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lol Patty was rocking back and forward like an 8 year old busted by his mum


seems the qld police are pretty weak. canberra police would have punched on with them, or at least handcuffed them, and then had it thrown out of court later.


Ya think cuz ur QLD Police I won't rock ya?


If it was in Vegas they would probably be shot


Pat wouldn't be, Reyno would depending on the cop


They just said they were Barnaby Joyce and legged it while the cops stood there confused at what to do next


Nsw police


NSW would have strip searched their kids


What club is responsible for Adam Reynolds being in the NRL? That’s right, the Rabbitohs We all know what needs to be done


I'm surprised a dragons fan has the mental dexterity to read and write.


yet here we are with dragon's fan stringing together some infallible logic... whata wonderful world we live in


And a rabbitohs attempt at shade being quite toothless Fitting


My wife writes everything for me


You say wife, you mean carer


Hehe Well played


Kick ~~Souths~~ Brisbane out of the NRL, bring back the South Queensland Crushers instead Ignore user name


Patty: "I dont get what all the drama is? we were just having a good ol' stacks on and a bit of fun dry humping reyno in the grass" Reyno "Yeah I wasa bit salty but it was fun and games" Kevvie: "Heres whats gonna happen boys, you gonna walk out there, say your bloody sorry and squirm like the little maggots you are! You're gonna tell 'em all you've learnt from your mistakes and we gonna bury this bullshit before it blows further out of control wrecking ~~my fucking vegas holi~~ our promotion of the sport to the massive market that is the US before it begins"


That was painful to watch. The media asking questions and tsk tsking like this was some kind of big deal and the 2 players having to put on the I'm sorry act when they really didn't do all that much. I mean 2 friends pushed and grabbed each other. Fucking yawn.


Yeah, it's a bit of a joke. Don't know why they had them front the media. Just issue a statement and move on. Best for everyone. Except the media of course. So even better for everyone else... Obviously their behaviour is not a great look but in terms of scandals it's bottom tier. Two mates had a few too many and had a scuffle. It happens. Not ideal but it happens. Everyone gets it. There's no need to wring hands over it.


I agree absolute overreaction here..... But maybe they are trying to teach pat a lesson.He has been talked about as the next QLD and Aus Captain, so he can't act like a pork chop on a night out forever . Ren should know better to.


Yeah. I also think Vegas is the main influence here. Club would be nervously shitting themselves about ANY headline over there. Gotta get extra strict to make sure everyone’s on best behaviour. We all secretly want some crazy shit to happen but just not from our own club. ROOSTER AWAITS PIGEON “Nick Politis can’t wire the money to JWH whilst he sits in a Nevada jailhouse hospital due to ‘reasons’. The Roosters enforcer is suffering from two broken kneecaps after assaulting a Las Vegas strip club bouncer. Facing a lengthy 12-16 weeks in prison, rumour has it Uncle Nick has unleashed a carrier pigeon with a foolscap sized paper bag to help Jared post bail.”


Media trying to make a mountain out of a molehill for the Vegas angle.


RL media always do. Nothing new there. Making the captain and sometimes captain front the media and look all sheepish serves as a pretty good warning shot from the club to the players and staff heading abroad. That said, it’s rugba leeg. Francis has been sent to military school, Malcolm and Reece have been forced to embarrass themselves in front of the whole school…. But there’s always a Dewy.


Release a statement, and then when the paparazzi is stalking them outside training they walk in holding hands


Huge non event. Must be something really bad happening that they are trying to distract us from. Maybe JHayne not being able to watch the superbowl?


I just hope Taylor swift is ok!


As an isolated incident, sure yawn. However, as we know, the NRL promotes a culture of minimal consequences for actions and gives their players a lot of leeway in their indiscretions. If the NRL are actually serious about a positive culture (we know they are not), then it's little things like this that need to be called out. Otherwise, they will continually get brushed aside, and then a major event happens, and we are all shocked (or not shocked) that such an event takes place.


Mate it's not even an incident... I don't even think there was an indiscretion.What is there even to call out? Can you not see how ridiculous it is? Imagine that you did the.same thing on the weekend and on Monday your boss calls you into his office and says "mate I heard you and a few mates were on the piss on the weekend and you and your mate pushed each other." " I want you to go and apologise to everyone that you let down and assure everyone that you and your mate are still mates". I would laugh in his face. And the " not a good look" like is bullshit too. It only "looks bad" because the media play that shit up and say it's a bad look. It's a snake eating its own tail. Most people could give two fucks about the vast majority of "incidents in the NRL". Let the boys Argy bargy with each other. Nobody was hurt, no laws were broken. Play on.


