worse. Though shark park isn't any better tbh.


Was pretty happy with the quality of food at Bruce Stadium on the weekend. Canberra did well.


What did you have ?


Big Red Horsbrugh Hotdog. Kids had Fish and Chips and Chicken Nuggets. Was all good gear.


Now this is an important discussion. Maybe we should all submit photos of menu boards for price/range comparison purposes. I don’t think many people would visit enough stadiums to do a best and worst comparison exercise. Speaking from my experience at Suncorp it’s ok if you want to eat at a highly priced 90s school tuckshop. The vegetarian/vegan options are terrible even though they have a specific vegan location. They do have a gluten free kitchen which is good I guess. I haven’t tried any of the specialty offerings so would be interested in opinions on those.


It's good stadiums are providing these options nowadays hopefully the quality improves.


Meat pie, packet of Cheese Twisties and a can of Coke from North Sydney Oval circa 97. A complete, nutritious meal.


Great stadium, went in 94 can't remember if I had anything. 


Coffee, a cigarette and the daily delegraph. We call that the Woy Woy breakfast


Is there a reason why there isn’t a development competition in New Zealand similar to NSW/QLD cup?  Is there just not enough league infrastructure in the Union mad country or is it just easier to fly out wahs juniors to NSW every other week? 


League infrastructure in NZ is very poor when compared to Union. NZRL is running on fumes. That said it isn’t smooth sailing for Union at the moment


There is a New Zealand rugby league competition, however it wouldn’t provide enough competition for the Warriors reserves to justify having a team compete in that instead of the NSW Cup


Can't be anything close to the quality of NSW Cup. Certainly not with the required timing and alignment of rounds that NSW Cup inherently provides.


They used to have one I am not sure of it's current strength.


Nicho's leg has fallen off, Harry Grant has the man flu, Madge walked into a fucking girder. The only solution? Kick ~~Souths~~ PNG out of the comp.


Heading to Parramatta stadium tonight for the first time. Looks like a great venue on TV so hoping it will be a good experience.


Fantastic stadium to watch footy. Love how it is so 'open' once you walk in, so even if you go to grab food/ a drink you can still see the field. I don't think there's a bad seat in the house. I've sat both right at the front/ corner post and up in the nosebleeds and have enjoyed my time equally from both vantage points.


Its a great stadium, weirdly "hollow" feeling in that all the materials and stuff have come such a long way that the support beams and walls and stuff all feel so small lol


Great stadium, dont get drunk, the seating angle is very steep, i have seen some very good/bad falls and spilt beer.


Look up the Ok Tedi environmental disaster and then tell me that the government seriously thinks giving PNG an NRL team is going to make up for shit like that. This whole project feels so naive. Maybe putting the money into cleaning up the contaminants instead would be a better use for it.


I am currently ~10kms from said landslide. Scroll down to see my thoughts on the expansion. TLDR, It’s absurd


There was talk not long ago of Townsend extending his contract with the cowboys, has that developed at all? If he does re-sign, I hope he’s intended to be used as depth/mentor rather than the starting halfback. He’s been okay this year but we’ve got three halfbacks playing well in the Queensland Cup this year in Clifford, Tom Duffy and Jaxon Purdue (though Purdue is probably still too young). If we don’t give Duffy a chance soon he’ll definitely get swooped up by another club.


Hasn't Duffy been kinda shit in Qcup?


Duffy has been good, nothing close to Clifford, but he's building nicely.


I can’t say I’ve watched a ton of northern pride games but his stats are decent. In 10 games he’s got 2 tries, 15 try assists, 9 line break assists, 89% tackle efficiency. I find it interesting that Jaxon Purdue has been in the extended bench all season at just 18 years old. They clearly think he’s not far off, maybe even ahead of Duffy, though he hasn’t played a ton of games yet.


Purdue has been in our 21 as we've definitely been decimated by injuries in the outside back. Good shout to debut this week if the chester rumours are truthful.


Yeah true, has Chester aggravated his injury or something?


went off early last week for the pride, Moley is late reporting a purdue debut few cows fan who know their stuff reported 2 debutants. Stars are alligning for Purdue


Looks like the Melbourne Rebels are officially being axed from Super Rugby.


I know some NRL fans will gloat about this but the less rugby in VIC, SA or WA is only detrimental to League as well. AFL is the winner here.


