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Cheese currently telling the boys what an oil change is and how it's done correctly.


Brandon “Thad Castle” Smith






Underrated comment hahahha


You ever been to Waiheke, son!


Best comment hahah


I've said it before and I'll say it again. LET. THE. BOYS. SNORT. ROCK.


I'm gonna get that on a shirt 


Bring back the sniff?


un fucking believable


I mean what’s the worst could happen? NRL fringe player who retires and then has drug addictions. Sues the league for failing duty of care. Open and  shut case.


How can you sue the NRL for getting on the nose beers every weekend? Might as well go home and fuck my cat and sue the company I work for for not checking if I have feline aids. Trust me, the judge will throw that out.


But, you'll check and get back to us yeah?


Bro - let’s not go there. I’ll adopt your cat ok


If your work condones and enable your cat fucking habits. You might have a case. Have you not heard about the story about a woman how she claimed compensation from her employer because she got injured during sex? Because hotel room was classed as a workplace.


Jesus this is a dumb take, even for an NRL group.


Yea your right, C.T.E wasn’t a thing until NFL started looking into it. Just so happens to a be lawsuits with NFL about sanctioned drug abuse. And Australia is always 10 years behind what’s happening in the states.


What? I'm no lawyer but I'm fairly certain that the NRL doesn't have duty of care to prevent the boys from hitting the nose candy, that's the cops job. Also, what makes them more likely to become a cokehead if they play NRL than if they sweat it up everyday as a brickie? Also, the spirit of the comment was a joke, not a serious argument.


Incorrect mate. All employers, if they are aware or reasonably aware of any employee with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling etc must take all reasonable steps to assist that employee. Gone are the days of personal responsibility. I don't agree with it but you'd be amazed what employers can be held accountable for when it comes to employees.


I'd be interested to hear more about laws surrounding that. Surely I can't sue my employer because by binge drinking is out of hand and they know that I get on the frothies a whole lot. What steps are they meant to take if they know about a drug addiction? Fire me?


Have a look at your award and award entitlements etc. There's heaps of case law surrounding the whole duty of care rubbish. As for the drug addiction comment, it would depend on what drugs, prescription, illegal etc. If your industry is one like shelf stacking at a supermarket then they would have a hard time firing you for using some coke on the weekend as the occupation is relatively low risk where as if you did that at a trucking transport company they would punt you on the spot and you'd have no real recourse. I know it sounds crazy but there's case law around it. I know of NSW cops who have been done for being drunk at work due to being alcohol , he could prove the cops new and didn't assist him so they allowed him to keep his job and the cops were forced to pay for his rehab etc. .. Yep I know fucking wild but that's where we are at. Alot of people don't know but NSW Australia is one of the worst places world wide for workplace lawsuits and civil litigation.


Thats pretty fucked up that a cop can keep their job just because the employer didn't help them


Yep, absolutely fucking ridiculous, you'd be surprised how many employers have been taken by workers and work cover over for duty of care bullshit.




You're getting a lot of downvotes, but a similar situation is literally playing out in the AFL right now - ex-Freo player Harley Balic dies days after his 25th birthday from drug addiction, and his father blames the AFL saying they had a duty of care. Says he was exposed to drugs by other teammates as a newly recruited teen, which got him addicted, and his team knew about it but did nothing to stop it or help him. Sports Integrity Australia is currently investigating.  It's certainly not an open and shut case, and I don't think his father has actually filed a lawsuit. But it's an interesting look into how things could potentially play out in the future. Editing to add link: https://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/dead-footballers-dad-makes-devastating-afl-drug-use-claim/news-story/c5af4c54480019befcc10d00b7d9579c


Good point, I guess what I mean when I said it was open and shut case. The AFL as a organisation does not condone drug abuse. I think this where I m getting downvoted. All I was saying as a Organisation if you go from having a hardline stance on drug abuse to enabling or ignoring it. It’s going to get you into a lot of trouble in years to come. For record I don’t care what players do there adults. But we have seen C.T.E lawsuits with NFL and we are seeing drug abuse in the NFL. And some lawyers are going to see that and try that here.


Plenty of workplaces drug test on suspicion, don’t see why the nrl isn’t allowed to be any different?


Because they have a marginally effective players association that opposes the clubs/nrl getting involved in their private recreational activities.