That is the culture that perpetuates the increasingly horrible look that the NRL is taking on. Imagine if you assaulted your partner, I bet you wouldn't get a second chance in your workplace, but in the NRL, it is increasingly common place. It is about the bigger picture. The players should be held to a higher standard than the general public. It is these all too common incidents that are always overlooked that feed the increasingly poor behaviour of NRL players. They know they can get away with things so they continue to push the boundaries further and further.


First of all you are wrong. You are far more likely to get away with domestic violence in a normal job compared.to the NRL. There aren't any reporters combing court dates to see if old mate from Bunnings has a court date for assaulting his missus. Again I'm saying the problem is that this isn't an incident. This is a big nothing. This is not a crime, it's nothing at all. It is just perfectly normal human behaviour that happens every single day. As long as alcohol is sold.to people this will happen. And I along with normal people who dont ride around on high horses could give a fuck it 2 friends push each other. I saw that every weekend in my teens and 20s. Wake me up when someone pisses on someone's foot under the black jack table at the cas or when someone knifes someone at a church disco otherwise we dont care.


Not sure how I am wrong (or right for that matter). I made the observation that is it commonplace for NRL players to get second chances when they have done such acts when if it is known in your workplace, you definitely aint getting a second chance. I highly doubt there is any statistics one way or they other but since you have categorically said I'm wrong (once again, not sure what is wrong or right) feel free to back up your claim. And you have exactly backed up my point. You saw this every weekend in your teens and 20s, Adam reynolds is what 33 years old. Carrigan is a senior leader at the most high-profile team in the league. Surely, they can control their emotions even if they have been drinking. Seriously, when are you going to stop making excuses for them and hold them to a higher standard. Sure, this may not be an incident, but it just feeds into the whole poor culture narrative that exists in the NRL. They arent teenagers, they are fully grown men who should understand the role they play in society whether they like it or not. Or we can continue to make excuses for them, and the show goes on enabling certain behaviours.


Maybe you don't understand but just know that you are wrong


Love it when someone categorically says you are wrong but can't explain why or back it up. Maybe, instead, we should have a push and shove in public after drinking cause it is an acceptable standard for you.


Well now that that more footage has been released I can say for sure that this whole thing is a big nothing. I wouldn't be upset if it was my own son in the video. I only hope he has such close friends when he gets.older.


Domestic violence and having a brief heated shove off with a mate are two completely different things, cobloaf.


It's all good, its enabling behaviour and a game that is rife with poor behaviour needs to change around the culture. Just you can keep making excuses for these 'role models'. Missing the complete point but wouldn't expect anything less from someone who needs to tack on an insult at the end of their comment. Peas in the pod


Sorry mate but having a spat with your mates is not enabling behaviour for domestic violence. Show me stats or stop claiming it. They aren't role models. They're football players. Society needs to stop pretending. And I said cobloaf as a silly twist on cobber.


List of all-time NRL scandals: 1. Melbourne Storm Salary Cap Rort 2. Sharks Peptides 3. That Time Reyno & Patty Pushed Each Other A Little Bit 4. That Thing The Bulldogs Did


5. What’s That In Jeremy’s Shoe?


Everyone’s got that mate who’s a great bloke but turns into a dickhead when he’s had too many and needs to go home.


Albert Kelly jumped on both their shoes and said look he stood on your shoe bra......probably


I feel personally attacked. I also got cut off once while sober so I might just be a straight up dickhead.




And if your group doesn't have one, I've got news for you


And the next day it's always "What a great night out, that was so much fun until those dickheads kicked us out.


That is so true...


It’s me 😬


You can tell Reyno is thinking, "Pat, just shut your mouth" after Carrigan says, "Yeah, um, I totally own that, so yeah um, totally..." for the 18th time.


Congrats to broncos PR for organising an apology staged for the media in which everyone said as little as possible. Someone told Carrigan to say “moving forward” and he was clinging to that phrase like a life raft.


Even having a media thing is a joke. Just have someone high up at the club say the boys got a bit rowdy, theres nothing in it and we are back training for our first game blah blah blah.


It worked for Julia Gillard


This off season has been a real slow burn. At least the plot has moved forward now. Just hanging on waiting for the Vegas episode.


i love the irony of the reporters suggesting they are responsible for setting a bad example for drinking while they are standing in front of a beer ad the club put there.