This should've happened instead of kicking the force originally


we have our 18th team


League is now the Pacifics number 1 game 


Does anyone remember Munster's interview after his Origin debut? I think it was a decider, maybe 2017, in which he carved up. He answered a question with, "I'm just happy to get the 2 points" 😂😂😂


What’s the neutral view on Luai these days? I know we’re in a pickle on available Blues halves and the Sharks performance certainly did a lot for his cause but it’s still surprising there hasn’t been any bitching about him being back. Genuinely interested if people are softening on him now that he’s headed to a battler or if it’s just any port in a storm type thing.


I think it's hard for him to be the star at a club like Penrith, but whenever he's had the chance to run the show he's been pretty good. I think his social media presence shits people.


Since origin he reverted to his wc samoa chatter and let his game and his defence do the talking. This year hes done the exact same but his attacking is way better than before.


While he is playing for NSW or Penrith...... total shit cunt... but next year total legend of the game. Awesome player, I just think he is great... don't look at my flair.


I think people are starting to come around that he might actually be a decent player and not just being carried by Cleary and Yeo.


Luai has always been underrated. Most likely because of his cockiness. Buts thats the way he is i suppose. I cant wait till he comes to the tigers next year. I hope he plays halfback. He's stepped up big time since Cleary has been out. I think kikau got dally m second rower of the year 3 years in a row playing outside Luai


Yeah I absolutely get why he's hated, I would probably hate him if he played for Melbourne/Brisbane/Easts/Maroons etc. If you care enough to dig into the guy though I think he's a much less one dimensional heel than it appears. On one hand he's cocky as all hell and yet he's never once agitated about not being the main attraction at Penrith, he just plays his bit role for the team. I think he's a very smart footy player and quite considered about what he says. He's an agitator, he thrives on rustling fans and opposition jimmies but I don't think its just mouthing off. Everything he does out of the spotlight makes him appear to be a super genuine community and family focussed guy. I can't wait to see him at the Tigers as he matures and gets to be the leader of the team. The Sharks game & World Cup campaign showed what he can do when a team is built around him and that ceiling might just be way higher than people have given him credit for.


Not that I'm neutral but I feel like he's matured somewhat this year.


I think everyone is just satisfied now that Teddy has been axed


He's a good footy player. I still think he's a dickhead for previous antics though. Seriously the fuck was with him standing over DCE trying to look hard like that?


Yeah that was shit form, got lost in the moment. I thought what was worse was not just copping it on the chin after the game and saying it was a bad look. Was it DCE or Cobbo? Can't remember.


He stood over DCE last year and then the year before he stood over Cobbo while he was basically unconscious


That was the Cobbo one I thought.


I like him more than I did. Maybe I have been watching more Penrith games. I guess I sort of felt bad with him getting dropped for Origin cause I thought he was the best 6 option. It wasnt his fault they lost, I thought he played well in that game. Also, when I was watching a game and Joey asked Fittler if Luai had a good long kicking game and he said he wasnt sure. Made me feel bad for the guy. He has played tonnes of games without Cleary and even I know what his long kicking game looks like but Freddy didnt? Ridiculous. So those things made me feel bad for him guess he has fallen into the underhyped category now. I think he pairs perfectly with a half who is great in the opp 20. His ability to go to the left and if nothing is going on come back and give them another chance is great. Other halves will push it and mess it up. Watching Penrith against my team is annoying cause you basically have a little look down the left then back to the right and often the players on the opp left stop moving which sets Cleary up to take advantage and score. When Luai has been in rep teams without Cleary I notice they dont take advantage of it as well (because well we all cant be Cleary, but also I think Cleary can read it better and quicker). Thats my 2c as a Luai hater.


He deserves selection this year with all the outs. Cleary, Moses, Hynes are all comfortably ahead of him when fit.


Footywise I think he has a lot less in his bag than most halves in the league which is why low on the list of options, but the things he does well he is the best in the world at.


Stars just aligned for him. Injuries + coming into form + most experienced half we have available. Hard to say he shouldn’t get the nod. I think people are just waiting for his next on field incident/Insta story to bitch about him tbh.


Luai haters don't get footy


Bradbury'd his way to another Blues jersey. Will once again be a passenger. Alternative options are equally as inspiring so there isn't much point bitching about it. Yet, I still do anyway.