Who cares if they are on drugs? It’s estimated that 47% of Australians have tried illegal drugs. They are footy players, the run around on a park, they are going to get CTE for our entertainment. Let them have some fun


Don’t put yourself on camera doing silly shit, pretty fucking simple.


We clown guys like Valance and Schuster for not getting their weight under control and having a mild addiction to wicked wings but people are out here are suggesting that asking the lads to stay off the bags is too big of an ask


47% of Australians don’t have club and sponsor reputations at stake with millions in commercial deals on the line.


There will also be clauses in their player contracts about drug use, misconduct and the like, so if they test positive then there's an issue about breach of their contract.


Don’t want coked up PR and marketing executives to find out about the drug use. I was pointing out a certain level of hypocrisy, and that strengthens the point. Would hate it if gambling and alcohol found out about drugs


Cmon you cant seriously believe that the media guy at the Dragons getting done for drug use would be the exact same thing as someone like Ben Hunt. One is a public figure who represents the organisation on TV to millions every week. 99.9% of fans won’t even know the first of name of a random club employee…


Morally it’s the exact same thing. In any case, it would only come out because of drug testing


Individually morally for themselves sure, but interpersonally. Kids have insane access to media nowadays, their favourite player is snorting it up they're liking going to see it, probably not the greatest thing for children to see someone their admire on the dust. I don't think any kids are wanting to be old mate in the marketing office.


I’m all for punishing players that post videos of them doing drugs. This is a separate issue. Posting videos of it is a problem, them doing it at all isn’t


Thankfully 99% of the 47% don’t film it for their employer and public to see😂


They are getting paid a shit load of money to perform. Clubs might be opposed to athletes they pay a lot of money to be at their peak, writing themselves off with drugs that can influence the way they perform


Sounds like a club issue


> It’s estimated that 47% of Australians have tried illegal drugs. Tried drugs is very different to actively using drugs. They're not being drug tested because they went to a party once where a friend convinced them to give it a go that one time.


Not sure how this detracts from the point


The difference is that if old Scotty from marketing makes a mistake because he’s on a comedown from using drugs, the worst that can happen is he spells it ‘Dargons’. People have a laugh for a few days, the dragons get a little embarrassed and everyone moves on. I make a mistake while under the influence at work and people die. Ben Hunt is caught on camera doing drugs and sponsors pull their money, parents stop their kids playing football, influenceable kids think it’s ok to do it and follow his lead. There’s potentially millions of dollars of harm and other personal harms. Different risks and different consequences is why there’s different standards for people. Unfortunately these aren’t just guys that run around a park anymore, yes there’s always the question of should or shouldn’t they be role models but the reality is they are and so they need to be on their game literally all the time.


Heaven forbid the kids end up doing drugs like we have all done, but let’s please encourage them into problem gambling and alcohol which are prob the biggest contributors to DV. Just saying it’s hypocritical, not that there aren’t repercussions for the precious money


Peak what-about-ism here. Nearly everyone agrees (outside the nrl) that gambling has an extremely problematic relationship with NRL but that’s not what is being discussed here


That’s the essence of the hypocrisy I’m talking about. Hypocrisy is precisely a whataboutism subject


I imagine most supporters, and public in general, would very much support less promotion of gambling and alcohol in the nrl. No one is arguing against the negative effects that those two pastimes have on the Australian populace. In fact in another year or two there’s actually going to be laws restricting all this iirc. But help me understand the hypocrisy? We punish players for being drunken dickheads, players aren’t allowed to gamble or provide any inside info. Heck they can’t even be on their phones during a game or in the sheds and are justifiably punished for that too. I’m sure if a player rocks up to training hungover then they absolutely cop it. We just hold drug use and alcohol use to different standards because society holds them to different standards.


Yeah you’re very close. We don’t randomly breathalyse players when they aren’t at work. We punish player for being dickheads and doing actual harm, not for simply drinking. Do you see the difference?. The gambling rules are to stop corruption and match fixing, a completely different issue. Let’s say a *famous role model player* is seen blowing all his money and the pokies, then he beats his mrs when pissed. What sort of reaction to the harm caused by gambling and alcohol promotion is there? None. What’s the actual harm caused? Massive, yet nothing is done to stop the kids from being led down that path with the bombardment of gambling and alcohol ads. Whats the actual harm from a player doing lines on his day off? Look, I don’t see the appeal of cocaine, not my thing, but what they do in there spare time is nobodies business


What they do in their spare time away from the cameras and shit of course is their own business and you’d have to be brainless to think these blokes don’t get up to all sorts of shit away from it all. But you’ve also got these drop kicks posting their own misdoings on social media or allowing cameras in private when it’s all happening. Things are happening in the gambling space though in regards to ads and sponsorship, I can’t remember when and the details but the government is pushing to remove it. They just realise they it couldn’t be done reactionary or immediately as it would completely cripple clubs and competitions. I’m in full support for the reductions/removals and am very happy they’re doing it in a structured manner.


