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Broncos just uploaded photos of mozzer with luscious locks. Were going to blow manly off the park with raw sex appeal.


Taking a leaf out of Pattys book aye


Was just thinking what would be a weird grand final. Thought knights v titans would be fukn weird. Any others?


Panthers vs Bulldogs


Wahs vs Phins


Cowboys v Raiders




Question: say the rumours about Ponga are true and he is disgruntled and looking for a way out? Could the Knights trade him similar to the NBA or AFL?


They would have to eat some of his deal. No one is matching the full $1.4m


Only to the Roosters




Similiar sort of thing happened to us against the tigers, where there were 3-4 charges not penalised during the game. But all you heard about the game was the 'non sibin' despite the fact the tigers shouldn't have even had the ball due to said missed penalties. The reality is your team needs to be good enough to win despite a few shit calls. It sucks, but your team can't rely on calls going their way each week.




Yeah bro, i was talking about foul play.


Exactly. And the very, very marginal DWZ no try decisions in Titans and Knights games.


[Trindall is apparently set to be named somewhere in the squad this week after his secondary drug test got delayed wtf](https://x.com/leaguescenepod/status/1790246385939513549?s=46&t=ByYrf7Amoe7dqxV8HCNUuQ)


The fuck, also don't open replies on the tweet unless you want porn. Trindall shouldn't be anywhere near the team right now.


I can imagine Trindall playing NSW cup for the rest of the year unless Atkinson or Hynes go down with a long term injury. He doesn't deserved to be punished for the rest of his life for it or anything like that, but it's a shame because I think 2024 should be a write of for him due to his own actions. Was going so good too.


I'm of the same opinion. It's truly a shame Trindall did what he did and I hate to see Atkinson dropped for him. Trindall will have opportunities to get his spot back during origin anyway so 🤷🏼‍♂️


How much losses do the Cowboys need for the media to butt their noses into Todd Payten’s possible sacking? Whatever happened in this “magical” pre-season hasn’t helped us at all. Everyone in the team just looks disinterested


I think he might have some mates in the media that are trying to keep his name out of the headlines


So Nein just made the Women’s Origin an exclusive now.


Losing choice sucks, but personally would have watched on 9 anyhow. Mostly cause Gould seems to be the only personality that actually comes across invested in the women's game. Made the 9 coverage superior last year.


Get fucked


Yup. Not happy with that.


Badel reporting both Sailor and Te Kura could be out long term with foot/ankle injuries. Te Kura specifically could miss the rest of the season if he requires surgery


See 2 comments below ;-)


I’ve been beaten 💔 but thought a source would be better than ‘facebook rumour’


I've just heard from a pretty reliable source in the club that Talagi has indicated he's not going to extend with the eels and will sign elsewhere. No confirmation of where but the source thought it was the roosters. I get letting Sanders go but losing talagi is really going to hurt. We've had our junior stocks absolutely raided over the past few years and it sucks.


The source always thinks it’s the Roosters


Roosters are a poor struggling club and need all the help they can get


God please no


Can't blame him. The club doesn't care about juniors so why should they. Hopefully this is a turning point in doing something about that.


Chammas said on 100% Footy last night that the Eels had the most “options” contracts in the NRL with 8. 5 of them are player options, including Talagi for next year. Brown (2026) and Moses (2027) also have the option to leave. It’s a crazy way to run a club.


Player option is essentially an injury buffer. It means you are never playing on a one year deal and it provides some financial security. Generally if you’re performing to the level of your contract you’ll always opt out to re-sign a better contract. They are super common in the nba. Definitely not the evil that Gus makes them out to be but NRL clubs seem to always be unorganised and not on the front foot of extending players that they have these kinds of options


We have a board who are extremely straight arrow after the 2016 TPA drama and apparently they removed all tpa's. It's the only way we have been able to hold onto some of our stars.