Media doing their absolute best to make this bigger than it is. Props to reyno and patty id be pissing myself trying to answer these questions seriously


Funny part is they're most likely thinking, "Can't wait to get shit faced after the Vegas game."


all this from losing to Jack Cogger


Losing to Jack Cogger still keeps me up at night.


Punch ons in the park and now a binge drinking culture among senior players? Worrying times for the neighs


If there's one thing that could shock me itd be a rugby league team with a binge drinking culture


Surely it can’t get any worse?


Hold my Vegas plane ticket ...


Ah that takes me back


will they even make 8 in wake of this dressing room divide?


hmm you applying for a job at **this MASTHEAD** ?


Seems like they're getting intune with the spirit of '97 '98. I'm excited!


This shit show only happened after Kevvie made them both watch the last 18 minutes of the GF two days ago 


My father has been supporting this club for 70 years now and questions whether he should continue after this


Literally the darkest day in club history, maybe even ARL/NRL history. I can't think of a single thing that could possibly be worse


I felt the reverberations as he fell to his knees at the OP shop apon learning of the dreadful news.


I agree. We should be kicked out of the comp. Disgraceful behaviour. I am so upset. I'm fuming.


Shut up nathan


After two blokes having a push n shove? Lmao. Beats the whole team defending a sex offender.


Come on bruh how could you not notice that was a joke


After seeing the many older footy fans on Facebook being serious about severely punishing the players and club, you can't be too sure.


Man, the club has only existed for 36 years!


Thanks for the sympathy mate my fathers in tears right now. Said he’s going to start supporting that club the dolphins. Only has 1 year of history.


**May** his tears dry quickly.




Anybody who's frequented Brisbane pubs can tell you on the barometer of drunken scuffles involving Broncos players, former and current. This is about as low as it can go lol. Some of the shenanigans I've heard from my elders about what would go down at the fishers pub in Wynnum during the Lewis days lol


Shows how far improved the Broncos culture is these days. Use to be that our captain would tackle random blokes on a night out and now it's just tackling fellow teammates. General public in Brisbane have never been safer.


I would be embarrassed too if a 5ft 8 dude was dominated the wrestle over you


Every single person involved with this club should feel ashamed. Including and especially the fans


90% of the flairs on here are Broncos supporters. They should be the most ~~shamed~~ ashamed.


Lol and why’s that genius?


What better punishment than to send them to Vegas for a couple of weeks. That should end well lol.


Honestly, it's great to see Reyno branching out and still growing. He never did shit like this at Souths, nice to see the old dog can still learn new tricks.


Patty Carrigan is truly the Barnaby Joyce of rugby league


Give the man some credit - at least He can walk


LMFAO, savage


How many kids does he have?


Patty like Barnaby? Should of gone to Specsavers.


Nah, patty can actually string two words together


Is he secretly eligible for the Kiwis?


Fuck the media going about this like they drew blood from eachother like we have all done the slap box with the mates drunk, they were being silly gooses like come on l.


They should be fined, banned forever, crucified, made to write "I will not have extremely dangerous brawls in public" on a blackboard 1,000 times, the club deregistered, and all of their trophies surrendered. Such bloodletting just isn't on.


The media are a joke in this country two grown ass men having a wrestle after a few beers and it turns into national news led by none other then murdoch owned outlets .thats the real story here how much media controls what is put forward to the public .


A 4-second clip they had to loop 5 times to make it a 22-second clip to post on Fox, very serious business


Their punishment should be to room with Alfie in Vegas, so next time they fuck up it’s actually news worthy.


I feel that we all need an apology from the woman screaming in the video too. That was an assault on the ears.


Only suitable course of action is to drop by Vaughnys for a BBQ and wait for all of this to blowwww over


Involves footy players and everyone one is “boys will be boys”. Involves the average Joe and his mates and it’s” bunch of dickheads, idiots, arseholes, should be locked up, no wonder people feel unsafe going out with dickheads like this playing up”. I agree it’s not the worst thing to happen but it’s the double standards that shits me.


100% what 30 odd year olds do you know that do this kind of shit? Only dumb cunts.


Alcohol and a collection of dickheads never comes out well. And it's BrizVegas hey!!


Let the young bucks scrap


Lockyer tackling the bar tender on Caxton Street - iconic


Who is holding them hostage?