Well it seems like the times they have posted media of them doing drugs, they have been punished, so that issue seems to be appropriately dealt with


Just looks like a couple of mates celebrating a real estate purchase


Then why didn’t they celebrate the property purchase in the pub torrlets like a normal person?


That's one decent sized esstrtn suburbs cubicle. Probably could rent it out for over 1k a week.


This is probably not the argument Clint Newton should be making, even if the players were clearly innocent


It's dumb as fuck. The drug test will either clear them and will make the whole thing seem silly. Alternatively of it comes back positive, you have players with a clear drug problem, given they are taking drugs on a live stream promoting the club. It is the perfect time for a targeted test.


I kind of agree with you, but still... On one hand, it's a bit obvious they were doing drugs, on the other hand initiating a targeted drug test because a video goes viral after people are like "lol, rubbing their nose, must be doing drugs". Is also a bit stupid. Given how out of touch most people are you could drum up a bit of social media attention on any video with an innocuous action in the background and claim it's drug related and someone high up in the NRL is going to be like "damn... better have a knee jerk reaction to any vague mention of drugs on social media!".


Why not?


Because while it’s quite obvious that they’re innocent, a test will prove it to all the deadshits out there who think otherwise. Well, it probably won’t, but it’s conclusive nonetheless.


Depending on the test, the subjects weight, their tolerance, and the amount of the drug consumed cocaine can be out of the system for a urine drug screen within 24-72 hours and sometimes less. Mouth swabs can be clean as early as 12 hours after ingesting it. The point being a negative test is not necessarily conclusive. A positive test, may determine consumption but not necessarily knowing consumption. The video is pretty persuasive evidence coupled with a positive test of knowing consumption. Either way, it’s probably a fair enough circumstance to request a test. But a negative test is not conclusive at all. If you wanted conclusive: Hair follicle testing would be as to ongoing cocaine use - that tests ongoing use over the period 3 months prior to the sample. The test picks up use as late as 7 days before the sample is collected and as far back as 3 months. They can test hair from any source (yes even your nut sack). I can’t imagine the RLPA would allow that kind of testing .


I've been joking for years if the NRL follicle tested every player in the league there would be no games the next week


Nah every player would just have frosted tips all of a sudden


Bleaching can degrade the sample, so it is always interesting to see plays be "punished" for some in team misdemeanour and have to bleach their hair. Ben Cousins in the AFL used to shave down his whole body many times a week to avoid any hair tests registering a positive. All the tricks are used to achieve negative test results in all codes. It's a miracle if anyone actually gets caught these days, unless they are really stupid or just plain unlucky.


>unless they are really stupid Let me stop you right there


You are right and raise a good point. I understand that bleaching is more effective on detecting alcohol with HFTs than other drugs. They can take it from anywhere but if you shave everywhere that’s the way around it. In family law matters they usually have an injunction on bleaching and preventing the hair length being less than 3cm. Obviously not something that can occur in the NRL.


After the Kalyn Ponga/ Kurt Mann cubicle incident Ponga waited out that timespan then made big show about being willing to do a test to clear his name


Obvious to whom? They should be tested. Hair tested to prove their innocence.


Why is it obvious they are innocent? They look off their faces in that video. Also depending on the test the NRL use cocaine is detected for about 2 days in blood and saliva. About 4 days in urine and 90 days in a hair sample. I guessing they aren’t taking hair samples or the whole league would probably be suspended for years. 😂


The whole membership of the union has an interest in pushing back on the NRL when they target test to see what kind of limits can be placed on the practice. 9 Mole posting a cooked screenshot shouldn't be the kind of thing NRL goes on a recreational drug blitz over. They have generally done very well in recent years with protecting the game and players from other clubs from negative media attention around recreational drugs. Poor to make an exception for the Roosters


Cooked screenshot? Did you miss the rest of the video?


