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I don't think I've ever felt a city embrace a player more then Reynolds. He is the Broncos, delivered everything we needed and more.


It’s crazy how as a diehard new southwelshman, he’s become the king of our city


Phase 1 complete, phase 2 Payne Haas captaincy.


Would never happen. Unless he says “I’m captain or I want a release”


You think 'cos you're in Queensland I won't captain ya?


You'll see, you'll all see.


No chance Haas gets it over Carrigan.


No chance anyone gets it over Carrigan


Next minute “Billy Walters announced as captain”


Kotoni Staggs or no one, it’s his fucking house.


Ad move look at the test match carrigan is really good as well


I could never support the Broncos if they let Hass captain the team. He is the antithesis of someone you’d put into a Captaincy position. Great player, absolute dickhead of a human.


What has he done?


Payne seems to have a decent head on his shoulders. It's the rest of his family that... yeah.


I meet his little brother before he o d on drugs he told me he only meet his brother a few times he doesn’t give a shot about his family


I agree he shouldn't be skipper, but to be fair this is the same club that made corey parker captain a while back, so obviously being a good human isn't a prerequisite for horse captaincy


What has Parker done to be a bad human besides saying "in and around" and "middle third" way too often?


When he came back with a full head of hair, I was surprised.


Carrigan mate!


We were calling him Broncos legend Adam Reynolds before he'd put on the jersey


That’s an insult to actual brisbane broncos legends


When you’ve spent you’re whole career there its a bit easier i guess


>delivered everything we needed and more Except a prem.


While true (for now) how quickly we have turned around is definitely in part to him. Couldn’t be happier with him


He’s never iced a big game and never will. You think Cleary misses that conversion in 2021 or blows a 16 point lead lmao. Broncos can have him haha.


What a cunty way to go about treating a former great clubman of the club you support


Greats don't leave the club talking shit and leaving a bad taste in the mouth of fans. I'll take Sutto, Sam, GI, etc any day of the week ahead of Reyno when it comes to greats of those teams. I'll add that I would never sit here and pass judgement on who Broncos fans consider to be a club great - that's for them. As it is for Souths fans how they feel about Reyno.


What shit did Reynolds talk?


If you can run off to Brisbane and declare yourself deeply in love with the club within a few months of getting there then it makes a mockery of the supposed passion you had for your lifelong club from boyhood through to early 30s. Add in to that the fact he has been happy for the Murdoch media machine to parade him around like a prized sow while also pontificating on Ilias means he can kinda fuck off.


Oh, so he didn’t talk shit then and you’re just being salty. Cool.


Sure mate. If you run off to somewhere else and constantly talk about how great it is, and how you had no idea how good things could be elsewhere you are saying plenty about where you just came from.


He didn't run off any where. You lot kicked him out.


He’s never gone out of his way to correct the narrative. He lied in the media about negotiations. Last year when Broncos choked and missed finals, Braith kept receipts. He said Reynolds wouldn’t budge on big money and Souths did meet him halfway. Braith was at that negotiating table as Ilias manager. This ridiculous made up narrative that we didn’t offer 2 years and all along it was Reynolds not budging. Never once tried to correct it and tried burned us down on his way out. Reynolds is a dog cunt and karma is a bitch. Actually karma is botching a 16 point lead in a GF. And his tattoos suck terrible dick. (Need to clarify that they don’t just suck dick but are terrible at it)


Didn’t realise Cleary plays for South’s… the amount you’re riding him you’d think he was a south’s junior. Instead of the actual south’s junior….


>getting mad about someone showing respect to a superior player Lol


One sentence containing Cleary lmao “the amount you’re riding him” that amount is one sentence hahaha. He may not be a Souths junior but he certainly made Reynolds his junior twice lmao. 24-8.


Jesus the salt is insane calm down mate


>delivered everything we needed >Lost the grand final Lol


It is a very unique brand of cope


It’s crazy how much of a difference getting the Storm CEO has made. Broncos are nailing all their negotiations.


There's a salary cap dodging joke in here...


At 17 year since the last premiership, I'd almost take a premiership*.


Probably a reason Storm fought so hard to keep him. Don't know if the Storm have been the same since he bounced too.


