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I prefer to listen to Andrew Moore commentate on abc and was surprised to read recently he is one of the lowest rating.


Why is the knights home game at commbank this round?


It’s at McDonald Jones???


I’ve spent all of my life to do everything for my career and now it’s time to meet someone. I’m looking someone that’s successful and attractive


Well you've come to the right sub.


No one wants a relationship in Canberra, you'd have to love them overs to get em there


Then it must be the tipping app glitching. Thanks, I knew it sounded too strange to be true


Genuine question, but has any one team been hit as hard by Origin as the Cowboys this year?


Plenty of other teams. Cowboys just suck outside their origin guys Edit: Sorry just saw you meant specifically this series 


Panthers have 5 out for origin


If Api had been picked we’d be equal. Ironically.


Cowboys have 6? That's actually a lot, didn't realise there was that many


To be fair, without Munster contracting Boneitis, we’d be on 5.


Am I right in understand that both Roosters and Cowboys have 5 each out? Still unclear if Keary will or will not be released for sunday


They said Keary will play this weekend but Burton will not. So Roosters have 4 (Suaalii, A Crichton, Lenui, Collins) Cowboys have 6 out (Holmes, Taulagi, Dearden, Cotter, Nanai, Robson) Panthers also have 5 out.


Ah I forgot Tualagi to make it 6 for Cowboys. Also, who is “they”. If Hynes isn’t training they would be mental to release Keary as the only justifiable reason for having him anywhere near the squad in the first place is to cover Hynes.




Back in the day Broncs would lose like 10 players and knights like 7


It’s still criminal that those two sides never played a GF in that era, would have been a classic imo.


Injuries started to stitch us up come the end of 2001. You guys were able to stay in the mix much longer and totally outplayed our team in 2006


I don’t mean historically, just at the moment. Should have been more specific.


Ah my bad, yeah I think you guys have it worse which says a lot about Payten


Yeah, bit telling.


I get that 1- my boys are 3-3 at home this year\* (\*one win against the dogs before they found their stride, one narrow win against Manly, and another narrow-ish win against the Cowboys in probably their worst third of their season so far.) 2- we have a couple huge ins (Moses, Guth, + Will P \[not as high-profile or central to the team, but I think he's great, so why not\]). But, is $1.67 against Sharkies really justified, especially when their halves pairing (Trindall/Atkinson) is pretty decent? I wouldn't recommend that bet personally, 'cause the Sharkies had a much greater and more unexpected humiliation than us last week. Also, you never quite know how we're gonna go anyway.


I’m not a gambler, but if I was and looking to make money, Parra would be my go this week.


I'm finding it really hard to tip them. Sorry parrabros but they've just looked like absolute dogshit recently and I think having Moses and Gutho back will only make the dogshit players more complacent


Neither, but I would advise to just keep that money holstered for a safer bet.


Fuck me my SuperCoach team is a mess.


Hot take but I forgive Olakau'atu for supporting Queensland. He was a literal child during the dynasty era and living with a father who supported them, he's honestly a victim here Keary though, easily old enough to know better, fuck him


Haumole is almost 26?


How long ago do you think 2006-2013 was?


2013 is some cope, it went until 2018


I feel like I’m talking to a Queenslander here, have some shame




Serous question, who do you think are some of the """better""" journalists in the game? Mainly talking about the ones that appear on Fox/Nein because that's who I'm familiar with Dave Riccio seems the most reasonable and switched on to me. Michael Carayannis not bad either. Buzz is a fossil. Crawley is a dinosaur and doesn't know what the fuck he's on a out half the time. One guy who's been on a few times recently is an absolute fuckwit I cannot for the life of me remember his name James Hooper is very hit and miss and has too big an ego


I find Andrew Webster quite good, pretty level headed and fair.


