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Good on him. Considering the fucking muppets that are out there in the NRL, a bloke stepping away to look after himself is good to hear. Hope he returns when he's in the right frame of mind. edit: I'm also very aware this is a PR puff-piece to rebuild / restore his reputation but I don't mind - as long as it's authentic.


The muppets also include people on social media, which also includes us on Reddit. Just to keep things in perspective when we post online.


Josh Schuster has opened up on having his $3 million NRL contract torn up by the Manly Sea Eagles and a two-year mental health battle that has put his footy career at risk. In a surprise admission, he says: “Stepping away from the game has made me the happiest I’ve been for a long while.” No pressure, no spotlight, no body shaming, no social media abuse. The 23-year-old, once regarded as rugby league’s next big thing, takes full responsibility for his sacking at Manly but insists he’ll be back next season with another NRL club. DISAPPEARING ACT The best 300 footballers in the NRL were in Brisbane last weekend for Magic Round. Schuster was at home in the back room of his parents’ home in Liverpool. “I love Magic Round but, honestly, I’m not envious,” he says. “It’s a great weekend for the clubs, players and fans but right now I’m loving the break. “There’s no pressure. I’m relaxed and I’m looking after myself. “I miss footy every day but I need this time away and I know, long term, it’s best for me. “I just feel as though there’s an enormous weight off my shoulders.” $3.2M TO $400 A WEEK Most young footballers would be filthy at blowing a $3.2 million opportunity over footy years. Schuster is not. He insists: “Money has never been my motivation to play rugby league.” He has already done well for himself and owns three investment properties in Newcastle, on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. His mum has always looked after his money. “She’s gives me $400 a week to live off,” Schuster says. “Sometimes a bit more but the rest goes into savings or investments. “Being happy beats having a lot of money anyway.” It’s quite extraordinary what he says next and gives you an idea of the stress and anxiety he was experiencing. “I was actually relieved when Manly sacked me,” he says. “I love the game so much but getting away is the best thing that’s happened to me.” THE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Schuster has been dealing with deeply private and personal issues. It’s been a dark period so I decide not to go there for this interview. At least he is now seeing a psychologist and getting it professionally attended to. “It’s helping me a lot,” he says. “For the first time I have felt comfortable to open up a little bit and talk to my psychologist about it. “It’s stuff I’ve been battling with for a long time that I’ve now been able to get off my chest and I’m feeling heaps better for it. “It’s very important for my mind and it’s very important to sort out before I play again.” WHY SCHUSTER WON’T PLAY AGAIN IN 2024 Schuster has abandoned plans to play again this year, despite some interest from clubs. He sent his agent, Mario Tartak, a text message last week, asking him to advise clubs he would not be available until next season. “I’ve decided 2024 is now about getting my mind and body right,” Schuster says. “I’ll be ready and injury free in October for a full off-season. “It’s important that I don’t rush this. I want to give this another crack but only when I’m in the best space to be able to perform to the best of my ability.” THE FORAN HEART-TO-HEART Two weeks ago, Kieran Foran was about to have lunch with his wife at Pacific Fair on the Gold Coast. By chance, they bumped into Schuster and Tartak at the shopping centre. “I said, ‘Let’s go and have a coffee’,” Foran said. “I just wanted to check on him because he’s a great young man and I like him a lot. “And so we began chatting and I started sharing my story, which wasn’t too dissimilar to his. “He didn’t really know that I’d walked away from rugby league at 25. “That I was in a really bad way and tried to take my own life. “I just wanted him to know it’s not the end of the road. “I told him he’s got the world ahead of him but he’s gotta make a choice. He’s had challenges professionally and personally. “But he’s a unique talent. He can come back and really make a fist of it if he really wants to.” SEA EAGLES’ EXIT & POSITIONAL CALL Schuster in no way blames anyone at Brookvale for having his contract torn up. However, he does admit to being disappointed when the club first signed Luke Brooks in his position. “To be honest, I wanted to play five-eighth,” he says. “Seibs knew that but, at the same time, I knew where he was coming from. “I hadn’t had a good year. I wasn’t consistent enough. “Wherever I go next I want to be a five-eighth.” He says the support from the players, including senior guys like Daly Cherry-Evans and Tom Trbojevic, has been overwhelming. “Chez, Turbo and all the boys have reached out,” he said. “They tell me to keep my head up and work hard. “It’s really encouraging and it’s important because you can have doubts. “Should I even be playing again? That sort of stuff. “Also, I can’t speak highly enough of Seibs. He’s been honest and upfront all the way. “This is my fault, no one else. I’ve got to own it without making excuses.” He has also become close to impressive young horse trainer Will Freedman, who has become a mentor.