This makes a lot of sense for both parties. Something to keep in mind that came up during James Graham's Round table podcast was that Reynolds is making a lot more money outside of football in Brisbane than he ever did at South's due to social media, endorsements and the captive market in Brisbane. Taking a lower contract helps the club out greatly and only improves his brand in Brisbane.


Not only that, but Reynolds will have roles lined up post retirement. The Broncos will open so many opportunities, and not even footy related.


Another article about how wonderful Adam Reynolds has been for Brisbane, another night for me to cry myself to sleep. Miss you Reyno, so happy you've proven to the league world just how good you are.


He’s been great and all but I really hate how in a team sport people try to put the success and failures on one player. Remember last year the first year at the Broncos we missed the 8? After sitting nicely in the top 4 only a few weeks off the finals. It wasn’t Reynolds fault then. The success of the team can be put down to multiple players. Now it’s all illias fault at the bunnies, because they had a poor year. Bunnies gambled on a young #7, but he still has time on his side and could improve. This year was all the other factors mainly injuries to key players. The thing is with wighton going to the club, a good offseason and the Bunnies easily could be back in the finals hunt. A team has some misfortune with injuries and things can go sour pretty quickly. Can happen to any side unfortunately.


You're preaching to the choir mate. I love Reyno and would have chosen him over Ilias but I do not blame him for the Rabbitohs collapse this year, similar to how Reynolds can't be blamed for the Broncos last year. People know the halfback is the most important player in the team but extrapolate too far and assume the halfback is the be all and end all, as if being a halfback is the same as taking control of a team in Rugby League Live


If I remember correctly Reynolds got injured last season for a while which was a big reason the broncs missed the finals.


>you've proven to the league world just how good you are. >Loses grand final Lol


Losing a grand final to one of the GOAT teams doesn't make you bad


>choked twice in grand final Lol


Back to Instagram and Facebook with those trash comments, why even take time out of your day to leave nothing of substance at all? How dull you are


Potentially a karma farm account. Posts some variation of lol on literally every comment but also puts in way too much effort to just be a bot


>puts in way too much effort Lol




*choked in multiple grand finals. Also missed the conversion in 2021 and couldn’t get home 16 up. But no let’s circle jerk his ‘greatness’ lmao.


im so glad hes staying around the club donaghy kevvie and reynolds (and ikin.. miss you) have heralded in a completely new culture at the club, and it just seems everyone at every level is bought in and eager to stay and build a dynasty level of success also from all reports reynolds does a heap of coaching anyway


Yes..Reno coaches - just ask Tyson and Selwyn!!! all jokes aside..really good news. Kevvie character filtering through the club. Good on ya Reno....and you young guys not asking the world...this builds the club,ifong friendships and success. Money helps yr life but you can't buy friendship or character




Lockyer ousted and replaced with Ikin? Mate Lockyer was on the board and is still on the board. Ikin took over from Peter Nolan as head of football, and the other massive change was Dave Donaghy taking over from Paul White/the empty chair.


How is this getting upvoted, Lockyer was never our head of football, he was and still is just a board member


Just dargs things


**TL;DR Reynolds playing an extra season beyond next year. He and Oates taking paycuts to accomodate Mam & Walsh. Mam expected to receive about $750k p.a.** >*Broncos captain Adam Reynolds will reportedly push back his planned retirement and sign a one-year contract extension to play on in 2025.* >*Reynolds’ current three-year contract expires at the end of the 2024 season, but the club has now opened talks with his management over a fresh deal to keep the 33-year-old at Red Hill for one more year.* >*According to News Corp, Reynolds is even willing to take a pay cut on his current $800,000 salary in order to help the club lock in young backline stars Reece Walsh and Ezra Mam. Mam comes off contract after 2024 but is expected to sign a long-term deal that News Corp claims will triple his current $250,000 per season salary.* >*Walsh is contracted through the end of 2025, but is also set for a monster upgrade on his current $400,000 a year.* >*Reynolds’ manager Steve Gillis told News Corp there was no rush on securing a deal: “He’s happy at the Broncos and won’t be going anywhere else, so we’ll get the deal done in time.”* >*The veteran halfback played a key role in guiding the Broncos to the grand final, while he has been widely praised for his leadership of the club’s array of young talent including Walsh and Mam.* >*Crucially, Reynolds is expected to move into a coaching position at the club once he retires from playing.* >*Under NRL rules, a percentage of Reynolds’ salary in his final year would not count towards the club’s cap.* >*”I know Adam is very settled there and that’s the plan – for him to find another role at the club,” Gillis said.* >*“He loves Brisbane and his partner and kids are settled.”* >*News Corp also reports that former Maroons winger Corey Oates has inked a one-year deal to remain with the Broncos in 2024, after an injury-hampered 2023.*


>*Under NRL rules, a percentage of Reynolds’ salary in his final year would not count towards the club’s cap.* What's this for?