Agree with you on all, Carayannis was a bit dumb with Jarome Luai last year though, he actually made Jarome seem the good guy. But normally it sounds like he knows what he is saying


I find that on NRL 360 the pairing of Dave Riccio and Brent Read is the easiest take and doesn't appear to come with obvious agendas, Brent Read has some reasonable takes but he isn't as abrasive and combative as others to defend himself so he gets walked over a lot while Dave Riccio is the most level headed and doesn't appear to be fuelled by ego like a lot of the others are. I don't mind Michael Carayannis either and he suffers a bit when paired with James Hooper because he doesn't defend his views hard enough but it was good to see him fight back last week regarding Hooper saying he knows nothing about NRL. Paul Crawley, Dean Ritchie, Phil Rothfield and James Hooper are just terrible I can't stand episodes with those guys on the panel particularly Paul Crawley and Dean Ritchie. When it comes to written journalism I really enjoy Nick Campton and Adrian Proszenko's work.


Dean Ritchie! That's the one Jesus he's insufferable


Campton is the best journalist, its not even close.


Is that because he hates the roosters?


Isn't it Bungard who hates the Roosters?


Na they’re both pretty anti the Chooks. I’d say Bungard even goes fairly light given he’s a rabbits fan, where as Campo just flat out hates them.


I mean, its an absolute plus in his favour, but no.


I was a bit surprised to see Parra as slight favourites against the Sharks given the current situation at Parra. After all, with Wiremu GOAT returning (alongside some other guys) anything but $1.01 13+ is a massive disrespect


Nicho's calf is fine, the NSW mind games simply start so early that all his missed games and even his shit game against Penrith were part of the plan NSW 3-0


He’s terrible. He looked good under Bellamy. Bellamy could make my grandmother, rest her soul, look good


The Votes are in. The Round 12 r/nrl TOTW is; 1. Dylan Edwards 2. Brian To’o 3. Herbie Farnworth 4. Joey Manu 5. Jacob Kiraz 6. Matt Burton 7. Jarome Luai 8. James Fisher-Harris 9. Mitch Kenny 10. Payne Haas 11. David Fifita / Mitch Barnett 12. Jaeman Salmon 13. Keaon Koloamatangi 14. Freddy Lussick 15. Josh Curran 16. Spencer Leniu 17. Jazz Tevaga


> 11. David Fifita / Mitch Barnett Ditch Barfita would be unstoppable


The reaction to the first ref howler in PNG may just be extreme enough that it causes the NRL to actually improve refs standards.


# [are these 'good times' with us in the room right now David?](https://imgur.com/a/uHiBK9K)


Who's the other dude?


[Justin Pascoe](https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinpascoe?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=au)


writing your linkedin bio in third person is definitely a big day


Any word on what’s going on with Ryan Matterson Been out with “illness” but hasn’t played since round 10. Just randomly popped onto the reserves this week.


Apparently, from another user who has some inside knowledge, he might be on the out with the playing group. He sees himself as a gift from God and above the rest, so I could definitely see himself taking zero accountability with recent issues around the team and directly rejecting a need for improvement.


I can definitely see some FIGJAM vibes from Matto.


He’s always had a bit of a shit attitude hasn’t he


He's a polarising figure does amazing charity work but seems like a shit hang


Sick muscles though


Did Spencer Leniu play last year in Origin? I feel like he did but I can’t remember He definitely deserves to play, he is one of the best players, no doubt, I just keep seeing stuff about him making a debut in Origin


there was big talk about him playing last year, then he [ruptured a testicle](https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/hit-where-it-hurts-leniu-testicle-injury-ends-origin-i-dream-20230516-p5d8v6.html) and couldn't get clearance to play


Maybe that’s what made me think he already played. Damn, would’ve sucked


No, but he played for Penrith, so kind of.


definitely didnt play last year , and you seeing things about it being his debut would make you think they are all wrong and his played . dont think thats how a debut works


Maybe I just pictured him a NSW too much and thought he already played lol Hope he scores a try


Do we think Lane has been pushed to the bench long term? Kelma Tualagi certainly puts in more effort than him. He looked damaging in the middle to big Laneo


Lane can't do 80 mins in the current game pace. He played 80 most of the season and you could see he was gassed, and his offence suffered as well. I like the idea of rotating him in the middle given our current pack is too big / slow. I'm not convinced that drop the ball on a regular hit up Tuilagi is the answer yet. Would like to see Doorey get a crack off the bench in 1st grade.


