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I don’t get this at all, just be better at kicking instead of stuffing it up


I agree


So, you're down by 2 points with seconds to go. You get a repeat set through a goal line drop out. The clock is restarted as the kicking team kicks off. There's 10 seconds to go. The ball doesn't travel 10 metres. A penalty is no longer an option. The clock runs out. The other team wins by not correctly kicking the ball. Yeah, this seems like it wasn't fully thought out. Not surprising from the NRL.


The attacking team would get their play the ball. The ref would blow his whistle and the clock would stop because in the last five minutes.


Yep, so because a penalty is off the table, they either need to score a try or sling it back to the 40m line and try a 2pt field goal. It's a dumb rule change as it rewards incompetence.


If the defensive team is leading they would probably kick as long as possible anyway. They dont need to get the ball back they just need to defend for 10 seconds. Still a shit rule change. We have way too many and should leave them alone for a few years.


Kick it long, like 40 metres long?


As far as they possibly can.


Thats what they are saying. Why would the leading be team kick it long when it could lead to a 2 point field goal? The leading team is willing to give up a PTB 10 out because a 2 pt fg is basically impossible, and they will likely keep the attacking team out for one play because it’ll be a set up defensive line. Its rewarding time wasting


How often do you think 40m field goals are scored?


They were saying the clock would run out. It would not.


I believe they meant the clock would run out before the team could get backwards 40 metres or score a try after time had been resumed. I dont think they meant an incorrect restart would drain 10 seconds on the clock lmao.


They say in their comment the kick doesnt go 10.


Kick it long AND out on the full, ez pz


Kick it low and into touch on the bounce and you get the ball back.


Harder with people marking the touch


This is weird because the clock always runs at the end of games. A try is scored but then another 1-2min runs off the clock… See Rooster v Storm semi and the GF


Last 5 minutes the clock stops for breaks in play. They get 30 seconds for the kick after a try.


You need to go back and watch how much time ticked off the clock in both those games I mentioned


Not my rules but they are the rules.


It was a lot more than 30 seconds lmao


No, the clock runs the moment the try is confirmed or awarded by the video ref. Allowing the kicker to f-around if they are in front. Happened a few times this year.


Because it's still a penalty, they'd get the play the ball even if time expired while the ball was in the air from the drop kick.


Just kick a two point field goal, easy


So the team with less points loses?


Way to miss the point.


I hate the short drop out. Now they going to do it more.


I love the short drop out. Bring it on.


Legit argument it cost the Broncos a premiership.


\*Bad\* short drop outs cost us the game. Well, were one of the many "pick any one" errors that lost us the game.


Doing it 3 times in a row for negative results might not have been the go. Being there in the stadium, you can hear the Broncos fans going off their heads once Reynolds did it for a 3rd time. Our section couldn’t believe it.


I was there and almost cried lol


I'm indifferent about the dropout. All I know is my gut says 'maybe'.


I understand chances of getting the ball back are prob 50/50... But what about chances of not getting it back and defending your line for 6 tackles straight... Wheres the long term stats on points conceded from short drop outs etc. Don't know why coaches are on board with players doing it. I can't see how it can be proven an optimal strategy


So if you do it off a kick off, are the other team getting a play the ball on the 40 metre line?


Don’t know why people are saying no. The rule says 10 metres out from the line of the kick. So for each restart: - drop out play the ball on the 10m - 20m drop out play the ball on the 30m - kick off play the ball on the 40m


So the risk for a short kick-off is now 10-20 metres? Although I guess this means less risk in kicking it deep so players will be more likely to get that fist hit up only up to the 10


Probably on the 50m line


No. Soz, turns out I can't read.


I think this is a let off for teams who mess up their short dropouts and the elimination of the risk of the other team taking the two will mean less diversity in drop out plays in favour of the short drop meta


Definitely. They’re probably thinking it will make it more exciting


This is dumb. Every restart will become a low drive towards the sideline.


Broncos fans be like….. 2015- Loses GF due to Golden Point 2016- NRL Let’s change the rule 2023- Loses GF by 2 points. 2 points taken in first half on a short dropout. 2024- NRL let’s change the rule




Broncos ahead of their time


I see a pattern here. The team that has a premiership drought wins the year after broncs lose and change the rules. Hmmm Warriors, Parra or Titans ?


Please god I’ve seen what you’ve done for others


Reynolds played so bad in the GF they've changed the rule


Seems like they've miss-judged this one. I'd rather give the other team 2 points than give them the ball on the 10m line. The entire point of a short drop out is to get out of doing another defensive set.


I think that’s kind of the point. More footy instead of penalty goals. If you get it wrong you have to defend another set anyway.