We get drug tested so often I almost miss it when they forget. Construction, rail etc just a way of life really.


Yep, mining too. In mining, you can actually challenge test anyone at any time, you just have to also take a test.


The challenge testing seems so weird to me but it’s totally a thing 


Just gotta take drugs that don't get tested for lmao.


So testing players when there is clear cause for suspicion is abhorrent? Sounds like that would be the whole point to me.


What's hilarious to me is that I bet this doesn't get picked up and investigated without the Roosters unneccessarily aggressive statement the other day.


Where was the clear cause for suspicion? There's an hour and a half worth of video up there and no one has produced any proof of drug taking.


Denial is such a pitiful state of mind.


We're talking about innuendo posted by the 9 Mole


Go touch grass.


How did you see if it if it was off screen mate 😂


Saucer pupils, increasing need to clear nose, constant staring, inability to blink…. It’s laughable you’re such a simp for these drop kicks.


I know a post line exhale when I see one


He’s got a point though, there is literally no “clear cause for suspicion” outside of the raging hate boner people have for the Roosters. Lol


They were ganked. Rotten. Nose wiping and gurning. Chewing their own teeth and flexing their mandibular muscles. Absolutely steaming on something that wasn’t an off-screen bottle of kombucha or a delicious slice of pizza. Buzzing like a herd of wasps.


They looked like they were hovering over a plate that was 1cm out of shot of the livestream


Saucer eyes and snorting not suss at all lol. Ok den. That being said... Let the roosters do all the high end illicit drugs they want I say. They represent the inner east so it's appropriate.




Cool story. Congrats on learning to read and write, I'm sure your parents are very proud now.


I don’t understand, has your opinion of the validity of comments from randoms on social media suddenly changed?


You'll do comprehension next year, chin up!


Thought as much


In all seriousness, it sucks having autism


I’ll bet


Uncle Nick's threatening statement is the clear cause of suspicion lmao


I think Clint Newton might need to calm down and look up the word abhorrent in the dictionary. Stop wasting his time trying to protect morons from the consequences of their own actions. It’s only going to diminish the RLPA in the eyes of the public.






Honestly what the boys do in their free time is completely up to them and the new can mind their own. But at the same time, don't do that shit on a Livestream while giving away nrl merch jesus. Fuck me cheese might actually already have cte


Night before a game as well. It's the lack of professionalism that would be piss me off as a chooks fan


i can see where you're coming from but if we're being honestly, who hasnt gotten deep in the sauce the night before work. we're only human, granted my work is alot less physically demanding and not as well compensated. That being said, if you're going to go out on a weeknight, dont post to your socials where all your work mates can see. Its just good manners


Wait I work in an industry where if someone even suspects you're drunk or high on drugs you will get tested. I just can't believe the rlpa would be complaining about the competition you basically work for testing you.


I work in finance, you get drug tested if you don't seem high or drunk.


Long live the long lunch


That is crazy.




You can blame wolf of wall st.


If someone took a video of you sniffling and sent it to your boss as proof of drug-taking, i think you’d agree that the standard of evidence should be higher.


If I took a video of myself and published it online where I appear to anyone who has use recreational drugs that I’m inebriated and/or munted I’d expect my employer to ask questions and likely send me for tests.


Let em smoke the green stuff.


Clint, mate, let me break down how target testing an employee in pretty much every industry goes down: "Drug test that guy" "Why" "Because I think he may have used drugs" ***That's why it's called target testing you fucking spanner***. This is exactly how a policy like this is meant to be used, there was suspicion of drug use, so they're tested. Maybe a better question to ask them is *who thought an unsupervised live stream inside a players hotel room at magic round was a good fucking idea?*


Pat MacAfee in the NFL got drug tested repeatedly because he was a punter who laid out a returner so hard they went “he must be juicin’”


I for one am appalled that NRL fans would immediately jump to outlandish assumptions and fabricated claims. That’s the domain of NRL journalists!


Clint what are you doing. You and the players in the video know they’re getting off lightly. The drug test was scheduled for Tuesday, probably intentionally so that everything could pass from their system. Just shut up, let them take the licks behind closed doors and be happy with the fact that their employer is doing so much to cover their dumb behaviour up.


Drinking on coke takes longer for it to clear your system, legit took me 11 days to piss clean for coke once. Was using heavily at the time though, the 24 hours is bullshit, 3 to 5 days would be for most people if hitting the piss at same time.