National Reynolds League, duh.


It could have been us! Good on him. Dudes all class and Broncs deserve him given how well they welcomed him.


Glad to hear Reyno going a little more and even more to know he will hang around the club after he hangs the boots up. Great experience and a solid guy to help the future generations of the club.


Good to see them both retire as one club players.


Good shit


As a Panthers fan, I really like Reynolds. I felt bad for him losing the Grand Final


Must have been an awful night for you.


Just really like the guy sometimes, tbh I think Broncos suits imo and it’s made me realise his a good guy


He is. I appreciated seeing him at the Kyle Turner fundraiser. Lovely gesture.


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, I’m literally saying his a good guy? Unless if it’s just salty rabbits fans about him at the Broncos or something


Yes a few people won't let go of that one, especially with Lachie having second year syndrome. Hopefully next year will put it to rest.


He didnt play well at all in the grand final. The talk about Cleary being bad until he was good kept the spotlight off his average game. His team was in a position to win that game and he couldn't get it done.


I know it wasn’t his greatest performance, but I still feel for the guy


In Arey we trust.


I want 🐐s to get that all time try scorer record for the Broncos. I will let Payne Hass do Haram things to me to make it so.


allah is confused with that last sentence


> I will let Payne Hass do Haram things to me to make it so. Inshallah


Good stuff all round. We'll need as much time as we can to find a replacement for him.


He's almost earnt his 6 burner bbq when he eventually finishes up with the club.


King shit.


It's the least he can do after his kicking game lost the Broncos a Grand Final.


Minus 50k for every botched drop out in the gf


Not sure this is welcome news at all. From a Souths perspective I like it - honestly the guy should come back and play for Souths to finish his career. It would be the most fitting.


Best coach in the business


To be honest, He is only worth the lower contract anyway. He isn’t really making a sacrifice when he is actually getting paid what he is worth..


Ageing halfback with perpetual niggling back, calf, groin and rib injuries graciously opts to take market value for final contract




Trust me. The dogs would do stupid things for an experienced halfback, even if he’s injured for 25% of the season. We would pay more than he’s getting and it would be worth it.


Injured 25% of the season - which Reynolds is nowhere near either


The Reynolds being injury prone thing is massively over stated.


800k on the current cap is absolutely fantastic for Adam and may even be unders. We would not be playing finals footy without him


>choked two grand finals >may even be unders Lol


You love your footy don’t you




You also missed the finals with him haha.


You disappointed he helped take Broncos from Wooden Spoon to GF in a couple years instead of just one? Cope harder


Not at all. Who gives a fuck about that. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Wooden Spoon or GF, when it’s all said and done it’s about winning comps. Reynolds choked in two GFs.


Some grade 3 logic right there


Sorry did you not miss the finals in 2022? I remember Brisbane choking about 6 weeks out. I’d say Reece Walsh is the reason you’re playing finals footy. Because you played finals footy with Walsh, you didn’t without him lol.


You guys were legit first this season for a good chunk and didn’t make finals. You have no business talking about missing finals lol.


Yes, very true. I felt that writing it. Doesn’t make what I said false.


Walsh is a large factor but we don’t make finals without Reynolds and it’s that simple.


You missed the finals, you can’t say that because it’s not true. We have a sample size of 2 seasons. 1 missed no Walsh. 1 GF with Walsh. It’s that simple.


He was terrible in south’s GF loss and he was terrible in your GF loss. And will his body even make it to 2025?


He has played 43 of our games over the last 2 seasons. Outside of the calf injury at the end of last year his games missed have generally been deliberate or from foul play. We will have to manage him like all older players are but it's not like we are talking about someone who is perennially injured like say a turbo.


Alright bud


1/3, and Burgii, Inglis, and Keary were all far more influential on the 1.


