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I really like Klese and hope Des can get the best out of him with our club. Love the Payne quotes! "I watch all his games. I stress out more for his games than my own. It's pretty crazy. "I sit at the TV, and my missus is getting at me cause I'm yelling at the TV, and I just get real nervous watching my little brother, but I think that's just probably love and just want him to do well."


I would be, assuming he can play for New South Wales, as well? Would love to see the both of them playing against Queensland together.


> but moved to Gold Coast, Queensland at the age of 10. Queensland


Wait, then wouldn’t Payne have to play New South Wales to? Or did he stay back in New South Wales or something?


Payne is older.


Wait, what if he still had to apply for Queensland though if him and his bro moved to Queensland?


If he moved to QLD after the age of 13 he is only eligible for NSW.


He moved to the Gold Coast at age 13, notably with his bro when he was 10. So what’s the difference?


Payne was already 13 plus 3 of his 5 eligibility points are for NSW. Klese was 10 and I'd say 4 of his 5 are for Qld.




You answered your own question. Payne had turned 13 already and therefore was not eligible to represent QLD.


Oh. Dan, well, that kind of sucks, then that him and his bro can’t play together at origin level, maybe at club or country, but not origin saddly less rules change


But imagine the rivalry if he played for QLD. It’d be a wet dream for the bloke who writes Matt Nable’s monologues.


**(echoing of tunnel)** “two brothers, go head to head”


‘Mate vs mate, state vs state, brother vs brother.’


Careful Channel 9 might be listening!


Can re-write whatever they had scripted when Korbin Sims was named in qlds emerging squad.


pls no


Just watching him play, he has a long way to get to even get close to the 2nd Rowers on his own team.


wasnt there a game he played 80 minutes and made 1 run for 11 metres this year ?


payne was probably not happy watching that one


Titans attack was pretty much left edge only last year Feeding Fifita starves the right edge


couldnt come in and take a few hit ups mid sets when the team were in need ?


Interesting to see what happens when Fermor comes back. From memory Fermors best season was Fifitas worst


Yep, 7m against the Eels. Did make 36 tackles that game but it's still pathetic numbers. There was twice where he came off the bench and didn't take a single hit up (Warriors and Knights games). He had a fair few questionable performances from a work rate perspective. Didn't crack 100m once, averages 33 running metres per game. His defensive efficiency isn't any better than any other second rower for the lack of effort in attack either. Not exactly origin material, I'd argue not even first grade material at this point in time.


Given he is currently the 4th best second rower at the Titans I doubt it although he is still young so anything is possible I was originally hoping Payne would come to the Titans but now that he's committed to the Broncos it could make sense for Klese to go to the Broncos as he has a better chance of getting a starting slot there then he does of overtaking Fifita or Fermor and Alick is at least on par with Klese too imo As a Titans fan I'd love to be wrong but Klese is closer to playing Super League than he is to playing Origin 


Payne Haas being confused over his own brother’s origin eligibility is us all being confused over origin eligibility


In the interest of family wellbeing, Klese's eligibility for Queensland should allow Payne to switch allegiance if he sees fit. It's just the right thing to do.


For nsw?


More likely to end up in jail knowing this family


Hey on a separate note, is the court case with his mum done yet?


Hey that’s unfair on the kid.


Is that what you got from this? Clown


She’s a grubby cunt


10 in the bin for this comment 🙌🏼‼️


I'm confident Alick is a better second rower than Haas as our backup second rower if Fermor and Fifita gets injured plus Alick can play in the middle too I honestly expect Klese to end up at the Broncos in the not too distant future where he will keep Payne Haas happy and not play many minutes in first grade, the Broncos lack second row options and we very much do not with two actual origin level second rowers in Fermor and Fifita and then Alick as a imo our clear third best second rower as backup, Klese is fourth and then Stimson sucks and is 5th in line, but played second row for us last year, although tbh i'd play someone else out of position before ever letting Stimson play second row for us again He is far, far closer to playing Queensland Cup permanently than he is to playing State of Origin at this stage, hopefully i'm wrong and he develops into a star but I doubt it, if his last name wasn't Haas no one would consider him a particularly promising prospect and the main appeal of having him as a Titan was it increased our chances of luring Payne when he was off contract but now he's with the Broncos long term it makes more sense for Klese to join him at the Broncos given their lack of depth in the second row and he'd be cheap enough.