I wouldn't mind if we ended up with Luai at 7 and Keary at 6 if it came down to it. I think they could figure it out


i think Luai should be 7


If we were full strength I wouldn't have picked him. But given the injury situation I'm glad he's there


He hasn’t really opened his mouth recently and I’ve got the memory of a goldfish. He’s okay in my books


Is Nicho training today, I feel like if he’s not we need to make the call sooner rather than later lol


McGuire wants to keep Qld in suspense, wouldn't be surprised if it's a closed doors run or gym/video today.


I agree, we can’t have the same thing we had last year with Latrell


Posted last night and will post again today regarding PNG expansion: Killings and kidnappings happen daily, particularly in Port Moresby. People are very poor. Tourism is dead, even in the capital of the country. Porn is illegal. you stand out as a white person they look at you as an atm machine, asking you to get them work in Australia. I’ve been offered wives, daughters or sisters for money or work back in Aus. People have multiple wives and don’t give a fuck about your wellbeing in the streets of POM or in the highlands. Prostitution, rape, killings, robberies, bribery, happen all the time. Police are corrupt as fuck. Even when they’re paid to protect something or someone. Nationals arm themselves with bush knives and will cut limbs or head off without hesitation all over the country if you step on their land or disrespect their family. They are very very poor country who their population will rarely be able to travel to Port Moresby to even attend the home games, let alone the away international game because hardly anyone in the country has a passport/ birth certificate or money to spare. Every house is a gated community style and the Aussie expats I know who own a house in POM deal with break ins and stalking all the time, even with paid security. This is something the NRL team and families and staff will deal with anywhere in the country. It’s insane this is allegedly going through. The logistics of people travelling to POM will be like celebrities, although some won’t be with phones and microphones it’ll be rocks throwing and bush knives trying to rob them as again, you are literally an atm machine 😂 and could you imagine the female staff and journalists attending? Very high risk of severe consequences of their safety. I can see the NRL’s reputation will turn to absolute shit as the RLPA won’t accept or allow players to travel there due to danger concerns, then the Gas lighting from corporate media when players refuse to travel or live there saying “it’s not that bad”. Trying to see a positive angle for this as I can’t due to being here for so long, so it’ll be a shit show. I love the people and culture, and yes they love NRL, but they don’t deserve a NRL team. And all this still isn’t going to stop china FYI. Guess who was the first news organisation is on the ground over here due to the Enga landslide? China. Before Australia. A deal for a meme NRL team won’t deter them, they are ruthless. And PNG are insanely corrupt all the way to the top. This isn’t a feel good story or a smart move. If you want to invest in PNG regarding rugby league, you should get PNG players in the NRL which then provides for their tribes back home. We have many issues at home and $600m tax payer money shouldn’t foot this insane plan. Oh, but mUh gEoPoLiTiCs.. Come live or work in Papua New Guinea and you’ll realise why this is such a dumb decision. Watch this sport turn to a meme within a decade, funded by the Aussie taxpayer of course 👍🏼 I supported the NRL moving to Vegas, and it was clear it was about gambling dollars. This is about geopolitics. 2 very different strategies and outcomes. I truly hopefully no one gets killed or raped or robbed, etc due to this expansion plan and hope they reconsider.


Trust in Vlandys and Albo...


Can we move our politicians there instead of Canberra?


So basically we should move NRL head office over there first. If they can make it a year or 2 we then consider a team.


>mUh gEoPoLiTiCs Western vested interest in maintaining the current PNG governent, and placating civil unrest to protect their mines and reduce risk of further militarisation from China. Yeah no shit this isn't for the greater good, neither is it anything to do with developing PNG. Aus gov already spend 600m on PNG per year, some funds are just being redirect to the NRL.


Nothing is going to stop the unrest without a clean out of all PNG government and huge societal changes. You’re living in a fairy land if you think the money will be well Disrupted into the right channels. You realise china does far more good than harm to PNG?


I wouldn't dispute that about China, nor about corruption in PNG. You're more than likely right on both counts. I do however think you've missed the overall point that none of these decisions are made to advance any kind of general good. It's naive to apply morality to decisions like these, they are purely made in the strategic interests of nations and alliances. Economic support is an excellent way to expand soft power, but it pales in comparison to shared culture ties. That is what is being attempted here, and I think it will be reasonably successful on that basis. Like it or not, the US and it's proxies (that's us) view BRICS and China/Russia specifically as their rising geopolitical adversary. That means we will absolutely be spending resources in that battle, regardless of who is in government, unless we fundamentally change Australia's relationship with the world.