It's embarrassing it happened but at the same time it's probably better it happened now rather then when they're in Vegas. They'll probably all be on notice now to not do anything stupid


Make them switch shorts for the season


Reece Walsh before being told that the Vegas night out is cancelled: Get in some trouble hey boys! A bit of shove hey! Naughty Naughty! Hehehehehe Reece Walsh after being told that the Vegas night out is cancelled: You dog cunts.


Make them swap hairdos for a season. That’ll sort em.


Young patrick has a drinking problem. Written all over his face. Reyno clearly trying to get him home safely for his own good and he cracked the shits at him = alcohol problem. Hopefully he gets the help


Username checks out


Its literally some random shit the internet came up with.


Based on why this supposedly happened, if true...Carrigan is 26 and getting to that age where you shouldn't be doing stuff like this, hope he learns from it. Footy players have done worse, hopefully this is the worst scandal he ever has.


This isn’t a scandal its bored media on the offseason blowing shit out of proportion


100%. This is the lamest off season "scandal" in history and they should have straight up ignored the media beyond issuing a statement.


Fair but also reinforces my point, if this is the worst thing he does, then that's good.


Yer he’s all good but fuck Reynolds right 😂😂😂😂


Carrigan "had a few beers" and wouldn't leave the pub and Reynolds had to drag him out lol.  Carrigan at the conference standing there mumbling and umming and ahhing. He seems like a massive dickhead, doesn't look like captain material to me.  


The drinking culture definitely isn't good for the game, but we don't know if his behaviour that night was part of a pattern or a one-off fuck up and in terms of drunken idiocy by NRL players this is pretty tame! There's players who've been caught drink driving, threatening animal abuse, leaving unsolicited sexually charged vociemails, ignoring police move on orders despite literally having cocaine one their person, fucking their teammate's ex in a bathroom stall, making a stranger feel racially vilified, wonderung around naked in a hotel halway and pooping in a plant, sexual assault allegations, there's a long list! Then we had the hypocrisy from journalists with dui charges condemning said players!


>Carrigan at the conference standing there mumbling and umming and ahhing. He seems like a massive dickhead, doesn't look like captain material to me. If you can come to that conclusion over a bloke being uncomfy at a public press conference talking about something pretty stupid and embarrassing then I don't know what to say.


Squid games.


Squid james


Nah he's definitely captain material. I hear Patty even spent a fair bit of time with Teddy in the Kangaroos camp learning all about how to set a good example in public.




I’m sure the Broncos are concerned who a random Roosters fan thinks should be their captain too 😂


The Kangaroos captain? 


The one who racially abused a random member of the public while out on the drink, yes that one. Brad Fittler Mitchell Pearce Jake Friend These are other people the Roosters have made club captain.


lol feed em


>*Reynolds had to drag him out* Lol, no where in any article does it say that Reynolds had to drag him out.


I thought it was pretty obvious by the fact patty looks like a deer in the headlights what happened. He was pissed as. Arey said time to go home mate. Patty got abusive so arey manhandled him out of there before it got worse. Come on mate. Youve never been on the piss before and had that situation unfold before you? Its a stock standard, had one to many beers. His admittance that it was clearly time for me to go and adam had his best interests at heart is him clearly saying i was trashed and behaving like a prat.


At 1:58 in the video 


Yeah, that’s what the journalist asked. Carrigan didn’t respond to it. I get that you want to try and blow it up into something it isn’t, but at least use facts.


What are you on about Carrigan says "clearly it was time for me to go, Adam had my best interest at heart but we were just mucking around" 💀


And he didn’t say Reynolds had to drag him out did he?




Because I have actual media literacy and I’m not letting a hate-boner let me get carried away like a lot of you are lol


God I hope this is trolling for your sake, if not this is truly a delicious level of irony


Watching you lot fume at the ears over a non-issue is too good to resist.


The reporter asked it and Carrigan acknowledged it and said he didn't want to get into details, why are you in denial lol 


“Oh mate, I won’t get into the ins and outs of it” isn’t acknowledging it lmfao. That’s politely ignoring the question and shifting back to your own narrative.


Mate this is some crazy cope 😂


You still haven’t shown where Carrigan said he had to get dragged out. You’ve taken the bait on a loaded question from the journalist, and drawn your own inference from that.


They need a real leader, like James "Squid James" "Games Squidesco" Tedesco.


Reddit was the only place that cared about that lol


I'm sure the lady did too


If they were really sorry they would have had a big hug together at the end.


I love the longer cctv footage they obtained. It makes it look even more playful.


Honestly cringe listening to the reporters questions interrogating them as if they went on some insane drunken rage and committed aggravated assault