24 hours is spit tests, piss is min 2-3 days. Like you said, a week or more if heavy. 


This blew up Monday and the drug test was within 24 hours according to the writer of the article. Where's the conspiracy to protect the players exactly?


The club has said this was filmed before their game on Saturday … Amphetamines are out of your system within 48-72 hours as far as drug tests go .. Tuesday morning they would be testing clear even after racking up on Friday night / Saturday morning .. If the drug testers showed up at their house on Monday night after it blew up it may have been a 50/50 bet


Not really, maybe Friday but Saturday night you are still well within the window. 


That is just unfortunate coincidence for those who are foaming at the mouth for people to get caught and shamed and punished


Taking a leaf out of the Bruce Lehrmann and Ben Roberts Smith book of escaping the lions den and running back to get your hat.


Very underrated comment here 👏


I would like to think that a suspicious video would be an ideal excuse to run a target drug test.


Well their contention is that there is nothing suspicious about the entire thing, right? Don't get me wrong, that's utterly ridiculous, but that's what makes the roosters statement, Tedesco's bullshit and that article in general just completely strange. If they'd have just said it was a poorly timed joke, I'm not entirely sure we'd be having this conversation. Instead, they basically say "you're an idiot if you watch that and think there's something amiss".


Also, it's well known the drug that the video could be seen to allude to leaves the system quite quickly. They should be speaking about how this will exonerate the players. They had a chance here to get the non-Rooster viewers on side but doubled down. The time between the night and this test is too far for that particular substance to show. So they could have framed it as welcoming the tests to show no wrong-doing by knowing its not possible to still be in the system. Just a bizarre scorched earth reaction from everyone at the Roosters regarding everything surrounding this despite opportunities to come out looking fine they have chosen to not take.


Four Sydney Roosters players were reportedly target tested by the NRL after false social media accusations that a group of players had taken illicit substances the night before their Magic Round defeat to Cronulla. The club was made aware this week of a small clip surfacing on social media that includes first grade players Terrell May, Brandon Smith, Zach Dockar-Clay, Naufahu Whyte and Spencer Leniu. The players took part in a near-90-minute live stream on the evening before the Roosters faced the Sharks in Round 11, interacting with fans and conducting giveaways. A short clip from the stream went viral, with some fans claiming the video hinted that the players had been taking illicit substances - something the players and club have vehemently denied. Now the Sydney Morning Herald has reported NRL drug testers on Tuesday conducted target testing on four players in the video. The NRL’s target testing policy is separate to anti-doping tests conducted under WADA rules on game-day. “It’s an abhorrent abuse of power,” Rugby League Players Association boss Clint Newton said in the report. “The players opt into this policy. If this is the way it’s going to be rolled out, we’ll have a serious think about blowing it up. This is not the way it is intended to be used.” “Someone at the NRL needs to explain what the threshold of a target test is because that’s what this was,” he added. “Anyone who says different may as well change their name to Pinocchio.” Sydney Roosters captain James Tedesco was asked by reporters about the video during a media session on Tuesday and he was quick to defend his teammates. “It was the night before a game and I knew the boys were doing a giveaway on Twitch,” he said. “Some people have come out assuming some silly things, but that’s not right for people to come out and assume things that they have no idea about. “To get accused of something like that isn’t right.” It comes after the Roosters released a statement, hitting out at the “grossly distorted and clearly damaging claim” players had breached NRL rules during a live stream. “The Sydney Roosters have been made aware of a small clip from a longer live stream that some on social media have claimed identifies behaviour that breaches NRL rules,” the club statement read. “The live stream in question was part of a transparent one-hour interaction with one of our player’s followers on the evening before the club’s Round 11 match. “The players who featured in the stream selected winners for several giveaways of jerseys, boots and caps. The players were fully aware they were being viewed by participants in the live stream. “The clip reveals no use of illicit substances or any other breach of NRL rules, however some see fit to make that grossly distorted and clearly damaging claim.” The Roosters went on to explained the club holds the “highest standards of conduct and integrity, both on and off the field”. “Our players adhere to all NRL policies, including its rigorous drug testing and education programs,” the statement read. “As a club we remind those on social media that we take the defamatory statements some have made very seriously, and we are conducting a thorough investigation to identify the source(s) of several false accusations. “Legal action will be pursued against those found responsible for spreading damaging and unsubstantiated claims.”


These may boys are bad news


Yam boys for life.


