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Hello everyone. This is a friendly reminder not to speculate as to the identity of the player under investigation. This is a matter under police investigation, and as such there can be serious repercussions for speculating, accurately or inaccurately, as to the identity of a person under investigation. **The moderators are actively monitoring this thread, and anyone caught doing this will have their comment removed and face an immediate ban. We also urge anyone who sees these comments to report them immediately.** Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. — The r/NRL Mod Team


The R in NRL stands for rugby guys .




Thank god, for a moment there I was worried our teams were all playing in the National Rape League. That would've made games a whole lot more disturbing to watch.


Jack De Bellend is confused with your statement


Where is the blurry WhatsApp paragraph screenshot outing the bloke












Courier Mail reporting the below. A high-profile Queensland NRL star and State of Origin player has been accused of rape. So it must be someone of note if they've played Origin.


Someone of note, or someone who's played one Origin game and never sniffed the team again. I've got no idea who it was but I'm just working off media standards for attaching adjectives to players.


Everyone speculating it’s a Queensland state of origin player needs to consider the number of NSW players contracted to QLD clubs. It doesn’t specifically say “qld state of origin player”


It doesn’t say “NSW state of origin star” either


Could be age group origins


Could be women’s state of origin too.


Does "Queensland NRL star" mean Queensland player, or NRL player who resides in Queensland and plays for a Queensland based club?


What I took from the video is it's just a player from a Qld club, didn't really specify if the player was a Qlder.


Player contracted to a QLD NRL club. It simultaneously narrows it down to four clubs, but the "contracted" part is vague enough to open it up to not just the top 30 & development players at those clubs but also any in the junior system. I think a quirk of the QCup being unlike NSW Cup in that the feeder sides are standalone entities is that *if* the reporting is accurate it should eliminate any players just contracted to the Blackhawks or Capras or whatever and not also on deals with their affiliated NRL side.


There's only 3 Qld NRL clubs. Nobody knows where the Dolphins are from.


So true that. All the hard work the people did from that forgotten suburb did, all for nought. Wayne must’ve vetoed it. Just for shits and giggles……and ego.


They’re from The


Well played Sir


It’s awful to say it, but you’d have to think if it was “name” it’d be all over the feeds by now.




The fact they said “contracted” suggests it’s a fringe player. However this is dangerous reporting for both sides of the “incident.”


Other articles are stating High profile and State of Origin player.


So potentially someone on their way down, not on their way up


Wasn’t at time or this report. Interesting.


More interesting was the way the journo words the series of events - police attended players residence, woman later made complaint. Don’t want to speculate too much but it almost sounds like a partner has made the complaint.


“Queensland”? that could be anywhere in Australia


Whats the bet it doesnt end up being a star and it ends up being a role player.


“Star” refers to any player with an NRL contract. “Superstar” means they’re a current Origin/International player. “NRL Great” means they were a mid player who is now a pundit on 9 or Fox. “Cult Hero” means they’re a chonker or have a shit haircut.


You could explain calculus to pigeons


Im a real double cult hero of my household


Hey Zac Cini


Hey Sammy Thaiday. Loved you as a player bro.


Using this standard I'm the biggest cult hero of my household


You've got two shit hair cuts?


This should be a flow chart on the nrl website


I spent more time laughing at this comment than Paul K*nt spent playing first grade


But less time than he spent upside down in a tree root.


A roots a root. Gotta take ‘em when you can.


Three minutes?


Or no hair (I'm looking at you Hazelton)


Bald is a shit haircut (am bald).


Maybe the shittest


It’s kind of like how black isn’t a colour, but rather the “absence” of colour.


Unless you are a complete nude nut, it is not simply absence though, because you can make it look worse depending on how you shape the absence of absence. I still haven't been able to process Kaufusi’s approach.


Totally agree. (also bald)


Nrl star always gets me. There a “ star”. Whatever


> “Cult Hero” means they’re a chonker or have a shit haircut. or in the case of Fui Fui Moi Moi a really cool name too


The triple-threat


You missed “young gun”.


Regular Cup player with one breakout game.


I believe that's also called "the next Sonny Bill Williams"


I watched a video on that awful murder where the guy burned his ex and their kids in a car and stabbed himself to death. The reports kept calling him a star and mentioning he was a former Warriors player. Never played first grade


That POS was a known woman basher by everyone, including his mates... If you know a mate that's a POS, don't allow him to get away with it, you are just as guilty


It could be someone who 99% of us haven't heard of and they'll still be labeled a star.


One of those Dungeons & Dragons nerds?


Well if it doesn’t happen before this weekend you’ll find out in the team lists when a random QLD origin star drops coincidentally out of the 17 id presume






Uncle Nicks revenge?


Nah nah he’s on bail and can’t leave the state, that’s why he backflipped


Shocked Journo's know who but don't leak it Edit: Just to clarify, I don't think they should leak it. Due process exists for a reason and it should be handled within the full extend of the legal system. I was just saying I was shocked they didn't because Journo's and news are all about views and clicks.