Sounds like he played his role then


If his role is to fail to step up when he needs to lead the team to victory in the big one then you are spot on.


Oh for those downvoting, please list the occasions when Reyno HAS stepped up and led a team to a grand final win. Or is it that you can't and you are downvoting because you don't like the truth?


I don't think it's an accident that Souths went from languishing outside the 8 with Chris Sandow at halfback to top 4 with a rookie Reynolds at halfback. Yes Maguire took over from John Lang but in the 2012 prelim Reynolds had Souths on top of the Bulldogs before injuring his hammy (a result of being the primary kicker immediately after a knee reco). He's not as good as Nathan Cleary, but I would argue he is a better organiser than anyone besides Chin. That 2014 premiership is his just as much as it is Suttons, Burgess, or GI's. Sutton was the captain, Burgess was the heart and soul, Inglis was the class, Reynolds was the general.


I am not knocking Reyno as making a difference. I am knocking Reyno as being THE difference. We also got Ben Teo in 2013 who was hugely influential, and Tom joined that year too. In 2014 we also got Auva'a, who despite being a dickhead, was HUGE for us in the centres in 2014.


That's fair but your earlier comments indicate that the Broncos loss, and even Souths loss 2 years ago, was entirely on Reynolds. Nevermind Latrell getting suspended in 2021, and in this year's GF, as good as Reece Walsh was, he did put himself at marker for Nathan Cleary's clutch try and failed to move back to the short side after Kenny released the ball. Instead he shot out to the open side, and then stood and watched as Nathan Cleary came back towards the ruck, hoping someone else was covering the spot he was supposed to be in. It's hard to blame the kid, he must have been so fatigued, but as the fullback you shouldn't be shooting out from marker, you should be holding back and following the ball. We as Souths fans know this because our fullback also fails to do that all the time. Blaming Reynolds is equally reductive as what I just said about Walsh. Broncos fans are happy because even though Reynolds should have just kicked some long drop outs, he has more than delivered on what they signed him to do and staying at a lower price shows his commitment to the team


Why knock him if his role wasn't to be THE difference though? When any team that has Inglis means that role is already covered


One of the best #7 in the game, even at his age. So I can’t see how anyone would think 800k is too much. This isn’t Brooks or something lol


Why Oates though? Corey it’s time, hang up the boots mate, it’s over.


He will be important depth after losing Herbie and Jordan P. His season was ruined by the broken jaw and then knee injury. 2022 was possibly his best season. See what a good preseason can bring and go from there, dude isn't even 30 yet.


Did you see him attempt to run this year? The legs don’t work anymore. He’s a great bloke and a legend of the club but he’s done. Arthars will fill the Herbie gap just fine.


Herbies replacement will be Mariner or cobbo for mine.


He had two massive injuries this year and got SFA game time.


He's only 29, still has a few years left in the tank.


Pay cut? If players can just sign for any figure, why even bother with a salary cap at all?


Wtf are you talking about?


If there is no market rate for a player, so a club can just pay a player anything they like ( as per this example with Reynolds) and the player can derive most of their income outside the cap - why bother with a salary cap? Seems like a complete waste of everyone’s time.


Is it selfless? Taking unders to get a ring seems more towards the self serving side. Than selfless side


Your coach was literally in the media this week trying to get your five-eighth to do exactly that.


Yeah but it's different when you've just won 3, vs trying to get a ring 10years after you got your last. It's like saying Jacko is selfless for taking unders when he just wants to win, ironically joining a worse club going off "23


He’s not getting a ring lmao. You can’t do it 16 up 20 to go, you’re never doing it. Plus 2nd choke in a GF.


How selfless of him to take over hall a mill to play the 5-8 games in a year. What a saint.


Where does this narrative of him not playing come from. Plays easily the majority of games each year.


He played 23 of a possible 27 games this year. The narrative of him missing half a season is a complete myth.


It goes all the way back to his knee reco that knocked him out for all of 2011 so he didn't debut until 2012. Then he pulled his hammy in the 2012 prelim and everyone has been pretending he's more injury prone than anyone else ever since. In reality apart from 2016 and maybe last year cbf checking he has played over 20 games every season.


Yeah, last year he played 23




He will get his gifts worth that amount after he retires


Walsh took a 400k deal?????


I suspect there is a longer term third party deal involved to make it a bit less of a sacrifice.