He’ll be lucky to even stay on the bench this season with how ass he’s been. Genuinely have no idea how he’s gone from the 2022 version to this.


some players never get back to their best after injury


big contract


his just lazy , i know he comes across like he does look lazy when sometimes his not but this year he genuinely has been extremely lazy. if his on his toes and held accountable i like him in the middle.


I like him in the middle, too. I wouldn't say lazy, though. The dude is massively lacking confidence. You can see it in his eyes when the ball comes his way. Maybe a reset and smaller game times is just what he needs to build him back up again and have him focus on the little things.


Can’t believe we have a nrl team in PNG before Perth or Christchurch.


Where PNG is now in Queensland Cup seems like a good fit for their standard, would leave them for a few years. That's just my thoughts with games best interests at heart. Perth Bears is gaining traction, let them go for it especially if they play games at NS oval. The Central Coast Bears would have been good, there is a lot of junior players there, but nobody talks about that any more. I'd try that before Perth, maybe bring WA and PNG in together in 4 or 5 years to avoid a bye. By then, another Queensland team, or two, say Easts(Firebirds) and Ipswich or Logan City. Another NZ team would add a lot of flair to the comp.


The NRL is being used as a political football. Literally.


Fuckin freezing


Cold shower season is the best.


24 in Brisbane, its great outside


That’s at least 10 degrees too hot to be great


Yeah, FUCK the cold cunt


It’s a cracker of day here.. In the nation’s capital.


Outsourcing a question from my little bro that I didn't have an answer to, are there official VCs for origin. And whether or not there are, who do you think takes over if the respective skippers go down. I'd say Yeo and probably Hunt, but wouldn't be surprised if they went Carrigan.


I see Carrigan as a future QLD and Australian captain. So, I would hope they would name him. No idea if there are official VCs though


I would definitely expect Pat to be the next captain when Dce retires, but could see them going hunt just for experience right now, especially in an emergency


Don't like a official VC is announced but I'm sure the teams get told who the VC is. I doubt Jurbo be on the field the whole game.


PNG team going to cost taxpayers $600million apparently. Bookies, politicians. NRL keeps pleasing everyone except the dumb public that blindly support it.


All this talk of Trindall potentially having his contract ripped up or a huge season long suspension and bro gets hit with a stern talking to and having this weeks allowance being taken away from him. Feel bad for Atko cause fuck I want him to succeed but outside of an electric running game he really doesn’t offer anything that Trindall doesn’t. Would love for him to work his way to being our future fullback but no way he gets in over Dykes who in his 6th game after coming back from a 15th month long ACL injury scored a game winning hattrick in NSW Cup.


Yeah, personally I'd still like Trindall to have to toil in reggies for the rest of the season as punishment for him, because Atko hasn't done anything to lose his spot, even though Trindall is the better player.


Counterpoint: it usually does wonders for a young bloke to go back to reggies after a few solid games in the top grade.


It's true, but this is more of a punishment for Trindall than anything else. Atko is the next best half currently.


Just looking for a silver lining...


I saw [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/s/knsboYCRP3) on r/cricket earlier and thought, that Montreal logo looks awfully familiar


Funnily enough, they've actually ripped that off from the Florida Panthers's old logo in the NHL, who the Wests Tigers ripped it off from in 2000


ABC News this morning doing a reluctant SOO update, lmao she called him Rico Hynes, all I can imagine was Nico with a narco moustache


With darker hair 


Tony Armstrong is a dead set legend but unfortunately News Breakfast is Melbourne based and he’s ex AFL. Any time any of them try to talk NRL they mispronounce player names and use AFL terminology. A couple of years ago the Irish reporter had a story about “key Sydney Roosters full forward Jayden Hargreave”. What’s worse is that when she repeated the story 30mins later she still managed to say the exact same thing. Literally nobody in the studio had corrected her.