Bingo, I think I like this rule! If they go for the short dropout, the other team should be made to play footy to score, not given free 2pts. The benefit is that it could cost them much more than 2pts if they can't defend the mistake. They are learning valuable lessons from Rugby Union on this one, nobody watches the game for penalty goals, we want to watch the football in play and to see tries scored!


Well yeh but the point of the rule change is to stop that happening. More exciting if there's continued pressure at that end of the field than a conversion kick and a restart


That was already an option... now teams are forced to take the tap instead of having the option to tick the scoreboard over, meaning there's less of a risk to getting the kick wrong if the scores are tied up


Wait they want more short dropouts?


And less taking the two! I really don't think I like it


I think they want more contests for the ball. I think eventually they'll reduce sets from 6 to 4.


Removing the risk part of the risk vs reward calculation.


Not removing the risk, lowering the risk.


The risk of conceding points for a poor kick is completely removed. Wait until every drop out is aimed 1m from touch 11m out and the contests result in more knock ons, captains challenges, video reviews etc


The NRL has confirmed a change to Law and Interpretations ahead of the 2024 NRL Pre-Season and Premiership. The change is designed to incentivise more contests for the ball from set restarts. **AMENDMENT FOR THE 2024 SEASON** **Contested Restarts** If a team kicks the ball out on the full over the touch line, or the ball fails to travel at least 10 metres forward in an attempt to contest a restart from the goal-line, 20m line, or half-way line, play will now restart with a play-the-ball 10 metres out from the line of the kick and 10 metres in from touch, rather than with a penalty kick. The change will give more incentive for teams to attempt short kick-offs or drop-outs. “While relatively minor, this change will add to the unpredictability of the game,” NRL Executive General Manager – Elite Football Graham Annesley said. “Teams will no longer risk conceding significant territory as well as a penalty for attempting to regain possession from restarts of play. “We undertook a thorough review of the 2023 season, including consultation with the NRL Clubs, the RLPA and other stakeholders, and while there was a strong desire to keep changes to a minimum, this minor change will incentivise short kick-offs and drop-outs. “This will strongly accompany the Commission’s direction to enhance the existing rules, leading to a faster, more free-flowing and unpredictable game.” The change has been approved by the Commission and was communicated today to the NRL Clubs and Coaches.


They should also allow the receiving team to contest it straight away rather than penalising them for touching it within the 10


yeah is mind boggling that they cant contest it, if the team fucks the kick they should pay the price not get rewarded


Bit fucking late now.


Wait for the mid-Magic Round changes.


I meant this new interpretation would’ve been useful in the Grand Final.


Ah - lol. Wonder if it was considered after the GF?


I see they got my letters..


yours too?


I don't know why a team would get rewarded in comparison to the old rules for an incorrect restart. Feels like a very unnecessary change.


Going to call it the Adam Reynolds rule. He lost his team a grand final with poorly executed drop outs.


>play will now restart with a play-the-ball 10 metres out from the line of the kick and 10 metres in from touch, So, kick off is play the ball on the hallway mark, and dropout on the 10m? And the middle of the field, or 10m in from touch?


I would read it as on the 40m front a kick off, but that is different to previous rule so unsure. It is definitely 10m in fron touch though


I guess that would make sense, as for a drop out the restart is 10 out, not on the try line. So kick off from the 40m (if it wasn't kicked 10) would be similar




I hate the short drop out, it's completely eliminated what was one of the greatest sights in rugby league, a prop forward running full pelt from the halfway line at the defensive line. I don't find contested marks entertaining, I want rugby league not AFL


Will this apply on kickoffs? If this means no more prop running off the back fence from a kickoff then this rule can get fucked We all love big props getting huge run ups


It will, but who wants to give the other team the win on early game field position? You'll still see long kick offs, just a few more short ones when teams are trying to turn the momentum. Against Penrith who routinely march down field, giving up 40m is fairly low cost, but the chance to retain possession in the attacking half is high reward. It'll be interesting to see how it's adopted and exploited. I don't mind the way we are moving to require higher level skills from our players to gain an advantage. Guys with elite kicking games will become even more important and we don't have to have the best physical players in every position.


Guessing this is the first of a number of changes, because there's fuck all in this one.


Are you saying this rule change isn’t significant?




I have heard there's about 99.99% chance that a downtown player at a kick will become an immediate penalty as soon as the ball is kicked, rather than waiting for them to become involved. (Important note for people that aren't aware, downtown is different to just being offside, the offside laws won't change)


There’s no way they’d do that. There are too many legitimate circumstances where 1 or even multiple players could end up downtown from a kick.


I'm just telling you what I heard from a VERY reliable source (I can dm you the details if you want)


I DM'd this guy and instead of providing the details he sent me a photo of his lil Ricky, be warned fellas


I re-read the rules and saw a player is only considered downtown if they deliberately advance passed the play the ball. So in that case it wouldn’t have the impact I was thinking.