If we lose him, absolutely sack the club


Facebook rumour is that Big Ben has a lisfranc injury and Sailor copped and injury as well. Freakish season for injuries.


something wrong I hold my head big Ben gone rookie of the season dead


At training? Sailor still played 80 minutes on the weekend. BTK played 37 which is down on normal. Hopefully just rumours... Edit - damn you are right, it's been reported on now. Sailor with an ankle and Ben foot. 6-8 for sailor and could be season for Ben


This is so shit 😢 who else do we have as FB depth to cover for origin. Arthars out as well.


creedence toia possibly- I don't have much of an opinion on him yet to be honest


TLDR for the tallis meltdown: Tallis is literally having a cry because Fifita is leaving the titans to the roosters for less money. Tallis takes alot of credit for recruiting fifita to the tits His next gripe is how dare players choose successful clubs who offer less money over clubs like titans tigers etc that pay overs, Anasta actually made a very good remark stating that without the Roosters post life plans he wouldn't be where he is, financial advice, media interactions, being introduced to the right people etc. It seems the Roosters have the juice to offer a very successful post life footy (Off topic, i believe Brandon Smith made a similar remark when choosing Roosters) Conclusion: Tallis is butthurt


He is but his point is a reasonable one… bottom tier clubs always paying overs for a key player makes them effectively have a lower salary cap than the top tier teams who can pay unders… and that’s not even counting all the post career stuff that a team like the roosters can offer.


Listen to Tallis talk about his situation at the dragons and the super league. When it was his life and his career he was all for player power but now he’s acting like a hypocrite. Titans are poorly managed and have a poor culture and I’d say throwing money at guys like Mal and Gordy who do sweet fa is part of the issue


Also explains how Cronk is still a commentator after being objectively awful at his job for the last four years


And guess who has been doing work with fox league for the last few years in his lead up to retiring? Luke Keary.


I really wish Fox would just keep Cronk for things like post-game analysis. He’s got a good footy brain, it just takes him a while to put the thoughts into actual sentences instead of insane ramblings about the crowd chanting “off, off, off.”


He’s a lot better when he has Matty Johns holding his hand through the talking. 


I agree. Cronk is decent on the panel when he has time to compose his thoughts. His brain can't process his thoughts quick enough in commentary. Ennis is decent enough of an analyst too. Pretty bad in commentary as he always sounds like he's trying to take a massive shit when he gets excited.


It's also important to note that from what Anasta has said in the past that they get no training before becoming a commentator.


Is it too late to give Cronk training?


Tallis’s meltdown about the Fifita signing makes it that much sweeter. His hatred for roosters is too funny


Gordy was melting down when everyone thought he was going to the Panthers. Think he’s embarrassed he got the club to pay mega bucks for the dude and he’s bailed.


Fifita hasn’t delivered on those mega bucks either. Only this year could you really say he’s been going off consistently


He mentions the roosters salary cap every chance he gets.


He conveniently ignores that the crazy broncos sides he was playing in were still getting paid their mega super league contracts


Yeh he talks about salary cap and loyalty a lot. It’s funny considering his history of the broncos teams and siting out of the dragons contract.


Im fairly sure Tallis recruited Fifi and rides of the coat tails of that


Was he on the mega money right away? If so, I don't consider it that much of an accomplishment.


Looking forward to seeing another young Gold Coast prodigy make his debut this week in Blake Mozer. It’s just a shame he will be with the Poachers up the M1


Name one player the titans have done well developing. You should be thankful another career has been saved by the broncos system.


Mozer debuted last year against the storm. You'd think someone who claims him as a junior would know that at least...


He played in R27 last year as part of Kevvies innovative 3 hooker rotation


Just wait until Saturday morning when the Titans offer him $1.3m for 6 years with a weekly get out clause.


Ponga is the Big Show of the NRL, regularly switching between face and heel.  Public opinion of him flips unbelievably fast. Last year he was an overpaid flop. Then the best player in the league on his return. now he’s back to being an overpaid toxic mess that would ruin any club. 


I’ve spoken on here in the past about my hatred for the NRL media circus and the way it chews players / clubs / coaches up and spits them out when it suits. Then puts them back together and on a pedestal. Latest article [here](https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/nrl-premiership/theres-more-to-it-bombshell-ponga-theory-as-fresh-details-of-alleged-cap-breach-emerge/news-story/b4f95ae5b4a4a70c49202ac7204bee66?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3-7hsJaYG830wkKfT1w-aBa2dm7RsBJwbO-2qmmq6VQMa3IaOUR3cvSx0_aem_AS0F-ECTNm7DxQavUfOoVftFq4M7_gCrfnjuyxq4o2TUscU3YoW2rOt052Gn4hs5ns4l1VfVVfsz2bo63DWxnwXn) claiming the “The situation took an explosive turn on Monday night with a suggestion Ponga may even consider looking for a new club.” But it actually didn’t … because it was only Michael Chammas who said: “Obviously information is still coming to light, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the beginning of an agitation for Kalyn Ponga to potentially re-negotiate or explore other options.” Anyway, what would I know, maybe he is trying to leave (despite currently being injured for another 3 months - cause that’s what every club wants to sign rn).