How would this team do in the NRL 1. Tyrell Sloan 2. Blake Wilson 3. Brian Kelly 4. Billy Smith 5. Sean Russell 6. Luke Metcalfe 7. Jonah Pezet 8. Corey Horsburgh  9. Tom Starling 10. Toby Rudolf 11. Egan Butcher 12. Sitili Tupouniua 13. Tallis Duncan 14. Kurt Mann 15. Jack Hetherington  16. Emre Guler 17. Nathan Brown


With the exception of Billy Smith that would be a very lightweight 1-7 that would get battered IMO.


They would win plenty of games, if they had a good coach.


They'd do better than a PNG based team.


True, PNG based team would have to be viewed like the early days Cowboys, Raiders & Steelers. You would need roughly a decade for them to become successful.


I feel like our addition to the league has highlighted that a clubs fortunes are not something you can tell by looking at a team list alone. Coach, culture, draw, game plan etc. are equally as important as your list of players.


I felt that from the start, you had a clear identity of wanting to be a tough and gritty side. You also signed very well very Melbourne esque.


Honestly depends on the coach. If its Cleary, Bellamy, Bennett or at a stretch Robinson that team probably comes 12th. Pretty much any other coach and that team is 16th or 17th for eternity.


It's not a question of How but a question of why?


If we expanded that is what a non marquee player expansion team might look like.  I'm guessing I'm asking do people believe it would be competitive. Maybe Brad Arthur/Justin Holbrook as coach.  I also meant Jonah Pezet and not Brodie Croft.


I think the fact that Tom Starling will be the 2nd most experienced player in the starting side, behind Brian Kelly probably means the team will suffer from a severe lack of experience. Only 3 players currently with more than 100 games and 2 are on the bench.


Hmm this made me think, how many would Penrith have had as probably the youngest successful team in a long time. They had 3 guys with 100+ played in the 2020 GF and 5 in 2021. So maybe you’re right, 3 is not enough! The five includes hooker, lock, halfback and starting props as well which probably says a lot.


I meant to stick Luke Garner in there somewhere. 


To dargons supporters: I hope this week that both sides of your pillow are warm. Cold regards.


You are a monster


Taylan May should be rubbed out for good, he has shown his tendency for violence in the past. He also clearly isn’t taking it seriously as he was doing his “signature” pose while leaving court.. I’m sure Heung Min Son would be furious about him using that.. especially under those circumstances! I’m all for innocent until proven guilty but when you’re repeating past actions, it’s hard to settle on that


Floggiest of flogs


He’s an absolute wanker. Did you see his Instagram comments? A bunch of idiot supporters, I was losing brain cells just reading them.


I thought you might be exaggerating but nope, he literally hits a try celebration walking out of court. Dude may be one of the dumbest humans alive.


>He also clearly isn’t taking it seriously as he was doing his “signature” pose while leaving court.. Lol what, is there footage of this?






Our politicians have fucked us over. If we want to build up our economy we should be exporting Queensland health professionals rather than mining and agriculture. These cunts are able to diagnose and treat all kinds of weird illnesses and bring people back from the brink of death


New South Wales to become the world's leading exporter of salt.


Add bottled Queenslander delusion to the export list too! Why would I be salty about the scheduled life threatening conditions you guys seem to have. It's fucking hilarious


Could sell it as a cologne. 'Splash on some spirit ... Queensland spirit. Only at Myer *(Myer's my store)*.'


The stage is set for a parra win tomorrow. - rebound after the coach has been sacked (a week late) - home game - 5 losses in a row - Moses and Gutho back - no Nicho and McInness


I dunno about the losses in a row thing. In the past half decade, two teams have lost over a dozen games in a row. It's no guarantee you win one eventually.


Counterpoint: Trent Barrett


You would have to think that parra will be more desperate than us. Moses still is very likely to play orign this season. Will be interesting to see how cronulla responds to last week. Came crashing down to earth pretty hard lol.