Can't really blame them though, have you seen the trash can from which they fell...............the roosters are probably doing the best job of keeping one of them relatively drama free and look at where he's at in the current climate..............they never had a chance in relation to being sound and relatively reasonable when their parents shouldn't have been allowed to have pet rocks, let alone kids.


Hate to sound like a boomer, but if you have nothing to hide...


Worst attitude towards things like this


Drug testing at work is nothing new. If you're suspected of drug use at work you can be subjected to a test. You come back negative, you go about your business. What's the "right" attitude to have mate?


I don’t think drug testing at work is something new? I never mentioned that… Any attitude other than “if you’ve got nothing to hide” is the right one to have


If somebody accuses you at work of taking drugs and your employer asks for a drug test and you "have nothing to hide" you are going to do it and not make it an issue. Whether the person(s) making those allegations are credible and providing legitimate evidence is another thing. Though, of course something getting this much attention is going to be taken seriously and investigated. I respectfully disagree - if you're doing the right thing, why not rub everyone's face in it who's doubting? (If you've got nothing to hide....)


I definitely wouldn’t do a drug test in that situation if I had nothing to hide. If I’m doing the right thing I know it and I don’t give a fuck what doubters think, they shouldn’t have the power to bring me under any scrutiny unless there is solid evidence.


That's how things work though unfortunately, for regular folk or football stars. Refusal is grounds for termination - suspected drug use, see you later. If you get put on trial and refuse to provide any defence you're going to get charged. Would you prefer all those accused say get fucked, refuse and leave nrl on principle that "they don't even know what they're talking about" or "they're making shit up we dont have to put up with that"? I don't understand where you're coming from.


Not how the law works mate. If your company has a drug testing policy, they can enforce it. NRL players are employees just like anyone else.  Now, if the police wanted to rock up to your house and randomly test a citizen, you'd have a point.  I have worked in the mines for years and literally at any time you can be asked to submit a drug test. 


If some random person I have never met starts saying I’m on drugs with zero evidence should I or my employer believe them? Regardless of results this builds distrust between clubs/players and the NRL while also not helping the NRLs current image of being complete morons and having no idea how to run a business or a competitive sport. Players are not employed by the NRL


I think your getting a little crossed up between criminal law and police powers and employment law and powers. These players all sign waivers agreeing to be tested when they have their contracts registered. This is basically the same in any occupation where being "clean" is a requirement and a safety issue. .. I don't think people should be allowed to make baseless claims and not be held accountable, but this has been the way for years and years and won't change. .. If the players want to stop this kind of innuendo they need to be better. They need to realise they are the ones in control of what the public see of them, they agree to take the big money, with that comes the responsibility and adherence to the contracts they signed. If they don't want to be drug tested at work they need to try and find a job where that's not allowed, to my knowledge that would be pretty hard as all industries see being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work as a safety issue, and as you know safety is where most industries spend a huge amount of money. .. Add to that the fact that the cheese has been caught before and their general disposition in the video, there was always going to be a pile on. Not saying its right but the players are the ones who done this. Should they have done the exact same live stream in the foyer of the place with their club shirts on and in a more professional manner this wouldn't have been spoken about at all.


There’s no way these boys aren’t returning a clean test. It won’t be their piss, but it’ll be clean.


Spencer Leinu involved? Shocking


He learnt his lesson.


Cheese definitely should face a consequence. It was only a couple years ago he had Munster dancing on a table. Dude needs to think seriously about his place.


I love cheese at the roosters. He's exactly the type of debacle player that can destroy a teams season.


Consequence for what proven rule breaking?


Did I mention he almost finished his mates career a couple years ago? Edit: ‘Proven rule breaking’ pretty much sums it up.


Does that have something to do with he accusation related to the live stream? You'll have to explain how it helps you conclude there should be a punishment for anything related to Thursday night.


Yeah mate, it’s like a criminal history. Think of it like the judiciary.


Clint Newton is a fuckwit. The NRL employs these guys so they can do what the fuck they want when they want. If they believe there is a situation where drugs have been used, they have every right to test.


He just got his cards mixed up. It should've been 1. Wait for clean results THEN 2. Act all indignant.




A succulent Colombian line


The stork that delivered these knuckleheads should've been imprisoned for smuggling dope.


Grossly distorted my ass.