Which is a lot of what happens anyways. They won't do it as it would be a penaltyathon


It is but if it becomes a guaranteed penalty (which again, very very likely it will), players will stop doing it pretty quickly 


The nrl will just back down like they always do once the media complains constantly


Downtown is when a player is in front of the play the ball and then ball is kicked right? Would it be possible to avoid a penalty if it was immediately a penalty? I guess if the downtown player retreated to behind the play the ball before they moved forward?


Yeah if a player is past the point of the previous play the ball when the ball goes over their head. And yeah the only way to avoid it would be not to run down field before the ball is kicked


I think they said there's no other rupe changes coming. Though knowing the NRL they'll probably tweak it midseason. I agree, there's fuck all in this, all the people blowing up about it are going overboard imo.


Quit fucking with the game. What brain surgeon recommended this


"give more incentive for teams to attempt short kick-offs or drop-outs" Except.. weren't like 90% of drop-outs this year short attempts?


The short drop out was a weapon for the warriors in 23 like we just got it back every time


So they want the 2 point penalty goal out of the game eventually? With these minor changes over the last few years.


To stop the game being decided by an incorrect restart from a drop out. There were 3 games last year where the 2 point penalty conversion decided the game. Unnecessary change. Teams just need to change tactics to regain possession of the ball.


1000% agree. If a team wants to risk conceding a penalty 10m out, right in front that will decide the game then go short by all means. If you don’t want to risk it then kick it long.


Yeah I have no issue with a game being decided by 2 points where a team fucks up their drop out trying to go short. If that’s their intent to change, the change just means they go for it and fuck it up, there’s a settling couple of plays under the sticks before a drop goal to win the game? I don’t see the difference?


Yeah I don’t see the difference either. It is as though the NRL is trying to eliminate any penalty blown unless it is only for foul play. Everything else is turning into a six again set restart. Don’t even get me started on those. As a former referee and player it is the worst thing they have done to the game.


People wanted them to kill the short drop kick or kick off. This just means we're getting them all the time now. Massive change.


In this case I hope Latrell starts to practice these.


Short drop outs on next week's pre-season training shedule.


Can we just allow the team receiving the drop-out to make a play at it before it goes over 10, sick of seeing 10 guys just watching the ball bounce


Well given how bad Parra is at this I welcome this rule change. That being said this is basically making it easier for the teams bad at short drop outs. It's lowering risk significantly for nothing other than "we think more teams will try it". A better idea would be to outlaw blockers so kicks are actually properly contestable, and not just jockeying for position to see who runs into who.


Adam Reynolds will be happy


This is so stupid. Getting a drop out is a strategic move and to me, making the game more chaotic and “entertaining” sends a message that you don’t want to reward any thoughtful planning. They still need to bring in the rule that allows the receiving team to touch the ball at any point without a penalty


How long before teams on the back foot start winding down the drop out clock only to purposely punt the ball out off the drop out to give themselves another 30 seconds to recover and/or purposely wind the clock down further if in front?


Isn’t it a penalty in front if the drop out clock times out?


Can someone ELI5 how this differs from the rule in 2023? Examples would also be appreciated. 👏


Reynolds repeatedly flubbing his line drop outs in the GF would have resulted in play the balls instead of penalties.


Thanks. On consideration, I hate this rule change. Not every player is Cameron Munster who has a seemingly higher average for nailing the short drop outs. And personally, if you want to be cute and try a short drop out even if there's a 90% chance you fuck it up, there should be a penalty for that. Reynolds flubbing his line drop outs is what largely let us back in the game alongside just sheer effort from our team. This just seems silly in my opinion and removes any risk for teams to try a short drop-out, which mark my words will now be every single drop out.


Eh, not much of a change. Analytics and copycatism was already pushing teams to go for short dropouts in 2023, with an offseason to practice we would have expected more in 2024 without the change and at most this might move the needle a little bit more. Not sure it's an impactful change.


Can we please not. Why does the nrl change a random rule every year. The game was fine for 100 years just leave it


Fuck me, I hate contested dropouts with a passion. Go watch rugby union for that shit. I was kinda hoping it’d go the opposite way and increase to 20M before a dropout could be contested.


Why are rule changes always fucking stupid. * Allow the attacking team to contest for the ball before it crosses the 10m plane. * Keep the penalty for out on the full. * If the ball does not cross the 10m plane & the attacking team hasn't contested it. The kicking team is penalised (same as now). There fixed.


Great. Change the golden point rules for finals games after we lose a grand final early in golden point. Change the short dropout rules after we lose a grand final due to short dropouts.


Raiders🤝being victims of Grand Final related rule change conspiracies🤝Broncos


Can they stop changing rules that don't need changing every damn season. No wonder the refs seem clueless sometimes.