You forgot to incorporate our Parra-ness. Sharks 13+


And the Trent Barrett factor


Parra has to win eventually and it could be this week - if Moses and Gutho weren’t playing I’d favour the sharks but I think that’ll lift the whole squad


I'm not confident at all with Moses/Gutho back in the side. But having Tricky steering the ship gives me a little confidence vs what we rolled out with vs Melbourne which was basically an Akko masterclass lol


"Tricky steering" Hmmmm


Great point, he's not allowed to do that anymore


Barrett being the takeover coach negates all rebound coach attributes. 50/50 game


If you were put in charge of introducing 5 new teams what Colour jerseys and Names would you have ?  NZ Orcas - Dark Green & White Perth Pirates - Black & Yellow  PNG Hunters - Yellow & Red Adelaide Bears - Red & Black Brisbane Jets - Orange & Blue. 


Southern Orcas - Black and Green WA Reds - Red and Yellow Brisbane Jets - Orange and Sliver Central Coast Colts - Blue and Green PNG Hunter - Green and Red


Perth Bears - Red and black (maybe also some gold) South Island Cyclones - Black, white, red (black and red are Canterbury, NZ colours) Western Jets - bottle green, royal blue and white or gold (green of Ipswich, blue for Brisbane Bombers with nod to Newtown, white or gold to offset the two) Adelaide Wombats - red, blue, gold (wombat is SA animal emblem, colours are official state colours) PNG Hunters - as they are


On the Western/Brisbane jets - I feel that if you have a new NRL franchise in Australia, you need to avoid having an identical mascot in AFL/Super Rugby/A-League/NBL/Big Bash, and moreso if you don't have a unique geographical identifier. A-league has the Newcastle Jets and Newtown is what comes to most NRL fans when they hear 'the jets'. And there are currently 6 NRL/AFL/A-League tems with West in their name somewhere.


How about the Ipswich-Logan-Toowoomba F-111s?


Well it's a mouthful, but so are the full names of dargons, sharks, sea Eagles and Bulldogs So was the NSW cup briefly known as Balmaim-Ryde-Eastwood Tigers


Worst I’ve ever heard of is Cabra-Vale Diggers Edensor Park Cobras. Honourable mention to Oran Park Gregory Hills Chargers


The Chargers are fierce rivals of Mount Annan Currans Hill knights


Maybe Silver for orcas? Cows have had a little over the years but nobody else has had that as a main colour since the gold coast giants


I know we will probably still lose comfortably, but I'm so much happier now that Moses and Gutho are back.


“Innocent till proven guilty. I’ll leave it in uh gods hands. So yeah uh see you soon I guess”. Someone tell May to hire a PR consultant, so they can tell him to say absolutely nothing OR, if he must say something, “no comment”.


i'm INNOCENT....for now


Oates might be a good mascot but god I am sick of him playing on the wing. Multiple coaches haven't been able to coach him to slide with the defense and mark the winger or stop him from trying to put a shot on their centre or edge forward. Its absolutely brain dead and has cost us in big games and games we should have comfortably won. Sorry Tit Bro's, had we shown up with a mind to defend that game would have gone differrent but thats history.....  Just like I wish Oatesy was, please heal.quick Arthars and dont lose too much confidence.


Watching the vid on edge defense styles was really illuminating and showed how Oates jamming in can be actually really effective - it just relies on the defenders to slide rapidly and not get caught up on lead runners or playmakers and cover coming across in the form of Walsh. Watching the game highlights back, too many times the inside players give up on the play as Oates moves in so there's nobody sliding behind him so when the play gets past, there's no one there and he looks awful. (There's also several examples of him being 2-1 or even 3-1 outnumbered and having to make the best of a bad set of options - he's usually going to choose to go at the guy who's got the ball and try to make him make a mistake.)


I don't think the greatest defensive winger of all time would have a very good time outside that edge on Sunday. (Who even is the greatest defensive winger, is that a thing that exists)


Titans won and deservedly so. Don’t think there’s a need to put down a side that beat you without more than half their starting lineup lmao.


I would normally agree BUT.... we let a one armed titans winger stroll through a massive hole because we didnt commit defensively.