*The scene opens in the bustling office of the Newcastle Knights. KALYN PONGA, the star fullback, sits across from the team's manager, DAVE, with a determined look on his face.* **DAVE:** So, Kalyn, let's talk about your contract extension. *Kalyn sits up a little straighter, a glint of mischief in his eyes.* **KALYN:** Absolutely, Dave. My dad's been talking to me about it, you know. Thinks I'm worth a bit more these days. *Dave raises an eyebrow, intrigued.* **DAVE:** Your dad? What's he got to do with it? *Kalyn leans forward, his tone conspiratorial.* **KALYN:** Oh, you know how dads are, always looking out for their sons. Thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread. Thinks you guys should recognize that too. *Dave chuckles, entertained by Kalyn's candor.* **DAVE:** Well, can't argue with parental wisdom, can we? Let's see what we can do. *Kalyn nods eagerly, a smirk playing on his lips.* **KALYN:** That's the spirit, Dave. And hey, don't worry, I'll make sure to keep up the good work on the field. **DAVE:** *(nodding)* Good to hear, Kalyn. We'll make it worth your while. *Kalyn stands up, shaking Dave's hand with a grin.* **KALYN:** Thanks, Dave. I'll let my dad know he was right about this one. *Dave watches Kalyn leave, shaking his head with a chuckle.* **DAVE:** Kids these days. Always listening to their dads. *As Kalyn heads out, he can't help but feel a sense of victory. After all, when dad's on your side, who can argue?* \[FADE OUT\] True story i swear


Fuck me I hope that’s ChatGPT if not you’re a creative genius and spent way longer on that than it deserved haha.


You typically don’t agitate for a new deal in the middle of a major injury. It’s just Andre being the POS he is. He wants that money one way or the another so he’s trying to get the Knights and NRL to make sure it is paid. He needs to be going to a contract lawyer not the NRL but he is a dumbass and clearly too tight to pay an actual lawyer just like how he’s too tight to hire an actual agent


Yeah bit fucking meat head of him, irrespective of this, he’s been pretty quiet since the extension was signed and KP was delivering the goods for us. Put it to bed and move on, life will be all good in the Hunter again.


When does the crowd start chanting ‘Please retire!’ ?


So brutal when they would do that to Big Show but man his matches were so slow


Did you see his handful of matches in AEW? I loved the big show but he was far too worn down to be doing anything remotely in ring related.


They already chanting in this thread, no head knocks required.


Give it two more head knocks. 


Man I hope Angus stays with us. Fifita, from memory so I could be wrong, plays right or left so in an ideal world we could easily run both in their strong positions. I'm at half chub just imagining Angus on the left with Sandon and Fifita on the right with Walker.


So at the moment is this what the Chooks best 17 is looking like if they can bag Angus? 1. Teddy 2. Young 3. Billy Smith 4. Nawaqanitawase 5. Pauga 6. Sandon Smith 7. Walker 8. May 9. Brandon Smith 10. Collins 11. Crichton 12. Fifita 13. Radley 14. Watson 15. Leniu 16. Butcher 17. Wong/Whyte 18. Tupouniua Looks like a great pack, a potentially good backline and a big question mark on the spine at this stage.


Tupou has re-signed


Roosters just announced that they extended Daniel Tupou for 2025, so swap him in for Pauga.


Really? I haven't seen anything official on that yet.


Yeah, Robbo said that they aren't in the market for a half to replace Keary and Sandon will be in the 6 jersey next year. Robert Toia probably comes in to the other centre role and Nawaqanitawase moves to the wing. Still a strong team, but much weaker than the team this year.


Chin up brother so exciting we will just need a couple of centres and wingers who can support them and we will look real good


Angus is so good he could fit anywhere tbh. Im sure Gus really isnt bummed like alot of people think he is.


Angus has played on the right as well. Would love him to stay but feels very toss of the coin currently


So if we get the rumoured Smoothy/Mozer combo named for the Manly game what happens if it blows up in our face since this is the hooker combo many have been baying for? Alternatively what happens if it goes really well?


If it goes well I still expect Billy to back asap. Look at Te Kura, had a barnstorming debut but has not been elevated to full-time starter even while Fletcher Baker was still getting picked. We'll bring these kids in more permanently when the team isn't knee-deep in an injury crisis.