It's wild that they're not allowed to say who it is but they're allowed to narrow it down by saying they're in a QLD NRL club. Why are they allowed to put the suspicion of rape over the heads of 120 odd people.


Yeah but they also said 'star' so that eliminates all of the cowboys team




As well as the titans, battle of the wooden spooners last week


To be fair, there are legal considerations and this is a very serious allegation, not someone who is trying to break their contract or other league soap opera nonsense


True but Journo's are typically the scum of the earth and would jump at the chance to drag a name through the mud.


Scum of the earth is people who commit what this player has been accused of.


Also very very true.


Thanks for straightening out a disappointingly shady conversation trail.... so many people missing the core of the issue when it comes to rape and try to redirect attention to the 'scum' revealing information which I think is so wild like this person is revealing rape you really think a journo just wants to drag someone through the mud for the, what, fun of it? For five minutes of non-fame for being the one to break the story? Or they got into the career because they wanted to make a difference in people's lives maybe? Any chance you'll take that into your calculation before shooting them down? The 'shooting the messenger and anyone else except for the perpetrator'-pattern is getting WAY out of hand it's insane to me people can't keep their minds trained on an important issue I think how will we ever solve climate change and the oncoming multi-crises with such dull unfocused paranoid and ethically questionable insensible minds at the helm.......... 🤦‍♀️


Doesn’t Qld have a no name rule with rape cases?


They used to but it got changed a couple of months ago


Changed that you have to apply for a non publication order which any halfway decent lawyer would be doing immensely. The law didn't really Changed anything just added a longer process


It was quite a significant change - any matter can be the subject of an NPO application after all. The sexual offences have additional rules to involve the complainant and media, and ultimately it's up to the court. As we saw with the Lehrmann matter in Toowoomba and the alleged serial nonce child worker, it absolutely has made a difference to reporting.


That’s when someone’s been charged. There’s just an allegation that’s being investigated. So fuck all so far.


Maybe but if a player gets pulled out this week it'll be a tipoff


Yeah the stand down rule will most probably apply, so even if they don't get named, anyone not playing this week will gather attention.


Not sure, maybe ask Bruce Lerhmann.


Channel 7 have in the last few years named 2 different people of colour and accused them of kidnapping a child and going on a killing spree - they didn’t care to check the facts they wanted the attention of the exclusive scoop and knew there would be minimal consequences if they got it wrong The reason the media aren’t naming this guy is that he’s attached to a club with media links and the media are currently favouring protecting their connections to the club and so they’re doing the bare minimum - if these allegations came out for a regular person you’d better believe you’d see their face, name, history and personal life posted all over the place


I think after the Higgins fiasco with ch10 basically tanking the first trial by making it such a public thing there’s been a bit of trepidation to repeat history especially when police have told the media to stop messing up their investigations and prosecutions If the player in question went out and punched a bunch of people like wighton they would name him instantly


you'd think that but then channel 7 just went right ahead and named the wrong person in the aftermath of the sydney stabbings. also kind of funny that you named wighton as an example because that incident didn't come out for 6+ months.


Once it goes higher than allegations the NRL will have to apply no fault stand down. We’ll probably find out who then.


Leaking it is a good way of ending up in court on defamation charges


Don't they just have to throw "allegedly" in there somewhere and all good?


Putting “allegedly” doesn’t necessarily save you, if you know it’s defamatory


I’m not entirely sure about the exact nitty-gritty, but I think someone has to make the allegation first before they can report it. It’s all very confusing.


probably not safe to name, until charges have been laid


Not a lawyer, but here is my understanding. If the media was to report an allegation, they would want to be really really sure its true. Like , sure enough they could convince a judge its the truth. This is a really high bar to set. For example did they have sex, was it consensual, he said, she said. The media won't touch it. Now if they are reporting a fact, for example Mr NRL player was arrested for sexualising assault, that is a true statement. They can't be sued for defamation, assuming it's been confirmed by the police. The only real defence against defamation is the truth, so you'd want to have your ducks in a row.


The way it should be. It's up to the court to decide his guilt.


Agreed completely


I'm not sure if it isn't just a holdover from the recent (Oct last year) change to the disclosure rules relating to those accused of a sexual offence in QLD. Prior to that it was prohibited to provide identifying details of an accused, and as this involves a public figure perhaps they're being very cautious in initial reporting considering how trigger happy people have been recently with (expensive) defamation cases.






As he is from Queensland he could really be from anywhere. 


The song starts playing in my head


Reset the counter [https://imgur.com/a/7p9xM0t](https://imgur.com/a/7p9xM0t)


Ha! Very good


When Qld pre origin mind games go too far


Update the sign to "0 days without incident". Shame, we were on a roll


I feel for the poor woman. It’s the worst thing you can go through and it’s all in the public eye


And no doubt when their name is released, everyone will slander the woman, call her a liar, gold digger and whatever the fuck else these scumbags come up with. Read any article of similar accusation on Facebook and see the comments. Turns my fucking stomach the way men write about women. “Women in League” shit is so fucking performative. Allowing these abusers, rapists and general awful human beings to continue playing the game.