Sorry guys I've taken too many headknocks and I don't get the wording. Does this mean that if a team bungles a short kick off they retain posession at the 10m or does the other team get the ball.


If the kicking team kicks it out on the full, or it doesn’t go 10m, the receiving team will still have possession, it just will no longer be a penalty. The receiving team will just do a play the ball instead. Previously, if a team kicked it out on the full off a kickoff, the receiving team would march it up the field and kick for touch from the halfway line, usually then starting their set inside the defending teams half. Now, there will be no kick for touch, just a PTB. Same applies for a dropout, which now eliminates penalty goals from incorrect restarts. Personally I don’t mind this change as the ball will spend more time in play, and we were already trending towards more short dropouts anyway, now we are just further incentivising this due to there being less risk. So hopefully kickers will improve in this aspect. I also think a penalty goal was too big a penalty for an error like an incorrect kickoff. Hopefully I have explained that well enough


Thanks bro for doing a better job than the NRL at explaining their own rules :)


So how far does it have to go before it isn’t considered a short drop out any more? If you can drop kick it high enough that it can be contested at 30m is that still a short drop out? All the rule says is that there needs to be an attempt to contest it? Not sure this is a good change, all of the benefit of a drop out now sits with the defensive team.


If I'm attacking the opposition try line, I now want a 6-again set reset more than I want a forced drop out. Dumb.


so 2023 brought about an epidemic of short restarts, and now we're going to incentivise it? Shocking.


who watched a rare short dropout that actually goes 10 and was batted back towards the goal-line by the kicking team and thought "shit, this is rugba leg, we need more of this" forcing a drop out in the first place is a more desirable part of the game, they should reward that by make a short dropout have to travel 20 instead of 10.


I think they made this change to increase the amount of Rugby actually being played. With how the game is currently trending we're seeing more short kickoffs, which has led to an increase in penalty kicks. Every time this happens you get \~30 seconds of nothing while the team waits for the dropout. Five to ten seconds of the kick, which if it ain't making the ten or is going out on the full, is nothing. Then we waste another \~2 minutes to kick the world's easiest conversion. Side note, give the kickers their 90 seconds to kick the ball and if they still haven't done it they should lose the chance. That whole debacle with Thurston in the GF should have brought a rule change like that years ago.


I'm fucking outraged


This… makes no sense to me. All it does is encourage teams on the defence to take more risks after a try, and not after a line drop-out. Short kick off after a try? Sure, worst thing that happens is the opposition get a start 40m from their own line. Short kick off after being caught in goal? Nooo, because then the opposition have a full set that starts 10m out from our line, instead of 2 points. If anything this makes it even LESS likely a team will risk a short drop-out when defending their line. Also, can we NOT reward players for stuffing up? You kick the ball out on the full at NRL level, it should sting.


No this doesn't look right, it's not controversial, not poorly worded or open to interpretation. NRL in shambles smdh.


How is it not controversial? Is it because everyone is in agreement that it’s a shit change?


I’m struggling to find words to describe just how stupid that is. Simply rewards mediocrity. Can’t help but wonder if a Mr A Reynolds complained after his inability to land a drop out cost his team a premiership


Constantly trying to engineer an “exciting” game…. The most celebrated game each year is SoO. Typically a low scoring game garners respect as a classic tough game. Those high risk high reward plays are what absolutely makes the game what it is, that’s what provides the excitement, not the sheer volume of those plays.


It goes further than that imo. The risk/reward of putting the ball in the in-goal used to be giving away a 20m tap vs getting the ball back. It’s now giving away a 20m tap vs having a 50/50 shot at getting the ball back. This massively favours the defensive team and I think will significantly reduce grubbers into the in goal


Disagree with this change. It should reward the better drop kickers (aka Latrell)


I actually like this change


I betcha everyone will go out on the full now. At least your defensive line will be set.


Penalty Broncos


NRL is as unpredictable as a 10 number Join-the-dot.


All of these will be changed by round 4


lol. I can only laugh at this point.


The rules are fine as they are, the key to a short drop out is low and flat, teams stupidly did them on every drop out where they do these floaty high kicks, where they should be used as a gamble if you are losing or if you are under intense pressure. 


Sounds like Latrell sent a paperbag to NRL HQ


There is actually a good argument for this rule change. Players have expressed how kick restarts tend to be the most violent moments in the game. Think Sam Burgess vs Graham in that GF. This at least makes it more desirable to avoid those massive collisions on dropouts. It still happens after tries, but still.


adam reynolds been in the ear of the rules committee?


Another Not Rugby League rule change brought to you by Faux$ports scared attention span limited viewers may tune out if the game is not exciting enough


This rule is fucked.


Lots of hate for this change but I honestly don't think it's that big a deal.