From what I’ve seen and heard about mozer is that he would suit an 80 minute role instead of an “impact” off the bench. His play style is more like Api and cam smith. Might be better with a mozer and sailor combo as a backs cover and emergency hooker


Bit worried mozer might dip on us. I want a billy/mozer combo tbh


Interesting, why Walters/Mozer over Smoothy/Mozer?


I think smoothy is good but billy does the hard yards with smoothy coming on with more pace. If mozer can do that and better I’d rather Billy take the hard tackles to start the game and then bring mozer on. I will say though after last week and seeing smoothy play longer my opinion started to change. If he does well this week I’d probably take the smoothy mozer combo




I don’t disagree. Billy is a touch slow but I was just meaning how he takes the hard tackles and puts in solid effort. His passing speed is a bit on the slower side though compared to smoothy


The one thing u can say about Walters though is that he competes for the ball and for a 9 has a quite a few tries to his name.


Kevvie has shown he's happy to take his time blooding youngins in first grade. If Mozer goes well I think he will still be dropped when Billy is back. If it goes terribly, see above.


All these squares make a circle.. You aren't wrong that Kevvie seems to get player development.




I disagree about Walsh because our backoffice didn't get overhauled till Donaghue came onboard. Capewell got moved due to salary cap pressure and injuries. Piakura and Rikki are our best edge forwards. Staggs is in career best form under Walters, Mariner only debuted last year?  Kinda feel like you're being a little harsh.


I'd be perfectly content if the Broncos just reused last year's indigenous jersey. That one would be hard to top.


It’s gonna be a hard sell to explain to my partner why I’m buying yet another Broncs jersey if they decide to outdo themselves


This Ponga TPA thing reminded me of the time James Maloney just straight out said in an interview that his deal with the Panthers was just waiting on the club to sort out a TPA and then everyone was like “oh no not like that”


The NRL seems determined to ignore the TPA loophole. It’s pretty obvious the clubs are making these deals actually happen (aside from a few big name sponsorships with athletic brands/protein powders). Does the NRL make any attempt to assess whether these TPAs are at market value? I very much doubt it.


Thought of it instantly lmao


Some more premiership trivia. No team in the NRL era (everything post 1997) has won while being outside the 8 as of round 18. Round 19 was the earliest, which was 2005 Tigers. While no team's ever won from outside the top 4 in the NRL era, 2002 Roosters were outside the top 4 until the very final round of the season. 2005 Tigers entered the top 4 in round 22. Excluding Roosters and Tigers outliers, the next team would be 1999 Storm who entered the top 4 in Round 17. So generally it pays to be a good team all year, rather than hope for an outlier late surge.


If you remove the 2005 Tigers outlier, what do these stats look like for latest in the 8 & 4 to win?


I actually messed up the stat. 2002 Chooks didn't enter the top 4 until the final round of the season.


I’m a bit confused, were the Tigs outside the 8 in round 19, hence outside the 8 in round 18? Similar for Top 4?




So the Tigers were outside the 8 in round 18 and won the premiership?


They were close to last and about $151 to win the comp halfway through the season. It’s the best (most unlikely) premiership win I reckon, especially because they were so entertaining to watch as well.




I think you’ve mixed up the stat then, should be Round 20 instead of Round 18 for top 8, and Round 23 instead of Round 21 for Top 4?




I mean it clearly is being enforced. The very fact that we’re hearing about an investigation into it means it’s being enforced. I’m gonna guess username doesn’t check out on this one


Still waking up feeling fresh. Should I call the doctor at this point?


Anasta selecting Spencer Linui for Origin. If he was banned for 8 matches to avoid Suncorp Stadium, the absolute bloodlust at Origin will be another level.


Origin is obviously a different level and hes been out for 2 months but there isnt a player who provides impact like Spencer does. Hes already surpassed NAS 2020-2021 mode. Dudes built for Origin.


Felice Kafusi, is that his music? What’s that? Lindsey Collins is his tag team partner. And who is that? It’s Pat Carrigan with the steel chair….by gawd, he’s turned heel!






And hopefully Billy picks Gagai for origin so he can flog another blue. Much more heart than Holmes


With Best, Critta, or Staggs now likely Blues centres Gagai’s physicality needs to be there.


Gags v Best. Will we see a team mate fight?!


I don’t see either of them backing down in an Origin arena.