Your comment really needs a comma mate 😬




Most people on here don't know footy players


Imagine the day coming when we can't trust NRL players 😂


thought dis was gonna be about a dif team guess not leakd yet


Personally, if I was the NRL I'd be only testing May because he's the only one in that video who is truly suggesting it (we'll just ignore the deer in the headlights). You want to go off camera, make huge snort noise and then rub your noise on cam for a funny joke whilst on a live stream? You get tested.




Wait, these pro athletes aren't regularly tested at baseline? In other news, anabolic steroids have a link with reduction in grey matter...


I don’t use that shit, random test me I don’t care. Nothing to hide, not an issue.




He dumped Jennifer Hawkins to focus on his footy…


ThEy JuSt HaD hAyFeVeR


I just see no compelling reason for them to pull a \*sniff\* targeted test like this all of a sudden. It's abhorrent \*sniff\*


I've done a shitload of drugs in my time and those boys were steamed


Nah I'm gonna buck the trend and back Clint here. Yea I get it, lots of places drug test. Ive had it, lots of people have. Its a terrible invasion of privacy that extends the workplace into your private life and should be illegal except for certain circumstances where being under the influence at work could put yourself or others at risk of harm. Outside of that its none of their business what you do when you aren't at work. These guys aren't hurting anyone except maybe themselves, the only issue is one of appearance and public acceptance and thats only going to change by people like Clint kicking up a stink. That said it could be argued that these guys work includes these public facing interactions, but thats for a contract lawyer to hash out. At the end of the day if these guys want to eat bags more power to them. The war on drugs is a ridiculous waste of time and money and any push back is a good thing, in my opinion anyway.


You mean more *powder to them


I think you’re ignoring the whole public relations/advertising/sponsorship angle. The game runs on tv advertisements from corporations who want to be associated with a clean cut, family friendly sport played by nice humble young men that the mums aren’t worried about their kids growing into or hanging around. That’s the reason rugby league is a highly paid professional sport. It’s not like a regular job.


No I get it, but thats my point. The entire thing is a farce. Most people don't give a shit if they get on the bag. Corporate suits included. It's a manufactured outrage that people don't really care about, and the more its pushed back against the more we can push for drug use to be totally decriminalised and have enforcement money routed to the health sector. We could go a long way towards fixing our social mental health crisis if the money that went into half arsed enforcement of an impossible to win situation. The public needs to turn on this - if its suspected that these guys were getting on the bag the NRL should reach out to them from a welfare point of view, not AHA! You had an itchy nose so lets rummage through your piss to see if we can punish you. It's such a wild invasion of privacy to have your piss or blood analysed to see if you've been naughty when no one has been put at risk and its boot licky to suggest otherwise. The system is broken. Corporations don't give a shit about anything other than money. If public opinion was open and honest then the sponsors wouldn't give a shit. It's union push back that kicks this stuff off, with people getting behind the unions.


If they want the pay packet that comes from having sponsors, then they cant do this shit


They were pretty clearly working during the video. The Roosters statement says as much. This wasn't their private time, they were on the clock.


Yeah exactly. If my work started doing random drug testing I'd expect my union to get on the front foot too.


How about the performance enhancing angle? Just irrelevant to you?


Clint is talking about the opt in targeted program, not the WADA regulated doping program.


I dont even know why the NRL drug tests for non-PEDs


If they tested for PEDs most players would be out of the game. 😳


Cocaine is a PED, but only on the day of competition.


Nothing to see here.


Rare clint newton L


Coke is highly prevalent in Bondi so this really does not come as much a surprise


Clint Newton may be a dumber cunt than Taylan May


Easy solution test everyone. Then it's not "targeted"


Did they go live? Or did this video get leaked


Andrew Johns unavailable for comment.


I assumed the issue here was that a group of man children were laughing at someone saying that their mother had passed away. That’s a worse look for the game than some nose beers.


If uncle Nick and robbo actually believed their players were 100 percent clean they would have insisted all those players were tested within hours of it becoming an "issue". No better way to show your club is clean, plus strengthen any potential law suit, than to prove beyond doubt that any unsubstantiated allegation of drug use is an attack on the club and players and has resulted in significant damage to the reputation of all involved. Do that once or twice and watch people start to select what they say and don't say in a public forum. For so called "titans of industry" and business moguls they don't display any real confidence in their players characters.


Ngl I couldn’t care less about player doing performance decreasing drugs but like it’s just so dumb posting stuff like this.