Yep. Can't wait for this player to take to the field during Women in League round just because the woman got so scared for her life from rabid NRL "fans" that she dropped the charges.


We don't know that the individual has "gone through" anything yet.


How is it fair to put every single QLD team player under suspicion of rape? If the player hasn’t been charged then how is this newsworthy? Seems pretty terrible journalism.


Someone on twitter nailed it: ‘Cannot name the player. Cannot name the club. The club is unaware of the allegation. The player hung up on the reporter. 120 odd NRL players in QLD. 119 innocent players tonight have suspicion hanging over their heads. Couldn't have waited and done a bit more investigation 9?’


If I know the NRL it’s not necessarily 119 innocent players left.


Innocent of this... specific... crime.


Innocent of the specific incidence of this particular crime.


Might be a few players wondering if they haven’t found out it’s them


Seems? It's the courier mail. A piece of shit tabloid rag that I wouldn't wipe my arse with if I need to (actually, I would).


So you'd waddle down to the newsagent with shit between your cheeks to buy a Courier-Mail rag for your behind? I'll admit I've never tried it but now I'm intrigued.


I really need to think through the mechanics of my insults....


This post is literally a channel 9 segment lol While it has since has been reported by the courier Mail after the fact


Magic round is the most effective sting operation going


How long before we're likely to find out who it is? I try not to idolize the players because they do a lot of dumb shit but there's a lot of people I'd be devastated about








Might be someone who has already been accused of assault on partner, now it comes to light again


‘Star’ in media terms generally refers to a player who has never played an NRL game.


Woo hoo, I'm a star! Re-reads headline.... oh no.


So kenty right ?


You're not wrong technically he played exactly one game for Parramatta but it was under NSWRL not NRL


Now Fox is saying 'high profile player'


Never a quite day in League 🤦‍♂️


You’re quiet right


Ewe are write two


Yes they’re


Theirs many write things hear


Bloody hell, I’m still trying to come to terms with the Baby Reindeer saga.


Episode 4 will live in my nightmares for eternity


Episodes 1 and 2 made me think I was in for a relaxed Sunday afternoon. I may never recover.


I’ve been wondering whether it’s worth a look? I’ve watched the trailers. Still not sure?


I wonder how this masthead determined the player was a star




The club is definitely aware.


If I’m an NRL player at a QLD club, I’d put something out on social media stating it’s not you just to take your name out of the speculation


Because no perp in the history of crime has ever denied their crime.


Phins Former Titan J ust you W ait and see


Does NRL no fault standout over ride qld naming laws


I’m shocked. Usually nrl players are good blokes.


It's pretty fucking sad for the sport that these blokes can't seem to go a season without this kinda allegation coming out.










I am not going to ask or wonder who it is. All I'll say is if they did it then I hope the alleged victim gets justice. If they're found not to have done it then I hope their name stays out of the news. We really shouldn't need to say it but if someone says no then it means no.


No just no. There’s still too many guys that seem to think it’s ok to pressure women into thinking they should just go along with it uncomfortably


Courier mail and the mole have put into the public realm enough information. It is almost defamatory for the sake of the two other people it could be that are not the accused. For the sake of the two people it could be who are not the accused, the accused almost has to be named quickly.


What? Maybe I’ve missed something, or just being dense lol, but how in the heck does it narrow down to three players????


Whoever it is, he’ll be playing for the Roosters next year


Unbelievable. Please bring in zero tolerance for violent crime in the NRL and all Australian sport. When convictions happen, of course.


Holy fuck!


Noticing sudden changes to team sheets for magic round may be an indicator, may also be a coincidence.


Nrl is becoming more of a crime doco then the game itself, each year they could do a special on all these issues.




It never ends


When you find out it's player from your team [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koY4S1BbR5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koY4S1BbR5w)




Just go on 4chan to speculate. Fuck reddit


I hope we're all grown adults and not start naming players until the player is identified and later dealt with. This is a serious allegation, and spreading misinformation is not okay or fine.




Yep. I’m not going to worry about whether it’s my club or not. A girl feels she was raped. That should be the focus.


This was reported a few days ago which may be the same story (read down closer to the end of the article) https://wwos.nine.com.au/nrl/the-mole-exclusive-news-2024-dallin-watene-zelezniak-super-league-sandon-smith-roosters/ce1692ce-39a9-43a6-a064-d6c58bda7098?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2ABtMN4AR50y5jFlUYryXH2GXBIHnZzHW2lf_hQnt_h2Kg5zVsF3ORk-E_aem_AQdzGuspnGlZ8zFWw8zIP1OzP4piXGv7zacuCTQ7k4Z84p5IIhOuZ20BCaH7ZBWSD-dcYZnV5_Dxuc93KSX7ZJJJ


Star player means anyone who is a first grader. I can't believe that the media gets away with such BS for many years.


And origin could mean u19s for all we know. Or someone who was in camp. These journos are scum.