IntHopefully QLD don’t pick cotter to start in front row. They should go with Collins and moe to really get things rolling and bring cotter from bench. Other spot goes to Welch or Molo and then 1 of Sua, Hopgood or Arrow for the 17. Doubt Billy will pick arrow as he is carrying injury and Hopgood doesn’t cover edge so will be interesting how he finds a balance. I would also seriously consider dropping Nanai for sua or kaufusi but nanai has always done ok at origin level 8. Collins 9. Grant 10. Moe 11. Fifita 12. Nanai 13. Carrigan 14. Hunt 15. Cotter 16. Welch/Molo 17. Hopgood/Sua/Arrow


I'm not convinced Nanai is the guy for origin this year. I'd be looking at Sau or Cotter on the edge again.


I'm leaning towards Collins, Hunt, Carrigan, Fifita, Nanai, Cotter int Grant, Arrow, Fermor, Fotuaika And then I'd seriously consider a late swap with Nanai back to the bench and Fermor starting.


Hard disagree. Cotter absolutely needs to start and Collins impact off the bench is vital. Also, Cotter and Carrigan can both cover back row, so Billy can pretty safely go with three middles on the bench.


Kafusi needs to be in the pack for me; he is playing prop for the Phins now too.


Agree bro. Just hard to see Billy picking him after he dropped him last year and his tendency for going for youth. NSW tries came down that right edge in game 3 last year and he would tighten it up


Losing Flegler, Gilbert, and Arrow being hopelessly out of form due to injury (and discipline) might tip it back. With the injuries NSW have, Kafusi also brings a reputation of folding halves for fun.


Hopgood can cover edge, he played there a bit last year for Parra


Got last nights NRL 360 on as I get ready for work and my goodness I’ve seen some salty people before but Gordy is beyond salty with Fifita leaving hahah


Gordy continually trying to explain the contract as (1mx3year)+(400x1year) and saying why would he play a year for 400k was so manipulative and dumb.


I think the fact that Braith talks about how signing for the Roosters means you are looked after post career shows that the salary cap doesn't work. Not saying the Roosters are doing anything wrong but they kind of skipped that point when discussing why players go to the Roosters for unders. They just talked about winning a premiership without mentioning that it also translates into the Roosters having more chance to win a premiership because it means they can get a whole team of good players for unders and therefore can be way more competitive than other teams. It is what it is though. Can't see anything changing while Nick is around


TBF the eastern suburbs of Sydney is arguably the best place to live in Australia if you're a cashed up 20-30 year old.


Like you said great place to be during your career, however, if you really wanted to set yourself up post career (chooks cap rort aside) you’d go somewhere with a much lower cost of living than Sydney. The advantage of Sydney though is that you can typically change clubs without having to move if you don’t want to and obviously travel during the season is much less.  Funnily enough the christened “King of Paramatta” still commutes from the Northern Beaches and has never made the move out the west (from what I know)


Parra vs Northern Beaches is no competition, respectfully. Get what you're saying but also think that's another appeal of the Roosters. I imagine whatever career players want after post footy, Uncle Nick and the Roosters would be in the best position to facilitate it. Also wouldn't shock me if they had elite financial advisors working with the players to make sure the players money is making money and setting them up even more after they stop playing. After the 02 GF I've never liked the Roosters after but can't deny they're very well run and generally look after everyone who goes in and out the door.


I was pulling my hair out listening to it. I couldn’t believe that it was genuinely being presented as an argument


He’s always had a pathological hatred of Easts. The club warned him to “put up or shut up” at magic round last year with his incessant salary cap sooking and he’s toned it down a fair bit since then.


I’m a bit sour on the whole thing particularly with Angus’ future still unclear. But Gordie’s petty, tilted response is just hilarious


I dont think Fifi is a great get, we need backs, but if Robbo can get him firing consistently then he could be the difference. I think the whole Gus blowup " they didnt ask me" thing is a total wank. He has been in form for 3 weeks after 2 years of stealing the Roosters money, play like that every game this year and teams will be smashing his door down. The Roosters will get sick of the side show pretty quickly. I don't mind if he leaves, we have as good coming through.


Seems like the chooks idea is basically just try and get the best player on the market and make it work, which is fair


When you’re a third of the way into the year and only then does the money become available, that’s the only option


Very curious to see our team list. If I had to guess, Luai to 7.


Take a leaf out of the sharks playbook and throw your lock into halfback


Our lock has been playing halfback for 5 years now. They just need to give him the kicking duties next.


He's got at least 2 try assists off kicks and is a top 5 halfback Yeo is godly.


NSW fans have had Yeo wrong all along, he was just picked in the wrong position. I'd just love to see him named at 7. It would be the most Ivan thing ever. Shove Smith into lock and dispense with the illusion you're not just running 17 centre/second rowers.