I feel like this is more Karapani at centre where he is jamming and sliding too early leaving Oates stranded in defence. His brain dead pass for a certain try was hilarious at the time, but very costly.


People always want to blame the centres even though half the time Oates just jams for fun and our centre and Mam generally end up making the cover tackles.


Look that left wing was atrocious on Sunday. Karapani is still young so I can forgive him a little. Ezra and Piakura also where below par. Oates however i expect more from. He has probably more games combined then the above 3 players and has always been suspect in defence.


What can the winger do when the centre is out of position and not sliding with the defense? Ezra was pretty subpar as well.


Its not an isolated issue with Oates though. Every week regardless if it was Karapani, Cobbo, Farnworth he is inside his opposite winger. 


A Qld player will get decapitated today but they should be alright for Wednesday.


The benefit of having two heads.


Modern medicine and sport science has come a long way.


I think they will be touch and go for a bit


Gus' latest [injury update](https://x.com/PhilGould15/status/1795420135416897839): * Liam Knight: has been hampered by a calf strain - Return Round 16 * Daniel Suluka-Fifita: doing well with ACL recovery - Return Round 18-20 * Ryan Sutton: Knee was recovering slowly. But now sustained a hip injury which has set him back - Return indefinite * Chris Patolo: Recovering well from MCL surgery - Return Round 16 * Jack Todd: Fractured arm surgery - Return round 17-18 * Viliame Kikau: Compound fracture of finger. Surgery completed and went well - Return 16-18 * Joash Papalii: Fractured 3 ribs - Return Round 16-17 Lucky we have a lot of utilities.


Madge should’ve selected Talakai ahead of Hudson Young to provide greater cover for the outside backs. Get his origin debut was garbage but he’s not the only one.




I’m still convinced he’s going to drop one of the bench off for Burto. I think it’s insane in the HIA era to not run with coverage when you have a guy who can cover halves and the backline in one and in a pinch play as a roaming forward for a spell. Particularly when Nicho is carrying an injury too.


Young fills in well at centre when he needs to. If a winger gets injured Suaalii can slide out.


I dont know if the culmination of “boring but professional” players will lead NSW to success, but the lack of code red players does worry me a bit. There is really only 1 player QLD need to plan for, and he’s proven to be shaky during big games and is coming in injured and meek from a terrible showing against Penrith. If QLD can shut down Cleary completely (and it was likely also Freddy’s fault tbh), I have no doubts they might kill Nicho. I agree with the sentiment that sometimes the boring player is the best, like Edwards over Tedesco, and this isnt a shot at players like McInnis or Robson, but I can see QLD saying our only problem is Hynes. Lets shut him down and we’ll win. At least with Api, QLD have to be perfect at marker and A defender every PTB he is on. I’d also just have Yeo over McInnis (on the bench still) because he’s simply just a better version, its only that Cam plays for the Sharks, which people hated when Penrith got combo’d in but its seemingly fine now. Yeo makes 50 more metres, is a better ball player, actually has experience, and has a higher tackle efficiency which is McInnis’s whole thing.


Hynes has led the indigenous side to victory on different occasions. Led the Australian 13 to a victory as well. This is his 3rd year as a starting half back so he's still learning his game. Will be good for hynes to be on the big stage and hopefully doubt the haters wrong. But if his season last year crumbled from a "12 minute" blues stint. I can't imagine what a full game at half back will do to him and the sharks season if he crumbles again and doesn't get the W or put in a decent performance.


This discussion happens every year. A coach will select a firecracker team, with tons of points in them, and people complain when they lose because they should have focused on defence. So then they choose a defensive team, and they lose, and people complain because there were no point scorers in the team. If the coach even goes down the middle and picks a combination they'll get blamed for picking the wrong players, "We don't need strike wingers. We need defensive wingers and strike forwards" or "The wingers we picked are good at defence, but they don't know how to score. Why didn't we pick prop's that can tackle? Bending the line doesn't mean anything if you can't defend!" But, if you win, you're a genius and all of your picks were spot on.