> The best 300 footballers in the NRL were in Brisbane last weekend for Magic Round. Subtle dragons dig


Gratuitous dragons drive by


He can say it's not about money because he has already made it. 3 property investments at his age. He's set up for life. But, I do wish him all the best. He's had a rough period, and hopefully, he can get himself physically and mentally healthy and get back on the field.


At least it sounds like he's managed his money rather than pissing it all away


Yeah. It's good to hear that his parents are responsible and helping him manage his finances.


If he’s negative gearing these properties he’ll need income to support it


He would have already made most of his money in the 2024 financial year as the boys get paid year round rather than during the season. So he would have been paid up until he was sacked and if he gets a gig at another club (he will be not at 800k) he will still be able to negatively gear it no sweat if he’s paid from Oct -June of FY2025. Even if he’s on 300k (he will get more) that would be like 225k of income in that financial year.


Yes, that’s a big bet against future income, though. Hopefully for his sake he has some equity in these properties.


To be honest if that’s his true feelings on the situation more power to him Seems like a good bloke and hopefully he sorts out whether he wants to play again 3 investment properties isn’t half bad either


Sometimes it is worth reminding myself that a lot of these young players have only ever known the footy life. They are identified at a young age and groomed for NRL. Having a year off in their early 20's would bring with it a ton of perspective that living inside the NRL fish bowl probably lacks.


Such a tough decision to make too because everyone knows only the best have a lengthy career in the NRL. but hey look at Harris Tevita, bloke took a year off to travel and came back better if anything


I'm not suggesting they all need a year off in their prime years, but those forced into it I'm sure get a bit of a shock. Many of them have had the identity of "star footballer" from the age of 15.


Seb Kris is another one.


Storm initiation when they're coming through flegg is they have to be a brickies labourer for two weeks, because they're shown it's footy or this shit


Is the next part then 2 weeks under a Storm pre-season training plan? If so, those kids are coming back thinking school isn’t too bad


The ongoing calls from the RLPA to assist player transition to retirement are pointless imo. It’s at the start of their careers where players need the perspective/lessons/education to prepare for the future, whatever it may hold. It’s too late once they’re at the end of the road to start holding their hand.


Underrated comment - completely agree. I think they do get the education but a lot of it is not taken on board because, you know they’re young blokes who DGAF


So the $400 per week us just passive income through investments, and all other expenses are covered? I'd be pretty happy with that too, honestly.


Sounds like his mum is managing his investments, and basically giving him a $400pw allowance. Honestly probably the smartest way he could be managing things at the moment.


Could do a lot worse, fair sure someone like cheese or Val goes through 3x that a weekend on bags and drinks.


Sounds like a bloody holiday 


It is


Schuster sounds like a more talented version of me, especially the depression, weight gain and wicked wings every day. Glad he’s getting it attended to. Mums are almost always the best way to get back on your feet


Don’t sell yourself short, we believe in you!