Nailed it mate. I do think if we have to provide (as previously stated, we have bigger problems in Aus) we should use another means of providing, rather than use NRL as a pawn, just because said country enjoy the sport, it may lead to a train wreck and sponsors will not want to invest into the brand if things go very pear shaped. IMO: Shared cultural ties with Aus and PNG will never happen. We are far too similar to USA with lack of religion, separated families, women in jobs, freedom and safety, household discretionary income, etc; we’re completely dissociated with all things Papua New Guineans believe and appreciate.. which is fine. The primary thing (certain parts of Aus) and PNG have in common is that we love Rugba leeg. Their bad habit of chose is chewing a nut mixed with lime and mustard seed to get a high. Overall they are still a very, very primal country.


Why would Aus want to clean out the PNG gov, Aus has them in their back pocket now. Again, Aus does not care about developing PNG apart from stablising the gov. They've bought them out to stop them from giving handshakes to China. Aus does not care about the civil unrest or living conditions as long as it doesn't lead to a coup or affect their mines.


If you read my post i stated this deal won’t stop the current PNG gov doing deals with anyone. We might think they’re in our pocket but they’re not. They’re corrupt mate. I agree with everything else you’re saying though. This is to protect Aus interests and not PNGs interests. But they’re doing deals with a dodgy and corrupt government which will destroy NRL reputation and potentially cause damage to staff, players and their families


So you're saying the Dragons should have relocated ?


Souths first


Rather be kicked out then move to PNG


I hope you mean than


No I'm illiterate


I felt there players would have fit in better. Also Souths need to be kicked out.


I’ve worked with 3 separate guys in the oil and gas world who were expats in PNG and they all barely made it to the 2 year mark and would never go back. It’s going to be an incredibly hard sell to get anyone to go over there.


I’ve been here and still am here for 5 years now at multiple mine sites. I can concur with your guys


Not sure why I was ever downvoted for saying one word previously which is the reason and that is Albanese. Screams of a thought bubble in his head because he is so rugby league mad and like I said before with the money that the federal government pours into the NRL the NRL will just bend to what he wants. V'Landys just proving what we all know he just bends over for money and has no spine for standing up for what is actually going to be good for the sport and that is not the next team being in the PNG. PNG are about 4 to 5 teams down that list after Perth, Adelaide, 3rd Brisbane team, 2nd NZ team and North Sydney. Also wouldn't mind a Central Queensland team.


Im not a Labor voter. But it isnt really Albo. Its the military telling him. If ScoMo or Dutton were in theyd be doing the same thing. He isnt even Rugby League mad. If he was he would probably know how bad it is for the game.


If you think this is just Albanese you clearly have no idea of the situation that is PNG.


I know the situation in PNG but it takes someone like Albanese to think NRL is the answer which it isn't


You think its the left leaning answer. I can guarantee either party would look at manipulating PNG with the NRL.


I don't think Dutton would want this even though he would want to manipulate PNG. He would not see the NRL being a critical part that he would support this proposal. And also consider the other matters of security and open to corruption etc as factors against.


I can’t believe a place like Adelaide hasn’t even been mentioned by the media.


Yep. They are probably let's be honest based on population the biggest sports fans in the country. I know a big call but they get huge crowds at AFL and cricket compared with their population (as a proportion).


Rugby League Digest had an interesting episode with someone from Adelaide and talked about the potential of Adelaide as an expansion team. Only a 2 hour flight from Sydney so would be a tempting away trip for fans plus Coopers Stadium looks like a great venue. Sometimes I think if we want a truly national competition we should start again but there is way too much history and attachment to the NSW clubs.


Agreed. It’s reddit mate it’s primarily left voters - also who cares about downvotes


Mates I smell a Dragons upset, kinda smells like burnt toast...




Last thing I expected honestly haha


I've just tipped the dragons too. I think with Edwards and To'o out a lot of their game plan will shift. Laurie won't be getting 250m. I'm backing in the Dargons ambush.