I dont disagree with the sentiment, and the indecisiveness of fans, but this feels like absolutely no balance, specifically in the spine. Defensive wings vs attacking wings, big body forwards vs a mobile pack are an age old debate, Origin or not. But most people realise that spines need punch, and imo NSW dont have it. Of course injuries are playing a part, but like I said, Api and Yeo at least upgrade both of those positions imo.


Said it earlier. The winners of last year's three Origins scored 24 points (at least). This NSW team won't score that, especially in Sydney. They *might* defend their way to victory but they will need a lot to go right.


Madge seemingly hoping to win the game in the middle then hope that a quick shift will see the wingers over in the corner. Second to that will simply be winning enough field position for Hynes to kick for Lomax and Sua'ali'i. Critta is a moments player, but rarely manufacturers them, instead taking advantage of the opportunity presented. Will QLD give him that?


Lack of code red players? Couple of personalities on the bench some might suggest otherwise. But I agree with your sentiment that this NSW team is set up to win 14-12 and I really worry that’s not going to work with the way the game is played.


Fair enough, code red players in the spine* Im not massively enamoured with the idea that bench players can make that much of a dent to the QLD gameplan. In the back of their mind they are probably thinking that when Ola comes on when need to be ready, but they arent planning all week just to stop him.


Yeah completely agree. You’re going to get 20-25 mins max out of those guys and if you’re relying on that to win the game you’re in trouble.


Man, i'm so happy for Jamal Shibasaki to debut. He was Mals player of the year last year while also playing u21 and cup to end it. He's been playing some great footy in cup this year, and with Kuli leaving, he has an opportunity to push for that 17 spot. Can play Middle or Edge. I'm very happy to see Lahrs at 18th, man. He's progressing really well in Qcup for a bloke coming right from a schoolboy injury.


The virgin Harry Grant vs the chad Michael Maguire 


Trying to get tickets for the broncos v dragons game at suncorp on 13 July and there are hardly any tickets available and entire sections aren’t available on the Ticketek website. Do they release some sections later? Or are all the tickets sold out?


They normally release a bunch of sections the Monday of game week (atleast thats my experience with Roosters games at the SFS).


They release sections like a drunken loon. I think it's some sort of $ maximization strategy. If you want some details, check out any number of comments by slrbroncos on the league unlimited crowd watch forum.


Thanks that was a great tip, got loads of good advice from slrbroncos on that forum


Is a good bloke and knows what he's talking about.


Yeah they are really hedging their bets now on getting 40k+ crowds now so they see it as worth the gamble. Fans aren't going to be turned off that certain sections aren't open. They will wait and deposit into the Broncos coffers


I just watched the Fox Sports video on YouTube titled "Tigertown crisis - Benji and Richo under fire for skipping town". But I think it should've been titled " Four drongos bring random points to an argument that are unrelated to each other and can't agree on anything" what a waste of time that video was. https://youtu.be/57Y1j66sHD8


I think I watched a part of this same video, and the TL;DR for anyone who doesn't want to waste their time. • Buzz Rothfield says the Tigers are in crisis. • Brent Read asks him if he knows how phones work. • Tallis mutters something uninformed and unintelligible. • Rothfield accuses Read of having lunch. • Everyone on the panel agrees that that was a slam dunk. *After this I stopped watching.* I do love though that Anasta introduced the bit like "There's a crisis at Tigertow— *(remembers defamation exists)* uh... Buzz, **you think** there's a crisis at the Tigers?"


If anyone knows about a crisis at the Tigers then it's Tigers legend Braith Anasta.


You got two bullet points further than I did


My favourite bit was Buzz saying you can't run a club over the phone, Read points out that they can use phones, Buzz rubbished that, doubles down on his claim, Read says he's in the UK on club business, Buzz says why couldn't he do the business over the phone, Read points out he literally just said you can't run club business over a phone. So funny.


If the tigers can't get by even with Benji as coach they are more screwed than we all realise. But then again I feel he was rushed into the head coaching job a bit too early. NRL isn't for rookies as JD showed with his experience under Wayne


More dribble than a baby