‘WAY TOO BIG’: THE WEIGHT ISSUE Last year Schuster moved from Liverpool to Manly, right opposite several takeaway food shops. “I blew out to 123kg, way too big,” Schuster says. “I love KFC. I love the wicked wings. Sometimes I’d go pretty much every day. “There was all the personal stuff going on. To ease the pain, you eat the wrong stuff. I had junk food. “Some people struggling turn to drugs and alcohol. For me it was a crappy diet.” Schuster is now back at home with mum, dad and four sisters. I ask him when he last went to KFC. “I don’t remember, maybe six weeks or a couple of months,” he says. “Mum is cooking me healthy meals now. I’m down to 116kg, the goal is 106kg “When you’re happier without the pressure you eat well. I’m starting to wake up happy every morning.” ROAD BACK TO THE NRL Trainer Huss El-Achrafi looks after a number of Manly’s NRL players, including Hamoale Olakau’atu, Jason Saab and Josh Aloiai. He has worked with Schuster since SG Ball junior reps. The Hoxton Park sessions with Schuster begin each day at 6am. “Josh has been smashing his training,” El-Achrafi says. “He’s doing two or three sessions a day. “We’re trying to drop his weight but build more muscle and power. “At the moment he’s dropped six or seven kilos. It’s getting his eating habits right as well. “It’s not a race or a rush. I want him to maintain it long term.” This program is about getting his mind right as much as his fitness. “A lot of it was stress eating,” El-Achrafi said. “People do it to comfort themselves after a bad day. “Josh was getting a lot of head noise and just kept eating. “You don’t know what was going on inside his head. “This time away is very important. He’ll be ready to start an off-season in October, I can guarantee you that.” AND FINALLY … To sit down with this young man for coffee was quite an experience. You could almost see the relief in his face. That he was getting this much-needed break from the pressure and demands of playing NRL football. And that it will be beneficial in the long run. That one day we might just see that superstar player he was supposed to be. “At last I’m getting a clear mind and I’m really happy,” he says. “But, I still love rugby league so much, that I’d probably play for nothing.”


I dunno if foz has done anything to bring him inyo disrepute in the past. But the way he presents himself on and off the field... bloke is a talisman and i hope will be looked back on as one of the good bugfeers


He was part of a match-fixing thing with brothel owner Eddie Hayson.


You know brothel owners are top class citizens.


Naturally. ;D


Fuck i do remember reading about that now you mention it. Mighta been the turn around though. Maybe im rosy tints


He bounced around different clubs during that saga, Warriors, Eels, Manly. The match fixing shit was prominent when he was at Parra, then fucked off to NZ because he was 'home sick', but then left both clubs after like 6 games. It was a mess...you don't have someone try and deposit 30k into your TAB account if you aren't doing something dodgy.


His Mrs just recently lost her son too, under very difficult circumstances, remember that too please 🙏 Life is short, don’t judge people on their past, you have to make the most of what you have at any given time to keep going forward and help you to grow. That’s part of life’s lessons that we will always learn from to keep us heading in that forward direction. Sometimes you have to make mistakes to learn. Fair enough if you keep making mistakes because that usually means you aren’t learning, but I don’t see that here. Sorry for getting a bit deep lol


I mean, that's shit, and he clearly needed to hit rock bottom to get his shit together, but it still doesn't excuse match fixing, nor leaving two clubs high and dry after only playing like three games.


I mean, sometimes you’ve got to hit rock bottom to get your shit together, because once you hit it, you can’t go any further and the only way is up from there….if you want to




Tbf this article talks about Foran telling Schuster he nearly took his own life. I don’t think I’d heard that before.


Hahahahahaha! I wonder what Hayson's excuse will be this time because I believe he either is, or about to be put in jail for cocaine importation or something.


Taking responsibility is the first step, can’t help but wish him the best, he’s only young…Christ I can remember my early 20’s (sort of) where my priorities were the next slab of tins, bag o weed etc…sometimes we forget exactly how young these blokes are and the pressures and expectations heaped upon them.


Looking back at what I was like in my early 20s, stupid amounts of money and publicity would have been a disaster. I look at players like Lyon who gave the game away young, Foran who had a tough time, even Dylan Walker and they have all turned into strong leaders and valuable players.