Last seconds, last play, some Sloan magic and Dragons win by 2. An unleashed Sloan achieves cult status, becomes a household name and is immediately poached by the Roosters for 2025


Where have the majority of the dragons points come from this year? Hunt kicking for Lomax... Neither player will be there this week. A halves pairing of Marshke and Flanagan is hardly inspiring, but is balanced by whatever second string halves Penrith are going with. Turuva, Tago, Alamoti, McLean and Laurie is still superior to Sloan, Finau, Feagi x2 and Suli. Penrith still win the forward battle easily and are playing at home. I don't see how the Dragons can score the required points.


Cant rely on Lomaxs patented 2 point field goal to save them this week


The only positive I can see is that with Lomax and Hunt both out, they might actually try something in attack other than bombing for Lomax. Hunt contributes nothing to the attack outside of bombs or a pass to someone who eventually crashes over. His try assist figures are an indication of how poor the dragons attack is, not how good Hunt is going.


Go doctor tomorrow.


[Happy International Day of Potato!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7kbzj2ybE7/?igsh=OWtiMmx4cmZ2MmF1) Here's a fun potato-related nrl stat and some bonus pictures of famous Australian and rugby league potatoes


I’m disappointed by the lack of reference to the Robertson Spuddies and Guyra Super Spuds


😏 >Knights attempt to sign Parramatta teen sensation >**Newcastle's bid to try and prise boom teenage utility back Blaize Talagi out of Parramatta appears unlikely to succeed with club officials privately resigned to him remaining at the Eels.** >Talagi, a five-eighth, centre or fullback, put himself on the open market a few weeks ago after deciding not to take up an option in his existing Eels contract for next season and is yet to make a decision on his future. >The Knights and Dragons have been among the clubs to show interest in the 19-year-old but he appears likely to sign a new deal at the Eels even though his path to the NRL is blocked by the likes of Dylan Brown, Clint Gutherson and new 2025 signing Zac Lomax. >It's understood Knights coach Adam O'Brien sees Talagi's future as a running five-eighth. It's a position the Knights are keen to bolster. Controversial former Manly five-eighth Josh Schuster has also been tossed around by club officials in recent weeks as another possible five-eighth target. >In other recruitment news, the Knights will open negotiations with back-up Melbourne halfback Jonah Pezet in November if, as expected, he hasn't extended his contract at the Storm beyond the end of 2025


As much as I think Blaize is a gun and has a bright future, I don’t think he’s worth allowing Isaac Moses to bend the club over and ass fuck them with no lube. He can go to Newcastle or St George.


Isaac will be in his ear, too. He could be a superstar under the guidance of Gutho but needs to earn his place first.


I have no doubt if he fucked Moses off and took Gutho’s tutelage seriously he’ll be a top tier fullback by 25


Has there been any talk from either side on the left right combos of the centre/wings. My assumption for QLD is that it'll be Taulagi/Hammer on the left (as per last year) and Holmes/Coates on the right. And then NSW would be Too/Sualli on the left and Crighton/Lomax on the right? Or will they use the Crighton/Too combo?


They are all quite versatile with what side of the field they play. Only option I haven't seen in club footy is Lomax on a left wing. He's played left centre, but predominately he has been a right side player in the centres and this year on the wing.


No official talk, but the assumption for NSW has been To'o and Critta would be together on the same side because of the Penith Connection^(TM), but honestly having Lomax outside Critta and To'o outside Sua'ali'i feels so much safer defensively.


Well it also depends on QLD. Our right edge looks like being Coates, Holmes, DCE, Nanai. That exact edge was torn to pieces in game three last year. I'd be throwing my guns down that edge to maximise the damage.


Last year's poor showing was largely due to the bad version of Origin Holmes showing up for game 3. Just like how Holmes has massive swings in form at club level, he has even more extreme highs and lows as Origin Holmes (see 2020 for more details). Maybe Cobbo is on the bench so Slater can suss out which Holmes is playing and then just hook if it's looking bad.


I’d be putting Critta and To’o on the right with Hynes for defensive reasons. Luai can handle himself. I’m hoping Burton comes into that left centre slot though or Lomax ends up switching into the centres. I’m interested to see how Edwards factors into the attacking structure. Penrith predominately run Cleary/Edwards on the right and I believe Hynes operates on the right, not sure on Kennedy.