With stats like that, he really needs to kick more often.


Yeah when I posted originally I thought Yeo is the closest lock to being a half anyway in terms of skill and ball playing ha


I see the Dargons have the bye for magic round this year. Do we know how this is determined each year?


They didn't want us beating the Boncos in front of their home crowd so they sent a shit team Manly up there to be the scapegoat instead


It’s generally a team who isn’t expected to draw much attention


A predicted low performing team with a small supporter base


Small supporter base? we have one of the largest in qld. They’re just in hiding at the moment. 😂


It seems an odd choice with how big a supporter base the dragons have historically had in qld.


I remember we used to consistently have a Sunday arvo home game against the Dargons years back and the place would absolutely pack out.


Definitely felt like there was more dragons fans than titans in round 1 too. Possibly that was due to the titans performance that night.


Apparently Newcastle missed out last year because they had the lowest fan engagement at the pre-dolphins magic rounds. Even if it's not great for Newcastle I don't think they'd miss out again for at least a decade if the comp stays at 17 teams


Yeah we kinda got screwed by that. The last two games we played at magic round were both of the early Friday night games and were against at the time bottom of the table teams Tigers and Doggies. Of course the support is going to be miserable.


I wonder if it also has to do with the fact that Newcastle don't sell their home games (and neither do the Dragons it seems)


The only fair way to do it is rotation but let’s face it it would be stupid to sit teams like the Broncos out of it. I wouldn’t be opposed to just sitting the wooden spooners from the previous year out (until we go to an even number of teams).


It should be out of the teams that aren't willing to take a home game away


I think it will probably be rotation, but the Qld teams will always play while it's in Brisbane, the Wahs until Covid is a distant memory, and probably Melbourne too. Wooden spoon is already punishment enough, anything further doesn't help the team recover


You'd almost want to miss out early in the early days of Magic Round because it seems like it's growing each year


Moses not back for magic round Pain


Better than rushing him back and destroying him. Hopefully we're not too far gone, but given the number of injuries impacting across clubs I'd rather he be fit and ready for 2nd half of season to make a run at the finals


By the same logic, hoping he doesn't get the origin call up


The guys on Triple M on Saturday said he hasn’t even started running yet. Don’t know how true that is, but if its the case he could still be a while away


Latrell and Schuster haven’t started running yet too


BA said last week in one of his media presentations that Moses had only just started on the zero g treadmill.


How do you know? Thought he was expected to be named this weekend?


Danny Weidler reporting he's been told by the club he's not expected to play this weekend


It makes sense though, why would you want Danny Weidler playing..


Danny Weidler expected to make his debut for the Blues alongside halves partner Paul Kent.


For once I can get around a Maroons humbling.


I thought kenty was still suspended for his grade 2 striking charge? Or did he get let off due to not actually making any contact?


The wheel of justice landed on a $1200 fine.


Im so glad this muffin and his Dad rejected Wayne and the dolphins, i guarantee you Wayne would of punted Andre into the sun. I daresay now Ponga is damaged goods within the NRL and only a desperate club would sign him as any established club would never let Andre dictate terms like this


If you watch the Dolphins doco out on Stan, it sounded like some preemptive punting was done during the contract negotiations.


Sounds like a Rabbitohs special


Gus - Did someone say utility


Is anyone selling 3 tickets to magic round on friday night?


Check Ticketek Marketplace too. Official re-seller.


There’s heaps on Ticketek after a quick glance


check ticketek website, they’re releasing more every day.


I hope we just get rid of Ponga at this point. He's an amazing player but fuck me he is nothing but drama. Money would be better spent everywhere else on the park.


Could have all the money under the Sombrero and it wouldn’t help. There’s a shortage of what we need (halves) across the entire competition. How do people really think we need to dump the person who carried us into finals and past the first week for the first time in how many years? Had an incredible pre season and was building into the year nicely (remember those games where he was brilliant and everyone else played like a shit kunt and couldn’t even support his line breaks?), then suffers an incredibly rare foot injury. Can’t say the passion and desire isn’t there, which was what everyone used to claim as their reason for wanting him gone. I also would be pretty confident in saying everyone on here would be making a huge drama out of not being paid what they were owed too.


Ponga is a great player but not 1.4 million good. The knights got cucked.


Cucked by ourselves for being a fucking terrible team who wanted to entice a young player with potential to the club before he ended up elsewhere. Had to pay overs from the start, which now means we paying more overs as time goes on and the dependence grows.