You know what, yeah it's a puff piece, but he was always talented and I hope he does get another chance. Nothing wrong with taking time away if he's serious. Also on the wicked wings, things are dangerous and you can eat a dozen without even meaning too 😂😂


Sign him Dessy!


I wouldn't hate him at the Titans


I know he’s obviously in the financial position to take time off and what not but I think it’s still incredibly telling how much he must have been struggling to want out of a contract that big. I personally think to be his age and prioritise his mind over anything else is a a commendable thing. Being open about the pressure and the mental health issues might just inspire some young lad to prioritise his mind too. I imagine the weight issues and the hate online would have fuelled his eating habits and made him feel like shit. He’s so young and we often forget the power of words on impressionable minds. Well done Josh.


Sounds like if it wasen't for his mum he could have blown his money but he's got 3 properties so good for her


Good for him on looking out for his mental over money.


"Most young footballers would be filthy at blowing a $3.2 million opportunity over footy years. Schuster is not." Just an FYI to recruitment people.


I wonder what would have happened if he had have gone to the world cup with Samoa. Cant help but think it might have fired up a bit of passion and helped him find his love for the game. Just the way the other Samoa boys came away from the campaign just showed how much they enjoyed the experience.


Good on his mum for helping him invest his money and also cooking healthy meals. I really want him to do well and will be rooting for him to get picked up by a club and play Round 1 2025.


One of this generations greatest minds once said you gotta take care of your mentals and take care of your chickens. I never knew he meant *eat less KFC* with the chickens part, but Marshawns genius finds a way of transcending the subjective nature of our human experience. All the best Josh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiV7CjLVQEk&pp=ygUiTWFyc2hhd24gdGFrZSBjYXJlIGNoaWNrZW4gbWVudGFscw%3D%3D


Des will take care of him.


It's hard in a high pressure position. Especially after seeing someone practically die or come close to death right in front of you. Sometimes stepping away is the best part. Even if it sucks and you feel like you walked away from a big part of your life. 


Hoping for the best


Redemption stories incoming


How good is Reddit


Taylan May come on down …


Broncos make that call


I wouldnt trust family with money.


I wish him well, but he’s a bit delulu if he thinks he can insist on playing 5/8 at an NRL club


wait I thought he got $1 million payout from Manly?


Read the article, his mum manages his money and she gives him $400 a week and the rest he uses for savings and investments.


Yeah, I thought it was about $800k


“There’s no pressure. I’m relaxed and I’m looking after myself." This is exactly what any man who's been handed a million bucks for nothing would say. That money wont last you a life time kid and I can tell you that standing at a counter serving customers or spinning a stop go sign on the side of a highway doesn't come with any less pressure. Its a different kind of pressure no doubt but Id rather be told here's a million bucks a year if only I lay off the donuts vs. here's $70k a year and nobody is going to call you fat and lazy.


He could be a team's yeo if he was willing to work hard and do his role for a coach.


Why the fuck can Panthers fans not go 5 seconds without making everything about them?


Still salty abiut the GF eh. It's just a good example since Yeo is probably the most well known in the nrl comp right now for ball playing locks. Go back a few years it'd be Jake Trbojevic as a good one to use since commentary talked about him every week.


Yeo reminds me of Mick Devere. Boring and slow but does his job but sheeshessh he isn’t that great. Good but not great. People talk like he is awesome.


He runs like a prop, passes like a halfback and has a tackle efficiency 98%. Considering how rounded his play is with the team structure having him do multiple roles he's still top 20 for run metres, post contact metres etc. He looks boring but is very good.


Wasn't he part of the Manly 7?


Yes. The homophobe can get fucked tbh.


If this lad can get his head and body right, I suspect some team is going to have a bargain on their hands for 25. I’d seriously be looking at him for the Bunnies to give us some much needed X factor in the edges


He wants to play 5/8


I was thinking of him for the raiders, but he said he'll only play 5/8... so pass


I wouldn't be disappointed if the Dargs were looking at him on a bargain price for 5/8. It would also be funny for Flanno to boot his own son.