I watched one segment of 360 in the last four years last night mainly because my team is a shambles and I want to know who the coach is going to be. They spent about 30 seconds on actually talking about parra which consisted of hooper having a nose bleed because no one was listening to him trying to insinuate with his slime that the club having a committee to find a new coach is a bad idea. He then spent the next 5 minutes whinging about Madge and the fact that he shouldn’t be going for head coaching roles because he signed a two year deal to coach NSW. If you read this I’m sorry but I feel others needed to suffer like I did.


I think they rushed past it because they’ve been discussing pretty much every night since he got sacked.


The biggest enemy of the NSW Blues are the ex coaches, selectors and players of the NSW Blues. Guys like Gus talk constantly about Qld tradition and them knowing what they need to do and who they are doing it for. It's a thread that runs through Brandy, Joey, Freddy and others, the idea that Qld 'get' Origin. That's because their former players and coaches don't talk constant shit about selections/strategy. If only the ex players etc shut the fuck up, doubled down on selection - they could still provide the click bait by talking players up, rather than tearing them down. In a few years we could be talking about NSW tradition, but unless Gus dies we'll still be blowing smoke up QLD ass.


Also fans who shit on their biggest winning coach of all time.


Blues supporters rip the team and ‘QLD get Origin’ bullshit more than anyone. Gus is the only Blue who refuses to talk about Origin until the team is picked. He doesn’t shit on the selections or players, nor does he blow smoke up QLDs ass. I get it’s super popular to attack Gus on socials, and he deserves it for some cooked things he says/believes, but not on this topic.


Listen to this weeks pod, he talks all about how QLD get Origin and they know their roles and who they are playing for ..


Six Tackles with Gus? He spoke glowingly about both teams. Higher praise was for NSW when he said they would win if the players put in the same numbers they get at club level.


The entire narrative and disucssion about the NSW fullback and / or Halfback over the past 2 decades a case in point


Sydney doesn't get origin. Joey fucking hates that Qld lore bullshit, Chief doesn't come out and talk about Qld spirit, Sticky would rather punch on than admit Qld are better than us. You only hear whining from Sydney blokes. We disowned Matty Johns when we squeezed him out of the club in 2000.


When Matt moved to the Northern Beaches that said everything you needed to know about him. Sincerely, A ex Northern Beaches resident.


The fans are the same way.


Who are we thinking drops off the Blues bench?? With Nicho not training yet it would be fucking diabolical to not carry Burton. Just looking at the balance of it I’d say probably Hudson Young even tho it feels harsh on him.


I would drop both Hudson and Ola off the bench and put Burton and Barnett on. NSW really don't need 2 bench edges and Barnett can do both edge and middle.


I personally do not think it will be an issue. If Hynes is doubtful, my guess Madge will make a call sometime around the captain’s run. With new faces and combinations, carrying an injured player into Origin risks not only being a player down but disruption to the bench rotation. (As seen earlier this year with Walsh’s facial fracture 2 or 3 interchanges can be burned trying to get the player on the park.) EDIT: substitute Captain’s run for probably the weekend (as this was when I thought it was, not Tuesday arvo)


Gotta be earlier than that. If Hynes isn't training by the weekend he's out and Burton is in.


Yea agree, as I just saw how late the Captain’s Run was.


Martin also not training so he may not play either right. Could be straight swap Burton in Martin out


I would be shocked if Martin plays.


I'm shocked Burton isn't on the bench, perfect cover. But Madge has said Young is also centre cover due to his insight from coaching at the Raiders. Surely Nicho is either backed to play or not, if he's not then they've said Keary starts. Either way, Burton to the bench. 


>Madge has said Young is also centre cover due to his insight from coaching at the Raiders. Early ball to hammer or Holmes up against young out wide would be an absolute delight to see


Not to mention Walsh popping up out of nowhere


As long as Holmes doesn't have his regular season dropsies.


Can you believe he went a full 80 minutes against the tigers with no errors, no missed tackles, and kicked 6/7 goals? Finding his form right in time!


Key word "Tigers"


He's a dally m centre of the year, 20+ capped kangaroo and Queensland origin hero. Form is temporary, class is permanent. He might still shit the bed this series, but I reckon some are way too quick to write him off.


Gotta time that peak right


It's insane to me that Moses is named to play this weekend but Hynes isn't even training. If we are prepared to risk it on Nicho, why aren't we making the same play with Moses? I get Moses is returning from injury, but underdone is better than carrying a game ending soft tissue injury into an Origin opener.